blob: 610690832f6641cec5bf54522b97dc9ed21c5658 [file] [log] [blame]
// frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/id3
// tests which require dynamic content
// invoke with: atest -- --enable-module-dynamic-download=true
// TODO(b/148094059): unit tests not allowed to download content
"dynamic-presubmit": [
{ "name": "ID3Test" }
"presubmit-large": [
// this doesn't seem to run any tests.
// but: cts-tradefed run -m CtsMediaMiscTestCases -t \
// does run he 32 and 64 bit tests, but not the instant tests
// but all I know is that with 'atest', it's not running
"name": "CtsMediaMiscTestCases",
"options": [
"include-filter": ""