blob: ff063e360f63ec3087877976689192bf377d111e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
#define LOG_TAG "WriterTest"
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <media/stagefright/MediaDefs.h>
#include <media/stagefright/MetaData.h>
#include <media/stagefright/Utils.h>
#include <media/mediarecorder.h>
#include <media/stagefright/AACWriter.h>
#include <media/stagefright/AMRWriter.h>
#include <media/stagefright/MPEG2TSWriter.h>
#include <media/stagefright/MPEG4Writer.h>
#include <media/stagefright/OggWriter.h>
#include <webm/WebmWriter.h>
#include "WriterTestEnvironment.h"
#include "WriterUtility.h"
#define OUTPUT_FILE_NAME "/data/local/tmp/writer.out"
static WriterTestEnvironment *gEnv = nullptr;
struct configFormat {
char mime[128];
int32_t width;
int32_t height;
int32_t sampleRate;
int32_t channelCount;
// LookUpTable of clips and metadata for component testing
static const struct InputData {
const char *mime;
string inputFile;
string info;
int32_t firstParam;
int32_t secondParam;
bool isAudio;
} kInputData[] = {
{MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_OPUS, "bbb_opus_stereo_128kbps_48000hz.opus",
"", 48000, 2, true},
{MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AAC, "bbb_aac_stereo_128kbps_48000hz.aac",
"", 48000, 2, true},
{MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AAC_ADTS, "Mps_2_c2_fr1_Sc1_Dc2_0x03_raw.adts",
"", 48000, 2, true},
{MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AMR_NB, "sine_amrnb_1ch_12kbps_8000hz.amrnb",
"", 8000, 1, true},
{MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AMR_WB, "bbb_amrwb_1ch_14kbps_16000hz.amrwb",
"", 16000, 1, true},
{MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_VORBIS, "bbb_vorbis_stereo_128kbps_48000hz.vorbis",
"", 48000, 2, true},
{MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_FLAC, "bbb_flac_stereo_680kbps_48000hz.flac",
"", 48000, 2, true},
{MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_VP9, "bbb_vp9_176x144_285kbps_60fps.vp9",
"", 176, 144, false},
{MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_VP8, "bbb_vp8_176x144_240kbps_60fps.vp8",
"", 176, 144, false},
{MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC, "bbb_avc_176x144_300kbps_60fps.h264",
"", 176, 144, false},
{MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_HEVC, "bbb_hevc_176x144_176kbps_60fps.hevc",
"", 176, 144, false},
{MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AV1, "bbb_av1_176_144.av1", "", 176, 144, false},
{MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_H263, "bbb_h263_352x288_300kbps_12fps.h263",
"", 352, 288, false},
{MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_MPEG4, "bbb_mpeg4_352x288_512kbps_30fps.m4v",
"", 352, 288, false},
class WriterTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam<pair<string, int32_t>> {
WriterTest() : mWriter(nullptr), mFileMeta(nullptr), mCurrentTrack(nullptr) {}
~WriterTest() {
if (mWriter) {
mWriter = nullptr;
if (mFileMeta) {
mFileMeta = nullptr;
if (mCurrentTrack) {
mCurrentTrack = nullptr;
virtual void SetUp() override {
mNumCsds = 0;
mInputFrameId = 0;
mWriterName = unknown_comp;
mDisableTest = false;
static const std::map<std::string, standardWriters> mapWriter = {
{"ogg", OGG}, {"aac", AAC}, {"aac_adts", AAC_ADTS}, {"webm", WEBM},
{"mpeg4", MPEG4}, {"amrnb", AMR_NB}, {"amrwb", AMR_WB}, {"mpeg2Ts", MPEG2TS}};
// Find the component type
string writerFormat = GetParam().first;
if (mapWriter.find(writerFormat) != mapWriter.end()) {
mWriterName =;
if (mWriterName == standardWriters::unknown_comp) {
cout << "[ WARN ] Test Skipped. No specific writer mentioned\n";
mDisableTest = true;
virtual void TearDown() override {
if (mInputStream.is_open()) mInputStream.close();
void getInputBufferInfo(string inputFileName, string inputInfo);
int32_t createWriter(int32_t fd);
int32_t addWriterSource(bool isAudio, configFormat params);
enum standardWriters {
standardWriters mWriterName;
sp<MediaWriter> mWriter;
sp<MetaData> mFileMeta;
sp<MediaAdapter> mCurrentTrack;
bool mDisableTest;
int32_t mNumCsds;
int32_t mInputFrameId;
ifstream mInputStream;
vector<BufferInfo> mBufferInfo;
void WriterTest::getInputBufferInfo(string inputFileName, string inputInfo) {
std::ifstream eleInfo;;
ASSERT_EQ(eleInfo.is_open(), true);
int32_t bytesCount = 0;
uint32_t flags = 0;
int64_t timestamp = 0;
while (1) {
if (!(eleInfo >> bytesCount)) break;
eleInfo >> flags;
eleInfo >> timestamp;
mBufferInfo.push_back({bytesCount, flags, timestamp});
if (flags == CODEC_CONFIG_FLAG) mNumCsds++;
eleInfo.close();, std::ifstream::binary);
ASSERT_EQ(mInputStream.is_open(), true);
int32_t WriterTest::createWriter(int32_t fd) {
mFileMeta = new MetaData;
switch (mWriterName) {
case OGG:
mWriter = new OggWriter(fd);
mFileMeta->setInt32(kKeyFileType, output_format::OUTPUT_FORMAT_OGG);
case AAC:
mWriter = new AACWriter(fd);
mFileMeta->setInt32(kKeyFileType, output_format::OUTPUT_FORMAT_AAC_ADIF);
case AAC_ADTS:
mWriter = new AACWriter(fd);
mFileMeta->setInt32(kKeyFileType, output_format::OUTPUT_FORMAT_AAC_ADTS);
case WEBM:
mWriter = new WebmWriter(fd);
mFileMeta->setInt32(kKeyFileType, output_format::OUTPUT_FORMAT_WEBM);
case MPEG4:
mWriter = new MPEG4Writer(fd);
mFileMeta->setInt32(kKeyFileType, output_format::OUTPUT_FORMAT_MPEG_4);
case AMR_NB:
mWriter = new AMRWriter(fd);
mFileMeta->setInt32(kKeyFileType, output_format::OUTPUT_FORMAT_AMR_NB);
case AMR_WB:
mWriter = new AMRWriter(fd);
mFileMeta->setInt32(kKeyFileType, output_format::OUTPUT_FORMAT_AMR_WB);
case MPEG2TS:
mWriter = new MPEG2TSWriter(fd);
mFileMeta->setInt32(kKeyFileType, output_format::OUTPUT_FORMAT_MPEG2TS);
return -1;
if (mWriter == nullptr) return -1;
mFileMeta->setInt32(kKeyRealTimeRecording, false);
return 0;
int32_t WriterTest::addWriterSource(bool isAudio, configFormat params) {
if (mInputFrameId) return -1;
sp<AMessage> format = new AMessage;
if (mInputStream.is_open()) {
format->setString("mime", params.mime);
if (isAudio) {
format->setInt32("channel-count", params.channelCount);
format->setInt32("sample-rate", params.sampleRate);
} else {
format->setInt32("width", params.width);
format->setInt32("height", params.height);
int32_t status =
writeHeaderBuffers(mInputStream, mBufferInfo, mInputFrameId, format, mNumCsds);
if (status != 0) return -1;
sp<MetaData> trackMeta = new MetaData;
convertMessageToMetaData(format, trackMeta);
mCurrentTrack = new MediaAdapter(trackMeta);
if (mCurrentTrack == nullptr) {
ALOGE("MediaAdapter returned nullptr");
return -1;
status_t result = mWriter->addSource(mCurrentTrack);
return result;
void getFileDetails(string &inputFilePath, string &info, configFormat &params, bool &isAudio,
int32_t streamIndex = 0) {
if (streamIndex >= sizeof(kInputData) / sizeof(kInputData[0])) {
inputFilePath += kInputData[streamIndex].inputFile;
info += kInputData[streamIndex].info;
strcpy(params.mime, kInputData[streamIndex].mime);
isAudio = kInputData[streamIndex].isAudio;
if (isAudio) {
params.sampleRate = kInputData[streamIndex].firstParam;
params.channelCount = kInputData[streamIndex].secondParam;
} else {
params.width = kInputData[streamIndex].firstParam;
params.height = kInputData[streamIndex].secondParam;
TEST_P(WriterTest, CreateWriterTest) {
if (mDisableTest) return;
ALOGV("Tests the creation of writers");
string outputFile = OUTPUT_FILE_NAME;
int32_t fd =
open(outputFile.c_str(), O_CREAT | O_LARGEFILE | O_TRUNC | O_RDWR, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
ASSERT_GE(fd, 0) << "Failed to open output file to dump writer's data";
// Creating writer within a test scope. Destructor should be called when the test ends
ASSERT_EQ((status_t)OK, createWriter(fd))
<< "Failed to create writer for output format:" << GetParam().first;
TEST_P(WriterTest, WriterTest) {
if (mDisableTest) return;
ALOGV("Checks if for a given input, a valid muxed file has been created or not");
string writerFormat = GetParam().first;
string outputFile = OUTPUT_FILE_NAME;
int32_t fd =
open(outputFile.c_str(), O_CREAT | O_LARGEFILE | O_TRUNC | O_RDWR, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
ASSERT_GE(fd, 0) << "Failed to open output file to dump writer's data";
int32_t status = createWriter(fd);
ASSERT_EQ((status_t)OK, status) << "Failed to create writer for output format:" << writerFormat;
string inputFile = gEnv->getRes();
string inputInfo = gEnv->getRes();
configFormat param;
bool isAudio;
int32_t inputFileIdx = GetParam().second;
getFileDetails(inputFile, inputInfo, param, isAudio, inputFileIdx);
ASSERT_NE(>getRes()), 0) << "No input file specified";
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(getInputBufferInfo(inputFile, inputInfo));
status = addWriterSource(isAudio, param);
ASSERT_EQ((status_t)OK, status) << "Failed to add source for " << writerFormat << "Writer";
status = mWriter->start(mFileMeta.get());
ASSERT_EQ((status_t)OK, status);
status = sendBuffersToWriter(mInputStream, mBufferInfo, mInputFrameId, mCurrentTrack, 0,
ASSERT_EQ((status_t)OK, status) << writerFormat << " writer failed";
status = mWriter->stop();
ASSERT_EQ((status_t)OK, status) << "Failed to stop the writer";
TEST_P(WriterTest, PauseWriterTest) {
if (mDisableTest) return;
ALOGV("Validates the pause() api of writers");
string writerFormat = GetParam().first;
string outputFile = OUTPUT_FILE_NAME;
int32_t fd =
open(outputFile.c_str(), O_CREAT | O_LARGEFILE | O_TRUNC | O_RDWR, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
ASSERT_GE(fd, 0) << "Failed to open output file to dump writer's data";
int32_t status = createWriter(fd);
ASSERT_EQ((status_t)OK, status) << "Failed to create writer for output format:" << writerFormat;
string inputFile = gEnv->getRes();
string inputInfo = gEnv->getRes();
configFormat param;
bool isAudio;
int32_t inputFileIdx = GetParam().second;
getFileDetails(inputFile, inputInfo, param, isAudio, inputFileIdx);
ASSERT_NE(>getRes()), 0) << "No input file specified";
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(getInputBufferInfo(inputFile, inputInfo));
status = addWriterSource(isAudio, param);
ASSERT_EQ((status_t)OK, status) << "Failed to add source for " << writerFormat << "Writer";
status = mWriter->start(mFileMeta.get());
ASSERT_EQ((status_t)OK, status);
status = sendBuffersToWriter(mInputStream, mBufferInfo, mInputFrameId, mCurrentTrack, 0,
mBufferInfo.size() / 4);
ASSERT_EQ((status_t)OK, status) << writerFormat << " writer failed";
bool isPaused = false;
if ((mWriterName != standardWriters::MPEG2TS) && (mWriterName != standardWriters::MPEG4)) {
status = mWriter->pause();
ASSERT_EQ((status_t)OK, status);
isPaused = true;
// In the pause state, writers shouldn't write anything. Testing the writers for the same
int32_t numFramesPaused = mBufferInfo.size() / 4;
status = sendBuffersToWriter(mInputStream, mBufferInfo, mInputFrameId, mCurrentTrack,
mInputFrameId, numFramesPaused, isPaused);
ASSERT_EQ((status_t)OK, status) << writerFormat << " writer failed";
if (isPaused) {
status = mWriter->start(mFileMeta.get());
ASSERT_EQ((status_t)OK, status);
status = sendBuffersToWriter(mInputStream, mBufferInfo, mInputFrameId, mCurrentTrack,
mInputFrameId, mBufferInfo.size());
ASSERT_EQ((status_t)OK, status) << writerFormat << " writer failed";
status = mWriter->stop();
ASSERT_EQ((status_t)OK, status) << "Failed to stop the writer";
TEST_P(WriterTest, MultiStartStopPauseTest) {
// TODO: (b/144821804)
// Enable the test for MPE2TS writer
if (mDisableTest || mWriterName == standardWriters::MPEG2TS) return;
ALOGV("Test writers for multiple start, stop and pause calls");
string outputFile = OUTPUT_FILE_NAME;
int32_t fd =
open(outputFile.c_str(), O_CREAT | O_LARGEFILE | O_TRUNC | O_RDWR, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
ASSERT_GE(fd, 0) << "Failed to open output file to dump writer's data";
string writerFormat = GetParam().first;
int32_t status = createWriter(fd);
ASSERT_EQ(status, (status_t)OK) << "Failed to create writer for output format:" << writerFormat;
string inputFile = gEnv->getRes();
string inputInfo = gEnv->getRes();
configFormat param;
bool isAudio;
int32_t inputFileIdx = GetParam().second;
getFileDetails(inputFile, inputInfo, param, isAudio, inputFileIdx);
ASSERT_NE(>getRes()), 0) << "No input file specified";
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(getInputBufferInfo(inputFile, inputInfo));
status = addWriterSource(isAudio, param);
ASSERT_EQ((status_t)OK, status) << "Failed to add source for " << writerFormat << "Writer";
// first start should succeed.
status = mWriter->start(mFileMeta.get());
ASSERT_EQ((status_t)OK, status) << "Could not start the writer";
// Multiple start() may/may not succeed.
// Writers are expected to not crash on multiple start() calls.
for (int32_t count = 0; count < kMaxCount; count++) {
status = sendBuffersToWriter(mInputStream, mBufferInfo, mInputFrameId, mCurrentTrack, 0,
mBufferInfo.size() / 4);
ASSERT_EQ((status_t)OK, status) << writerFormat << " writer failed";
for (int32_t count = 0; count < kMaxCount; count++) {
int32_t numFramesPaused = mBufferInfo.size() / 4;
status = sendBuffersToWriter(mInputStream, mBufferInfo, mInputFrameId, mCurrentTrack,
mInputFrameId, numFramesPaused, true);
ASSERT_EQ((status_t)OK, status) << writerFormat << " writer failed";
for (int32_t count = 0; count < kMaxCount; count++) {
status = sendBuffersToWriter(mInputStream, mBufferInfo, mInputFrameId, mCurrentTrack,
mInputFrameId, mBufferInfo.size());
ASSERT_EQ((status_t)OK, status) << writerFormat << " writer failed";
// first stop should succeed.
status = mWriter->stop();
ASSERT_EQ((status_t)OK, status) << "Failed to stop the writer";
// Multiple stop() may/may not succeed.
// Writers are expected to not crash on multiple stop() calls.
for (int32_t count = 0; count < kMaxCount; count++) {
// TODO: (b/144476164)
// Add AAC_ADTS, FLAC, AV1 input
::testing::Values(make_pair("ogg", 0), make_pair("webm", 0),
make_pair("aac", 1), make_pair("mpeg4", 1),
make_pair("amrnb", 3), make_pair("amrwb", 4),
make_pair("webm", 5), make_pair("webm", 7),
make_pair("webm", 8), make_pair("mpeg4", 9),
make_pair("mpeg4", 10), make_pair("mpeg4", 12),
make_pair("mpeg4", 13), make_pair("mpeg2Ts", 1),
make_pair("mpeg2Ts", 9)));
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
gEnv = new WriterTestEnvironment();
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
int status = gEnv->initFromOptions(argc, argv);
if (status == 0) {
status = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
ALOGV("Test result = %d\n", status);
return status;