blob: b562e076a90043af140a46408df709f4812c1676 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <memory>
#include <media/stagefright/MediaDefs.h>
#include <media/stagefright/MetaDataBase.h>
constexpr int32_t kWidth1 = 1920;
constexpr int32_t kHeight1 = 1080;
constexpr int32_t kWidth2 = 1280;
constexpr int32_t kHeight2 = 920;
constexpr int32_t kWidth3 = 720;
constexpr int32_t kHeight3 = 480;
constexpr int32_t kProfile = 1;
constexpr int32_t kLevel = 1;
constexpr int32_t kPlatformValue = 1;
// Rectangle margins
constexpr int32_t kLeft = 100;
constexpr int32_t kTop = 100;
constexpr int32_t kRight = 100;
constexpr int32_t kBottom = 100;
constexpr int64_t kDurationUs = 60000000;
constexpr float kCaptureRate = 30.0;
namespace android {
class MetaDataBaseUnitTest : public ::testing::Test {};
TEST_F(MetaDataBaseUnitTest, CreateMetaDataBaseTest) {
std::unique_ptr<MetaDataBase> metaData(new MetaDataBase());
ASSERT_NE(metaData, nullptr) << "Failed to create meta data";
// Testing copy constructor
MetaDataBase *metaDataCopy = metaData.get();
ASSERT_NE(metaDataCopy, nullptr) << "Failed to create meta data copy";
TEST_F(MetaDataBaseUnitTest, SetAndFindDataTest) {
std::unique_ptr<MetaDataBase> metaData(new MetaDataBase());
ASSERT_NE(metaData, nullptr) << "Failed to create meta data";
// Setting the different key-value pair type for first time, overwrite
// expected to be false
bool status = metaData->setCString(kKeyMIMEType, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC);
ASSERT_FALSE(status) << "Initializing kKeyMIMEType, overwrite is expected to be false";
status = metaData->setInt32(kKeyWidth, kWidth1);
ASSERT_FALSE(status) << "Initializing kKeyWidth, overwrite is expected to be false";
status = metaData->setInt32(kKeyHeight, kHeight1);
ASSERT_FALSE(status) << "Initializing kKeyHeight, overwrite is expected to be false";
status = metaData->setInt32(kKeyVideoProfile, kProfile);
ASSERT_FALSE(status) << "Initializing kKeyVideoProfile, overwrite is expected to be false";
status = metaData->setInt32(kKeyVideoLevel, kLevel);
ASSERT_FALSE(status) << "Initializing kKeyVideoLevel, overwrite is expected to be false";
status = metaData->setInt64(kKeyDuration, kDurationUs);
ASSERT_FALSE(status) << "Initializing kKeyDuration, overwrite is expected to be false";
status = metaData->setFloat(kKeyCaptureFramerate, kCaptureRate);
ASSERT_FALSE(status) << "Initializing kKeyCaptureFramerate, overwrite is expected to be false";
const int32_t *platform = &kPlatformValue;
status = metaData->setPointer(kKeyPlatformPrivate, (void *)platform);
ASSERT_FALSE(status) << "Initializing kKeyPlatformPrivate, overwrite is expected to be false";
status = metaData->setRect(kKeyCropRect, kLeft, kTop, kRight, kBottom);
ASSERT_FALSE(status) << "Initializing kKeyCropRect, overwrite is expected to be false";
// Dump to log for reference
// Find the data which was set
const char *mime;
status = metaData->findCString(kKeyMIMEType, &mime);
ASSERT_TRUE(status) << "kKeyMIMEType key does not exists in metadata";
ASSERT_STREQ(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC) << "Incorrect mime type returned";
int32_t width, height, profile, level;
status = metaData->findInt32(kKeyWidth, &width);
ASSERT_TRUE(status) << "kKeyWidth key does not exists in metadata";
ASSERT_EQ(width, kWidth1) << "Incorrect value of width returned";
status = metaData->findInt32(kKeyHeight, &height);
ASSERT_TRUE(status) << "kKeyHeight key does not exists in metadata";
ASSERT_EQ(height, kHeight1) << "Incorrect value of height returned";
status = metaData->findInt32(kKeyVideoProfile, &profile);
ASSERT_TRUE(status) << "kKeyVideoProfile key does not exists in metadata";
ASSERT_EQ(profile, kProfile) << "Incorrect value of profile returned";
status = metaData->findInt32(kKeyVideoLevel, &level);
ASSERT_TRUE(status) << "kKeyVideoLevel key does not exists in metadata";
ASSERT_EQ(level, kLevel) << "Incorrect value of level returned";
int64_t duration;
status = metaData->findInt64(kKeyDuration, &duration);
ASSERT_TRUE(status) << "kKeyDuration key does not exists in metadata";
ASSERT_EQ(duration, kDurationUs) << "Incorrect value of duration returned";
float frameRate;
status = metaData->findFloat(kKeyCaptureFramerate, &frameRate);
ASSERT_TRUE(status) << "kKeyCaptureFramerate key does not exists in metadata";
ASSERT_EQ(frameRate, kCaptureRate) << "Incorrect value of captureFrameRate returned";
int32_t top, bottom, left, right;
status = metaData->findRect(kKeyCropRect, &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
ASSERT_TRUE(status) << "kKeyCropRect key does not exists in metadata";
ASSERT_EQ(left, kLeft) << "Incorrect value of left margin returned";
ASSERT_EQ(top, kTop) << "Incorrect value of top margin returned";
ASSERT_EQ(right, kRight) << "Incorrect value of right margin returned";
ASSERT_EQ(bottom, kBottom) << "Incorrect value of bottom margin returned";
void *platformValue;
status = metaData->findPointer(kKeyPlatformPrivate, &platformValue);
ASSERT_TRUE(status) << "kKeyPlatformPrivate key does not exists in metadata";
ASSERT_EQ(platformValue, &kPlatformValue) << "Incorrect value of pointer returned";
// Check for the key which is not added to metadata
int32_t angle;
status = metaData->findInt32(kKeyRotation, &angle);
ASSERT_FALSE(status) << "Value for an invalid key is returned when the key is not set";
TEST_F(MetaDataBaseUnitTest, OverWriteFunctionalityTest) {
std::unique_ptr<MetaDataBase> metaData(new MetaDataBase());
ASSERT_NE(metaData, nullptr) << "Failed to create meta data";
// set/set/read to check first overwrite operation
bool status = metaData->setCString(kKeyMIMEType, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC);
ASSERT_FALSE(status) << "Initializing kKeyMIMEType, overwrite is expected to be false";
// Overwrite the value
status = metaData->setCString(kKeyMIMEType, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_HEVC);
ASSERT_TRUE(status) << "Setting kKeyMIMEType again, overwrite is expected to be true";
// Check the value
const char *mime;
status = metaData->findCString(kKeyMIMEType, &mime);
ASSERT_TRUE(status) << "kKeyMIMEType key does not exists in metadata";
ASSERT_STREQ(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_HEVC) << "Mime value is not overwritten";
// set/set/set/read to check second overwrite operation
status = metaData->setInt32(kKeyWidth, kWidth1);
ASSERT_FALSE(status) << "Initializing kKeyWidth, overwrite is expected to be false";
status = metaData->setInt32(kKeyHeight, kHeight1);
ASSERT_FALSE(status) << "Initializing kKeyHeight, overwrite is expected to be false";
// Overwrite the value
status = metaData->setInt32(kKeyWidth, kWidth2);
ASSERT_TRUE(status) << "Setting kKeyWidth again, overwrite is expected to be true";
status = metaData->setInt32(kKeyHeight, kHeight2);
ASSERT_TRUE(status) << "Setting kKeyHeight again, overwrite is expected to be true";
// Overwrite the value again
status = metaData->setInt32(kKeyWidth, kWidth3);
ASSERT_TRUE(status) << "Setting kKeyWidth again, overwrite is expected to be true";
status = metaData->setInt32(kKeyHeight, kHeight3);
ASSERT_TRUE(status) << "Setting kKeyHeight again, overwrite is expected to be true";
// Check the value
int32_t width, height;
status = metaData->findInt32(kKeyWidth, &width);
ASSERT_TRUE(status) << "kKeyWidth key does not exists in metadata";
ASSERT_EQ(width, kWidth3) << "Value of width is not overwritten";
status = metaData->findInt32(kKeyHeight, &height);
ASSERT_TRUE(status) << "kKeyHeight key does not exists in metadata";
ASSERT_EQ(height, kHeight3) << "Value of height is not overwritten";
TEST_F(MetaDataBaseUnitTest, RemoveKeyTest) {
std::unique_ptr<MetaDataBase> metaData(new MetaDataBase());
ASSERT_NE(metaData, nullptr) << "Failed to create meta data";
bool status = metaData->setCString(kKeyMIMEType, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC);
ASSERT_FALSE(status) << "Initializing kKeyMIMEType, overwrite is expected to be false";
// Query the key
status = metaData->hasData(kKeyMIMEType);
ASSERT_TRUE(status) << "MetaData does not have the mime key";
status = metaData->remove(kKeyMIMEType);
ASSERT_TRUE(status) << "Failed to remove the kKeyMIMEType key";
// Query the key
status = metaData->hasData(kKeyMIMEType);
ASSERT_FALSE(status) << "MetaData has mime key after removing it, expected to be false";
// Remove the non existing key
status = metaData->remove(kKeyMIMEType);
ASSERT_FALSE(status) << "Removed the non existing key";
// Check overwriting the removed key
metaData->setCString(kKeyMIMEType, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_HEVC);
ASSERT_FALSE(status) << "Overwrite should be false since the key was removed";
status = metaData->setInt32(kKeyWidth, kWidth1);
ASSERT_FALSE(status) << "Initializing kKeyWidth, overwrite is expected to be false";
// Clear whole metadata
// Check finding key after clearing the metadata
int32_t width;
status = metaData->findInt32(kKeyWidth, &width);
ASSERT_FALSE(status) << "MetaData found kKeyWidth key after clearing all the items in it, "
"expected to be false";
// Query the key
status = metaData->hasData(kKeyWidth);
<< "MetaData has width key after clearing all the items in it, expected to be false";
status = metaData->hasData(kKeyMIMEType);
<< "MetaData has mime key after clearing all the items in it, expected to be false";
// Check removing key after clearing the metadata
status = metaData->remove(kKeyMIMEType);
ASSERT_FALSE(status) << "Removed the key, after clearing the metadata";
// Checking set after clearing the metadata
status = metaData->setInt32(kKeyWidth, kWidth1);
ASSERT_FALSE(status) << "Overwrite should be false since the metadata was cleared";
metaData->setCString(kKeyMIMEType, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_HEVC);
ASSERT_FALSE(status) << "Overwrite should be false since the metadata was cleared";
TEST_F(MetaDataBaseUnitTest, ConvertToStringTest) {
std::unique_ptr<MetaDataBase> metaData(new MetaDataBase());
ASSERT_NE(metaData, nullptr) << "Failed to create meta data";
String8 info = metaData->toString();
ASSERT_EQ(info.length(), 0) << "Empty MetaData length is non-zero: " << info.length();
bool status = metaData->setCString(kKeyMIMEType, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC);
ASSERT_FALSE(status) << "Initializing kKeyMIMEType, overwrite is expected to be false";
status = metaData->setInt32(kKeyWidth, kWidth1);
ASSERT_FALSE(status) << "Initializing kKeyWidth, overwrite is expected to be false";
status = metaData->setInt32(kKeyHeight, kHeight1);
ASSERT_FALSE(status) << "Initializing kKeyHeight, overwrite is expected to be false";
status = metaData->setInt32(kKeyVideoProfile, kProfile);
ASSERT_FALSE(status) << "Initializing kKeyVideoProfile, overwrite is expected to be false";
status = metaData->setInt32(kKeyVideoLevel, kLevel);
ASSERT_FALSE(status) << "Initializing kKeyVideoLevel, overwrite is expected to be false";
info = metaData->toString();
ASSERT_GT(info.length(), 0) << "MetaData contains no information";
// Dump to log for reference
// Clear whole metadata
info = metaData->toString();
ASSERT_EQ(info.length(), 0) << "MetaData length is non-zero after clearing it: "
<< info.length();
} // namespace android