blob: ffec897053c9b2ddeb90d22ce94b7dca6aed4362 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
#define LOG_TAG "codec2_hidl_hal_component_test"
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <hidl/GtestPrinter.h>
#include <C2Config.h>
#include <codec2/hidl/client.h>
#include "media_c2_hidl_test_common.h"
/* Time_Out for start(), stop(), reset(), release(), flush(), queue() are
* defined in hardware/interfaces/media/c2/1.0/IComponent.hal. Adding 50ms
* extra in case of timeout is 500ms, 1ms extra in case timeout is 1ms/5ms. All
* timeout is calculated in us.
#define START_TIME_OUT 550000
#define STOP_TIME_OUT 550000
#define RESET_TIME_OUT 550000
#define RELEASE_TIME_OUT 550000
#define FLUSH_TIME_OUT 6000
#define QUEUE_TIME_OUT 2000
// Time_Out for config(), query(), querySupportedParams() are defined in
// hardware/interfaces/media/c2/1.0/IConfigurable.hal.
#define CONFIG_TIME_OUT 6000
#define QUERY_TIME_OUT 6000
#define CHECK_TIMEOUT(timeConsumed, TIME_OUT, FuncName) \
if (timeConsumed > TIME_OUT) { \
ALOGW("TIMED_OUT %s timeConsumed=%" PRId64 \
" us is " \
"greater than threshold %d us", \
FuncName, timeConsumed, TIME_OUT); \
namespace {
using InputTestParameters = std::tuple<std::string, std::string, uint32_t, bool>;
static std::vector<InputTestParameters> gInputTestParameters;
// google.codec2 Component test setup
class Codec2ComponentHidlTestBase : public ::testing::Test {
virtual void SetUp() override {
mEos = false;
mClient = android::Codec2Client::CreateFromService(mInstanceName.c_str());
ASSERT_NE(mClient, nullptr);
mListener.reset(new CodecListener([this](std::list<std::unique_ptr<C2Work>>& workItems) {
ASSERT_NE(mListener, nullptr);
mClient->createComponent(mComponentName.c_str(), mListener, &mComponent);
ASSERT_NE(mComponent, nullptr);
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_INPUT_BUFFERS; ++i) {
mWorkQueue.emplace_back(new C2Work);
virtual void TearDown() override {
if (mComponent != nullptr) {
// If you have encountered a fatal failure, it is possible that
// freeNode() will not go through. Instead of hanging the app.
// let it pass through and report errors
if (::testing::Test::HasFatalFailure()) return;
mComponent = nullptr;
// Get the test parameters from GetParam call.
virtual void getParams() {}
// callback function to process onWorkDone received by Listener
void handleWorkDone(std::list<std::unique_ptr<C2Work>>& workItems) {
for (std::unique_ptr<C2Work>& work : workItems) {
if (!work->worklets.empty()) {
bool mCsd = false;
uint32_t mFramesReceived = 0;
std::list<uint64_t> mFlushedIndices;
workDone(mComponent, work, mFlushedIndices, mQueueLock, mQueueCondition, mWorkQueue,
mEos, mCsd, mFramesReceived);
std::string mInstanceName;
std::string mComponentName;
bool mEos;
std::mutex mQueueLock;
std::condition_variable mQueueCondition;
std::list<std::unique_ptr<C2Work>> mWorkQueue;
std::shared_ptr<android::Codec2Client> mClient;
std::shared_ptr<android::Codec2Client::Listener> mListener;
std::shared_ptr<android::Codec2Client::Component> mComponent;
static void description(const std::string& description) {
RecordProperty("description", description);
class Codec2ComponentHidlTest : public Codec2ComponentHidlTestBase,
public ::testing::WithParamInterface<TestParameters> {
void getParams() {
mInstanceName = std::get<0>(GetParam());
mComponentName = std::get<1>(GetParam());
// Test Empty Flush
TEST_P(Codec2ComponentHidlTest, EmptyFlush) {
ALOGV("Empty Flush Test");
c2_status_t err = mComponent->start();
ASSERT_EQ(err, C2_OK);
std::list<std::unique_ptr<C2Work>> flushedWork;
err = mComponent->flush(C2Component::FLUSH_COMPONENT, &flushedWork);
ASSERT_EQ(err, C2_OK);
err = mComponent->stop();
ASSERT_EQ(err, C2_OK);
// Empty Flush should not return any work
ASSERT_EQ(flushedWork.size(), 0u);
// Test Queue Empty Work
TEST_P(Codec2ComponentHidlTest, QueueEmptyWork) {
ALOGV("Queue Empty Work Test");
c2_status_t err = mComponent->start();
ASSERT_EQ(err, C2_OK);
// Queueing an empty WorkBundle
std::list<std::unique_ptr<C2Work>> workList;
err = mComponent->reset();
ASSERT_EQ(err, C2_OK);
// Test Component Configuration
TEST_P(Codec2ComponentHidlTest, Config) {
ALOGV("Configuration Test");
C2String name = mComponent->getName();
EXPECT_NE(name.empty(), true) << "Invalid Component Name";
c2_status_t err = C2_OK;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<C2Param>> queried;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<C2SettingResult>> failures;
// Query supported params by the component
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<C2ParamDescriptor>> params;
err = mComponent->querySupportedParams(&params);
ASSERT_EQ(err, C2_OK);
ALOGV("Number of total params - %zu", params.size());
// Query and config all the supported params
for (std::shared_ptr<C2ParamDescriptor> p : params) {
ALOGD("Querying index %d", (int)p->index());
err = mComponent->query({}, {p->index()}, C2_DONT_BLOCK, &queried);
EXPECT_NE(queried.size(), 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(err, C2_OK);
err = mComponent->config({queried[0].get()}, C2_DONT_BLOCK, &failures);
ASSERT_EQ(err, C2_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(failures.size(), 0u);
// Test Multiple Start Stop Reset Test
TEST_P(Codec2ComponentHidlTest, MultipleStartStopReset) {
ALOGV("Multiple Start Stop and Reset Test");
for (size_t i = 0; i < MAX_RETRY; i++) {
ASSERT_EQ(mComponent->start(), C2_OK);
for (size_t i = 0; i < MAX_RETRY; i++) {
ASSERT_EQ(mComponent->start(), C2_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(mComponent->stop(), C2_OK);
// Second stop should return error
ASSERT_NE(mComponent->stop(), C2_OK);
// Test Component Release API
TEST_P(Codec2ComponentHidlTest, MultipleRelease) {
ALOGV("Multiple Release Test");
c2_status_t err = mComponent->start();
ASSERT_EQ(err, C2_OK);
// Query Component Domain Type
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<C2Param>> queried;
err = mComponent->query({}, {C2PortMediaTypeSetting::input::PARAM_TYPE}, C2_DONT_BLOCK,
EXPECT_NE(queried.size(), 0u);
// Configure Component Domain
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<C2SettingResult>> failures;
C2PortMediaTypeSetting::input* portMediaType =
err = mComponent->config({portMediaType}, C2_DONT_BLOCK, &failures);
ASSERT_EQ(err, C2_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(failures.size(), 0u);
for (size_t i = 0; i < MAX_RETRY; i++) {
// Test API's Timeout
TEST_P(Codec2ComponentHidlTest, Timeout) {
ALOGV("Timeout Test");
c2_status_t err = C2_OK;
int64_t startTime = getNowUs();
err = mComponent->start();
int64_t timeConsumed = getNowUs() - startTime;
CHECK_TIMEOUT(timeConsumed, START_TIME_OUT, "start()");
ALOGV("mComponent->start() timeConsumed=%" PRId64 " us", timeConsumed);
ASSERT_EQ(err, C2_OK);
startTime = getNowUs();
err = mComponent->reset();
timeConsumed = getNowUs() - startTime;
CHECK_TIMEOUT(timeConsumed, RESET_TIME_OUT, "reset()");
ALOGV("mComponent->reset() timeConsumed=%" PRId64 " us", timeConsumed);
ASSERT_EQ(err, C2_OK);
err = mComponent->start();
ASSERT_EQ(err, C2_OK);
// Query supported params by the component
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<C2ParamDescriptor>> params;
startTime = getNowUs();
err = mComponent->querySupportedParams(&params);
timeConsumed = getNowUs() - startTime;
CHECK_TIMEOUT(timeConsumed, QUERYSUPPORTEDPARAMS_TIME_OUT, "querySupportedParams()");
ALOGV("mComponent->querySupportedParams() timeConsumed=%" PRId64 " us", timeConsumed);
ASSERT_EQ(err, C2_OK);
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<C2Param>> queried;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<C2SettingResult>> failures;
// Query and config all the supported params
for (std::shared_ptr<C2ParamDescriptor> p : params) {
startTime = getNowUs();
err = mComponent->query({}, {p->index()}, C2_DONT_BLOCK, &queried);
timeConsumed = getNowUs() - startTime;
CHECK_TIMEOUT(timeConsumed, QUERY_TIME_OUT, "query()");
EXPECT_NE(queried.size(), 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(err, C2_OK);
ALOGV("mComponent->query() for %s timeConsumed=%" PRId64 " us", p->name().c_str(),
startTime = getNowUs();
err = mComponent->config({queried[0].get()}, C2_DONT_BLOCK, &failures);
timeConsumed = getNowUs() - startTime;
CHECK_TIMEOUT(timeConsumed, CONFIG_TIME_OUT, "config()");
ASSERT_EQ(err, C2_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(failures.size(), 0u);
ALOGV("mComponent->config() for %s timeConsumed=%" PRId64 " us", p->name().c_str(),
std::list<std::unique_ptr<C2Work>> workList;
startTime = getNowUs();
err = mComponent->queue(&workList);
timeConsumed = getNowUs() - startTime;
ALOGV("mComponent->queue() timeConsumed=%" PRId64 " us", timeConsumed);
CHECK_TIMEOUT(timeConsumed, QUEUE_TIME_OUT, "queue()");
startTime = getNowUs();
err = mComponent->flush(C2Component::FLUSH_COMPONENT, &workList);
timeConsumed = getNowUs() - startTime;
ALOGV("mComponent->flush() timeConsumed=%" PRId64 " us", timeConsumed);
CHECK_TIMEOUT(timeConsumed, FLUSH_TIME_OUT, "flush()");
startTime = getNowUs();
err = mComponent->stop();
timeConsumed = getNowUs() - startTime;
ALOGV("mComponent->stop() timeConsumed=%" PRId64 " us", timeConsumed);
CHECK_TIMEOUT(timeConsumed, STOP_TIME_OUT, "stop()");
ASSERT_EQ(err, C2_OK);
startTime = getNowUs();
err = mComponent->release();
timeConsumed = getNowUs() - startTime;
ALOGV("mComponent->release() timeConsumed=%" PRId64 " us", timeConsumed);
CHECK_TIMEOUT(timeConsumed, RELEASE_TIME_OUT, "release()");
ASSERT_EQ(err, C2_OK);
class Codec2ComponentInputTests : public Codec2ComponentHidlTestBase,
public ::testing::WithParamInterface<InputTestParameters> {
void getParams() {
mInstanceName = std::get<0>(GetParam());
mComponentName = std::get<1>(GetParam());
TEST_P(Codec2ComponentInputTests, InputBufferTest) {
description("Tests for different inputs");
uint32_t flags = std::get<2>(GetParam());
bool isNullBuffer = std::get<3>(GetParam());
if (isNullBuffer)
ALOGD("Testing for null input buffer with flag : %u", flags);
ALOGD("Testing for empty input buffer with flag : %u", flags);
mEos = false;
ASSERT_EQ(mComponent->start(), C2_OK);
testInputBuffer(mComponent, mQueueLock, mWorkQueue, flags, isNullBuffer));
ALOGD("Waiting for input consumption");
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(waitOnInputConsumption(mQueueLock, mQueueCondition, mWorkQueue));
if (flags == C2FrameData::FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) ASSERT_EQ(mEos, true);
ASSERT_EQ(mComponent->stop(), C2_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(mComponent->reset(), C2_OK);
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(PerInstance, Codec2ComponentHidlTest, testing::ValuesIn(gTestParameters),
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(NonStdInputs, Codec2ComponentInputTests,
testing::ValuesIn(gInputTestParameters), PrintInstanceTupleNameToString<>);
} // anonymous namespace
// TODO: Add test for Invalid work,
// TODO: Add test for Invalid states
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
parseArgs(argc, argv);
gTestParameters = getTestParameters();
for (auto params : gTestParameters) {
std::make_tuple(std::get<0>(params), std::get<1>(params), 0, true));
gInputTestParameters.push_back(std::make_tuple(std::get<0>(params), std::get<1>(params),
C2FrameData::FLAG_END_OF_STREAM, true));
std::make_tuple(std::get<0>(params), std::get<1>(params), 0, false));
gInputTestParameters.push_back(std::make_tuple(std::get<0>(params), std::get<1>(params),
C2FrameData::FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG, false));
gInputTestParameters.push_back(std::make_tuple(std::get<0>(params), std::get<1>(params),
C2FrameData::FLAG_END_OF_STREAM, false));
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();