blob: 6a384278b880da1961146477a15bba32e8e8c884 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
#define LOG_TAG "ClientManagerTest"
#include "../utils/ClientManager.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
using namespace android::resource_policy;
struct TestClient {
TestClient(int id, int32_t cost, const std::set<int>& conflictingKeys, int32_t ownerId,
int32_t score, int32_t state, bool isVendorClient) :
mId(id), mCost(cost), mConflictingKeys(conflictingKeys),
mOwnerId(ownerId), mScore(score), mState(state), mIsVendorClient(isVendorClient) {};
int mId;
int32_t mCost; // Int 0..100
std::set<int> mConflictingKeys;
int32_t mOwnerId; // PID
int32_t mScore; // Priority
int32_t mState; // Foreground/background etc
bool mIsVendorClient;
using TestClientDescriptor = ClientDescriptor<int, TestClient>;
using TestDescriptorPtr = std::shared_ptr<TestClientDescriptor>;
TestDescriptorPtr makeDescFromTestClient(const TestClient& tc) {
return std::make_shared<TestClientDescriptor>(/*ID*/tc.mId, tc, tc.mCost, tc.mConflictingKeys,
tc.mScore, tc.mOwnerId, tc.mState, tc.mIsVendorClient);
class TestClientManager : public ClientManager<int, TestClient> {
TestClientManager() {}
virtual ~TestClientManager() {}
// Test ClientMager behavior when there is only one single owner
// The expected behavior is that if one owner (application or vendor) is trying
// to open second camera, it may succeed or not, but the first opened camera
// should never be evicted.
TEST(ClientManagerTest, SingleOwnerMultipleCamera) {
TestClientManager cm;
TestClient cam0Client(/*ID*/0, /*cost*/100, /*conflicts*/{1},
/*ownerId*/ 1000, /*score*/50, /*state*/ 1, /*isVendorClient*/ false);
auto cam0Desc = makeDescFromTestClient(cam0Client);
auto evicted = cm.addAndEvict(cam0Desc);
ASSERT_EQ(evicted.size(), 0u) << "Evicted list must be empty";
TestClient cam1Client(/*ID*/1, /*cost*/100, /*conflicts*/{0},
/*ownerId*/ 1000, /*score*/50, /*state*/ 1, /*isVendorClient*/ false);
auto cam1Desc = makeDescFromTestClient(cam1Client);
// 1. Check with conflicting devices, new client would be evicted
auto wouldBeEvicted = cm.wouldEvict(cam1Desc);
ASSERT_EQ(wouldBeEvicted.size(), 1u) << "Evicted list length must be 1";
ASSERT_EQ(wouldBeEvicted[0]->getKey(), cam1Desc->getKey()) << "cam1 must be evicted";
TestClient cam2Client(/*ID*/2, /*cost*/100, /*conflicts*/{},
/*ownerId*/ 1000, /*score*/50, /*state*/ 1, /*isVendorClient*/ false);
auto cam2Desc = makeDescFromTestClient(cam2Client);
evicted = cm.addAndEvict(cam2Desc);
ASSERT_EQ(evicted.size(), 0u) << "Evicted list must be empty";
TestClient cam3Client(/*ID*/3, /*cost*/100, /*conflicts*/{},
/*ownerId*/ 1000, /*score*/50, /*state*/ 1, /*isVendorClient*/ false);
auto cam3Desc = makeDescFromTestClient(cam3Client);
// 2. Check without conflicting devices, the pre-existing client won't be evicted
// In this case, the new client would be granted, but could later be rejected by HAL due to
// resource cost.
wouldBeEvicted = cm.wouldEvict(cam3Desc);
ASSERT_EQ(wouldBeEvicted.size(), 0u) << "Evicted list must be empty";
evicted = cm.addAndEvict(cam0Desc);
ASSERT_EQ(evicted.size(), 0u) << "Evicted list must be empty";
TestClient cam0ClientNew(/*ID*/0, /*cost*/100, /*conflicts*/{1},
/*ownerId*/ 1000, /*score*/50, /*state*/ 1, /*isVendorClient*/ false);
auto cam0DescNew = makeDescFromTestClient(cam0ClientNew);
wouldBeEvicted = cm.wouldEvict(cam0DescNew);
// 3. Check opening the same camera twice will evict the older client
ASSERT_EQ(wouldBeEvicted.size(), 1u) << "Evicted list length must be 1";
ASSERT_EQ(wouldBeEvicted[0], cam0Desc) << "cam0 (old) must be evicted";