blob: c738f72d8125c03c57d13e6250d1ba034f89abb5 [file] [log] [blame]
;// File Name: armCOMM_BitDec_s.h
;// OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2
;// Revision: 12290
;// Date: Wednesday, April 9, 2008
;// (c) Copyright 2007-2008 ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved.
;// OpenMAX optimized bitstream decode module
;// You must include armCOMM_s.h before including this file
;// This module provides macros to perform assembly optimized fixed and
;// variable length decoding from a read-only bitstream. The variable
;// length decode modules take as input a pointer to a table of 16-bit
;// entries of the following format.
;// VLD Table Entry format
;// 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
;// +------------------------------------------------+
;// | Len | Symbol | 1 |
;// +------------------------------------------------+
;// | Offset | 0 |
;// +------------------------------------------------+
;// If the table entry is a leaf entry then bit 0 set:
;// Len = Number of bits overread (0 to 7)
;// Symbol = Symbol payload (unsigned 12 bits)
;// If the table entry is an internal node then bit 0 is clear:
;// Offset = Number of (16-bit) half words from the table
;// start to the next table node
;// The table is accessed by successive lookup up on the
;// next Step bits of the input bitstream until a leaf node
;// is obtained. The Step sizes are supplied to the VLD macro.
;// USAGE:
;// To use any of the macros in this package, first call:
;// M_BD_INIT ppBitStream, pBitOffset, pBitStream, RBitBuffer, RBitCount, Tmp
;// This caches the current bitstream position and next available
;// bits in registers pBitStream, RBitBuffer, RBitCount. These registers
;// are reserved for use by the bitstream decode package until you
;// call M_BD_FINI.
;// Next call the following macro(s) as many times as you need:
;// M_BD_LOOK8 - Look ahead constant 1<=N<=8 bits into the bitstream
;// M_BD_LOOK16 - Look ahead constant 1<=N<=16 bits into the bitstream
;// M_BD_READ8 - Read constant 1<=N<=8 bits from the bitstream
;// M_BD_READ16 - Read constant 1<=N<=16 bits from the bitstream
;// M_BD_VREAD8 - Read variable 1<=N<=8 bits from the bitstream
;// M_BD_VREAD16 - Read variable 1<=N<=16 bits from the bitstream
;// M_BD_VLD - Perform variable length decode using lookup table
;// Finally call the macro:
;// M_BD_FINI ppBitStream, pBitOffset
;// This writes the bitstream state back to memory.
;// The three bitstream cache register names are assigned to the following global
;// variables:
GBLS pBitStream ;// Register name for pBitStream
GBLS BitBuffer ;// Register name for BitBuffer
GBLS BitCount ;// Register name for BitCount
;// These register variables must have a certain defined state on entry to every bitstream
;// macro (except M_BD_INIT) and on exit from every bitstream macro (except M_BD_FINI).
;// The state may depend on implementation.
;// For the default (ARM11) implementation the following hold:
;// pBitStream - points to the first byte not held in the BitBuffer
;// BitBuffer - is a cache of (4 bytes) 32 bits, bit 31 the first bit
;// BitCount - is offset (from the top bit) to the next unused bitstream bit
;// 0<=BitCount<=15 (so BitBuffer holds at least 17 unused bits)
;// Bitstream Decode initialise
;// Initialises the bitstream decode global registers from
;// bitstream pointers. This macro is split into 3 parts to enable
;// scheduling.
;// Input Registers:
;// $ppBitStream - pointer to pointer to the next bitstream byte
;// $pBitOffset - pointer to the number of bits used in the current byte (0..7)
;// $RBitStream - register to use for pBitStream (can be $ppBitStream)
;// $RBitBuffer - register to use for BitBuffer
;// $RBitCount - register to use for BitCount (can be $pBitOffset)
;// Output Registers:
;// $T1,$T2,$T3 - registers that must be preserved between calls to
;// M_BD_INIT1 and M_BD_INIT2
;// $pBitStream \
;// $BitBuffer } See description above.
;// $BitCount /
M_BD_INIT0 $ppBitStream, $pBitOffset, $RBitStream, $RBitBuffer, $RBitCount
pBitStream SETS "$RBitStream"
BitBuffer SETS "$RBitBuffer"
BitCount SETS "$RBitCount"
;// load inputs
LDR $pBitStream, [$ppBitStream]
LDR $BitCount, [$pBitOffset]
M_BD_INIT1 $T1, $T2, $T3
LDRB $T2, [$pBitStream, #2]
LDRB $T1, [$pBitStream, #1]
LDRB $BitBuffer, [$pBitStream], #3
ADD $BitCount, $BitCount, #8
M_BD_INIT2 $T1, $T2, $T3
ORR $T2, $T2, $T1, LSL #8
ORR $BitBuffer, $T2, $BitBuffer, LSL #16
;// Look ahead fixed 1<=N<=8 bits without consuming any bits
;// The next bits will be placed at bit 31..24 of destination register
;// Input Registers:
;// $N - number of bits to look
;// $pBitStream \
;// $BitBuffer } See description above.
;// $BitCount /
;// Output Registers:
;// $Symbol - the next N bits of the bitstream
;// $T1 - corrupted temp/scratch register
;// $pBitStream \
;// $BitBuffer } See description above.
;// $BitCount /
M_BD_LOOK8 $Symbol, $N
ASSERT ($N>=1):LAND:($N<=8)
MOV $Symbol, $BitBuffer, LSL $BitCount
;// Look ahead fixed 1<=N<=16 bits without consuming any bits
;// The next bits will be placed at bit 31..16 of destination register
;// Input Registers:
;// $N - number of bits to look
;// $pBitStream \
;// $BitBuffer } See description above.
;// $BitCount /
;// Output Registers:
;// $Symbol - the next N bits of the bitstream
;// $T1 - corrupted temp/scratch register
;// $pBitStream \
;// $BitBuffer } See description above.
;// $BitCount /
M_BD_LOOK16 $Symbol, $N, $T1
ASSERT ($N >= 1):LAND:($N <= 16)
MOV $Symbol, $BitBuffer, LSL $BitCount
;// Skips fixed 1<=N<=8 bits from the bitstream, advancing the bitstream pointer
;// Input Registers:
;// $N - number of bits
;// $pBitStream \
;// $BitBuffer } See description above.
;// $BitCount /
;// Output Registers:
;// $T1 - corrupted temp/scratch register
;// $pBitStream \
;// $BitBuffer } See description above.
;// $BitCount /
M_BD_SKIP8 $N, $T1
ASSERT ($N>=1):LAND:($N<=8)
SUBS $BitCount, $BitCount, #(8-$N)
LDRCSB $T1, [$pBitStream], #1
ADDCC $BitCount, $BitCount, #8
ORRCS $BitBuffer, $T1, $BitBuffer, LSL #8
;// Read fixed 1<=N<=8 bits from the bitstream, advancing the bitstream pointer
;// Input Registers:
;// $N - number of bits to read
;// $pBitStream \
;// $BitBuffer } See description above.
;// $BitCount /
;// Output Registers:
;// $Symbol - the next N bits of the bitstream
;// $T1 - corrupted temp/scratch register
;// $pBitStream \
;// $BitBuffer } See description above.
;// $BitCount /
M_BD_READ8 $Symbol, $N, $T1
ASSERT ($N>=1):LAND:($N<=8)
MOVS $Symbol, $BitBuffer, LSL $BitCount
SUBS $BitCount, $BitCount, #(8-$N)
LDRCSB $T1, [$pBitStream], #1
ADDCC $BitCount, $BitCount, #8
MOV $Symbol, $Symbol, LSR #(32-$N)
ORRCS $BitBuffer, $T1, $BitBuffer, LSL #8
;// Read fixed 1<=N<=16 bits from the bitstream, advancing the bitstream pointer
;// Input Registers:
;// $N - number of bits to read
;// $pBitStream \
;// $BitBuffer } See description above.
;// $BitCount /
;// Output Registers:
;// $Symbol - the next N bits of the bitstream
;// $T1 - corrupted temp/scratch register
;// $T2 - corrupted temp/scratch register
;// $pBitStream \
;// $BitBuffer } See description above.
;// $BitCount /
M_BD_READ16 $Symbol, $N, $T1, $T2
ASSERT ($N>=1):LAND:($N<=16)
ASSERT $Symbol<>$T1
IF ($N<=8)
M_BD_READ8 $Symbol, $N, $T1
;// N>8 so we will be able to refill at least one byte
LDRB $T1, [$pBitStream], #1
MOVS $Symbol, $BitBuffer, LSL $BitCount
ORR $BitBuffer, $T1, $BitBuffer, LSL #8
SUBS $BitCount, $BitCount, #(16-$N)
LDRCSB $T1, [$pBitStream], #1
MOV $Symbol, $Symbol, LSR #(32-$N)
ADDCC $BitCount, $BitCount, #8
ORRCS $BitBuffer, $T1, $BitBuffer, LSL #8
;// Skip variable 1<=N<=8 bits from the bitstream, advancing the bitstream pointer.
;// Input Registers:
;// $N - number of bits. 1<=N<=8
;// $pBitStream \
;// $BitBuffer } See description above.
;// $BitCount /
;// Output Registers:
;// $T1 - corrupted temp/scratch register
;// $T2 - corrupted temp/scratch register
;// $pBitStream \
;// $BitBuffer } See description above.
;// $BitCount /
ADD $BitCount, $BitCount, $N
SUBS $BitCount, $BitCount, #8
LDRCSB $T1, [$pBitStream], #1
ADDCC $BitCount, $BitCount, #8
ORRCS $BitBuffer, $T1, $BitBuffer, LSL #8
;// Skip variable 1<=N<=16 bits from the bitstream, advancing the bitstream pointer.
;// Input Registers:
;// $N - number of bits. 1<=N<=16
;// $pBitStream \
;// $BitBuffer } See description above.
;// $BitCount /
;// Output Registers:
;// $T1 - corrupted temp/scratch register
;// $T2 - corrupted temp/scratch register
;// $pBitStream \
;// $BitBuffer } See description above.
;// $BitCount /
M_BD_VSKIP16 $N, $T1, $T2
ADD $BitCount, $BitCount, $N
SUBS $BitCount, $BitCount, #8
LDRCSB $T1, [$pBitStream], #1
ORRCS $BitBuffer, $T1, $BitBuffer, LSL #8
SUBCSS $BitCount, $BitCount, #8
LDRCSB $T1, [$pBitStream], #1
ADDCC $BitCount, $BitCount, #8
ORRCS $BitBuffer, $T1, $BitBuffer, LSL #8
;// Read variable 1<=N<=8 bits from the bitstream, advancing the bitstream pointer.
;// Input Registers:
;// $N - number of bits to read. 1<=N<=8
;// $pBitStream \
;// $BitBuffer } See description above.
;// $BitCount /
;// Output Registers:
;// $Symbol - the next N bits of the bitstream
;// $T1 - corrupted temp/scratch register
;// $T2 - corrupted temp/scratch register
;// $pBitStream \
;// $BitBuffer } See description above.
;// $BitCount /
M_BD_VREAD8 $Symbol, $N, $T1, $T2
MOV $Symbol, $BitBuffer, LSL $BitCount
ADD $BitCount, $BitCount, $N
SUBS $BitCount, $BitCount, #8
LDRCSB $T1, [$pBitStream], #1
RSB $T2, $N, #32
ADDCC $BitCount, $BitCount, #8
MOV $Symbol, $Symbol, LSR $T2
ORRCS $BitBuffer, $T1, $BitBuffer, LSL #8
;// Read variable 1<=N<=16 bits from the bitstream, advancing the bitstream pointer.
;// Input Registers:
;// $N - number of bits to read. 1<=N<=16
;// $pBitStream \
;// $BitBuffer } See description above.
;// $BitCount /
;// Output Registers:
;// $Symbol - the next N bits of the bitstream
;// $T1 - corrupted temp/scratch register
;// $T2 - corrupted temp/scratch register
;// $pBitStream \
;// $BitBuffer } See description above.
;// $BitCount /
M_BD_VREAD16 $Symbol, $N, $T1, $T2
MOV $Symbol, $BitBuffer, LSL $BitCount
ADD $BitCount, $BitCount, $N
SUBS $BitCount, $BitCount, #8
LDRCSB $T1, [$pBitStream], #1
RSB $T2, $N, #32
ORRCS $BitBuffer, $T1, $BitBuffer, LSL #8
SUBCSS $BitCount, $BitCount, #8
LDRCSB $T1, [$pBitStream], #1
ADDCC $BitCount, $BitCount, #8
MOV $Symbol, $Symbol, LSR $T2
ORRCS $BitBuffer, $T1, $BitBuffer, LSL #8
;// Decode a code of the form 0000...001 where there
;// are N zeros before the 1 and N<=15 (code length<=16)
;// Input Registers:
;// $pBitStream \
;// $BitBuffer } See description above.
;// $BitCount /
;// Output Registers:
;// $Symbol - the number of zeros before the next 1
;// >=16 is an illegal code
;// $T1 - corrupted temp/scratch register
;// $T2 - corrupted temp/scratch register
;// $pBitStream \
;// $BitBuffer } See description above.
;// $BitCount /
M_BD_CLZ16 $Symbol, $T1, $T2
MOVS $Symbol, $BitBuffer, LSL $BitCount
CLZ $Symbol, $Symbol
ADD $BitCount, $BitCount, $Symbol
SUBS $BitCount, $BitCount, #7 ;// length is Symbol+1
LDRCSB $T1, [$pBitStream], #1
ORRCS $BitBuffer, $T1, $BitBuffer, LSL #8
SUBCSS $BitCount, $BitCount, #8
LDRCSB $T1, [$pBitStream], #1
ADDCC $BitCount, $BitCount, #8
ORRCS $BitBuffer, $T1, $BitBuffer, LSL #8
;// Decode a code of the form 1111...110 where there
;// are N ones before the 0 and N<=15 (code length<=16)
;// Input Registers:
;// $pBitStream \
;// $BitBuffer } See description above.
;// $BitCount /
;// Output Registers:
;// $Symbol - the number of zeros before the next 1
;// >=16 is an illegal code
;// $T1 - corrupted temp/scratch register
;// $T2 - corrupted temp/scratch register
;// $pBitStream \
;// $BitBuffer } See description above.
;// $BitCount /
M_BD_CLO16 $Symbol, $T1, $T2
MOV $Symbol, $BitBuffer, LSL $BitCount
MVN $Symbol, $Symbol
CLZ $Symbol, $Symbol
ADD $BitCount, $BitCount, $Symbol
SUBS $BitCount, $BitCount, #7 ;// length is Symbol+1
LDRCSB $T1, [$pBitStream], #1
ORRCS $BitBuffer, $T1, $BitBuffer, LSL #8
SUBCSS $BitCount, $BitCount, #8
LDRCSB $T1, [$pBitStream], #1
ADDCC $BitCount, $BitCount, #8
ORRCS $BitBuffer, $T1, $BitBuffer, LSL #8
;// Variable Length Decode module
;// Decodes one VLD Symbol from a bitstream and refill the bitstream
;// buffer.
;// Input Registers:
;// $pVLDTable - pointer to VLD decode table of 16-bit entries.
;// The format is described above at the start of
;// this file.
;// $S0 - The number of bits to look up for the first step
;// 1<=$S0<=8
;// $S1 - The number of bits to look up for each subsequent
;// step 1<=$S1<=$S0.
;// $pBitStream \
;// $BitBuffer } See description above.
;// $BitCount /
;// Output Registers:
;// $Symbol - decoded VLD symbol value
;// $T1 - corrupted temp/scratch register
;// $T2 - corrupted temp/scratch register
;// $pBitStream \
;// $BitBuffer } See description above.
;// $BitCount /
M_BD_VLD $Symbol, $T1, $T2, $pVLDTable, $S0, $S1
ASSERT (1<=$S0):LAND:($S0<=8)
ASSERT (1<=$S1):LAND:($S1<=$S0)
;// Note 0<=BitCount<=15 on entry and exit
MOVS $T1, $BitBuffer, LSL $BitCount ;// left align next bits
MOVS $Symbol, #(2<<$S0)-2 ;// create mask
AND $Symbol, $Symbol, $T1, LSR #(31-$S0) ;// 2*(next $S0 bits)
SUBS $BitCount, $BitCount, #8 ;// CS if buffer can be filled
LDRCSB $T1, [$pBitStream], #1 ;// load refill byte
LDRH $Symbol, [$pVLDTable, $Symbol] ;// load table entry
ADDCC $BitCount, $BitCount, #8 ;// refill not possible
ADD $BitCount, $BitCount, #$S0 ;// assume $S0 bits used
ORRCS $BitBuffer, $T1, $BitBuffer, LSL #8 ;// merge in refill byte
MOVS $T1, $Symbol, LSR #1 ;// CS=leaf entry
MOVS $T1, $BitBuffer, LSL $BitCount ;// left align next bit
IF (2*$S0-$S1<=8)
;// Can combine refill check and -S0+S1 and keep $BitCount<=15
SUBS $BitCount, $BitCount, #8+($S0-$S1)
;// Separate refill check and -S0+S1 offset
SUBS $BitCount, $BitCount, #8
SUB $BitCount, $BitCount, #($S0-$S1)
ADD $Symbol, $Symbol, $T1, LSR #(31-$S1) ;// add 2*(next $S1 bits) to
BIC $Symbol, $Symbol, #1 ;// table offset
B %BT01 ;// load next table entry
;// BitCount range now depend on the route here
;// if (first step) S0 <= BitCount <= 7+S0 <=15
;// else if (2*S0-S1<=8) S0 <= BitCount <= 7+(2*S0-S1) <=15
;// else S1 <= BitCount <= 7+S1 <=15
SUB $BitCount, $BitCount, $Symbol, LSR#13
BIC $Symbol, $T1, #0xF000
;// Add an offset number of bits
;// Outputs destination byte and bit index values which corresponds to an offset number of bits
;// from the current location. This is used to compare bitstream positions using. M_BD_CMP.
;// Input Registers:
;// $Offset - Offset to be added in bits.
;// $pBitStream \
;// $BitBuffer } See description above.
;// $BitCount /
;// Output Registers:
;// $ByteIndex - Destination pBitStream pointer after adding the Offset.
;// This value will be 4 byte ahead and needs to subtract by 4 to get exact
;// pointer (as in M_BD_FINI). But for using with M_BD_CMP subtract is not needed.
;// $BitIndex - Destination BitCount after the addition of Offset number of bits
M_BD_ADD $ByteIndex, $BitIndex, $Offset
;// ($ByteIndex,$BitIndex) = Current position + $Offset bits
ADD $Offset, $Offset, $BitCount
AND $BitIndex, $Offset, #7
ADD $ByteIndex, $pBitStream, $Offset, ASR #3
;// Move bitstream pointers to the location given
;// Outputs destination byte and bit index values which corresponds to
;// the current location given (calculated using M_BD_ADD).
;// Input Registers:
;// $pBitStream \
;// $BitBuffer } See description above.
;// $BitCount /
;// $ByteIndex - Destination pBitStream pointer after move.
;// This value will be 4 byte ahead and needs to subtract by 4 to get exact
;// pointer (as in M_BD_FINI).
;// $BitIndex - Destination BitCount after the move
;// Output Registers:
;// $pBitStream \
;// } See description above.
;// $BitCount /
M_BD_MOV $ByteIndex, $BitIndex
;// ($pBitStream, $Offset) = ($ByteIndex,$BitIndex)
MOV $BitCount, $BitIndex
MOV $pBitStream, $ByteIndex
;// Bitstream Compare
;// Compares bitstream position with that of a destination position. Destination position
;// is held in two input registers which are calculated using M_BD_ADD macro
;// Input Registers:
;// $ByteIndex - Destination pBitStream pointer, (4 byte ahead as described in M_BD_ADD)
;// $BitIndex - Destination BitCount
;// $pBitStream \
;// $BitBuffer } See description above.
;// $BitCount /
;// Output Registers:
;// FLAGS - GE if destination is reached, LT = is destination is ahead
;// $T1 - corrupted temp/scratch register
M_BD_CMP $ByteIndex, $BitIndex, $T1
;// Return flags set by (current positon)-($ByteIndex,$BitIndex)
;// so GE means that we have reached the indicated position
ADD $T1, $pBitStream, $BitCount, LSR #3
CMP $T1, $ByteIndex
AND $T1, $BitCount, #7
CMPEQ $T1, $BitIndex
;// Bitstream Decode finalise
;// Writes back the bitstream state to the bitstream pointers
;// Input Registers:
;// $pBitStream \
;// $BitBuffer } See description above.
;// $BitCount /
;// Output Registers:
;// $ppBitStream - pointer to pointer to the next bitstream byte
;// $pBitOffset - pointer to the number of bits used in the current byte (0..7)
;// $pBitStream \
;// $BitBuffer } these register are corrupted
;// $BitCount /
M_BD_FINI $ppBitStream, $pBitOffset
;// Advance pointer by the number of free bits in the buffer
ADD $pBitStream, $pBitStream, $BitCount, LSR#3
AND $BitCount, $BitCount, #7
;// Now move back 32 bits to reach the first usued bit
SUB $pBitStream, $pBitStream, #4
;// Store out bitstream state
STR $BitCount, [$pBitOffset]
STR $pBitStream, [$ppBitStream]