blob: 23a234be8d1659578b6674f80f359f2687676453 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <media/MediaSample.h>
#include <media/NdkMediaCodec.h>
#include <media/NdkMediaError.h>
#include <media/NdkMediaFormat.h>
#include <utils/Mutex.h>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <queue>
#include <thread>
#include <unordered_map>
namespace android {
* Muxer interface used by MediaSampleWriter.
* Methods in this interface are guaranteed to be called sequentially by MediaSampleWriter.
class MediaSampleWriterMuxerInterface {
* Adds a new track to the muxer.
* @param trackFormat Format of the new track.
* @return A non-negative track index on success, or a negative number on failure.
virtual ssize_t addTrack(AMediaFormat* trackFormat) = 0;
/** Starts the muxer. */
virtual media_status_t start() = 0;
* Writes sample data to a previously added track.
* @param trackIndex Index of the track the sample data belongs to.
* @param data The sample data.
* @param info The sample information.
* @return The number of bytes written.
virtual media_status_t writeSampleData(size_t trackIndex, const uint8_t* data,
const AMediaCodecBufferInfo* info) = 0;
/** Stops the muxer. */
virtual media_status_t stop() = 0;
virtual ~MediaSampleWriterMuxerInterface() = default;
* MediaSampleWriter is a wrapper around a muxer. The sample writer puts samples on a queue that
* is serviced by an internal thread to minimize blocking time for clients. MediaSampleWriter also
* provides progress reporting. The default muxer interface implementation is based
* directly on AMediaMuxer.
class MediaSampleWriter : public std::enable_shared_from_this<MediaSampleWriter> {
/** Function prototype for delivering media samples to the writer. */
using MediaSampleConsumerFunction =
std::function<void(const std::shared_ptr<MediaSample>& sample)>;
/** Callback interface. */
class CallbackInterface {
* Sample writer finished. The finished callback is only called after the sample writer has
* been successfully started.
virtual void onFinished(const MediaSampleWriter* writer, media_status_t status) = 0;
/** Sample writer was stopped before it was finished. */
virtual void onStopped(const MediaSampleWriter* writer) = 0;
/** Sample writer progress update in percent. */
virtual void onProgressUpdate(const MediaSampleWriter* writer, int32_t progress) = 0;
/** Sample writer heart-beat signal. */
virtual void onHeartBeat(const MediaSampleWriter* writer) = 0;
virtual ~CallbackInterface() = default;
static std::shared_ptr<MediaSampleWriter> Create();
* Initializes the sample writer with its default muxer implementation. MediaSampleWriter needs
* to be initialized before tracks are added and can only be initialized once.
* @param fd An open file descriptor to write to. The caller is responsible for closing this
* file descriptor and it is safe to do so once this method returns.
* @param callbacks Client callback object that gets called by the sample writer.
* @param heartBeatIntervalUs Interval (in microsecond) at which the sample writer should send a
* heart-beat to onProgressUpdate() to indicate it's making progress. Value <=0 indicates
* that the heartbeat is not required.
* @return True if the writer was successfully initialized.
bool init(int fd, const std::weak_ptr<CallbackInterface>& callbacks /* nonnull */,
int64_t heartBeatIntervalUs = -1);
* Initializes the sample writer with a custom muxer interface implementation.
* @param muxer The custom muxer interface implementation.
* @param @param callbacks Client callback object that gets called by the sample writer.
* @param heartBeatIntervalUs Interval (in microsecond) at which the sample writer should send a
* heart-beat to onProgressUpdate() to indicate it's making progress.
* @return True if the writer was successfully initialized.
bool init(const std::shared_ptr<MediaSampleWriterMuxerInterface>& muxer /* nonnull */,
const std::weak_ptr<CallbackInterface>& callbacks /* nonnull */,
int64_t heartBeatIntervalUs = -1);
* Adds a new track to the sample writer. Tracks must be added after the sample writer has been
* initialized and before it is started.
* @param trackFormat The format of the track to add.
* @return A sample consumer to add samples to if the track was successfully added, or nullptr
* if the track could not be added.
MediaSampleConsumerFunction addTrack(
const std::shared_ptr<AMediaFormat>& trackFormat /* nonnull */);
* Starts the sample writer. The sample writer will start processing samples and writing them to
* its muxer on an internal thread. MediaSampleWriter can only be started once.
* @return True if the sample writer was successfully started.
bool start();
* Stops the sample writer. If the sample writer is not yet finished, its operation will be
* aborted and the onStopped callback will fire. If the sample writer has already finished and
* the onFinished callback has fired the writer has already automatically stopped and there is
* no need to call stop manually. Once the sample writer has been stopped it cannot be
* restarted. This method is asynchronous and will not wait for the sample writer to stop before
* returning.
void stop();
/** Destructor. */
struct TrackRecord {
TrackRecord(int64_t durationUs)
: mDurationUs(durationUs),
TrackRecord() : TrackRecord(0){};
int64_t mDurationUs;
int64_t mFirstSampleTimeUs;
int64_t mPrevSampleTimeUs;
bool mFirstSampleTimeSet;
bool mReachedEos;
// Track index and sample.
using SampleEntry = std::pair<size_t, std::shared_ptr<MediaSample>>;
struct SampleComparator {
// Return true if lhs should come after rhs in the sample queue.
bool operator()(const SampleEntry& lhs, const SampleEntry& rhs) {
const bool lhsEos = lhs.second->info.flags & SAMPLE_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM;
const bool rhsEos = rhs.second->info.flags & SAMPLE_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM;
if (lhsEos && !rhsEos) {
return true;
} else if (!lhsEos && rhsEos) {
return false;
} else if (lhsEos && rhsEos) {
return lhs.first > rhs.first;
return lhs.second->info.presentationTimeUs > rhs.second->info.presentationTimeUs;
std::weak_ptr<CallbackInterface> mCallbacks;
std::shared_ptr<MediaSampleWriterMuxerInterface> mMuxer;
int64_t mHeartBeatIntervalUs;
std::mutex mMutex; // Protects sample queue and state.
std::condition_variable mSampleSignal;
std::unordered_map<size_t, TrackRecord> mTracks;
std::priority_queue<SampleEntry, std::vector<SampleEntry>, SampleComparator> mSampleQueue
enum : int {
} mState GUARDED_BY(mMutex);
MediaSampleWriter() : mState(UNINITIALIZED){};
void addSampleToTrack(size_t trackIndex, const std::shared_ptr<MediaSample>& sample);
media_status_t writeSamples(bool* wasStopped);
media_status_t runWriterLoop(bool* wasStopped);
} // namespace android