blob: 75fa595fa3bb82a54029718b2bd8fb8d2e713a3f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <media/AudioContainers.h>
#include <utils/Errors.h>
#include <utils/Timers.h>
#include <utils/KeyedVector.h>
#include <system/audio.h>
#include "AudioIODescriptorInterface.h"
#include "ClientDescriptor.h"
#include "DeviceDescriptor.h"
#include "PolicyAudioPort.h"
#include <vector>
namespace android {
class IOProfile;
class AudioPolicyMix;
class AudioPolicyClientInterface;
class ActivityTracking
virtual ~ActivityTracking() = default;
bool isActive(uint32_t inPastMs = 0, nsecs_t sysTime = 0) const
if (mActivityCount > 0) {
return true;
if (inPastMs == 0) {
return false;
if (sysTime == 0) {
sysTime = systemTime();
if (ns2ms(sysTime - mStopTime) < inPastMs) {
return true;
return false;
void changeActivityCount(int delta)
if ((delta + (int)mActivityCount) < 0) {
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("%s: invalid delta %d, refCount %d", __func__, delta, mActivityCount);
mActivityCount += delta;
if (!mActivityCount) {
uint32_t getActivityCount() const { return mActivityCount; }
nsecs_t getStopTime() const { return mStopTime; }
void setStopTime(nsecs_t stopTime) { mStopTime = stopTime; }
virtual void dump(String8 *dst, int spaces) const
dst->appendFormat("%*s- ActivityCount: %d, StopTime: %" PRId64 ", ", spaces, "",
getActivityCount(), getStopTime());
uint32_t mActivityCount = 0;
nsecs_t mStopTime = 0;
* @brief VolumeActivity: it tracks the activity for volume policy (volume index, mute,
* memorize previous stop, and store mute if incompatible device with another strategy.
class VolumeActivity : public ActivityTracking
bool isMuted() const { return mMuteCount > 0; }
int getMuteCount() const { return mMuteCount; }
int incMuteCount() { return ++mMuteCount; }
int decMuteCount() { return mMuteCount > 0 ? --mMuteCount : -1; }
void dump(String8 *dst, int spaces) const override
ActivityTracking::dump(dst, spaces);
dst->appendFormat(", Volume: %.03f, MuteCount: %02d\n", mCurVolumeDb, mMuteCount);
void setVolume(float volumeDb) { mCurVolumeDb = volumeDb; }
float getVolume() const { return mCurVolumeDb; }
int mMuteCount = 0; /**< mute request counter */
float mCurVolumeDb = NAN; /**< current volume in dB. */
* Note: volume activities shall be indexed by CurvesId if we want to allow multiple
* curves per volume source, inferring a mute management or volume balancing between HW and SW is
* done
using VolumeActivities = std::map<VolumeSource, VolumeActivity>;
* @brief The Activity class: it tracks the activity for volume policy (volume index, mute,
* memorize previous stop, and store mute if incompatible device with another strategy.
* Having this class prevents from looping on all attributes (legacy streams) of the strategy
class RoutingActivity : public ActivityTracking
void setMutedByDevice( bool isMuted) { mIsMutedByDevice = isMuted; }
bool isMutedByDevice() const { return mIsMutedByDevice; }
void dump(String8 *dst, int spaces) const override {
ActivityTracking::dump(dst, spaces);
* strategies muted because of incompatible device selection.
* See AudioPolicyManager::checkDeviceMuteStrategies()
bool mIsMutedByDevice = false;
using RoutingActivities = std::map<product_strategy_t, RoutingActivity>;
// descriptor for audio outputs. Used to maintain current configuration of each opened audio output
// and keep track of the usage of this output by each audio stream type.
class AudioOutputDescriptor: public AudioPortConfig,
public PolicyAudioPortConfig,
public AudioIODescriptorInterface,
public ClientMapHandler<TrackClientDescriptor>
AudioOutputDescriptor(const sp<PolicyAudioPort>& policyAudioPort,
AudioPolicyClientInterface *clientInterface);
virtual ~AudioOutputDescriptor() {}
void dump(String8 *dst, int spaces, const char* extraInfo = nullptr) const override;
void log(const char* indent);
virtual DeviceVector devices() const { return mDevices; }
bool sharesHwModuleWith(const sp<AudioOutputDescriptor>& outputDesc);
virtual DeviceVector supportedDevices() const { return mDevices; }
virtual bool isDuplicated() const { return false; }
virtual uint32_t latency() { return 0; }
virtual bool isFixedVolume(const DeviceTypeSet& deviceTypes);
virtual bool setVolume(float volumeDb, bool muted,
VolumeSource volumeSource, const StreamTypeVector &streams,
const DeviceTypeSet& deviceTypes,
uint32_t delayMs,
bool force);
* @brief setStopTime set the stop time due to the client stoppage or a re routing of this
* client
* @param client to be considered
* @param sysTime when the client stopped/was rerouted
void setStopTime(const sp<TrackClientDescriptor>& client, nsecs_t sysTime);
* Changes the client->active() state and the output descriptor's global active count,
* along with the stream active count and mActiveClients.
* The client must be previously added by the base class addClient().
* In case of duplicating thread, client shall be added on the duplicated thread, not on the
* involved outputs but setClientActive will be called on all output to track strategy and
* active client for a given output.
* Active ref count of the client will be incremented/decremented through setActive API
virtual void setClientActive(const sp<TrackClientDescriptor>& client, bool active);
bool isClientActive(const sp<TrackClientDescriptor>& client);
bool isActive(uint32_t inPastMs) const;
bool isActive(VolumeSource volumeSource = VOLUME_SOURCE_NONE,
uint32_t inPastMs = 0,
nsecs_t sysTime = 0) const;
bool isAnyActive(VolumeSource volumeSourceToIgnore) const;
std::vector<VolumeSource> getActiveVolumeSources() const {
std::vector<VolumeSource> activeList;
for (const auto &iter : mVolumeActivities) {
if (iter.second.isActive()) {
return activeList;
uint32_t getActivityCount(VolumeSource vs) const
return mVolumeActivities.find(vs) != std::end(mVolumeActivities)? : 0;
bool isMuted(VolumeSource vs) const
return mVolumeActivities.find(vs) != std::end(mVolumeActivities)? : false;
int getMuteCount(VolumeSource vs) const
return mVolumeActivities.find(vs) != std::end(mVolumeActivities)? : 0;
int incMuteCount(VolumeSource vs)
return mVolumeActivities[vs].incMuteCount();
int decMuteCount(VolumeSource vs)
return mVolumeActivities[vs].decMuteCount();
void setCurVolume(VolumeSource vs, float volumeDb)
// Even if not activity for this source registered, need to create anyway
float getCurVolume(VolumeSource vs) const
return mVolumeActivities.find(vs) != std::end(mVolumeActivities) ? : NAN;
bool isStrategyActive(product_strategy_t ps, uint32_t inPastMs = 0, nsecs_t sysTime = 0) const
return mRoutingActivities.find(ps) != std::end(mRoutingActivities)?, sysTime) : false;
bool isStrategyMutedByDevice(product_strategy_t ps) const
return mRoutingActivities.find(ps) != std::end(mRoutingActivities)? : false;
void setStrategyMutedByDevice(product_strategy_t ps, bool isMuted)
// PolicyAudioPortConfig
virtual sp<PolicyAudioPort> getPolicyAudioPort() const
return mPolicyAudioPort;
// AudioPortConfig
virtual status_t applyAudioPortConfig(const struct audio_port_config *config,
struct audio_port_config *backupConfig = NULL);
virtual void toAudioPortConfig(struct audio_port_config *dstConfig,
const struct audio_port_config *srcConfig = NULL) const;
virtual sp<AudioPort> getAudioPort() const { return mPolicyAudioPort->asAudioPort(); }
virtual void toAudioPort(struct audio_port_v7 *port) const;
audio_module_handle_t getModuleHandle() const;
// implementation of AudioIODescriptorInterface
audio_config_base_t getConfig() const override;
audio_patch_handle_t getPatchHandle() const override;
void setPatchHandle(audio_patch_handle_t handle) override;
bool isMmap() override {
if (const auto policyPort = getPolicyAudioPort(); policyPort != nullptr) {
if (const auto port = policyPort->asAudioPort(); port != nullptr) {
return port->isMmap();
return false;
TrackClientVector clientsList(bool activeOnly = false,
product_strategy_t strategy = PRODUCT_STRATEGY_NONE,
bool preferredDeviceOnly = false) const;
// override ClientMapHandler to abort when removing a client when active.
void removeClient(audio_port_handle_t portId) override {
auto client = getClient(portId);
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(client.get() == nullptr,
"%s(%d): nonexistent client portId %d", __func__, mId, portId);
// it is possible that when a client is removed, we could remove its
// associated active count by calling changeStreamActiveCount(),
// but that would be hiding a problem, so we log fatal instead.
auto clientIter = std::find(begin(mActiveClients), end(mActiveClients), client);
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(clientIter != mActiveClients.end(),
"%s(%d) removing client portId %d which is active (count %d)",
__func__, mId, portId, client->getActivityCount());
const TrackClientVector& getActiveClients() const {
return mActiveClients;
bool useHwGain() const
return !devices().isEmpty() ? devices().itemAt(0)->hasGainController() : false;
bool isRouted() const { return mPatchHandle != AUDIO_PATCH_HANDLE_NONE; }
DeviceVector mDevices; /**< current devices this output is routed to */
wp<AudioPolicyMix> mPolicyMix; // non NULL when used by a dynamic policy
virtual uint32_t getRecommendedMuteDurationMs() const { return 0; }
const sp<PolicyAudioPort> mPolicyAudioPort;
AudioPolicyClientInterface * const mClientInterface;
uint32_t mGlobalActiveCount = 0; // non-client-specific active count
audio_patch_handle_t mPatchHandle = AUDIO_PATCH_HANDLE_NONE;
audio_output_flags_t& mFlags = AudioPortConfig::mFlags.output;
// The ActiveClients shows the clients that contribute to the @VolumeSource counts
// and may include upstream clients from a duplicating thread.
// Compare with the ClientMap (mClients) which are external AudioTrack clients of the
// output descriptor (and do not count internal PatchTracks).
TrackClientVector mActiveClients;
RoutingActivities mRoutingActivities; /**< track routing activity on this ouput.*/
VolumeActivities mVolumeActivities; /**< track volume activity on this ouput.*/
// Audio output driven by a software mixer in audio flinger.
class SwAudioOutputDescriptor: public AudioOutputDescriptor
SwAudioOutputDescriptor(const sp<IOProfile>& profile,
AudioPolicyClientInterface *clientInterface);
virtual ~SwAudioOutputDescriptor() {}
void dump(String8 *dst, int spaces, const char* extraInfo = nullptr) const override;
virtual DeviceVector devices() const;
void setDevices(const DeviceVector &devices) { mDevices = devices; }
bool sharesHwModuleWith(const sp<SwAudioOutputDescriptor>& outputDesc);
virtual DeviceVector supportedDevices() const;
virtual bool devicesSupportEncodedFormats(const DeviceTypeSet& deviceTypes);
virtual bool containsSingleDeviceSupportingEncodedFormats(
const sp<DeviceDescriptor>& device) const;
virtual uint32_t latency();
virtual bool isDuplicated() const { return (mOutput1 != NULL && mOutput2 != NULL); }
virtual bool isFixedVolume(const DeviceTypeSet& deviceTypes);
sp<SwAudioOutputDescriptor> subOutput1() { return mOutput1; }
sp<SwAudioOutputDescriptor> subOutput2() { return mOutput2; }
void setClientActive(const sp<TrackClientDescriptor>& client, bool active) override;
void setAllClientsInactive()
for (const auto &client : clientsList(true)) {
setClientActive(client, false);
* @brief setSwMute for SwOutput routed on a device that supports Hw Gain, this function allows
* to mute the tracks associated to a given volume source only.
* As an output may host one or more source(s), and as AudioPolicyManager may dispatch or not
* the volume change request according to the priority of the volume source to control the
* unique hw gain controller, a separated API allows to force a mute/unmute of a volume source.
* @param muted true to mute, false otherwise
* @param vs volume source to be considered
* @param device scoped for the change
* @param delayMs potentially applyed to prevent cut sounds.
void setSwMute(bool muted, VolumeSource vs, const StreamTypeVector &streams,
const DeviceTypeSet& device, uint32_t delayMs);
virtual bool setVolume(float volumeDb, bool muted,
VolumeSource volumeSource, const StreamTypeVector &streams,
const DeviceTypeSet& device,
uint32_t delayMs,
bool force);
virtual void toAudioPortConfig(struct audio_port_config *dstConfig,
const struct audio_port_config *srcConfig = NULL) const;
virtual void toAudioPort(struct audio_port_v7 *port) const;
status_t open(const audio_config_t *halConfig,
const audio_config_base_t *mixerConfig,
const DeviceVector &devices,
audio_stream_type_t stream,
audio_output_flags_t flags,
audio_io_handle_t *output);
// Called when a stream is about to be started
// Note: called before setClientActive(true);
status_t start();
// Called after a stream is stopped.
// Note: called after setClientActive(false);
void stop();
void close();
status_t openDuplicating(const sp<SwAudioOutputDescriptor>& output1,
const sp<SwAudioOutputDescriptor>& output2,
audio_io_handle_t *ioHandle);
* @brief supportsDevice
* @param device to be checked against
* @return true if the device is supported by type (for non bus / remote submix devices),
* true if the device is supported (both type and address) for bus / remote submix
* false otherwise
bool supportsDevice(const sp<DeviceDescriptor> &device) const;
* @brief supportsAllDevices
* @param devices to be checked against
* @return true if the device is weakly supported by type (e.g. for non bus / rsubmix devices),
* true if the device is supported (both type and address) for bus / remote submix
* false otherwise
bool supportsAllDevices(const DeviceVector &devices) const;
* @brief supportsDevicesForPlayback
* @param devices to be checked against
* @return true if the devices is a supported combo for playback
* false otherwise
bool supportsDevicesForPlayback(const DeviceVector &devices) const;
* @brief filterSupportedDevices takes a vector of devices and filters them according to the
* device supported by this output (the profile from which this output derives from)
* @param devices reference device vector to be filtered
* @return vector of devices filtered from the supported devices of this output (weakly or not
* depending on the device type)
DeviceVector filterSupportedDevices(const DeviceVector &devices) const;
uint32_t getRecommendedMuteDurationMs() const override;
void setTracksInvalidatedStatusByStrategy(product_strategy_t strategy);
const sp<IOProfile> mProfile; // I/O profile this output derives from
audio_io_handle_t mIoHandle; // output handle
uint32_t mLatency; //
using AudioOutputDescriptor::mFlags;
sp<SwAudioOutputDescriptor> mOutput1; // used by duplicated outputs: first output
sp<SwAudioOutputDescriptor> mOutput2; // used by duplicated outputs: second output
uint32_t mDirectOpenCount; // number of clients using this output (direct outputs only)
audio_session_t mDirectClientSession; // session id of the direct output client
bool mPendingReopenToQueryProfiles = false;
audio_channel_mask_t mMixerChannelMask = AUDIO_CHANNEL_NONE;
// Audio output driven by an input device directly.
class HwAudioOutputDescriptor: public AudioOutputDescriptor
HwAudioOutputDescriptor(const sp<SourceClientDescriptor>& source,
AudioPolicyClientInterface *clientInterface);
virtual ~HwAudioOutputDescriptor() {}
void dump(String8 *dst, int spaces, const char* extraInfo) const override;
virtual bool setVolume(float volumeDb, bool muted,
VolumeSource volumeSource, const StreamTypeVector &streams,
const DeviceTypeSet& deviceTypes,
uint32_t delayMs,
bool force);
virtual void toAudioPortConfig(struct audio_port_config *dstConfig,
const struct audio_port_config *srcConfig = NULL) const;
virtual void toAudioPort(struct audio_port_v7 *port) const;
const sp<SourceClientDescriptor> mSource;
class SwAudioOutputCollection :
public DefaultKeyedVector< audio_io_handle_t, sp<SwAudioOutputDescriptor> >
bool isActive(VolumeSource volumeSource, uint32_t inPastMs = 0) const;
* return whether any source contributing to VolumeSource is playing remotely, override
* to change the definition of
* local/remote playback, used for instance by notification manager to not make
* media players lose audio focus when not playing locally
* For the base implementation, "remotely" means playing during screen mirroring which
* uses an output for playback with a non-empty, non "0" address.
bool isActiveRemotely(VolumeSource volumeSource, uint32_t inPastMs = 0) const;
* return whether any source contributing to VolumeSource is playing, but not on a "remote"
* device.
* Override to change the definition of a local/remote playback.
* Used for instance by policy manager to alter the speaker playback ("speaker safe" behavior)
* when media plays or not locally.
* For the base implementation, "remotely" means playing during screen mirroring.
bool isActiveLocally(VolumeSource volumeSource, uint32_t inPastMs = 0) const;
* @brief isStrategyActiveOnSameModule checks if the given strategy is active (or was active
* in the past) on the given output and all the outputs belonging to the same HW Module
* the same module than the given output
* @param outputDesc to be considered
* @param ps product strategy to be checked upon activity status
* @param inPastMs if 0, check currently, otherwise, check in the past
* @param sysTime shall be set if request is done for the past activity.
* @return true if an output following the strategy is active on the same module than desc,
* false otherwise
bool isStrategyActiveOnSameModule(product_strategy_t ps,
const sp<SwAudioOutputDescriptor>& desc,
uint32_t inPastMs = 0, nsecs_t sysTime = 0) const;
* @brief isStrategyActive checks if the given strategy is active
* on the given output
* @param ps product strategy to be checked upon activity status
* @return true if an output following the strategy is active, false otherwise
bool isStrategyActive(product_strategy_t ps) const;
* @brief clearSessionRoutesForDevice: when a device is disconnected, and if this device has
* been chosen as the preferred device by any client, the policy manager shall
* prevent from using this device any more by clearing all the session routes involving this
* device.
* In other words, the preferred device port id of these clients will be resetted to NONE.
* @param disconnectedDevice device to be disconnected
void clearSessionRoutesForDevice(const sp<DeviceDescriptor> &disconnectedDevice);
* returns the A2DP output handle if it is open or 0 otherwise
audio_io_handle_t getA2dpOutput() const;
* returns true if primary HAL supports A2DP Offload
bool isA2dpOffloadedOnPrimary() const;
sp<SwAudioOutputDescriptor> getOutputFromId(audio_port_handle_t id) const;
sp<SwAudioOutputDescriptor> getPrimaryOutput() const;
* @brief isAnyOutputActive checks if any output is active (aka playing) except the one(s) that
* hold the volume source to be ignored
* @param volumeSourceToIgnore source not to be considered in the activity detection
* @return true if any output is active for any volume source except the one to be ignored
bool isAnyOutputActive(VolumeSource volumeSourceToIgnore) const
for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); i++) {
const sp<AudioOutputDescriptor> &outputDesc = valueAt(i);
if (outputDesc->isAnyActive(volumeSourceToIgnore)) {
return true;
return false;
audio_devices_t getSupportedDevices(audio_io_handle_t handle) const;
sp<SwAudioOutputDescriptor> getOutputForClient(audio_port_handle_t portId);
* return whether any output is active and routed to any of the specified devices
bool isAnyDeviceTypeActive(const DeviceTypeSet& deviceTypes) const;
void dump(String8 *dst) const;
class HwAudioOutputCollection :
public DefaultKeyedVector< audio_io_handle_t, sp<HwAudioOutputDescriptor> >
bool isActive(VolumeSource volumeSource, uint32_t inPastMs = 0) const;
* @brief isAnyOutputActive checks if any output is active (aka playing) except the one(s) that
* hold the volume source to be ignored
* @param volumeSourceToIgnore source not to be considered in the activity detection
* @return true if any output is active for any volume source except the one to be ignored
bool isAnyOutputActive(VolumeSource volumeSourceToIgnore) const
for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); i++) {
const sp<AudioOutputDescriptor> &outputDesc = valueAt(i);
if (outputDesc->isAnyActive(volumeSourceToIgnore)) {
return true;
return false;
void dump(String8 *dst) const;
} // namespace android