blob: f3696174a93c63192da59f4dcc12ea9c05cfe449 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/** \file
* Templates used to declare parameters.
#ifndef C2PARAM_DEF_H_
#define C2PARAM_DEF_H_
#include <type_traits>
#include <C2Param.h>
namespace android {
/// \addtogroup Parameters
/// @{
/* ======================== UTILITY TEMPLATES FOR PARAMETER DEFINITIONS ======================== */
/// \addtogroup internal
/// @{
/// Helper class that checks if a type has equality and inequality operators.
struct C2_HIDE _C2Comparable_impl
template<typename S, typename=decltype(S() == S())>
static std::true_type __testEQ(int);
static std::false_type __testEQ(...);
template<typename S, typename=decltype(S() != S())>
static std::true_type __testNE(int);
static std::false_type __testNE(...);
* Helper template that returns if a type has equality and inequality operators.
* Use as _C2Comparable<typename S>::value.
template<typename S>
struct C2_HIDE _C2Comparable
: public std::integral_constant<bool, decltype(_C2Comparable_impl::__testEQ<S>(0))::value
|| decltype(_C2Comparable_impl::__testNE<S>(0))::value> {
/// Helper class that checks if a type has a baseIndex constant.
struct C2_HIDE _C2BaseIndexHelper_impl
template<typename S, int=S::baseIndex>
static std::true_type __testBaseIndex(int);
static std::false_type __testBaseIndex(...);
/// Helper template that verifies a type's baseIndex and creates it if the type does not have one.
template<typename S, int BaseIndex,
bool HasBase=decltype(_C2BaseIndexHelper_impl::__testBaseIndex<S>(0))::value>
struct C2_HIDE C2BaseIndexOverride {
// TODO: what if we allow structs without baseIndex?
static_assert(BaseIndex == S::baseIndex, "baseIndex differs from structure");
/// Specialization for types without a baseIndex.
template<typename S, int BaseIndex>
struct C2_HIDE C2BaseIndexOverride<S, BaseIndex, false> {
enum : uint32_t {
baseIndex = BaseIndex, ///< baseIndex override.
/// Helper template that adds a baseIndex to a type if it does not have one.
template<typename S, int BaseIndex>
struct C2_HIDE C2AddBaseIndex : public S, public C2BaseIndexOverride<S, BaseIndex> {};
* \brief Helper class to check struct requirements for parameters.
* Features:
* - verify default constructor, no virtual methods, and no equality operators.
* - expose typeIndex, and non-flex flexSize.
template<typename S, int BaseIndex, unsigned TypeIndex>
struct C2_HIDE C2StructCheck {
std::is_default_constructible<S>::value, "C2 structure must have default constructor");
static_assert(!std::is_polymorphic<S>::value, "C2 structure must not have virtual methods");
static_assert(!_C2Comparable<S>::value, "C2 structure must not have operator== or !=");
enum : uint32_t {
typeIndex = BaseIndex | TypeIndex
enum : uint32_t {
flexSize = 0, // TODO: is this still needed? this may be confusing.
/// Helper class that checks if a type has an integer flexSize member.
struct C2_HIDE _C2Flexible_impl {
/// specialization for types that have a flexSize member
template<typename S, unsigned=S::flexSize>
static std::true_type __testFlexSize(int);
static std::false_type __testFlexSize(...);
/// Helper template that returns if a type has an integer flexSize member.
template<typename S>
struct C2_HIDE _C2Flexible
: public std::integral_constant<bool, decltype(_C2Flexible_impl::__testFlexSize<S>(0))::value> {
/// Macro to test if a type is flexible (has a flexSize member).
#define IF_FLEXIBLE(S) ENABLE_IF(_C2Flexible<S>::value)
/// Shorthand for std::enable_if
#define ENABLE_IF(cond) typename std::enable_if<cond>::type
/// Helper template that exposes the flexible subtype of a struct.
template<typename S, typename E=void>
struct C2_HIDE _C2FlexHelper {
typedef void flexType;
enum : uint32_t { flexSize = 0 };
/// Specialization for flexible types.
template<typename S>
struct C2_HIDE _C2FlexHelper<S,
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_void<typename S::flexMemberType>::value>::type> {
typedef typename _C2FlexHelper<typename S::flexMemberType>::flexType flexType;
enum : uint32_t { flexSize = _C2FlexHelper<typename S::flexMemberType>::flexSize };
/// Specialization for flex arrays.
template<typename S>
struct C2_HIDE _C2FlexHelper<S[],
typename std::enable_if<std::is_void<typename _C2FlexHelper<S>::flexType>::value>::type> {
typedef S flexType;
enum : uint32_t { flexSize = sizeof(S) };
* \brief Helper class to check flexible struct requirements and add common operations.
* Features:
* - expose baseIndex and fieldList (this is normally inherited from the struct, but flexible
* structs cannot be base classes and thus inherited from)
* - disable copy assignment and construction (TODO: this is already done in the FLEX macro for the
* flexible struct, so may not be needed here)
template<typename S, int BaseIndex, unsigned TypeIndex>
struct C2_HIDE C2FlexStructCheck : public C2StructCheck<S, BaseIndex, TypeIndex> {
enum : uint32_t {
/// \hideinitializer
baseIndex = BaseIndex | C2Param::BaseIndex::_kFlexibleFlag, ///< flexible struct base-index
const static std::initializer_list<const C2FieldDescriptor> fieldList; // TODO assign here
// default constructor needed because of the disabled copy constructor
inline C2FlexStructCheck() = default;
// cannot copy flexible params
C2FlexStructCheck(const C2FlexStructCheck<S, BaseIndex, TypeIndex> &) = delete;
C2FlexStructCheck& operator= (const C2FlexStructCheck<S, BaseIndex, TypeIndex> &) = delete;
// constants used for helper methods
enum : uint32_t {
/// \hideinitializer
flexSize = _C2FlexHelper<S>::flexSize, ///< size of flexible type
/// \hideinitializer
maxSize = (uint32_t)std::min((size_t)UINT32_MAX, SIZE_MAX), // TODO: is this always u32 max?
/// \hideinitializer
baseSize = sizeof(S) + sizeof(C2Param), ///< size of the base param
/// returns the allocated size of this param with flexCount, or 0 if it would overflow.
inline static size_t calcSize(size_t flexCount, size_t size = baseSize) {
if (flexCount <= (maxSize - size) / S::flexSize) {
return size + S::flexSize * flexCount;
return 0;
/// dynamic new operator usable for params of type S
inline void* operator new(size_t size, size_t flexCount) noexcept {
// TODO: assert(size == baseSize);
size = calcSize(flexCount, size);
if (size > 0) {
return ::operator new(size);
return nullptr;
// TODO: this probably does not work.
/// Expose fieldList from subClass;
template<typename S, int BaseIndex, unsigned TypeIndex>
const std::initializer_list<const C2FieldDescriptor> C2FlexStructCheck<S, BaseIndex, TypeIndex>::fieldList = S::fieldList;
/// Define From() cast operators for params.
#define DEFINE_CAST_OPERATORS(_type) \
inline static _type* From(C2Param *other) { \
return (_type*)C2Param::ifSuitable( \
other, sizeof(_type),_type::typeIndex, _type::flexSize, \
(_type::typeIndex & T::Index::kDirUndefined) != T::Index::kDirUndefined); \
} \
inline static const _type* From(const C2Param *other) { \
return const_cast<const _type*>(From(const_cast<C2Param *>(other))); \
} \
inline static _type* From(std::nullptr_t) { return nullptr; } \
* Define flexible allocators (alloc_shared or alloc_unique) for flexible params.
* - P::alloc_xyz(flexCount, args...): allocate for given flex-count.
* - P::alloc_xyz(args..., T[]): allocate for size of (and with) init array.
* - P::alloc_xyz(T[]): allocate for size of (and with) init array with no other args.
* - P::alloc_xyz(args..., std::initializer_list<T>): allocate for size of (and with) initializer
* list.
#define DEFINE_FLEXIBLE_ALLOC(_type, S, ptr) \
template<typename ...Args> \
inline static std::ptr##_ptr<_type> alloc_##ptr(size_t flexCount, const Args(&... args)) { \
return std::ptr##_ptr<_type>(new(flexCount) _type(flexCount, args...)); \
} \
/* NOTE: unfortunately this is not supported by clang yet */ \
template<typename ...Args, typename U=typename S::flexType, unsigned N> \
inline static std::ptr##_ptr<_type> alloc_##ptr(const Args(&... args), const U(&init)[N]) { \
return std::ptr##_ptr<_type>(new(N) _type(N, args..., init)); \
} \
/* so for now, specialize for no args */ \
template<typename U=typename S::flexType, unsigned N> \
inline static std::ptr##_ptr<_type> alloc_##ptr(const U(&init)[N]) { \
return std::ptr##_ptr<_type>(new(N) _type(N, init)); \
} \
template<typename ...Args, typename U=typename S::flexType> \
inline static std::ptr##_ptr<_type> alloc_##ptr( \
const Args(&... args), const std::initializer_list<U> &init) { \
return std::ptr##_ptr<_type>(new(init.size()) _type(init.size(), args..., init)); \
} \
* Define flexible methods alloc_shared, alloc_unique and flexCount.
DEFINE_FLEXIBLE_ALLOC(_type, S, shared) \
DEFINE_FLEXIBLE_ALLOC(_type, S, unique) \
inline size_t flexCount() const { \
static_assert(sizeof(_type) == _type::baseSize, "incorrect baseSize"); \
size_t sz = this->size(); \
if (sz >= sizeof(_type)) { \
return (sz - sizeof(_type)) / _type::flexSize; \
} \
return 0; \
} \
/// Mark flexible member variable and make structure flexible.
#define FLEX(cls, m) \
C2_DO_NOT_COPY(cls) \
private: \
/* default constructor with flexCount */ \
inline cls(size_t) : cls() {} \
/** \if 0 */ \
template<typename, typename> friend struct _C2FlexHelper; \
typedef decltype(m) flexMemberType; \
public: \
/* constexpr static flexMemberType cls::* flexMember = &cls::m; */ \
typedef typename _C2FlexHelper<flexMemberType>::flexType flexType; \
!std::is_void<flexType>::value, \
"member is not flexible, or a flexible array of a flexible type"); \
enum : uint32_t { flexSize = _C2FlexHelper<flexMemberType>::flexSize }; \
/** \endif */ \
/// @}
* Global-parameter template.
* Base template to define a global setting/tuning or info based on a structure and
* an optional BaseIndex. Global parameters are not tied to a port (input or output).
* Parameters wrap structures by prepending a (parameter) header. The fields of the wrapped
* structure can be accessed directly, and constructors and potential public methods are also
* wrapped.
* \tparam T param type C2Setting, C2Tuning or C2Info
* \tparam S wrapped structure
* \tparam BaseIndex optional base-index override. Must be specified for common/reused structures.
template<typename T, typename S, int BaseIndex=S::baseIndex, class Flex=void>
struct C2_HIDE C2GlobalParam : public T, public S, public C2BaseIndexOverride<S, BaseIndex>,
public C2StructCheck<S, BaseIndex, T::indexFlags | T::Type::kDirGlobal> {
typedef C2GlobalParam<T, S, BaseIndex> _type;
/// Wrapper around base structure's constructor.
template<typename ...Args>
inline C2GlobalParam(const Args(&... args)) : T(sizeof(_type), _type::typeIndex), S(args...) { }
* Global-parameter template for flexible structures.
* Base template to define a global setting/tuning or info based on a flexible structure and
* an optional BaseIndex. Global parameters are not tied to a port (input or output).
* \tparam T param type C2Setting, C2Tuning or C2Info
* \tparam S wrapped flexible structure
* \tparam BaseIndex optional base-index override. Must be specified for common/reused structures.
* Parameters wrap structures by prepending a (parameter) header. The fields and methods of flexible
* structures can be accessed via the m member variable; however, the constructors of the structure
* are wrapped directly. (This is because flexible types cannot be subclassed.)
template<typename T, typename S, int BaseIndex>
struct C2_HIDE C2GlobalParam<T, S, BaseIndex, IF_FLEXIBLE(S)>
: public T, public C2FlexStructCheck<S, BaseIndex, T::indexFlags | T::Type::kDirGlobal> {
typedef C2GlobalParam<T, S, BaseIndex> _type;
/// Wrapper around base structure's constructor.
template<typename ...Args>
inline C2GlobalParam(size_t flexCount, const Args(&... args))
: T(_type::calcSize(flexCount), _type::typeIndex), m(flexCount, args...) { }
S m; ///< wrapped flexible structure
* Port-parameter template.
* Base template to define a port setting/tuning or info based on a structure and
* an optional BaseIndex. Port parameters are tied to a port (input or output), but not to a
* specific stream.
* \tparam T param type C2Setting, C2Tuning or C2Info
* \tparam S wrapped structure
* \tparam BaseIndex optional base-index override. Must be specified for common/reused structures.
* Parameters wrap structures by prepending a (parameter) header. The fields of the wrapped
* structure can be accessed directly, and constructors and potential public methods are also
* wrapped.
* There are 3 flavors of port parameters: unspecified, input and output. Parameters with
* unspecified port expose a setPort method, and add an initial port parameter to the constructor.
template<typename T, typename S, int BaseIndex=S::baseIndex, class Flex=void>
struct C2_HIDE C2PortParam : public T, public S, public C2BaseIndexOverride<S, BaseIndex>,
private C2StructCheck<S, BaseIndex, T::indexFlags | T::Index::kDirUndefined> {
typedef C2PortParam<T, S, BaseIndex> _type;
/// Default constructor.
inline C2PortParam() : T(sizeof(_type), _type::typeIndex) { }
template<typename ...Args>
/// Wrapper around base structure's constructor while specifying port/direction.
inline C2PortParam(bool _output, const Args(&... args))
: T(sizeof(_type), _output ? output::typeIndex : input::typeIndex), S(args...) { }
/// Set port/direction.
inline void setPort(bool output) { C2Param::setPort(output); }
/// Specialization for an input port parameter.
struct input : public T, public S, public C2BaseIndexOverride<S, BaseIndex>,
public C2StructCheck<S, BaseIndex, T::indexFlags | T::Index::kDirInput> {
/// Wrapper around base structure's constructor.
template<typename ...Args>
inline input(const Args(&... args)) : T(sizeof(_type), input::typeIndex), S(args...) { }
/// Specialization for an output port parameter.
struct output : public T, public S, public C2BaseIndexOverride<S, BaseIndex>,
public C2StructCheck<S, BaseIndex, T::indexFlags | T::Index::kDirOutput> {
/// Wrapper around base structure's constructor.
template<typename ...Args>
inline output(const Args(&... args)) : T(sizeof(_type), output::typeIndex), S(args...) { }
* Port-parameter template for flexible structures.
* Base template to define a port setting/tuning or info based on a flexible structure and
* an optional BaseIndex. Port parameters are tied to a port (input or output), but not to a
* specific stream.
* \tparam T param type C2Setting, C2Tuning or C2Info
* \tparam S wrapped flexible structure
* \tparam BaseIndex optional base-index override. Must be specified for common/reused structures.
* Parameters wrap structures by prepending a (parameter) header. The fields and methods of flexible
* structures can be accessed via the m member variable; however, the constructors of the structure
* are wrapped directly. (This is because flexible types cannot be subclassed.)
* There are 3 flavors of port parameters: unspecified, input and output. Parameters with
* unspecified port expose a setPort method, and add an initial port parameter to the constructor.
template<typename T, typename S, int BaseIndex>
struct C2_HIDE C2PortParam<T, S, BaseIndex, IF_FLEXIBLE(S)>
: public T, public C2FlexStructCheck<S, BaseIndex, T::indexFlags | T::Type::kDirUndefined> {
typedef C2PortParam<T, S, BaseIndex> _type;
/// Default constructor for basic allocation: new(flexCount) P.
inline C2PortParam(size_t flexCount) : T(_type::calcSize(flexCount), _type::typeIndex) { }
template<typename ...Args>
/// Wrapper around base structure's constructor while also specifying port/direction.
inline C2PortParam(size_t flexCount, bool _output, const Args(&... args))
: T(_type::calcSize(flexCount), _output ? output::typeIndex : input::typeIndex),
m(flexCount, args...) { }
/// Set port/direction.
inline void setPort(bool output) { C2Param::setPort(output); }
S m; ///< wrapped flexible structure
/// Specialization for an input port parameter.
struct input : public T, public C2BaseIndexOverride<S, BaseIndex>,
public C2FlexStructCheck<S, BaseIndex, T::indexFlags | T::Index::kDirInput> {
/// Wrapper around base structure's constructor while also specifying port/direction.
template<typename ...Args>
inline input(size_t flexCount, const Args(&... args))
: T(_type::calcSize(flexCount), input::typeIndex), m(flexCount, args...) { }
S m; ///< wrapped flexible structure
/// Specialization for an output port parameter.
struct output : public T, public C2BaseIndexOverride<S, BaseIndex>,
public C2FlexStructCheck<S, BaseIndex, T::indexFlags | T::Index::kDirOutput> {
/// Wrapper around base structure's constructor while also specifying port/direction.
template<typename ...Args>
inline output(size_t flexCount, const Args(&... args))
: T(_type::calcSize(flexCount), output::typeIndex), m(flexCount, args...) { }
S m; ///< wrapped flexible structure
* Stream-parameter template.
* Base template to define a stream setting/tuning or info based on a structure and
* an optional BaseIndex. Stream parameters are tied to a specific stream on a port (input or
* output).
* \tparam T param type C2Setting, C2Tuning or C2Info
* \tparam S wrapped structure
* \tparam BaseIndex optional base-index override. Must be specified for common/reused structures.
* Parameters wrap structures by prepending a (parameter) header. The fields of the wrapped
* structure can be accessed directly, and constructors and potential public methods are also
* wrapped.
* There are 3 flavors of stream parameters: unspecified port, input and output. All of these expose
* a setStream method and an extra initial streamID parameter for the constructor. Moreover,
* parameters with unspecified port expose a setPort method, and add an additional initial port
* parameter to the constructor.
template<typename T, typename S, int BaseIndex=S::baseIndex, class Flex=void>
struct C2_HIDE C2StreamParam : public T, public S, public C2BaseIndexOverride<S, BaseIndex>,
private C2StructCheck<S, BaseIndex,
T::indexFlags | T::Index::kStreamFlag | T::Index::kDirUndefined> {
typedef C2StreamParam<T, S, BaseIndex> _type;
/// Default constructor. Port/direction and stream-ID is undefined.
inline C2StreamParam() : T(sizeof(_type), _type::typeIndex) { }
/// Wrapper around base structure's constructor while also specifying port/direction and
/// stream-ID.
template<typename ...Args>
inline C2StreamParam(bool _output, unsigned stream, const Args(&... args))
: T(sizeof(_type), _output ? output::typeIndex : input::typeIndex, stream),
S(args...) { }
/// Set port/direction.
inline void setPort(bool output) { C2Param::setPort(output); }
/// Set stream-id. \retval true if the stream-id was successfully set.
inline bool setStream(unsigned stream) { return C2Param::setStream(stream); }
/// Specialization for an input stream parameter.
struct input : public T, public S, public C2BaseIndexOverride<S, BaseIndex>,
public C2StructCheck<S, BaseIndex,
T::indexFlags | T::Index::kStreamFlag | T::Type::kDirInput> {
/// Default constructor. Stream-ID is undefined.
inline input() : T(sizeof(_type), input::typeIndex) { }
/// Wrapper around base structure's constructor while also specifying stream-ID.
template<typename ...Args>
inline input(unsigned stream, const Args(&... args))
: T(sizeof(_type), input::typeIndex, stream), S(args...) { }
/// Set stream-id. \retval true if the stream-id was successfully set.
inline bool setStream(unsigned stream) { return C2Param::setStream(stream); }
/// Specialization for an output stream parameter.
struct output : public T, public S, public C2BaseIndexOverride<S, BaseIndex>,
public C2StructCheck<S, BaseIndex,
T::indexFlags | T::Index::kStreamFlag | T::Type::kDirOutput> {
/// Default constructor. Stream-ID is undefined.
inline output() : T(sizeof(_type), output::typeIndex) { }
/// Wrapper around base structure's constructor while also specifying stream-ID.
template<typename ...Args>
inline output(unsigned stream, const Args(&... args))
: T(sizeof(_type), output::typeIndex, stream), S(args...) { }
/// Set stream-id. \retval true if the stream-id was successfully set.
inline bool setStream(unsigned stream) { return C2Param::setStream(stream); }
* Stream-parameter template for flexible structures.
* Base template to define a stream setting/tuning or info based on a flexible structure and
* an optional BaseIndex. Stream parameters are tied to a specific stream on a port (input or
* output).
* \tparam T param type C2Setting, C2Tuning or C2Info
* \tparam S wrapped flexible structure
* \tparam BaseIndex optional base-index override. Must be specified for common/reused structures.
* Parameters wrap structures by prepending a (parameter) header. The fields and methods of flexible
* structures can be accessed via the m member variable; however, the constructors of the structure
* are wrapped directly. (This is because flexible types cannot be subclassed.)
* There are 3 flavors of stream parameters: unspecified port, input and output. All of these expose
* a setStream method and an extra initial streamID parameter for the constructor. Moreover,
* parameters with unspecified port expose a setPort method, and add an additional initial port
* parameter to the constructor.
template<typename T, typename S, int BaseIndex>
struct C2_HIDE C2StreamParam<T, S, BaseIndex, IF_FLEXIBLE(S)>
: public T, public C2BaseIndexOverride<S, BaseIndex>,
private C2FlexStructCheck<S, BaseIndex,
T::indexFlags | T::Index::kStreamFlag | T::Index::kDirUndefined> {
typedef C2StreamParam<T, S> _type;
/// Default constructor. Port/direction and stream-ID is undefined.
inline C2StreamParam(size_t flexCount) : T(_type::calcSize(flexCount), _type::typeIndex, 0u) { }
/// Wrapper around base structure's constructor while also specifying port/direction and
/// stream-ID.
template<typename ...Args>
inline C2StreamParam(size_t flexCount, bool _output, unsigned stream, const Args(&... args))
: T(_type::calcSize(flexCount), _output ? output::typeIndex : input::typeIndex, stream),
m(flexCount, args...) { }
S m; ///< wrapped flexible structure
/// Set port/direction.
inline void setPort(bool output) { C2Param::setPort(output); }
/// Set stream-id. \retval true if the stream-id was successfully set.
inline bool setStream(unsigned stream) { return C2Param::setStream(stream); }
/// Specialization for an input stream parameter.
struct input : public T, public C2BaseIndexOverride<S, BaseIndex>,
public C2FlexStructCheck<S, BaseIndex,
T::indexFlags | T::Index::kStreamFlag | T::Type::kDirInput> {
/// Default constructor. Stream-ID is undefined.
inline input(size_t flexCount) : T(_type::calcSize(flexCount), input::typeIndex) { }
/// Wrapper around base structure's constructor while also specifying stream-ID.
template<typename ...Args>
inline input(size_t flexCount, unsigned stream, const Args(&... args))
: T(_type::calcSize(flexCount), input::typeIndex, stream), m(flexCount, args...) { }
S m; ///< wrapped flexible structure
/// Set stream-id. \retval true if the stream-id was successfully set.
inline bool setStream(unsigned stream) { return C2Param::setStream(stream); }
/// Specialization for an output stream parameter.
struct output : public T, public C2BaseIndexOverride<S, BaseIndex>,
public C2FlexStructCheck<S, BaseIndex,
T::indexFlags | T::Index::kStreamFlag | T::Type::kDirOutput> {
/// Default constructor. Stream-ID is undefined.
inline output(size_t flexCount) : T(_type::calcSize(flexCount), output::typeIndex) { }
/// Wrapper around base structure's constructor while also specifying stream-ID.
template<typename ...Args>
inline output(size_t flexCount, unsigned stream, const Args(&... args))
: T(_type::calcSize(flexCount), output::typeIndex, stream), m(flexCount, args...) { }
S m; ///< wrapped flexible structure
/// Set stream-id. \retval true if the stream-id was successfully set.
inline bool setStream(unsigned stream) { return C2Param::setStream(stream); }
/* ======================== SIMPLE VALUE PARAMETERS ======================== */
* \ingroup internal
* A structure template encapsulating a single element with default constructors and no base-index.
template<typename T>
struct C2SimpleValueStruct {
T mValue; ///< simple value of the structure
// Default constructor.
inline C2SimpleValueStruct() = default;
// Constructor with an initial value.
inline C2SimpleValueStruct(T value) : mValue(value) {}
// TODO: move this and next to some generic place
* Interface to a block of (mapped) memory containing an array of some type (T).
template<typename T>
struct C2MemoryBlock {
/// \returns the number of elements in this block.
virtual size_t size() const = 0;
/// \returns a const pointer to the start of this block. Care must be taken to not read outside
/// the block.
virtual const T *data() const = 0; // TODO: should this be friend access only in some C2Memory module?
/// \returns a pointer to the start of this block. Care must be taken to not read or write
/// outside the block.
inline T *data() { return const_cast<T*>(data()); }
// TODO: for now it should never be deleted as C2MemoryBlock
virtual ~C2MemoryBlock() = default;
* Interface to a block of memory containing a constant (constexpr) array of some type (T).
template<typename T>
struct C2ConstMemoryBlock : public C2MemoryBlock<T> {
virtual const T * data() const { return mData; }
virtual size_t size() const { return mSize; }
/// Constructor.
template<unsigned N>
inline constexpr C2ConstMemoryBlock(const T(&init)[N]) : mData(init), mSize(N) {}
const T *mData;
const size_t mSize;
/// \addtogroup internal
/// @{
/// Helper class to initialize flexible arrays with various initalizers.
struct _C2ValueArrayHelper {
// char[]-s are used as null terminated strings, so the last element is never inited.
/// Initialize a flexible array using a constexpr memory block.
template<typename T>
static void init(T(&array)[], size_t arrayLen, const C2MemoryBlock<T> &block) {
// reserve last element for terminal 0 for strings
if (arrayLen && std::is_same<T, char>::value) {
if ( {
memcpy(array,, std::min(arrayLen, block.size()) * sizeof(T));
/// Initialize a flexible array using an initializer list.
template<typename T>
static void init(T(&array)[], size_t arrayLen, const std::initializer_list<T> &init) {
size_t ix = 0;
// reserve last element for terminal 0 for strings
if (arrayLen && std::is_same<T, char>::value) {
for (const T &item : init) {
if (ix == arrayLen) {
array[ix++] = item;
/// Initialize a flexible array using another flexible array.
template<typename T, unsigned N>
static void init(T(&array)[], size_t arrayLen, const T(&str)[N]) {
// reserve last element for terminal 0 for strings
if (arrayLen && std::is_same<T, char>::value) {
if (arrayLen) {
strncpy(array, str, std::min(arrayLen, (size_t)N));
* Specialization for a flexible blob and string arrays. A structure template encapsulating a single
* flexible array member with default flexible constructors and no base-index. This type cannot be
* constructed on its own as it's size is 0.
* \internal This is different from C2SimpleArrayStruct<T[]> simply because its member has the name
* as mValue to reflect this is a single value.
template<typename T>
struct C2SimpleValueStruct<T[]> {
static_assert(std::is_same<T, char>::value || std::is_same<T, uint8_t>::value,
"C2SimpleValueStruct<T[]> is only for BLOB or STRING");
T mValue[];
inline C2SimpleValueStruct() = default;
FLEX(C2SimpleValueStruct, mValue)
inline C2SimpleValueStruct(size_t flexCount, const C2MemoryBlock<T> &block) {
_C2ValueArrayHelper::init(mValue, flexCount, block);
inline C2SimpleValueStruct(size_t flexCount, const std::initializer_list<T> &init) {
_C2ValueArrayHelper::init(mValue, flexCount, init);
template<unsigned N>
inline C2SimpleValueStruct(size_t flexCount, const T(&init)[N]) {
_C2ValueArrayHelper::init(mValue, flexCount, init);
/// @}
* A structure template encapsulating a single flexible array element of a specific type (T) with
* default constructors and no base-index. This type cannot be constructed on its own as it's size
* is 0. Instead, it is meant to be used as a parameter, e.g.
* typedef C2StreamParam<C2Info, C2SimpleArrayStruct<C2MyFancyStruct>,
* kParamIndexMyFancyArrayStreamParam> C2MyFancyArrayStreamInfo;
template<typename T>
struct C2SimpleArrayStruct {
static_assert(!std::is_same<T, char>::value && !std::is_same<T, uint8_t>::value,
"use C2SimpleValueStruct<T[]> is for BLOB or STRING");
T mValues[]; ///< array member
/// Default constructor
inline C2SimpleArrayStruct() = default;
FLEX(C2SimpleArrayStruct, mValues)
/// Construct from a C2MemoryBlock.
/// Used only by the flexible parameter allocators (alloc_unique & alloc_shared).
inline C2SimpleArrayStruct(size_t flexCount, const C2MemoryBlock<T> &block) {
_C2ValueArrayHelper::init(mValues, flexCount, block);
/// Construct from an initializer list.
/// Used only by the flexible parameter allocators (alloc_unique & alloc_shared).
inline C2SimpleArrayStruct(size_t flexCount, const std::initializer_list<T> &init) {
_C2ValueArrayHelper::init(mValues, flexCount, init);
/// Construct from another flexible array.
/// Used only by the flexible parameter allocators (alloc_unique & alloc_shared).
template<unsigned N>
inline C2SimpleArrayStruct(size_t flexCount, const T(&init)[N]) {
_C2ValueArrayHelper::init(mValues, flexCount, init);
* \addtogroup simplevalue Simple value and array structures.
* @{
* Simple value structures.
* Structures containing a single simple value. These can be reused to easily define simple
* parameters of various types:
* typedef C2PortParam<C2Tuning, C2Int32Value, kParamIndexMyIntegerPortParam>
* C2MyIntegerPortParamTuning;
* They contain a single member (mValue or mValues) that is described as "value" or "values".
/// A 32-bit signed integer parameter in mValue, described as "value"
typedef C2SimpleValueStruct<int32_t> C2Int32Value;
/// A 32-bit signed integer array parameter in mValues, described as "values"
typedef C2SimpleArrayStruct<int32_t> C2Int32Array;
/// A 32-bit unsigned integer parameter in mValue, described as "value"
typedef C2SimpleValueStruct<uint32_t> C2Uint32Value;
/// A 32-bit unsigned integer array parameter in mValues, described as "values"
typedef C2SimpleArrayStruct<uint32_t> C2Uint32Array;
/// A 64-bit signed integer parameter in mValue, described as "value"
typedef C2SimpleValueStruct<int64_t> C2Int64Value;
/// A 64-bit signed integer array parameter in mValues, described as "values"
typedef C2SimpleArrayStruct<int64_t> C2Int64Array;
/// A 64-bit unsigned integer parameter in mValue, described as "value"
typedef C2SimpleValueStruct<uint64_t> C2Uint64Value;
/// A 64-bit unsigned integer array parameter in mValues, described as "values"
typedef C2SimpleArrayStruct<uint64_t> C2Uint64Array;
/// A float parameter in mValue, described as "value"
typedef C2SimpleValueStruct<float> C2FloatValue;
/// A float array parameter in mValues, described as "values"
typedef C2SimpleArrayStruct<float> C2FloatArray;
/// A blob flexible parameter in mValue, described as "value"
typedef C2SimpleValueStruct<uint8_t[]> C2BlobValue;
/// A string flexible parameter in mValue, described as "value"
typedef C2SimpleValueStruct<char[]> C2StringValue;
#if 1
template<typename T>
const std::initializer_list<const C2FieldDescriptor> C2SimpleValueStruct<T>::fieldList = { C2FIELD(mValue, "value") };
template<typename T>
const std::initializer_list<const C2FieldDescriptor> C2SimpleValueStruct<T[]>::fieldList = { C2FIELD(mValue, "value") };
template<typename T>
const std::initializer_list<const C2FieldDescriptor> C2SimpleArrayStruct<T>::fieldList = { C2FIELD(mValues, "values") };
// This seem to be able to be handled by the template above
DESCRIBE_TEMPLATED_C2STRUCT(C2SimpleValueStruct<int32_t>, { C2FIELD(mValue, "value") });
DESCRIBE_TEMPLATED_C2STRUCT(C2SimpleValueStruct<uint32_t>, { C2FIELD(mValue, "value") });
DESCRIBE_TEMPLATED_C2STRUCT(C2SimpleValueStruct<int64_t>, { C2FIELD(mValue, "value") });
DESCRIBE_TEMPLATED_C2STRUCT(C2SimpleValueStruct<uint64_t>, { C2FIELD(mValue, "value") });
DESCRIBE_TEMPLATED_C2STRUCT(C2SimpleValueStruct<float>, { C2FIELD(mValue, "value") });
DESCRIBE_TEMPLATED_C2STRUCT(C2SimpleValueStruct<uint8_t[]>, { C2FIELD(mValue, "value") });
DESCRIBE_TEMPLATED_C2STRUCT(C2SimpleValueStruct<char[]>, { C2FIELD(mValue, "value") });
DESCRIBE_TEMPLATED_C2STRUCT(C2SimpleArrayStruct<int32_t>, { C2FIELD(mValues, "values") });
DESCRIBE_TEMPLATED_C2STRUCT(C2SimpleArrayStruct<uint32_t>, { C2FIELD(mValues, "values") });
DESCRIBE_TEMPLATED_C2STRUCT(C2SimpleArrayStruct<int64_t>, { C2FIELD(mValues, "values") });
DESCRIBE_TEMPLATED_C2STRUCT(C2SimpleArrayStruct<uint64_t>, { C2FIELD(mValues, "values") });
DESCRIBE_TEMPLATED_C2STRUCT(C2SimpleArrayStruct<float>, { C2FIELD(mValues, "values") });
/// @}
/// @}
} // namespace android
#endif // C2PARAM_DEF_H_