blob: 96be0ca1ccf205917b35a21f0758a11fd5843e8e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <gui/IGraphicBufferProducer.h>
#include <gui/BufferQueue.h>
#include <utils/RefBase.h>
#include <VideoAPI.h>
#include <media/IOMX.h>
#include <media/OMXFenceParcelable.h>
#include <media/stagefright/foundation/ABase.h>
#include <media/stagefright/foundation/AHandlerReflector.h>
#include <media/stagefright/foundation/ALooper.h>
#include <android/BnGraphicBufferSource.h>
#include <android/BnOMXBufferSource.h>
#include "IOmxNodeWrapper.h"
namespace android {
using ::android::binder::Status;
struct FrameDropper;
* This class is used to feed OMX codecs from a Surface via BufferQueue or
* HW producer.
* Instances of the class don't run on a dedicated thread. Instead,
* various events trigger data movement:
* - Availability of a new frame of data from the BufferQueue (notified
* via the onFrameAvailable callback).
* - The return of a codec buffer (via OnEmptyBufferDone).
* - Application signaling end-of-stream.
* - Transition to or from "executing" state.
* Frames of data (and, perhaps, the end-of-stream indication) can arrive
* before the codec is in the "executing" state, so we need to queue
* things up until we're ready to go.
* The GraphicBufferSource can be configure dynamically to discard frames
* from the source:
* - if their timestamp is less than a start time
* - if the source is suspended or stopped and the suspend/stop-time is reached
* - if EOS was signaled
* - if there is no encoder connected to it
* The source, furthermore, may choose to not encode (drop) frames if:
* - to throttle the frame rate (keep it under a certain limit)
* Finally the source may optionally hold onto the last non-discarded frame
* (even if it was dropped) to reencode it after an interval if no further
* frames are sent by the producer.
class GraphicBufferSource : public BufferQueue::ConsumerListener {
virtual ~GraphicBufferSource();
// We can't throw an exception if the constructor fails, so we just set
// this and require that the caller test the value.
status_t initCheck() const {
return mInitCheck;
// Returns the handle to the producer side of the BufferQueue. Buffers
// queued on this will be received by GraphicBufferSource.
sp<IGraphicBufferProducer> getIGraphicBufferProducer() const {
return mProducer;
// OmxBufferSource interface
// ------------------------------
// This is called when OMX transitions to OMX_StateExecuting, which means
// we can start handing it buffers. If we already have buffers of data
// sitting in the BufferQueue, this will send them to the codec.
Status onOmxExecuting();
// This is called when OMX transitions to OMX_StateIdle, indicating that
// the codec is meant to return all buffers back to the client for them
// to be freed. Do NOT submit any more buffers to the component.
Status onOmxIdle();
// This is called when OMX transitions to OMX_StateLoaded, indicating that
// we are shutting down.
Status onOmxLoaded();
// A "codec buffer", i.e. a buffer that can be used to pass data into
// the encoder, has been allocated. (This call does not call back into
// OMXNodeInstance.)
Status onInputBufferAdded(int32_t bufferId);
// Called from OnEmptyBufferDone. If we have a BQ buffer available,
// fill it with a new frame of data; otherwise, just mark it as available.
Status onInputBufferEmptied(int32_t bufferId, int fenceFd);
// IGraphicBufferSource interface
// ------------------------------
// Configure the buffer source to be used with an OMX node with the default
// data space.
status_t configure(
const sp<IOmxNodeWrapper> &omxNode,
int32_t dataSpace,
int32_t bufferCount,
uint32_t frameWidth,
uint32_t frameHeight,
uint32_t consumerUsage);
// This is called after the last input frame has been submitted or buffer
// timestamp is greater or equal than stopTimeUs. We need to submit an empty
// buffer with the EOS flag set. If we don't have a codec buffer ready,
// we just set the mEndOfStream flag.
status_t signalEndOfInputStream();
// If suspend is true, all incoming buffers (including those currently
// in the BufferQueue) with timestamp larger than timeUs will be discarded
// until the suspension is lifted. If suspend is false, all incoming buffers
// including those currently in the BufferQueue) with timestamp larger than
// timeUs will be processed. timeUs uses SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC time base.
status_t setSuspend(bool suspend, int64_t timeUs);
// Specifies the interval after which we requeue the buffer previously
// queued to the encoder. This is useful in the case of surface flinger
// providing the input surface if the resulting encoded stream is to
// be displayed "live". If we were not to push through the extra frame
// the decoder on the remote end would be unable to decode the latest frame.
// This API must be called before transitioning the encoder to "executing"
// state and once this behaviour is specified it cannot be reset.
status_t setRepeatPreviousFrameDelayUs(int64_t repeatAfterUs);
// Sets the input buffer timestamp offset.
// When set, the sample's timestamp will be adjusted with the timeOffsetUs.
status_t setTimeOffsetUs(int64_t timeOffsetUs);
// When set, the max frame rate fed to the encoder will be capped at maxFps.
status_t setMaxFps(float maxFps);
// Sets the time lapse (or slow motion) parameters.
// When set, the sample's timestamp will be modified to playback framerate,
// and capture timestamp will be modified to capture rate.
status_t setTimeLapseConfig(double fps, double captureFps);
// Sets the start time us (in system time), samples before which should
// be dropped and not submitted to encoder
status_t setStartTimeUs(int64_t startTimeUs);
// Sets the stop time us (in system time), samples after which should be dropped
// and not submitted to encoder. timeUs uses SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC time base.
status_t setStopTimeUs(int64_t stopTimeUs);
// Sets the desired color aspects, e.g. to be used when producer does not specify a dataspace.
status_t setColorAspects(int32_t aspectsPacked);
// BQ::ConsumerListener interface
// ------------------------------
// BufferQueue::ConsumerListener interface, called when a new frame of
// data is available. If we're executing and a codec buffer is
// available, we acquire the buffer, copy the GraphicBuffer reference
// into the codec buffer, and call Empty[This]Buffer. If we're not yet
// executing or there's no codec buffer available, we just increment
// mNumFramesAvailable and return.
void onFrameAvailable(const BufferItem& item) override;
// BufferQueue::ConsumerListener interface, called when the client has
// released one or more GraphicBuffers. We clear out the appropriate
// set of mBufferSlot entries.
void onBuffersReleased() override;
// BufferQueue::ConsumerListener interface, called when the client has
// changed the sideband stream. GraphicBufferSource doesn't handle sideband
// streams so this is a no-op (and should never be called).
void onSidebandStreamChanged() override;
// Lock, covers all member variables.
mutable Mutex mMutex;
// Used to report constructor failure.
status_t mInitCheck;
// Graphic buffer reference objects
// --------------------------------
// These are used to keep a shared reference to GraphicBuffers and gralloc handles owned by the
// GraphicBufferSource as well as to manage the cache slots. Separate references are owned by
// the buffer cache (controlled by the buffer queue/buffer producer) and the codec.
// When we get a buffer from the producer (BQ) it designates them to be cached into specific
// slots. Each slot owns a shared reference to the graphic buffer (we track these using
// CachedBuffer) that is in that slot, but the producer controls the slots.
struct CachedBuffer;
// When we acquire a buffer, we must release it back to the producer once we (or the codec)
// no longer uses it (as long as the buffer is still in the cache slot). We use shared
// AcquiredBuffer instances for this purpose - and we call release buffer when the last
// reference is relinquished.
struct AcquiredBuffer;
// We also need to keep some extra metadata (other than the buffer reference) for acquired
// buffers. These are tracked in VideoBuffer struct.
struct VideoBuffer {
std::shared_ptr<AcquiredBuffer> mBuffer;
nsecs_t mTimestampNs;
android_dataspace_t mDataspace;
// Cached and aquired buffers
// --------------------------------
typedef int slot_id;
// Maps a slot to the cached buffer in that slot
KeyedVector<slot_id, std::shared_ptr<CachedBuffer>> mBufferSlots;
// Queue of buffers acquired in chronological order that are not yet submitted to the codec
List<VideoBuffer> mAvailableBuffers;
// Number of buffers that have been signaled by the producer that they are available, but
// we've been unable to acquire them due to our max acquire count
int32_t mNumAvailableUnacquiredBuffers;
// Number of frames acquired from consumer (debug only)
// (as in aquireBuffer called, and release needs to be called)
int32_t mNumOutstandingAcquires;
// Acquire a buffer from the BQ and store it in |item| if successful
// \return OK on success, or error on failure.
status_t acquireBuffer_l(VideoBuffer *item);
// Called when a buffer was acquired from the producer
void onBufferAcquired_l(const VideoBuffer &buffer);
// marks the buffer at the slot no longer cached, and accounts for the outstanding
// acquire count. Returns true if the slot was populated; otherwise, false.
bool discardBufferInSlot_l(slot_id i);
// marks the buffer at the slot index no longer cached, and accounts for the outstanding
// acquire count
void discardBufferAtSlotIndex_l(ssize_t bsi);
// release all acquired and unacquired available buffers
// This method will return if it fails to acquire an unacquired available buffer, which will
// leave mNumAvailableUnacquiredBuffers positive on return.
void releaseAllAvailableBuffers_l();
// returns whether we have any available buffers (acquired or not-yet-acquired)
bool haveAvailableBuffers_l() const {
return !mAvailableBuffers.empty() || mNumAvailableUnacquiredBuffers > 0;
// Codec buffers
// -------------
// When we queue buffers to the encoder, we must hold the references to the graphic buffers
// in those buffers - as the producer may free the slots.
typedef int32_t codec_buffer_id;
// set of codec buffer ID-s of buffers available to fill
List<codec_buffer_id> mFreeCodecBuffers;
// maps codec buffer ID-s to buffer info submitted to the codec. Used to keep a reference for
// the graphics buffer.
KeyedVector<codec_buffer_id, std::shared_ptr<AcquiredBuffer>> mSubmittedCodecBuffers;
// Processes the next acquired frame. If there is no available codec buffer, it returns false
// without any further action.
// Otherwise, it consumes the next acquired frame and determines if it needs to be discarded or
// dropped. If neither are needed, it submits it to the codec. It also saves the latest
// non-dropped frame and submits it for repeat encoding (if this is enabled).
// \require there must be an acquired frame (i.e. we're in the onFrameAvailable callback,
// or if we're in codecBufferEmptied and mNumFramesAvailable is nonzero).
// \require codec must be executing
// \returns true if acquired (and handled) the next frame. Otherwise, false.
bool fillCodecBuffer_l();
// Calculates the media timestamp for |item| and on success it submits the buffer to the codec,
// while also keeping a reference for it in mSubmittedCodecBuffers.
// Returns UNKNOWN_ERROR if the buffer was not submitted due to buffer timestamp. Otherwise,
// it returns any submit success or error value returned by the codec.
status_t submitBuffer_l(const VideoBuffer &item);
// Submits an empty buffer, with the EOS flag set if there is an available codec buffer and
// sets mEndOfStreamSent flag. Does nothing if there is no codec buffer available.
void submitEndOfInputStream_l();
// Set to true if we want to send end-of-stream after we run out of available frames from the
// producer
bool mEndOfStream;
// Flag that the EOS was submitted to the encoder
bool mEndOfStreamSent;
// Dataspace for the last frame submitted to the codec
android_dataspace mLastDataspace;
// Default color aspects for this source
int32_t mDefaultColorAspectsPacked;
// called when the data space of the input buffer changes
void onDataspaceChanged_l(android_dataspace dataspace, android_pixel_format pixelFormat);
// Pointer back to the Omx node that created us. We send buffers here.
sp<IOmxNodeWrapper> mOMXNode;
// Set by omxExecuting() / omxIdling().
bool mExecuting;
bool mSuspended;
// returns true if this source is unconditionally discarding acquired buffers at the moment
// regardless of the metadata of those buffers
bool areWeDiscardingAvailableBuffers_l();
// Our BufferQueue interfaces. mProducer is passed to the producer through
// getIGraphicBufferProducer, and mConsumer is used internally to retrieve
// the buffers queued by the producer.
sp<IGraphicBufferProducer> mProducer;
sp<IGraphicBufferConsumer> mConsumer;
// The time to stop sending buffers.
int64_t mStopTimeUs;
struct ActionItem {
typedef enum {
} ActionType;
ActionType mAction;
int64_t mActionTimeUs;
// Maintain last action timestamp to ensure all the action timestamps are
// monotonically increasing.
int64_t mLastActionTimeUs;
// An action queue that queue up all the actions sent to GraphicBufferSource.
// STOP action should only show up at the end of the list as all the actions
// after a STOP action will be discarded. mActionQueue is protected by mMutex.
List<ActionItem> mActionQueue;
friend struct AHandlerReflector<GraphicBufferSource>;
enum {
kWhatRepeatLastFrame, ///< queue last frame for reencoding
enum {
kRepeatLastFrameCount = 10,
int64_t mSkipFramesBeforeNs;
sp<FrameDropper> mFrameDropper;
sp<ALooper> mLooper;
sp<AHandlerReflector<GraphicBufferSource> > mReflector;
// Repeat last frame feature
// -------------------------
// configuration parameter: repeat interval for frame repeating (<0 if repeating is disabled)
int64_t mFrameRepeatIntervalUs;
// current frame repeat generation - used to cancel a pending frame repeat
int32_t mRepeatLastFrameGeneration;
// number of times to repeat latest frame (0 = none)
int32_t mOutstandingFrameRepeatCount;
// The previous buffer should've been repeated but
// no codec buffer was available at the time.
bool mFrameRepeatBlockedOnCodecBuffer;
// hold a reference to the last acquired (and not discarded) frame for frame repeating
VideoBuffer mLatestBuffer;
// queue last frame for reencode after the repeat interval.
void queueFrameRepeat_l();
// save |item| as the latest buffer and queue it for reencode (repeat)
void setLatestBuffer_l(const VideoBuffer &item);
// submit last frame to encoder and queue it for reencode
// \return true if buffer was submitted, false if it wasn't (e.g. source is suspended, there
// is no available codec buffer)
bool repeatLatestBuffer_l();
// Time lapse / slow motion configuration
// --------------------------------------
// desired frame rate for encoding - value <= 0 if undefined
double mFps;
// desired frame rate for capture - value <= 0 if undefined
double mCaptureFps;
// Time lapse mode is enabled if the capture frame rate is defined and it is
// smaller than half the encoding frame rate (if defined). In this mode,
// frames that come in between the capture interval (the reciprocal of the
// capture frame rate) are dropped and the encoding timestamp is adjusted to
// match the desired encoding frame rate.
// Slow motion mode is enabled if both encoding and capture frame rates are
// defined and the encoding frame rate is less than half the capture frame
// rate. In this mode, the source is expected to produce frames with an even
// timestamp interval (after rounding) with the configured capture fps. The
// first source timestamp is used as the source base time. Afterwards, the
// timestamp of each source frame is snapped to the nearest expected capture
// timestamp and scaled to match the configured encoding frame rate.
// These modes must be enabled before using this source.
// adjusted capture timestamp of the base frame
int64_t mBaseCaptureUs;
// adjusted encoding timestamp of the base frame
int64_t mBaseFrameUs;
// number of frames from the base time
int64_t mFrameCount;
// adjusted capture timestamp for previous frame (negative if there were
// none)
int64_t mPrevCaptureUs;
// adjusted media timestamp for previous frame (negative if there were none)
int64_t mPrevFrameUs;
// desired offset between media time and capture time
int64_t mInputBufferTimeOffsetUs;
// Calculates and outputs the timestamp to use for a buffer with a specific buffer timestamp
// |bufferTimestampNs|. Returns false on failure (buffer too close or timestamp is moving
// backwards). Otherwise, stores the media timestamp in |*codecTimeUs| and returns true.
// This method takes into account the start time offset and any time lapse or slow motion time
// adjustment requests.
bool calculateCodecTimestamp_l(nsecs_t bufferTimeNs, int64_t *codecTimeUs);
void onMessageReceived(const sp<AMessage> &msg);
} // namespace android