blob: 16c8e79d3c70c886ec9239fe822e20a10559f5bc [file] [log] [blame]
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 1998-2009 PacketVideo
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* express or implied.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef H263_ONLY
#include "mp4def.h"
#include "mp4lib_int.h"
#include "bitstream_io.h"
#include "mp4enc_lib.h"
#include "m4venc_oscl.h"
/* ======================================================================== */
/* Function : EncodeFrameDataPartMode() */
/* Date : 09/6/2000 */
/* History : */
/* Purpose : Encode a frame of MPEG4 bitstream in datapartitioning mode. */
/* In/out : */
/* Return : PV_SUCCESS if successful else PV_FAIL */
/* Modified : */
/* */
/* ======================================================================== */
PV_STATUS EncodeFrameDataPartMode(VideoEncData *video)
Vol *currVol = video->vol[video->currLayer];
Vop *currVop = video->currVop;
VideoEncParams *encParams = video->encParams;
Int width = currVop->width; /* has to be Vop, for multiple of 16 */
Int lx = currVop->pitch; /* with padding */
Int offset = 0;
Int ind_x, ind_y;
Int start_packet_header = 0;
UChar *QPMB = video->QPMB;
Int QP;
Int mbnum = 0, slice_counter = 0;
Int num_bits, packet_size = encParams->ResyncPacketsize;
BitstreamEncVideo *bs1 = video->bitstream1;
BitstreamEncVideo *bs2 = video->bitstream2;
BitstreamEncVideo *bs3 = video->bitstream3;
Int numHeaderBits;
approxDCT fastDCTfunction;
Int ncoefblck[6] = {64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64}; /* for FastCodeMB, 5/18/2001 */
PV_STATUS(*CodeMB)(VideoEncData *, approxDCT *, Int, Int[]);
void (*MBVlcEncode)(VideoEncData*, Int[], void *);
void (*BlockCodeCoeff)(RunLevelBlock*, BitstreamEncVideo*, Int, Int, UChar);
video->QP_prev = currVop->quantizer;
numHeaderBits = BitstreamGetPos(bs1); /* Number of bits in VOP Header */
/* determine type of quantization */
if (currVol->quantType == 0)
CodeMB = &CodeMB_H263;
CodeMB = &CodeMB_MPEG;
CodeMB = &CodeMB_H263;
/* determine which functions to be used, in MB-level */
if (currVop->predictionType == P_VOP)
MBVlcEncode = &MBVlcEncodeDataPar_P_VOP;
else if (currVop->predictionType == I_VOP)
MBVlcEncode = &MBVlcEncodeDataPar_I_VOP;
else /* B_VOP not implemented yet */
return PV_FAIL;
/* determine which VLC table to be used */
if (currVol->shortVideoHeader)
BlockCodeCoeff = &BlockCodeCoeff_ShortHeader;
#ifndef NO_RVLC
else if (currVol->useReverseVLC)
BlockCodeCoeff = &BlockCodeCoeff_RVLC;
BlockCodeCoeff = &BlockCodeCoeff_Normal;
video->usePrevQP = 0;
for (ind_y = 0; ind_y < currVol->nMBPerCol; ind_y++) /* Col MB Loop */
video->outputMB->mb_y = ind_y; /* 5/28/01 */
for (ind_x = 0; ind_x < currVol->nMBPerRow; ind_x++) /* Row MB Loop */
video->outputMB->mb_x = ind_x; /* 5/28/01 */
video->mbnum = mbnum;
video->sliceNo[mbnum] = slice_counter; /* Update MB slice number */
QP = QPMB[mbnum]; /* always read new QP */
/* MB Prediction:Put into MC macroblock, substract from currVop, put in predMB */
getMotionCompensatedMB(video, ind_x, ind_y, offset);
if (start_packet_header)
slice_counter++; /* Increment slice counter */
video->sliceNo[mbnum] = slice_counter; /* Update MB slice number*/
video->header_bits -= BitstreamGetPos(bs1); /* Header Bits */
video->QP_prev = currVop->quantizer; /* store QP */
status = EncodeVideoPacketHeader(video, mbnum, video->QP_prev, 0);
video->header_bits += BitstreamGetPos(bs1); /* Header Bits */
numHeaderBits = BitstreamGetPos(bs1);
start_packet_header = 0;
video->usePrevQP = 0;
/* Code_MB: DCT, Q, Q^(-1), IDCT, Motion Comp */
status = (*CodeMB)(video, &fastDCTfunction, (offset << 5) + QP, ncoefblck);
/* MB VLC Encode: VLC Encode MB */
MBVlcEncode(video, ncoefblck, (void*)BlockCodeCoeff);
/* Assemble Packets: Assemble the MB VLC codes into Packets */
num_bits = BitstreamGetPos(bs1) + BitstreamGetPos(bs2) +
BitstreamGetPos(bs3) - numHeaderBits;
/* Assemble_Packet(video) */
if (num_bits > packet_size)
if (video->currVop->predictionType == I_VOP)
BitstreamPutGT16Bits(bs1, 19, DC_MARKER); /* Add dc_marker */
BitstreamPutGT16Bits(bs1, 17, MOTION_MARKER_COMB); /*Add motion_marker*/
BitstreamAppendEnc(bs1, bs2); /* Combine bs1 and bs2 */
BitstreamAppendEnc(bs1, bs3); /* Combine bs1 and bs3 */
video->header_bits += BitstreamMpeg4ByteAlignStuffing(bs1); /* Byte align Packet */
status = BitstreamAppendPacket(currVol->stream, bs1); /* Put Packet to Buffer */
/* continue even if status == PV_END_OF_BUF, to get the stats */
BitstreamEncReset(bs1); /* Initialize to 0 */
start_packet_header = 1;
offset += 16;
} /* End of For ind_x */
offset += (lx << 4) - width;
} /* End of For ind_y */
if (!start_packet_header)
if (video->currVop->predictionType == I_VOP)
BitstreamPutGT16Bits(bs1, 19, DC_MARKER); /* Add dc_marker */
video->header_bits += 19;
BitstreamPutGT16Bits(bs1, 17, MOTION_MARKER_COMB); /* Add motion_marker */
video->header_bits += 17;
BitstreamAppendEnc(bs1, bs2);
BitstreamAppendEnc(bs1, bs3);
video->header_bits += BitstreamMpeg4ByteAlignStuffing(bs1); /* Byte align Packet */
status = BitstreamAppendPacket(currVol->stream, bs1); /* Put Packet to Buffer */
/* continue even if status == PV_END_OF_BUF, to get the stats */
BitstreamEncReset(bs1); /* Initialize to 0 */
return status; /* if status == PV_END_OF_BUF, this frame will be pre-skipped */
/* ======================================================================== */
/* Function : EncodeSliceDataPartMode() */
/* Date : 04/19/2002 */
/* History : */
/* Purpose : Encode a slice of MPEG4 bitstream in DataPar mode and save */
/* the current MB to continue next time it is called. */
/* In/out : */
/* Return : PV_SUCCESS if successful else PV_FAIL */
/* Modified : */
/* */
/* ======================================================================== */
PV_STATUS EncodeSliceDataPartMode(VideoEncData *video)
Vol *currVol = video->vol[video->currLayer];
Vop *currVop = video->currVop;
UChar mode, *Mode = video->headerInfo.Mode;
VideoEncParams *encParams = video->encParams;
Int nTotalMB = currVol->nTotalMB;
Int width = currVop->width; /* has to be Vop, for multiple of 16 */
Int lx = currVop->pitch; /* , with pading */
UChar *QPMB = video->QPMB;
Int QP;
Int ind_x = video->outputMB->mb_x, ind_y = video->outputMB->mb_y;
Int offset = video->offset; /* get current MB location */
Int mbnum = video->mbnum, slice_counter = video->sliceNo[mbnum]; /* get current MB location */
Int firstMB = mbnum;
Int start_packet_header = (mbnum != 0);
Int num_bits = 0;
Int packet_size = encParams->ResyncPacketsize - 1 - (currVop->predictionType == I_VOP ? 19 : 17);
BitstreamEncVideo *bs1 = video->bitstream1;
BitstreamEncVideo *bs2 = video->bitstream2;
BitstreamEncVideo *bs3 = video->bitstream3;
Int bitCount1 = 0, bitCount2 = 0, bitCount3 = 0, byteCount1 = 0, byteCount2 = 0, byteCount3 = 0;
Int numHeaderBits = 0;
approxDCT fastDCTfunction;
Int ncoefblck[6] = {64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64}; /* for FastCodeMB, 5/18/2001 */
UChar CBP;
Short outputMB[6][64];
PV_STATUS(*CodeMB)(VideoEncData *, approxDCT *, Int, Int[]);
void (*MBVlcEncode)(VideoEncData*, Int[], void *);
void (*BlockCodeCoeff)(RunLevelBlock*, BitstreamEncVideo*, Int, Int, UChar);
Int k;
video->QP_prev = 31;
if (video->end_of_buf) /* left-over from previous run */
status = BitstreamAppendPacketNoOffset(currVol->stream, bs1);
if (status != PV_END_OF_BUF)
video->end_of_buf = 0;
return status;
if (mbnum == 0) /* only do this at the start of a frame */
QPMB[0] = video->QP_prev = QP = currVop->quantizer;
video->usePrevQP = 0;
numHeaderBits = BitstreamGetPos(bs1); /* Number of bits in VOP Header */
/* Re-assign fast functions on every slice, don't have to put it in the memory */
QP = QPMB[mbnum];
if (mbnum > 0) video->QP_prev = QPMB[mbnum-1];
/* determine type of quantization */
if (currVol->quantType == 0)
CodeMB = &CodeMB_H263;
CodeMB = &CodeMB_MPEG;
CodeMB = &CodeMB_H263;
/* determine which functions to be used, in MB-level */
if (currVop->predictionType == P_VOP)
MBVlcEncode = &MBVlcEncodeDataPar_P_VOP;
else if (currVop->predictionType == I_VOP)
MBVlcEncode = &MBVlcEncodeDataPar_I_VOP;
else /* B_VOP not implemented yet */
return PV_FAIL;
/* determine which VLC table to be used */
#ifndef NO_RVLC
if (currVol->useReverseVLC)
BlockCodeCoeff = &BlockCodeCoeff_RVLC;
BlockCodeCoeff = &BlockCodeCoeff_Normal;
if (mbnum != 0)
goto JUMP_IN;
for (ind_y = 0; ind_y < currVol->nMBPerCol; ind_y++) /* Col MB Loop */
video->outputMB->mb_y = ind_y; /* 5/28/01 */
for (ind_x = 0; ind_x < currVol->nMBPerRow; ind_x++) /* Row MB Loop */
video->outputMB->mb_x = ind_x; /* 5/28/01 */
video->mbnum = mbnum;
video->sliceNo[mbnum] = slice_counter; /* Update MB slice number */
/* MB Prediction:Put into MC macroblock, substract from currVop, put in predMB */
getMotionCompensatedMB(video, ind_x, ind_y, offset);
QP = QPMB[mbnum]; /* always read new QP */
if (start_packet_header)
slice_counter++; /* Increment slice counter */
video->sliceNo[mbnum] = slice_counter; /* Update MB slice number*/
video->QP_prev = currVop->quantizer; /* store QP */
num_bits = BitstreamGetPos(bs1);
status = EncodeVideoPacketHeader(video, mbnum, video->QP_prev, 0);
numHeaderBits = BitstreamGetPos(bs1) - num_bits;
video->header_bits += numHeaderBits; /* Header Bits */
start_packet_header = 0;
video->usePrevQP = 0;
else /* don't encode the first MB in packet again */
/* Code_MB: DCT, Q, Q^(-1), IDCT, Motion Comp */
status = (*CodeMB)(video, &fastDCTfunction, (offset << 5) + QP, ncoefblck);
for (k = 0; k < 6; k++)
M4VENC_MEMCPY(outputMB[k], video->outputMB->block[k], sizeof(Short) << 6);
/* MB VLC Encode: VLC Encode MB */
/* save the state before VLC encoding */
bitCount1 = BitstreamGetPos(bs1);
bitCount2 = BitstreamGetPos(bs2);
bitCount3 = BitstreamGetPos(bs3);
byteCount1 = bitCount1 >> 3;
byteCount2 = bitCount2 >> 3;
byteCount3 = bitCount3 >> 3;
bitCount1 &= 0x7;
bitCount2 &= 0x7;
bitCount3 &= 0x7;
mode = Mode[mbnum];
CBP = video->headerInfo.CBP[mbnum];
MBVlcEncode(video, ncoefblck, (void*)BlockCodeCoeff);
/* Assemble Packets: Assemble the MB VLC codes into Packets */
num_bits = BitstreamGetPos(bs1) + BitstreamGetPos(bs2) +
BitstreamGetPos(bs3);// - numHeaderBits; //include header bits
/* Assemble_Packet(video) */
if (num_bits > packet_size && mbnum != firstMB) /* encoding at least one more MB*/
BitstreamRepos(bs1, byteCount1, bitCount1); /* rewind one MB */
BitstreamRepos(bs2, byteCount2, bitCount2); /* rewind one MB */
BitstreamRepos(bs3, byteCount3, bitCount3); /* rewind one MB */
if (video->currVop->predictionType == I_VOP)
BitstreamPutGT16Bits(bs1, 19, DC_MARKER); /* Add dc_marker */
video->header_bits += 19;
BitstreamPutGT16Bits(bs1, 17, MOTION_MARKER_COMB); /*Add motion_marker*/
video->header_bits += 17;
status = BitstreamAppendEnc(bs1, bs2); /* Combine with bs2 */
status = BitstreamAppendEnc(bs1, bs3); /* Combine with bs3 */
video->header_bits += BitstreamMpeg4ByteAlignStuffing(bs1); /* Byte align Packet */
status = BitstreamAppendPacketNoOffset(currVol->stream, bs1);
if (status == PV_END_OF_BUF) /* if cannot fit a buffer */
video->end_of_buf = 1;
start_packet_header = 1;
if (mbnum < nTotalMB || video->end_of_buf) /* return here */
video->mbnum = mbnum;
video->sliceNo[mbnum] = slice_counter;
video->offset = offset;
Mode[mbnum] = mode;
video->headerInfo.CBP[mbnum] = CBP;
for (k = 0; k < 6; k++)
M4VENC_MEMCPY(video->outputMB->block[k], outputMB[k], sizeof(Short) << 6);
return status;
offset += 16;
mbnum++; /* has to increment before SCD, to preserve Mode[mbnum] */
} /* End of For ind_x */
offset += (lx << 4) - width;
} /* End of For ind_y */
if (!start_packet_header)
if (video->currVop->predictionType == I_VOP)
BitstreamPutGT16Bits(bs1, 19, DC_MARKER); /* Add dc_marker */
video->header_bits += 19;
BitstreamPutGT16Bits(bs1, 17, MOTION_MARKER_COMB); /*Add motion_marker*/
video->header_bits += 17;
status = BitstreamAppendEnc(bs1, bs2); /* Combine with bs2 */
status = BitstreamAppendEnc(bs1, bs3); /* Combine with bs3 */
video->header_bits += BitstreamMpeg4ByteAlignStuffing(bs1); /* Byte align Packet */
status = BitstreamAppendPacketNoOffset(currVol->stream, bs1);
if (status == PV_END_OF_BUF)
video->end_of_buf = 1;
video->mbnum = mbnum;
if (mbnum < nTotalMB)
video->sliceNo[mbnum] = slice_counter;
video->offset = offset;
return status;
#endif /* NO_SLICE_ENCODE */
#endif /* H263_ONLY */