blob: 39beea275b43a9d6a1fa3ae6feb226930bfb16e5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <cstddef>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <aidl/android/hardware/audio/effect/IFactory.h>
#include <aidl/android/hardware/audio/effect/Processing.h>
#include <android-base/thread_annotations.h>
#include <media/audiohal/EffectsFactoryHalInterface.h>
#include <system/thread_defs.h>
#include "EffectProxy.h"
namespace android {
namespace effect {
using namespace aidl::android::hardware::audio::effect;
class EffectsFactoryHalAidl final : public EffectsFactoryHalInterface {
explicit EffectsFactoryHalAidl(std::shared_ptr<IFactory> effectsFactory);
// Returns the number of different effects in all loaded libraries.
status_t queryNumberEffects(uint32_t *pNumEffects) override;
// Returns a descriptor of the next available effect.
status_t getDescriptor(uint32_t index, effect_descriptor_t* pDescriptor) override;
status_t getDescriptor(const effect_uuid_t* pEffectUuid,
effect_descriptor_t* pDescriptor) override;
status_t getDescriptors(const effect_uuid_t* pEffectType,
std::vector<effect_descriptor_t>* descriptors) override;
// Creates an effect engine of the specified type.
// To release the effect engine, it is necessary to release references to the returned effect
// object.
status_t createEffect(const effect_uuid_t* pEffectUuid, int32_t sessionId, int32_t ioId,
int32_t deviceId, sp<EffectHalInterface>* effect) override;
status_t dumpEffects(int fd) override;
status_t allocateBuffer(size_t size, sp<EffectBufferHalInterface>* buffer) override;
status_t mirrorBuffer(void* external, size_t size,
sp<EffectBufferHalInterface>* buffer) override;
detail::AudioHalVersionInfo getHalVersion() const override;
std::shared_ptr<const effectsConfig::Processings> getProcessings() const override;
::android::error::Result<size_t> getSkippedElements() const override;
const std::shared_ptr<IFactory> mFactory;
const detail::AudioHalVersionInfo mHalVersion;
// Full list of HAL effect descriptors
const std::vector<Descriptor> mHalDescList;
// Map of proxy UUID (key) to the proxy object
const std::map<::aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioUuid /* proxy impl UUID */,
// List of effect proxy, initialize after mUuidProxyMap because it need to have all sub-effects
const std::vector<Descriptor> mProxyDescList;
// List of non-proxy effects
const std::vector<Descriptor> mNonProxyDescList;
// total number of effects including proxy effects
const size_t mEffectCount;
// Query result of pre and post processing from effect factory
const std::vector<Processing> mAidlProcessings;
std::mutex mLock;
uint64_t mEffectIdCounter GUARDED_BY(mLock) = 0; // Align with HIDL (0 is INVALID_ID)
virtual ~EffectsFactoryHalAidl() = default;
status_t getHalDescriptorWithImplUuid(
const aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioUuid& uuid,
effect_descriptor_t* pDescriptor);
status_t getHalDescriptorWithTypeUuid(
const aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioUuid& type,
std::vector<effect_descriptor_t>* descriptors);
bool isProxyEffect(const aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioUuid& uuid) const;
} // namespace effect
} // namespace android