blob: f0a4ac831613c927a5fe153ca4670013185cf02c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <android-base/thread_annotations.h>
#include "AnalyticsActions.h"
#include "AnalyticsState.h"
#include "AudioPowerUsage.h"
#include "HeatMap.h"
#include "StatsdLog.h"
#include "TimedAction.h"
#include "Wrap.h"
namespace android::mediametrics {
class AudioAnalytics
// AudioAnalytics action / state helper classes
friend AudioPowerUsage;
explicit AudioAnalytics(const std::shared_ptr<StatsdLog>& statsdLog);
* Returns success if AudioAnalytics recognizes item.
* AudioAnalytics requires the item key to start with "audio.".
* A trusted source can create a new key, an untrusted source
* can only modify the key if the uid will match that authorized
* on the existing key.
* \param item the item to be submitted.
* \param isTrusted whether the transaction comes from a trusted source.
* In this case, a trusted source is verified by binder
* UID to be a system service by MediaMetrics service.
* Do not use true if you haven't really checked!
* \return NO_ERROR on success,
* PERMISSION_DENIED if the item cannot be put into the AnalyticsState,
* BAD_VALUE if the item key does not start with "audio.".
status_t submit(const std::shared_ptr<const mediametrics::Item>& item, bool isTrusted);
* Returns a pair consisting of the dump string, and the number of lines in the string.
* The number of lines in the returned pair is used as an optimization
* for subsequent line limiting.
* The TimeMachine and the TransactionLog are dumped separately under
* different locks, so may not be 100% consistent with the last data
* delivered.
* \param lines the maximum number of lines in the string returned.
* \param sinceNs the nanoseconds since Unix epoch to start dump (0 shows all)
* \param prefix the desired key prefix to match (nullptr shows all)
std::pair<std::string, int32_t> dump(
int32_t lines = INT32_MAX, int64_t sinceNs = 0, const char *prefix = nullptr) const;
* Returns a pair consisting of the dump string and the number of lines in the string.
* HeatMap dump.
std::pair<std::string, int32_t> dumpHeatMap(int32_t lines = INT32_MAX) const {
return mHeatMap.dump(lines);
* Returns a pair consisting of the dump string and the number of lines in the string.
* Health dump.
std::pair<std::string, int32_t> dumpHealth(int32_t lines = INT32_MAX) const {
return mHealth.dump(lines);
* Returns a pair consisting of the dump string and the number of lines in the string.
* Spatializer dump.
std::pair<std::string, int32_t> dumpSpatializer(int32_t lines = INT32_MAX) const {
return mSpatializer.dump(lines);
void clear() {
// underlying state is locked.
// Clears the status map
// Clear power usage state.
* AudioAnalytics class does not contain a monitor mutex.
* Instead, all of its variables are individually locked for access.
* Since data and items are generally added only (gc removes it), this is a reasonable
* compromise for availability/concurrency versus consistency.
* It is possible for concurrent threads to be reading and writing inside of AudioAnalytics.
* Reads based on a prior time (e.g. one second) in the past from the TimeMachine can be
* used to achieve better consistency if needed.
* Processes any pending actions for a particular item.
* \param item to check against the current AnalyticsActions.
void processActions(const std::shared_ptr<const mediametrics::Item>& item);
* Processes status information contained in the item.
* \param item to check against for status handling
void processStatus(const std::shared_ptr<const mediametrics::Item>& item);
// Specific reporting methods
bool reportAudioRecordStatus(
const std::shared_ptr<const mediametrics::Item>& item,
const std::string& key, const std::string& eventStr,
const std::string& statusString, uid_t uid, const std::string& message,
int32_t subCode) const;
bool reportAudioTrackStatus(
const std::shared_ptr<const mediametrics::Item>& item,
const std::string& key, const std::string& eventStr,
const std::string& statusString, uid_t uid, const std::string& message,
int32_t subCode) const;
* Return the audio thread associated with an audio track name.
* e.g. "audio.track.32" -> "audio.thread.10" if the associated
* threadId for the audio track is 10.
std::string getThreadFromTrack(const std::string& track) const;
* return the device name, if present.
* This is currently enabled only for Bluetooth output devices.
std::string getDeviceNamesFromOutputDevices(std::string_view devices) const;
const bool mDeliverStatistics;
// Actions is individually locked
AnalyticsActions mActions;
// AnalyticsState is individually locked, and we use SharedPtrWrap
// to allow safe access even if the shared pointer changes underneath.
// These wrap pointers always point to a valid state object.
SharedPtrWrap<AnalyticsState> mAnalyticsState;
SharedPtrWrap<AnalyticsState> mPreviousAnalyticsState;
TimedAction mTimedAction; // locked internally
const std::shared_ptr<StatsdLog> mStatsdLog; // locked internally, ok for multiple threads.
static constexpr size_t kHeatEntries = 100;
HeatMap mHeatMap{kHeatEntries}; // locked internally, ok for multiple threads.
// DeviceUse is a nested class which handles audio device usage accounting.
// We define this class at the end to ensure prior variables all properly constructed.
// TODO: Track / Thread interaction
// TODO: Consider statistics aggregation.
class DeviceUse {
enum ItemType {
TRACK = 2,
explicit DeviceUse(AudioAnalytics &audioAnalytics) : mAudioAnalytics{audioAnalytics} {}
// Called every time an endAudioIntervalGroup message is received.
void endAudioIntervalGroup(
const std::shared_ptr<const android::mediametrics::Item> &item,
ItemType itemType) const;
AudioAnalytics &mAudioAnalytics;
} mDeviceUse{*this};
// DeviceConnected is a nested class which handles audio device connection
// We define this class at the end to ensure prior variables all properly constructed.
// TODO: Track / Thread interaction
// TODO: Consider statistics aggregation.
class DeviceConnection {
explicit DeviceConnection(AudioAnalytics &audioAnalytics)
: mAudioAnalytics{audioAnalytics} {}
// Called every time an endAudioIntervalGroup message is received.
void a2dpConnected(
const std::shared_ptr<const android::mediametrics::Item> &item);
// Called when we have an AudioFlinger createPatch
void createPatch(
const std::shared_ptr<const android::mediametrics::Item> &item);
// Called through AudioManager when the BT service wants to notify connection
void postBluetoothA2dpDeviceConnectionStateSuppressNoisyIntent(
const std::shared_ptr<const android::mediametrics::Item> &item);
// When the timer expires.
void expire();
AudioAnalytics &mAudioAnalytics;
mutable std::mutex mLock;
std::string mA2dpDeviceName;
int64_t mA2dpConnectionRequestNs GUARDED_BY(mLock) = 0; // Time for BT service request.
int64_t mA2dpConnectionServiceNs GUARDED_BY(mLock) = 0; // Time audio service agrees.
int32_t mA2dpConnectionRequests GUARDED_BY(mLock) = 0;
int32_t mA2dpConnectionServices GUARDED_BY(mLock) = 0;
// See the statsd atoms.proto
int32_t mA2dpConnectionSuccesses GUARDED_BY(mLock) = 0;
int32_t mA2dpConnectionJavaServiceCancels GUARDED_BY(mLock) = 0;
int32_t mA2dpConnectionUnknowns GUARDED_BY(mLock) = 0;
} mDeviceConnection{*this};
// AAudioStreamInfo is a nested class which collect aaudio stream info from both client and
// server side.
class AAudioStreamInfo {
// All the enum here must be kept the same as the ones defined in atoms.proto
enum CallerPath {
explicit AAudioStreamInfo(AudioAnalytics &audioAnalytics)
: mAudioAnalytics(audioAnalytics) {}
void endAAudioStream(
const std::shared_ptr<const android::mediametrics::Item> &item,
CallerPath path) const;
AudioAnalytics &mAudioAnalytics;
} mAAudioStreamInfo{*this};
// Create new state, typically occurs after an AudioFlinger ctor event.
void newState();
// Health is a nested class that tracks audioserver health properties
class Health {
explicit Health(AudioAnalytics &audioAnalytics)
: mAudioAnalytics(audioAnalytics) {}
enum class Module {
const char *getModuleName(Module module) {
switch (module) {
case Module::AUDIOFLINGER: return "AudioFlinger";
case Module::AUDIOPOLICY: return "AudioPolicy";
return "Unknown";
// Called when we believe audioserver starts (AudioFlinger ctor)
void onAudioServerStart(Module module,
const std::shared_ptr<const android::mediametrics::Item> &item);
// Called when we believe audioserver crashes (TimeCheck timeouts).
void onAudioServerTimeout(Module module,
const std::shared_ptr<const android::mediametrics::Item> &item);
std::pair<std::string, int32_t> dump(
int32_t lines = INT32_MAX, const char *prefix = nullptr) const;
AudioAnalytics& mAudioAnalytics;
mutable std::mutex mLock;
// Life cycle of AudioServer
// mAudioFlingerCtorTime
// mAudioPolicyCtorTime
// mAudioPolicyCtorDoneTime
// ...
// possibly mStopTime (if TimeCheck thread)
// UpTime is measured from mStopTime - mAudioFlingerCtorTime.
// The stop events come from TimeCheck timeout aborts. There may be other
// uncaught signals, e.g. SIGSEGV, that cause missing stop events.
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point mAudioFlingerCtorTime GUARDED_BY(mLock);
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point mAudioPolicyCtorTime GUARDED_BY(mLock);
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point mAudioPolicyCtorDoneTime GUARDED_BY(mLock);
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point mStopTime GUARDED_BY(mLock);
// mStartCount and mStopCount track the audioserver start and stop events.
int64_t mStartCount GUARDED_BY(mLock) = 0;
int64_t mStopCount GUARDED_BY(mLock) = 0;
SimpleLog mSimpleLog GUARDED_BY(mLock) {64};
} mHealth{*this};
// Spatializer is a nested class that tracks related messages.
class Spatializer {
explicit Spatializer(AudioAnalytics &audioAnalytics)
: mAudioAnalytics(audioAnalytics) {}
// an item that starts with "audio.spatializer"
void onEvent(const std::shared_ptr<const android::mediametrics::Item> &item);
std::pair<std::string, int32_t> dump(
int32_t lines = INT32_MAX, const char *prefix = nullptr) const;
// Current device state as strings:
// "" means unknown, "true" or "false".
struct DeviceState {
std::string enabled;
std::string hasHeadTracker;
std::string headTrackerEnabled;
AudioAnalytics& mAudioAnalytics;
static constexpr int64_t kBootDurationThreshold = 120 /* seconds */ * 1e9;
mutable std::mutex mLock;
int64_t mFirstCreateTimeNs GUARDED_BY(mLock) = 0;
std::map<std::string, DeviceState> mDeviceStateMap GUARDED_BY(mLock);
SimpleLog mSimpleLog GUARDED_BY(mLock) {64};
} mSpatializer{*this};
// MidiLogging collects info whenever a MIDI device is closed.
class MidiLogging {
explicit MidiLogging(AudioAnalytics &audioAnalytics)
: mAudioAnalytics(audioAnalytics) {}
void onEvent(
const std::shared_ptr<const android::mediametrics::Item> &item) const;
AudioAnalytics &mAudioAnalytics;
} mMidiLogging{*this};
AudioPowerUsage mAudioPowerUsage;
} // namespace android::mediametrics