blob: 7d00a03b254d5c0ae4e994099360bbe1454ab31d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef C2_H_
#define C2_H_
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#ifdef __ANDROID__
#include <utils/Errors.h> // for status_t
#include <utils/Timers.h> // for nsecs_t
namespace android {
#include <errno.h>
typedef int64_t nsecs_t;
enum {
/** \mainpage Codec2
* Codec2 is a frame-based data processing API used by android.
* The framework accesses components via the \ref API.
/** \ingroup API
* The Codec2 API defines the operation of data processing components and their interaction with
* the rest of the system.
* Coding Conventions
* Mitigating Binary Compatibility.
* While full binary compatibility is not a goal of the API (due to our use of STL), we try to
* mitigate binary breaks by adhering to the following conventions:
* - at most one vtable with placeholder virtual methods
* - all optional/placeholder virtual methods returning a status_t, with C2_NOT_IMPLEMENTED not
* requiring any update to input/output arguments.
* - limiting symbol export of inline methods
* - use of pimpl (or shared-pimpl)
* Naming
* - all classes and types prefix with C2
* - classes for internal use prefix with _C2
* - enum values in global namespace prefix with C2_ all caps
* - enum values inside classes have no C2_ prefix as class already has it
* - supporting two kinds of enum naming: all-caps and kCamelCase
* \todo revisit kCamelCase for param-type
* Aspects
* Aspects define certain common behavior across a group of objects.
* - classes whose name matches _C2.*Aspect
* - only protected constructors
* - no desctructor and copiable
* - all methods are inline or static (this is opposite of the interface paradigm where all methods
* are virtual, which would not work due to the at most one vtable rule.)
* - only private variables (this prevents subclasses interfering with the aspects.)
/// \defgroup types Common Types
/// @{
* C2String: basic string implementation
typedef std::string C2String;
typedef const char *C2StringLiteral;
* C2Error: status codes used.
typedef int32_t C2Error;
enum {
#ifndef __ANDROID__
OK = 0,
C2_OK = OK, ///< operation completed successfully
// bad input
C2_BAD_VALUE = BAD_VALUE, ///< argument has invalid value (user error)
C2_BAD_INDEX = BAD_INDEX, ///< argument uses invalid index (user error)
C2_UNSUPPORTED = UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION, ///< argument/index is value but not supported \todo is this really BAD_INDEX/VALUE?
// bad sequencing of events
C2_DUPLICATE = ALREADY_EXISTS, ///< object already exists
C2_NOT_FOUND = NAME_NOT_FOUND, ///< object not found
C2_BAD_STATE = INVALID_OPERATION, ///< operation is not permitted in the current state
// bad environment
C2_NO_MEMORY = NO_MEMORY, ///< not enough memory to complete operation
C2_NO_PERMISSION = PERMISSION_DENIED, ///< missing permission to complete operation
C2_TIMED_OUT = TIMED_OUT, ///< operation did not complete within timeout
// bad versioning
C2_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION, ///< operation is not implemented (optional only) \todo for now reuse error code
// unknown fatal
C2_CORRUPTED = UNKNOWN_ERROR, ///< some unexpected error prevented the operation
/// @}
/// \defgroup utils Utilities
/// @{
#define C2_DO_NOT_COPY(type, args...) \
type args& operator=(const type args&) = delete; \
type(const type args&) = delete; \
#define C2_PURE __attribute__((pure))
#define C2_CONST __attribute__((const))
#define C2_HIDE __attribute__((visibility("hidden")))
#define C2_INTERNAL __attribute__((internal_linkage))
inline bool operator!=(const type &other) { return !(*this == other); } \
inline bool operator<=(const type &other) { return (*this == other) || (*this < other); } \
inline bool operator>=(const type &other) { return !(*this < other); } \
inline bool operator>(const type &other) { return !(*this < other) && !(*this == other); }
inline bool operator<(const type &other) const { return field < other.field; } \
inline bool operator==(const type &other) const { return field == other.field; } \
/// \cond INTERNAL
/// \defgroup utils_internal
/// @{
template<typename... T> struct c2_types;
/** specialization for a single type */
template<typename T>
struct c2_types<T> {
typedef typename std::decay<T>::type wide_type;
typedef wide_type narrow_type;
typedef wide_type mintype;
/** specialization for two types */
template<typename T, typename U>
struct c2_types<T, U> {
static_assert(std::is_floating_point<T>::value == std::is_floating_point<U>::value,
"mixing floating point and non-floating point types is disallowed");
static_assert(std::is_signed<T>::value == std::is_signed<U>::value,
"mixing signed and unsigned types is disallowed");
typedef typename std::decay<
decltype(true ? std::declval<T>() : std::declval<U>())>::type wide_type;
typedef typename std::decay<
typename std::conditional<sizeof(T) < sizeof(U), T, U>::type>::type narrow_type;
typedef typename std::conditional<
std::is_signed<T>::value, wide_type, narrow_type>::type mintype;
/// @}
/// \endcond
* Type support utility class. Only supports similar classes, such as:
* - all floating point
* - all unsigned/all signed
* - all pointer
template<typename T, typename U, typename... V>
struct c2_types<T, U, V...> {
/** Common type that accommodates all template parameter types. */
typedef typename c2_types<typename c2_types<T, U>::wide_type, V...>::wide_type wide_type;
/** Narrowest type of the template parameter types. */
typedef typename c2_types<typename c2_types<T, U>::narrow_type, V...>::narrow_type narrow_type;
/** Type that accommodates the minimum value for any input for the template parameter types. */
typedef typename c2_types<typename c2_types<T, U>::mintype, V...>::mintype mintype;
* \ingroup utils_internal
* specialization for two values */
template<typename T, typename U>
inline constexpr typename c2_types<T, U>::wide_type c2_max(const T a, const U b) {
typedef typename c2_types<T, U>::wide_type wide_type;
return ({ wide_type a_(a), b_(b); a_ > b_ ? a_ : b_; });
* Finds the maximum value of a list of "similarly typed" values.
* This is an extension to std::max where the types do not have to be identical, and the smallest
* resulting type is used that accommodates the argument types.
* \note Value types must be similar, e.g. all floating point, all pointers, all signed, or all
* unsigned.
* @return the largest of the input arguments.
template<typename T, typename U, typename... V>
constexpr typename c2_types<T, U, V...>::wide_type c2_max(const T a, const U b, const V ... c) {
typedef typename c2_types<T, U, V...>::wide_type wide_type;
return ({ wide_type a_(a), b_(c2_max(b, c...)); a_ > b_ ? a_ : b_; });
* \ingroup utils_internal
* specialization for two values */
template<typename T, typename U>
inline constexpr typename c2_types<T, U>::mintype c2_min(const T a, const U b) {
typedef typename c2_types<T, U>::wide_type wide_type;
return ({
wide_type a_(a), b_(b);
static_cast<typename c2_types<T, U>::mintype>(a_ < b_ ? a_ : b_);
* Finds the minimum value of a list of "similarly typed" values.
* This is an extension to std::min where the types do not have to be identical, and the smallest
* resulting type is used that accommodates the argument types.
* \note Value types must be similar, e.g. all floating point, all pointers, all signed, or all
* unsigned.
* @return the smallest of the input arguments.
template<typename T, typename U, typename... V>
constexpr typename c2_types<T, U, V...>::mintype c2_min(const T a, const U b, const V ... c) {
typedef typename c2_types<U, V...>::mintype rest_type;
typedef typename c2_types<T, rest_type>::wide_type wide_type;
return ({
wide_type a_(a), b_(c2_min(b, c...));
static_cast<typename c2_types<T, rest_type>::mintype>(a_ < b_ ? a_ : b_);
/// @}
#ifdef __ANDROID__
} // namespace android
#endif // C2_H_