blob: a657b7ff29d963de7352e32b21d4f36702d4fca8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
#include <android/media/BnEffect.h>
#include <android/media/BnSpatializer.h>
#include <android/media/SpatializationLevel.h>
#include <android/media/SpatializationMode.h>
#include <android/media/SpatializerHeadTrackingMode.h>
#include <android/media/audio/common/AudioLatencyMode.h>
#include <audio_utils/SimpleLog.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <media/AudioEffect.h>
#include <media/audiohal/EffectsFactoryHalInterface.h>
#include <media/VectorRecorder.h>
#include <media/audiohal/EffectHalInterface.h>
#include <media/stagefright/foundation/ALooper.h>
#include <system/audio_effects/effect_spatializer.h>
#include <string>
#include "SpatializerPoseController.h"
namespace android {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* A callback interface from the Spatializer object or its parent AudioPolicyService.
* This is implemented by the audio policy service hosting the Spatializer to perform
* actions needed when a state change inside the Spatializer requires some audio system
* changes that cannot be performed by the Spatializer. For instance opening or closing a
* spatializer output stream when the spatializer is enabled or disabled
class SpatializerPolicyCallback {
/** Called when a stage change occurs that requires the parent audio policy service to take
* some action.
virtual void onCheckSpatializer() = 0;
virtual ~SpatializerPolicyCallback() = default;
* The Spatializer class implements all functional controlling the multichannel spatializer
* with head tracking implementation in the native audio service: audio policy and audio flinger.
* It presents an AIDL interface available to the java audio service to discover the availability
* of the feature and options, control its state and register an active head tracking sensor.
* It maintains the current state of the platform spatializer and applies the stored parameters
* when the spatializer engine is created and enabled.
* Based on the requested spatializer level, it will request the creation of a specialized output
* mixer to the audio policy service which will in turn notify the Spatializer of the output
* stream on which a spatializer engine should be created, configured and enabled.
* The spatializer also hosts the head tracking management logic. This logic receives the
* desired head tracking mode and selected head tracking sensor, registers a sensor event listener
* and derives the compounded head pose information to the spatializer engine.
* Workflow:
* - Initialization: when the audio policy service starts, it checks if a spatializer effect
* engine exists and if the audio policy manager reports a dedicated spatializer output profile.
* If both conditions are met, a Spatializer object is created
* - Capabilities discovery: AudioService will call AudioSystem::canBeSpatialized() and if true,
* acquire an ISpatializer interface with AudioSystem::getSpatializer(). This interface
* will be used to query the implementation capabilities and configure the spatializer.
* - Enabling: when ISpatializer::setLevel() sets a level different from NONE the spatializer
* is considered enabled. The audio policy callback onCheckSpatializer() is called. This
* triggers a request to audio policy manager to open a spatialization output stream and a
* spatializer mixer is created in audio flinger. When an output is returned by audio policy
* manager, Spatializer::attachOutput() is called which creates and enables the spatializer
* stage engine on the specified output.
* - Disabling: when the spatialization level is set to NONE, the spatializer is considered
* disabled. The audio policy callback onCheckSpatializer() is called. This triggers a call
* to Spatializer::detachOutput() and the spatializer engine is released. Then a request is
* made to audio policy manager to release and close the spatializer output stream and the
* spatializer mixer thread is destroyed.
class Spatializer : public media::BnSpatializer,
public IBinder::DeathRecipient,
private SpatializerPoseController::Listener,
public virtual AudioSystem::SupportedLatencyModesCallback {
static sp<Spatializer> create(SpatializerPolicyCallback* callback,
const sp<EffectsFactoryHalInterface>& effectsFactoryHal);
~Spatializer() override;
/** RefBase */
void onFirstRef();
/** ISpatializer, see ISpatializer.aidl */
binder::Status release() override;
binder::Status getSupportedLevels(std::vector<media::SpatializationLevel>* levels) override;
binder::Status setLevel(media::SpatializationLevel level) override;
binder::Status getLevel(media::SpatializationLevel *level) override;
binder::Status isHeadTrackingSupported(bool *supports);
binder::Status getSupportedHeadTrackingModes(
std::vector<media::SpatializerHeadTrackingMode>* modes) override;
binder::Status setDesiredHeadTrackingMode(
media::SpatializerHeadTrackingMode mode) override;
binder::Status getActualHeadTrackingMode(
media::SpatializerHeadTrackingMode* mode) override;
binder::Status recenterHeadTracker() override;
binder::Status setGlobalTransform(const std::vector<float>& screenToStage) override;
binder::Status setHeadSensor(int sensorHandle) override;
binder::Status setScreenSensor(int sensorHandle) override;
binder::Status setDisplayOrientation(float physicalToLogicalAngle) override;
binder::Status setHingeAngle(float hingeAngle) override;
binder::Status setFoldState(bool folded) override;
binder::Status getSupportedModes(std::vector<media::SpatializationMode>* modes) override;
binder::Status registerHeadTrackingCallback(
const sp<media::ISpatializerHeadTrackingCallback>& callback) override;
binder::Status setParameter(int key, const std::vector<unsigned char>& value) override;
binder::Status getParameter(int key, std::vector<unsigned char> *value) override;
binder::Status getOutput(int *output);
/** IBinder::DeathRecipient. Listen to the death of the INativeSpatializerCallback. */
virtual void binderDied(const wp<IBinder>& who);
/** SupportedLatencyModesCallback */
void onSupportedLatencyModesChanged(
audio_io_handle_t output, const std::vector<audio_latency_mode_t>& modes) override;
/** Registers a INativeSpatializerCallback when a client is attached to this Spatializer
* by audio policy service.
status_t registerCallback(const sp<media::INativeSpatializerCallback>& callback);
status_t loadEngineConfiguration(sp<EffectHalInterface> effect);
/** Level getter for use by local classes. */
media::SpatializationLevel getLevel() const { std::lock_guard lock(mLock); return mLevel; }
/** Called by audio policy service when the special output mixer dedicated to spatialization
* is opened and the spatializer engine must be created.
status_t attachOutput(audio_io_handle_t output, size_t numActiveTracks);
/** Called by audio policy service when the special output mixer dedicated to spatialization
* is closed and the spatializer engine must be release.
audio_io_handle_t detachOutput();
/** Returns the output stream the spatializer is attached to. */
audio_io_handle_t getOutput() const { std::lock_guard lock(mLock); return mOutput; }
void updateActiveTracks(size_t numActiveTracks);
/** Gets the channel mask, sampling rate and format set for the spatializer input. */
audio_config_base_t getAudioInConfig() const;
void calculateHeadPose();
/** Convert fields in Spatializer and sub-modules to a string. Disable thread-safety-analysis
* here because we want to dump mutex guarded members even try_lock failed to provide as much
* information as possible for debugging purpose. */
std::string toString(unsigned level) const NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS;
static std::string toString(audio_latency_mode_t mode) {
// We convert to the AIDL type to print (eventually the legacy type will be removed).
const auto result = legacy2aidl_audio_latency_mode_t_AudioLatencyMode(mode);
return result.has_value() ?
media::audio::common::toString(*result) : "unknown_latency_mode";
// If the Spatializer is not created, we send the status for metrics purposes.
// OK: Spatializer not expected to be created.
// NO_INIT: Spatializer creation failed.
static void sendEmptyCreateSpatializerMetricWithStatus(status_t status);
Spatializer(effect_descriptor_t engineDescriptor,
SpatializerPolicyCallback *callback);
static void engineCallback(int32_t event, void* user, void *info);
// From VirtualizerStageController::Listener
void onHeadToStagePose(const media::Pose3f& headToStage) override;
void onActualModeChange(media::HeadTrackingMode mode) override;
void onHeadToStagePoseMsg(const std::vector<float>& headToStage);
void onActualModeChangeMsg(media::HeadTrackingMode mode);
void onSupportedLatencyModesChangedMsg(
audio_io_handle_t output, std::vector<audio_latency_mode_t>&& modes);
static constexpr int kMaxEffectParamValues = 10;
* Get a parameter from spatializer engine by calling the effect HAL command method directly.
* To be used when the engine instance mEngine is not yet created in the effect framework.
* When MULTI_VALUES is false, the expected reply is only one value of type T.
* When MULTI_VALUES is true, the expected reply is made of a number (of type T) indicating
* how many values are returned, followed by this number for values of type T.
template<bool MULTI_VALUES, typename T>
status_t getHalParameter(sp<EffectHalInterface> effect, uint32_t type,
std::vector<T> *values) {
static_assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(uint32_t), "The size of T must less than 32 bits");
uint32_t cmd[sizeof(effect_param_t) / sizeof(uint32_t) + 1];
uint32_t reply[sizeof(effect_param_t) / sizeof(uint32_t) + 2 + kMaxEffectParamValues];
effect_param_t *p = (effect_param_t *)cmd;
p->psize = sizeof(uint32_t);
p->vsize = (kMaxEffectParamValues + 1) * sizeof(T);
} else {
p->vsize = sizeof(T);
*(uint32_t *)p->data = type;
uint32_t replySize = sizeof(effect_param_t) + p->psize + p->vsize;
status_t status = effect->command(EFFECT_CMD_GET_PARAM,
sizeof(effect_param_t) + sizeof(uint32_t), cmd,
&replySize, reply);
if (status != NO_ERROR) {
return status;
if (p->status != NO_ERROR) {
return p->status;
if (replySize <
sizeof(effect_param_t) + sizeof(uint32_t) + (MULTI_VALUES ? 2 : 1) * sizeof(T)) {
return BAD_VALUE;
T *params = (T *)((uint8_t *)reply + sizeof(effect_param_t) + sizeof(uint32_t));
int numParams = 1;
numParams = (int)*params++;
if (numParams > kMaxEffectParamValues) {
return BAD_VALUE;
std::copy(&params[0], &params[numParams], back_inserter(*values));
return NO_ERROR;
* Set a parameter to spatializer engine by calling setParameter on mEngine AudioEffect object.
* It is possible to pass more than one value of type T according to the parameter type
* according to values vector size.
template<typename T>
status_t setEffectParameter_l(uint32_t type, const std::vector<T>& values) REQUIRES(mLock) {
static_assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(uint32_t), "The size of T must less than 32 bits");
uint32_t cmd[sizeof(effect_param_t) / sizeof(uint32_t) + 1 + values.size()];
effect_param_t *p = (effect_param_t *)cmd;
p->psize = sizeof(uint32_t);
p->vsize = sizeof(T) * values.size();
*(uint32_t *)p->data = type;
memcpy((uint32_t *)p->data + 1,, sizeof(T) * values.size());
status_t status = mEngine->setParameter(p);
if (status != NO_ERROR) {
return status;
if (p->status != NO_ERROR) {
return p->status;
return NO_ERROR;
* Get a parameter from spatializer engine by calling getParameter on AudioEffect object.
* It is possible to read more than one value of type T according to the parameter type
* by specifying values vector size.
template<typename T>
status_t getEffectParameter_l(uint32_t type, std::vector<T> *values) REQUIRES(mLock) {
static_assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(uint32_t), "The size of T must less than 32 bits");
uint32_t cmd[sizeof(effect_param_t) / sizeof(uint32_t) + 1 + values->size()];
effect_param_t *p = (effect_param_t *)cmd;
p->psize = sizeof(uint32_t);
p->vsize = sizeof(T) * values->size();
*(uint32_t *)p->data = type;
status_t status = mEngine->getParameter(p);
if (status != NO_ERROR) {
return status;
if (p->status != NO_ERROR) {
return p->status;
int numValues = std::min(p->vsize / sizeof(T), values->size());
T *retValues = (T *)((uint8_t *)p->data + sizeof(uint32_t));
std::copy(&retValues[0], &retValues[numValues], back_inserter(*values));
return NO_ERROR;
void postFramesProcessedMsg(int frames);
* Checks if head and screen sensors must be actively monitored based on
* spatializer state and playback activity and configures the pose controller
* accordingly.
void checkSensorsState_l() REQUIRES(mLock);
* Checks if the head pose controller should be created or destroyed according
* to desired head tracking mode.
void checkPoseController_l() REQUIRES(mLock);
* Checks if the spatializer effect should be enabled based on
* playback activity and requested level.
void checkEngineState_l() REQUIRES(mLock);
* Reset head tracking mode and recenter pose in engine: Called when the head tracking
* is disabled.
void resetEngineHeadPose_l() REQUIRES(mLock);
/** Effect engine descriptor */
const effect_descriptor_t mEngineDescriptor;
/** Callback interface to parent audio policy service */
SpatializerPolicyCallback* const mPolicyCallback;
/** Currently there is only one version of the spatializer running */
static constexpr const char* kDefaultMetricsId =
const std::string mMetricsId = kDefaultMetricsId;
/** Mutex protecting internal state */
mutable std::mutex mLock;
/** Client AudioEffect for the engine */
sp<AudioEffect> mEngine GUARDED_BY(mLock);
/** Output stream the spatializer mixer thread is attached to */
audio_io_handle_t mOutput GUARDED_BY(mLock) = AUDIO_IO_HANDLE_NONE;
/** Callback interface to the client (AudioService) controlling this`Spatializer */
sp<media::INativeSpatializerCallback> mSpatializerCallback GUARDED_BY(mLock);
/** Callback interface for head tracking */
sp<media::ISpatializerHeadTrackingCallback> mHeadTrackingCallback GUARDED_BY(mLock);
/** Requested spatialization level */
media::SpatializationLevel mLevel GUARDED_BY(mLock) = media::SpatializationLevel::NONE;
/** Control logic for head-tracking, etc. */
std::shared_ptr<SpatializerPoseController> mPoseController GUARDED_BY(mLock);
/** Last requested head tracking mode */
media::HeadTrackingMode mDesiredHeadTrackingMode GUARDED_BY(mLock)
= media::HeadTrackingMode::STATIC;
/** Last-reported actual head-tracking mode. */
media::SpatializerHeadTrackingMode mActualHeadTrackingMode GUARDED_BY(mLock)
= media::SpatializerHeadTrackingMode::DISABLED;
/** Selected Head pose sensor */
int32_t mHeadSensor GUARDED_BY(mLock) = SpatializerPoseController::INVALID_SENSOR;
/** Selected Screen pose sensor */
int32_t mScreenSensor GUARDED_BY(mLock) = SpatializerPoseController::INVALID_SENSOR;
/** Last display orientation received */
float mDisplayOrientation GUARDED_BY(mLock) = 0.f; // aligned to natural up orientation.
/** Last folded state */
bool mFoldedState GUARDED_BY(mLock) = false; // foldable: true means folded.
/** Last hinge angle */
float mHingeAngle GUARDED_BY(mLock) = 0.f; // foldable: 0.f is closed, M_PI flat open.
std::vector<media::SpatializationLevel> mLevels;
std::vector<media::SpatializerHeadTrackingMode> mHeadTrackingModes;
std::vector<media::SpatializationMode> mSpatializationModes;
std::vector<audio_channel_mask_t> mChannelMasks;
bool mSupportsHeadTracking;
// Looper thread for mEngine callbacks
class EngineCallbackHandler;
sp<ALooper> mLooper;
sp<EngineCallbackHandler> mHandler;
size_t mNumActiveTracks GUARDED_BY(mLock) = 0;
std::vector<audio_latency_mode_t> mSupportedLatencyModes GUARDED_BY(mLock);
static const std::vector<const char*> sHeadPoseKeys;
// Local log for command messages.
static constexpr int mMaxLocalLogLine = 10;
SimpleLog mLocalLog{mMaxLocalLogLine};
* @brief Calculate and record sensor data.
* Dump to local log with max/average pose angle every mPoseRecordThreshold.
// Record one log line per second (up to mMaxLocalLogLine) to capture most recent sensor data.
media::VectorRecorder mPoseRecorder GUARDED_BY(mLock) {
6 /* vectorSize */, std::chrono::seconds(1), mMaxLocalLogLine, { 3 } /* delimiterIdx */};
// Record one log line per minute (up to mMaxLocalLogLine) to capture durable sensor data.
media::VectorRecorder mPoseDurableRecorder GUARDED_BY(mLock) {
6 /* vectorSize */, std::chrono::minutes(1), mMaxLocalLogLine, { 3 } /* delimiterIdx */};
}; // Spatializer
}; // namespace android