blob: 6a36e78bd54ea307480c9b977777f1e6bec3d0da [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <android/media/AudioProfile.h>
#include <binder/Parcel.h>
#include <binder/Parcelable.h>
#include <media/AidlConversion.h>
#include <media/AudioContainers.h>
#include <system/audio.h>
#include <utils/RefBase.h>
namespace android {
class AudioProfile final : public RefBase, public Parcelable
static sp<AudioProfile> createFullDynamic(audio_format_t dynamicFormat = AUDIO_FORMAT_DEFAULT);
AudioProfile(audio_format_t format, audio_channel_mask_t channelMasks, uint32_t samplingRate);
AudioProfile(audio_format_t format,
const ChannelMaskSet &channelMasks,
const SampleRateSet &samplingRateCollection);
AudioProfile(audio_format_t format,
const ChannelMaskSet &channelMasks,
const SampleRateSet &samplingRateCollection,
audio_encapsulation_type_t encapsulationType);
audio_format_t getFormat() const { return mFormat; }
const ChannelMaskSet &getChannels() const { return mChannelMasks; }
const SampleRateSet &getSampleRates() const { return mSamplingRates; }
void setChannels(const ChannelMaskSet &channelMasks);
void setSampleRates(const SampleRateSet &sampleRates);
void clear();
bool isValid() const { return hasValidFormat() && hasValidRates() && hasValidChannels(); }
bool supportsChannels(audio_channel_mask_t channels) const
return mChannelMasks.count(channels) != 0;
bool supportsRate(uint32_t rate) const { return mSamplingRates.count(rate) != 0; }
bool hasValidFormat() const { return mFormat != AUDIO_FORMAT_DEFAULT; }
bool hasValidRates() const { return !mSamplingRates.empty(); }
bool hasValidChannels() const { return !mChannelMasks.empty(); }
void setDynamicChannels(bool dynamic) { mIsDynamicChannels = dynamic; }
bool isDynamicChannels() const { return mIsDynamicChannels; }
void setDynamicRate(bool dynamic) { mIsDynamicRate = dynamic; }
bool isDynamicRate() const { return mIsDynamicRate; }
void setDynamicFormat(bool dynamic) { mIsDynamicFormat = dynamic; }
bool isDynamicFormat() const { return mIsDynamicFormat; }
bool isDynamic() { return mIsDynamicFormat || mIsDynamicChannels || mIsDynamicRate; }
audio_encapsulation_type_t getEncapsulationType() const { return mEncapsulationType; }
void setEncapsulationType(audio_encapsulation_type_t encapsulationType) {
mEncapsulationType = encapsulationType;
void dump(std::string *dst, int spaces) const;
bool equals(const sp<AudioProfile>& other) const;
status_t writeToParcel(Parcel* parcel) const override;
status_t readFromParcel(const Parcel* parcel) override;
ConversionResult<media::AudioProfile> toParcelable() const;
static ConversionResult<sp<AudioProfile>> fromParcelable(const media::AudioProfile& parcelable);
std::string mName;
audio_format_t mFormat; // The format for an audio profile should only be set when initialized.
ChannelMaskSet mChannelMasks;
SampleRateSet mSamplingRates;
bool mIsDynamicFormat = false;
bool mIsDynamicChannels = false;
bool mIsDynamicRate = false;
audio_encapsulation_type_t mEncapsulationType = AUDIO_ENCAPSULATION_TYPE_NONE;
AudioProfile() = default;
AudioProfile& operator=(const AudioProfile& other);
// Conversion routines, according to AidlConversion.h conventions.
aidl2legacy_AudioProfile(const media::AudioProfile& aidl);
legacy2aidl_AudioProfile(const sp<AudioProfile>& legacy);
class AudioProfileVector : public std::vector<sp<AudioProfile>>, public Parcelable
virtual ~AudioProfileVector() = default;
virtual ssize_t add(const sp<AudioProfile> &profile);
// If the profile is dynamic format and has valid format, it will be removed when doing
// clearProfiles(). Otherwise, AudioProfile::clear() will be called.
virtual void clearProfiles();
sp<AudioProfile> getFirstValidProfile() const;
sp<AudioProfile> getFirstValidProfileFor(audio_format_t format) const;
bool hasValidProfile() const { return getFirstValidProfile() != 0; }
FormatVector getSupportedFormats() const;
bool hasDynamicChannelsFor(audio_format_t format) const;
bool hasDynamicFormat() const;
bool hasDynamicProfile() const;
bool hasDynamicRateFor(audio_format_t format) const;
bool contains(const sp<AudioProfile>& profile) const;
virtual void dump(std::string *dst, int spaces) const;
bool equals(const AudioProfileVector& other) const;
status_t writeToParcel(Parcel* parcel) const override;
status_t readFromParcel(const Parcel* parcel) override;
bool operator == (const AudioProfile &left, const AudioProfile &right);
// Conversion routines, according to AidlConversion.h conventions.
aidl2legacy_AudioProfileVector(const std::vector<media::AudioProfile>& aidl);
legacy2aidl_AudioProfileVector(const AudioProfileVector& legacy);
AudioProfileVector intersectAudioProfiles(const AudioProfileVector& profiles1,
const AudioProfileVector& profiles2);
} // namespace android