blob: 9a61a05029e9260ed29160c7f02bf2255b3f51f9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "APM::AudioPolicyEngine"
//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
#define ALOGVV(a...) do { } while(0)
#include "Engine.h"
#include "Stream.h"
#include "InputSource.h"
#include <EngineConfig.h>
#include <policy.h>
#include <AudioIODescriptorInterface.h>
#include <ParameterManagerWrapper.h>
#include <media/AudioContainers.h>
#include <media/TypeConverter.h>
using std::string;
using std::map;
namespace android {
namespace audio_policy {
template <>
StreamCollection &Engine::getCollection<audio_stream_type_t>()
return mStreamCollection;
template <>
InputSourceCollection &Engine::getCollection<audio_source_t>()
return mInputSourceCollection;
template <>
const StreamCollection &Engine::getCollection<audio_stream_type_t>() const
return mStreamCollection;
template <>
const InputSourceCollection &Engine::getCollection<audio_source_t>() const
return mInputSourceCollection;
Engine::Engine() : mPolicyParameterMgr(new ParameterManagerWrapper())
status_t loadResult = loadAudioPolicyEngineConfig();
if (loadResult < 0) {
ALOGE("Policy Engine configuration is invalid.");
status_t Engine::initCheck()
std::string error;
if (mPolicyParameterMgr == nullptr || mPolicyParameterMgr->start(error) != NO_ERROR) {
ALOGE("%s: could not start Policy PFW: %s", __FUNCTION__, error.c_str());
return NO_INIT;
return EngineBase::initCheck();
template <typename Key>
Element<Key> *Engine::getFromCollection(const Key &key) const
const Collection<Key> collection = getCollection<Key>();
return collection.get(key);
template <typename Key>
status_t Engine::add(const std::string &name, const Key &key)
Collection<Key> &collection = getCollection<Key>();
return collection.add(name, key);
template <typename Property, typename Key>
Property Engine::getPropertyForKey(Key key) const
Element<Key> *element = getFromCollection<Key>(key);
if (element == NULL) {
ALOGE("%s: Element not found within collection", __FUNCTION__);
return static_cast<Property>(0);
return element->template get<Property>();
bool Engine::setVolumeProfileForStream(const audio_stream_type_t &stream,
const audio_stream_type_t &profile)
if (setPropertyForKey<audio_stream_type_t, audio_stream_type_t>(stream, profile)) {
switchVolumeCurve(profile, stream);
return true;
return false;
template <typename Property, typename Key>
bool Engine::setPropertyForKey(const Property &property, const Key &key)
Element<Key> *element = getFromCollection<Key>(key);
if (element == NULL) {
ALOGE("%s: Element not found within collection", __FUNCTION__);
return false;
return element->template set<Property>(property) == NO_ERROR;
status_t Engine::setPhoneState(audio_mode_t mode)
status_t status = mPolicyParameterMgr->setPhoneState(mode);
if (status != NO_ERROR) {
return status;
return EngineBase::setPhoneState(mode);
audio_mode_t Engine::getPhoneState() const
return mPolicyParameterMgr->getPhoneState();
status_t Engine::setForceUse(audio_policy_force_use_t usage,
audio_policy_forced_cfg_t config)
status_t status = mPolicyParameterMgr->setForceUse(usage, config);
if (status != NO_ERROR) {
return status;
return EngineBase::setForceUse(usage, config);
audio_policy_forced_cfg_t Engine::getForceUse(audio_policy_force_use_t usage) const
return mPolicyParameterMgr->getForceUse(usage);
status_t Engine::setDeviceConnectionState(const sp<DeviceDescriptor> device,
audio_policy_dev_state_t state)
device->type(), device->address().c_str(), state);
if (audio_is_output_device(device->type())) {
// FIXME: Use DeviceTypeSet when the interface is ready
return mPolicyParameterMgr->setAvailableOutputDevices(
} else if (audio_is_input_device(device->type())) {
// FIXME: Use DeviceTypeSet when the interface is ready
return mPolicyParameterMgr->setAvailableInputDevices(
return EngineBase::setDeviceConnectionState(device, state);
status_t Engine::loadAudioPolicyEngineConfig()
auto result = EngineBase::loadAudioPolicyEngineConfig();
// Custom XML Parsing
auto loadCriteria= [this](const auto& configCriteria, const auto& configCriterionTypes) {
for (auto& criterion : configCriteria) {
engineConfig::CriterionType criterionType;
for (auto &configCriterionType : configCriterionTypes) {
if ( == criterion.typeName) {
criterionType = configCriterionType;
ALOG_ASSERT(not, "Invalid criterion type for %s",;
mPolicyParameterMgr->addCriterion(, criterionType.isInclusive,
loadCriteria(result.parsedConfig->criteria, result.parsedConfig->criterionTypes);
return result.nbSkippedElement == 0? NO_ERROR : BAD_VALUE;
DeviceVector Engine::getDevicesForProductStrategy(product_strategy_t ps) const
const auto productStrategies = getProductStrategies();
if (productStrategies.find(ps) == productStrategies.end()) {
ALOGE("%s: Trying to get device on invalid strategy %d", __FUNCTION__, ps);
return {};
const DeviceVector availableOutputDevices = getApmObserver()->getAvailableOutputDevices();
const SwAudioOutputCollection &outputs = getApmObserver()->getOutputs();
DeviceTypeSet availableOutputDevicesTypes = availableOutputDevices.types();
/** This is the only case handled programmatically because the PFW is unable to know the
* activity of streams.
* -While media is playing on a remote device, use the the sonification behavior.
* Note that we test this usecase before testing if media is playing because
* the isStreamActive() method only informs about the activity of a stream, not
* if it's for local playback. Note also that we use the same delay between both tests
* -When media is not playing anymore, fall back on the sonification behavior
DeviceTypeSet deviceTypes;
if (ps == getProductStrategyForStream(AUDIO_STREAM_NOTIFICATION) &&
!is_state_in_call(getPhoneState()) &&
product_strategy_t strategyForMedia =
deviceTypes = productStrategies.getDeviceTypesForProductStrategy(strategyForMedia);
} else if (ps == getProductStrategyForStream(AUDIO_STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY) &&
(outputs.isActive(toVolumeSource(AUDIO_STREAM_RING)) ||
outputs.isActive(toVolumeSource(AUDIO_STREAM_ALARM)))) {
// do not route accessibility prompts to a digital output currently configured with a
// compressed format as they would likely not be mixed and dropped.
// Device For Sonification conf file has HDMI, SPDIF and HDMI ARC unreacheable.
product_strategy_t strategyNotification = getProductStrategyForStream(AUDIO_STREAM_RING);
deviceTypes = productStrategies.getDeviceTypesForProductStrategy(strategyNotification);
} else {
deviceTypes = productStrategies.getDeviceTypesForProductStrategy(ps);
if (deviceTypes.empty() ||
Intersection(deviceTypes, availableOutputDevicesTypes).empty()) {
auto defaultDevice = getApmObserver()->getDefaultOutputDevice();
ALOG_ASSERT(defaultDevice != nullptr, "no valid default device defined");
return DeviceVector(defaultDevice);
if (/*device_distinguishes_on_address(*deviceTypes.begin())*/ isSingleDeviceType(
deviceTypes, AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_BUS)) {
// We do expect only one device for these types of devices
// Criterion device address garantee this one is available
// If this criterion is not wished, need to ensure this device is available
const String8 address(productStrategies.getDeviceAddressForProductStrategy(ps).c_str());
ALOGV("%s:device %s %s %d",
__FUNCTION__, dumpDeviceTypes(deviceTypes).c_str(), address.c_str(), ps);
auto busDevice = availableOutputDevices.getDevice(
*deviceTypes.begin(), address, AUDIO_FORMAT_DEFAULT);
if (busDevice == nullptr) {
ALOGE("%s:unavailable device %s %s, fallback on default", __func__,
dumpDeviceTypes(deviceTypes).c_str(), address.c_str());
auto defaultDevice = getApmObserver()->getDefaultOutputDevice();
ALOG_ASSERT(defaultDevice != nullptr, "Default Output Device NOT available");
return DeviceVector(defaultDevice);
return DeviceVector(busDevice);
ALOGV("%s:device %s %d", __FUNCTION__, dumpDeviceTypes(deviceTypes).c_str(), ps);
return availableOutputDevices.getDevicesFromTypes(deviceTypes);
DeviceVector Engine::getOutputDevicesForAttributes(const audio_attributes_t &attributes,
const sp<DeviceDescriptor> &preferredDevice,
bool fromCache) const
// First check for explict routing device
if (preferredDevice != nullptr) {
ALOGV("%s explicit Routing on device %s", __func__, preferredDevice->toString().c_str());
return DeviceVector(preferredDevice);
product_strategy_t strategy = getProductStrategyForAttributes(attributes);
const DeviceVector availableOutputDevices = getApmObserver()->getAvailableOutputDevices();
const SwAudioOutputCollection &outputs = getApmObserver()->getOutputs();
// @TODO: what is the priority of explicit routing? Shall it be considered first as it used to
// be by APM?
// Honor explicit routing requests only if all active clients have a preferred route in which
// case the last active client route is used
sp<DeviceDescriptor> device = findPreferredDevice(outputs, strategy, availableOutputDevices);
if (device != nullptr) {
return DeviceVector(device);
return fromCache? getCachedDevices(strategy) : getDevicesForProductStrategy(strategy);
DeviceVector Engine::getCachedDevices(product_strategy_t ps) const
return mDevicesForStrategies.find(ps) != mDevicesForStrategies.end() ? : DeviceVector{};
DeviceVector Engine::getOutputDevicesForStream(audio_stream_type_t stream, bool fromCache) const
auto attributes = EngineBase::getAttributesForStreamType(stream);
return getOutputDevicesForAttributes(attributes, nullptr, fromCache);
sp<DeviceDescriptor> Engine::getInputDeviceForAttributes(const audio_attributes_t &attr,
uid_t uid,
sp<AudioPolicyMix> *mix) const
const auto &policyMixes = getApmObserver()->getAudioPolicyMixCollection();
const auto availableInputDevices = getApmObserver()->getAvailableInputDevices();
const auto &inputs = getApmObserver()->getInputs();
std::string address;
// Explicit Routing ??? what is the priority of explicit routing? Shall it be considered
// first as it used to be by APM?
// Honor explicit routing requests only if all active clients have a preferred route in which
// case the last active client route is used
sp<DeviceDescriptor> device =
findPreferredDevice(inputs, attr.source, availableInputDevices);
if (device != nullptr) {
return device;
device = policyMixes.getDeviceAndMixForInputSource(attr.source,
if (device != nullptr) {
return device;
audio_devices_t deviceType = getPropertyForKey<audio_devices_t, audio_source_t>(attr.source);
if (audio_is_remote_submix_device(deviceType)) {
address = "0";
std::size_t pos;
std::string tags { attr.tags };
if ((pos = tags.find("addr=")) != std::string::npos) {
address = tags.substr(pos + std::strlen("addr="));
return availableInputDevices.getDevice(deviceType, String8(address.c_str()), AUDIO_FORMAT_DEFAULT);
void Engine::updateDeviceSelectionCache()
for (const auto &iter : getProductStrategies()) {
const auto &strategy = iter.second;
mDevicesForStrategies[strategy->getId()] = getDevicesForProductStrategy(strategy->getId());
void Engine::setDeviceAddressForProductStrategy(product_strategy_t strategy,
const std::string &address)
if (getProductStrategies().find(strategy) == getProductStrategies().end()) {
ALOGE("%s: Trying to set address %s on invalid strategy %d", __FUNCTION__, address.c_str(),
bool Engine::setDeviceTypesForProductStrategy(product_strategy_t strategy, audio_devices_t devices)
if (getProductStrategies().find(strategy) == getProductStrategies().end()) {
ALOGE("%s: set device %d on invalid strategy %d", __FUNCTION__, devices, strategy);
return false;
// FIXME: stop using deviceTypesFromBitMask when the interface is ready
return true;
template <>
EngineInterface *Engine::queryInterface()
return this;
template <>
AudioPolicyPluginInterface *Engine::queryInterface()
return this;
} // namespace audio_policy
} // namespace android