Merge "Refactored to use argsparse to enforce command-lined option requirements."
diff --git a/Android.bp b/Android.bp
index 5226edd..6bc28d1 100644
--- a/Android.bp
+++ b/Android.bp
@@ -97,12 +97,32 @@
   cmd: "cp $(in) $(out)",
+python_library_host {
+    name: "aftl_proto",
+    srcs: [
+        "proto/**/*.py",
+    ],
+    version: {
+        py2: {
+            enabled: true,
+            // This is needs to be false due to b/146057182#comment5.
+            embedded_launcher: false,
+        },
+        py3: {
+            enabled: false,
+        },
+    },
 python_binary_host {
     name: "aftltool",
     srcs: [
+    libs: [
+        "aftl_proto",
+    ],
     main: "",
     required: ["fec"],
     version: {
@@ -124,11 +144,17 @@
+    libs: [
+        "aftl_proto",
+    ],
+    data: [
+        "test/data/testkey_rsa4096.pem",
+    ],
     test_suites: ["general-tests"],
     version: {
         py2: {
             enabled: true,
-           //TODO: This is needed due to b/146057182#comment5.
+            // This is needs to be false due to b/146057182#comment5.
             embedded_launcher: false,
         py3: {
diff --git a/aftltool b/aftltool
index c60d8f4..b63217e 100755
--- a/aftltool
+++ b/aftltool
@@ -40,6 +40,9 @@
 import avbtool
+import proto.aftl_pb2
+import proto.api_pb2
+import proto.crypto.sigpb
 # Android Firmware Transparency Log Data Structures
@@ -773,10 +776,11 @@
     if self.metadata_size < 0 or self.metadata_size > 65535:
       sys.stderr.write('{}: Bad metadatasize value {}.'.format(
           cls, self.metadata_size))
+      return False
     if len(self.metadata) != self.metadata_size:
       sys.stderr.write('{}: metadata_size {} does not match with length of'
                        'metadata {}'.format(cls, self.metadata_size,
-                                            len(self.metadata_size)))
+                                            len(self.metadata)))
       return False
     return True
@@ -910,6 +914,78 @@
     return True
+class AftlCommunication(object):
+  """Class to abstract the communication layer with the transparency log."""
+  def __init__(self, transparency_log):
+    """Initializes the object.
+    Arguments:
+      transparency_log: String containing the URL of a transparency log server.
+    """
+    self.transparency_log = transparency_log
+  def AddFirmwareInfo(self, request):
+    """Calls the AddFirmwareInfo RPC on the AFTL server.
+    Arguments:
+      request: A AddFirmwareInfoRequest message.
+    Returns:
+      An AddFirmwareInfoReponse message.
+    Raises:
+      AftlError: If grpc or the proto modules cannot be loaded, if there is an
+        error communicating with the log.
+    """
+    raise NotImplementedError(
+        'AddFirmwareInfo() needs to be implemented by subclass.')
+class AftlGrpcCommunication(AftlCommunication):
+  """Class that implements GRPC communication to the AFTL server."""
+  def AddFirmwareInfo(self, request):
+    """Calls the AddFirmwareInfo RPC on the AFTL server
+    Arguments:
+      request: A AddFirmwareInfoRequest message.
+    Returns:
+      An AddFirmwareInfoReponse message.
+    Raises:
+      AftlError: If grpc or the proto modules cannot be loaded, if there is an
+        error communicating with the log.
+    """
+    # Import grpc now to avoid global dependencies as it otherwise breakes
+    # running unittest with atest.
+    try:
+      import grpc
+      import proto.api_pb2_grpc
+    except ImportError as e:
+      err_str = 'grpc can be installed with python pip install grpcio.\n'
+      raise AftlError('Failed to import module: ({}).\n{}'.format(e, err_str))
+    # Set up the gRPC channel with the transparency log.
+    sys.stdout.write('Preparing to request inclusion proof from {}. This could '
+                     'take ~30 seconds for the process to complete.\n'.format(
+                         self.transparency_log))
+    channel = grpc.insecure_channel(self.transparency_log)
+    stub = proto.api_pb2_grpc.AFTLogStub(channel)
+    # Attempt to transmit to the transparency log.
+    sys.stdout.write('ICP is about to be requested from transparency log '
+                     'with domain {}.\n'.format(self.transparency_log))
+    try:
+      # TODO(danielaustin): Set a reasonable timeout deadline here.
+      response = stub.AddFirmwareInfo(request)
+    except grpc.RpcError as e:
+      raise AftlError('Error: grpc failure ({})'.format(e))
+    return response
 class Aftl(avbtool.Avb):
   """Business logic for aftltool command-line tool."""
@@ -956,10 +1032,10 @@
       o.write('    Log Root Descriptor:\n')
-  # TODO(danielaustin): Add unit tests.
   def request_inclusion_proof(self, transparency_log, vbmeta_descriptor,
                               version_inc, manufacturer_key_path,
-                              signing_helper, signing_helper_with_files):
+                              signing_helper, signing_helper_with_files,
+                              aftl_comms=None):
     """Packages and sends a request to the specified transparency log.
@@ -967,9 +1043,12 @@
       vbmeta_descriptor: A bytearray with the vbmeta descriptor.
       version_inc: Subcomponent of the build fingerprint.
       manufacturer_key_path: Path to key used to sign messages sent to the
-         transparency log servers.
+        transparency log servers.
       signing_helper: Program which signs a hash and returns a signature.
       signing_helper_with_files: Same as signing_helper but uses files instead.
+      aftl_comms: A subclass of the AftlCommunication class. The default is
+        to use AftlGrpcCommunication.
       An AftlIcpEntry with the inclusion proof for the log entry.
@@ -978,22 +1057,6 @@
          error communicating with the log, if the manufacturer_key_path
          cannot be decoded, or if the log submission cannot be signed.
-    # Import grpc and proto.api_pb2_grpc now to avoid global dependencies.
-    try:
-      import grpc
-      import proto.api_pb2_grpc
-      import proto.crypto.sigpb
-    except ImportError as e:
-      err_str = 'grpc can be installed with python pip install grpcio.\n'
-      raise AftlError('Failed to import module: ({}).\n{}'.format(e, err_str))
-    # Set up the gRPC channel with the transparency log.
-    sys.stdout.write('Preparing to request inclusion proof from {}. This could '
-                     'take ~30 seconds for the process to complete.\n'.format(
-                         transparency_log))
-    channel = grpc.insecure_channel(transparency_log)
-    stub = proto.api_pb2_grpc.AFTLogStub(channel)
     # Calculate the hash of the vbmeta image.
     hasher = hashlib.sha256()
@@ -1010,7 +1073,7 @@
     signed_fw_info = bytearray()
-    # AFTL supports SHA256_SA4096 for now, more will be available.
+    # AFTL supports SHA256_RSA4096 for now, more will be available.
     algorithm_name = 'SHA256_RSA4096'
     sig_num_bytes = 0
     alg_padding = ''
@@ -1044,14 +1107,12 @@
     request = proto.api_pb2.AddFirmwareInfoRequest(vbmeta=bytes(
         str(vbmeta_descriptor)), fw_info=sfw_info)
-    # Attempt to transmit to the transparency log.
-    try:
-      # TODO(danielaustin): Set a reasonable timeout deadline here.
-      sys.stdout.write('ICP is about to be requested from transparency log '
-                       'with domain {}.\n'.format(transparency_log))
-      response = stub.AddFirmwareInfo(request)
-    except grpc.RpcError as e:
-      raise AftlError('Error: grpc failure ({})'.format(e))
+    # Submit signed FirmwareInfo to the server.
+    if not aftl_comms:
+      aftl_comms = AftlGrpcCommunication(transparency_log)
+    response = aftl_comms.AddFirmwareInfo(request)
     # Return an AftlIcpEntry representing this response.
     icp_entry = AftlIcpEntry()
     icp_entry.fw_info_leaf = fw_info
diff --git a/ b/
index 538a12c..24e960f 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -28,11 +28,17 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
 import binascii
+import io
 import os
 import sys
 import unittest
 import aftltool
+import avbtool
+import proto.aftl_pb2
+import proto.api_pb2
+import proto.trillian_pb2
 class AftltoolTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -47,6 +53,53 @@
     self.null = open(os.devnull, 'wb')
     sys.stderr = self.null
+    # Sets up test data.
+    # pylint: disable=no-member
+    self.test_afi_resp = proto.api_pb2.AddFirmwareInfoResponse()
+    self.test_afi_resp.fw_info_proof.proof.leaf_index = 6263
+    hashes = [
+        '3ad99869646980c0a51d637a9791f892d12e0bc83f6bac5d305a9e289e7f7e8b',
+        '2e5c664d2aee64f71cb4d292e787d0eae7ca9ed80d1e08abb41d26baca386c05',
+        'a671dd99f8d97e9155cc2f0a9dc776a112a5ec5b821ec71571bb258ac790717a',
+        '78046b839595e4e49ad4b0c73f92bf4803aacd4a3351181086509d057ef0d7a9',
+        'c0a7e013f03e7c69e9402070e113dadb345868cf144ccb174fabc384b5605abf',
+        'dc36e5dbe36abe9f4ad10f14170aa0148b6fe3fcaba9df43deaf4dede01b02e8',
+        'b063e7fb665370a361718208756c363dc5206e2e9af9b4d847d81289cdae30de',
+        'a69ea5ba88a221103636d3f4245c800570eb86ad9276121481521f97d0a04a81']
+    for h in hashes:
+      self.test_afi_resp.fw_info_proof.proof.hashes.append(
+          binascii.unhexlify(h))
+    self.test_afi_resp.fw_info_proof.sth.key_hint = binascii.unhexlify(
+        '5af859abce8fe1ea')
+    self.test_afi_resp.fw_info_proof.sth.log_root = binascii.unhexlify(
+        '000100000000000018782053b182b55dc1377197c938637f50093131daea4'
+        'd0696b1eae5b8a014bfde884a15edb28f1fc7954400000000000013a50000'
+    )
+    self.test_afi_resp.vbmeta_proof.sth.log_root_signature = binascii.unhexlify(
+        'c264bc7986a1cf56364ca4dd04989f45515cb8764d05b4fb2b880172585ea404'
+        '2105f95a0e0471fb6e0f8c762b14b2e526fb78eaddcc61484917795a12f6ab3b'
+        '557b5571d492d07d7950595f9ad8647a606c7c633f4697c5eb59c272aeca0419'
+        '397c70a3b9b51537537c4ea6b49d356110e70a9286902f814cc6afbeafe612e4'
+        '9e180146140e902bdd9e9dae66b37b4943150a9571949027a648db88a4eea3ad'
+        'f930b4fa6a183e97b762ab0e55a3a26aa6b0fd44d30531e2541ecb94bf645e62'
+        '59e8e3151e7c3b51a09fe24557ce2fd2c0ecdada7ce99c390d2ef10e5d075801'
+        '7c10d49c55cdee930959cc35f0104e04f296591eeb5defbc9ebb237da7b204ca'
+        'a4608cb98d6bc3a01f18585a04441caf8ec7a35aa2d35f7483b92b14fd0f4a41'
+        '3a91133545579309adc593222ca5032a103b00d8fcaea911936dbec11349e4dd'
+        '419b091ea7d1130570d70e2589dd9445fd77fd7492507e1c87736847b9741cc6'
+        '236868af42558ff6e833e12010c8ede786e43ada40ff488f5f1870d1619887d7'
+        '66a24ad0a06a47cc14e2f7db07361be191172adf3155f49713807c7c265f5a84'
+        '040fc84246ccf7913e44721f0043cea05ee774e457e13206775eee992620c3f9'
+        'd2b2584f58aac19e4afe35f0a17df699c45729f94101083f9fc4302659a7e6e0'
+        'e7eb36f8d1ca0be2c9010160d329bd2d17bb707b010fdd63c30b667a0b886cf9'
+    )
+    self.test_afi_resp.fw_info_leaf = (
+        '{\"timestamp\":{\"seconds\":1580115370,\"nanos\":621454825},\"Va'
+        'lue\":{\"FwInfo\":{\"info\":{\"info\":{\"vbmeta_hash\":\"ViNzEQS'
+        '/oc/bJ13yl40fk/cvXw90bxHQbzCRxgHDIGc=\",\"version_incremental\":'
+        '\"1\",\"manufacturer_key_hash\":\"yBCrUOdjvaAh4git5EgqWa5neegUao'
+        'XeLlB67+N8ObY=\"}}}}}')
   def tearDown(self):
     """Tears down the test bed for the unit tests."""
     # Reconnects stderr back to the normal stderr; see setUp() for details.
@@ -70,21 +123,6 @@
     self.test_sth.log_root_sig = bytearray('root_sig' * 64)
     self.test_proofs = 'proofs'
-  def _validate_icp_header(self, aftl_descriptor_size, icp_count):
-    """Validate an ICP header structure and attempt to validate it.
-    Arguments:
-      aftl_descriptor_size: Total size of the AftlDescriptor.
-      icp_count: Number of ICPs that follow the ICP header.
-    Returns:
-      True if the ICP header validates; otherwise False.
-    """
-    icp_header = aftltool.AftlIcpHeader()
-    icp_header.aftl_descriptor_size = aftl_descriptor_size
-    icp_header.icp_count = icp_count
-    return icp_header.is_valid()
   def _validate_icp_entry_with_setters(
       self, log_url, leaf_index, log_root_descriptor, proofs):
     """Create an ICP entry structure and attempt to validate it.
@@ -118,23 +156,6 @@
     icp_entry.inc_proof_size = inc_proof_size
     return icp_entry.is_valid()
-  def test_default_icp_header(self):
-    """Tests default ICP header structure."""
-    icp_header = aftltool.AftlIcpHeader()
-    self.assertTrue(icp_header.is_valid())
-  def test_valid_icp_header(self):
-    """Tests valid ICP header structures."""
-    self.assertTrue(self._validate_icp_header(icp_count=4,
-                                              aftl_descriptor_size=18))
-  def test_invalid_icp_header(self):
-    """Tests invalid ICP header structures."""
-    self.assertFalse(self._validate_icp_header(icp_count=-34,
-                                               aftl_descriptor_size=18))
-    self.assertFalse(self._validate_icp_header(icp_count=3,
-                                               aftl_descriptor_size=10))
   def test_default_icp_entry(self):
     """Tests default ICP entry structure."""
     icp_entry = aftltool.AftlIcpEntry()
@@ -256,18 +277,6 @@
   def test_generate_icp_images(self):
     """Test cases for full AFTL ICP structure generation."""
-    icp_header = aftltool.AftlIcpHeader()
-    icp_header.icp_count = 1
-    # Tests ICP header encoding.
-    expected_header_bytes = bytearray(b'\x41\x46\x54\x4c\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00'
-                                      '\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x12\x00\x01')
-    icp_header_bytes = icp_header.encode()
-    self.assertEqual(icp_header_bytes, expected_header_bytes)
-    # Tests ICP header decoding.
-    icp_header = aftltool.AftlIcpHeader(expected_header_bytes)
-    self.assertTrue(icp_header.is_valid())
     tl_url = ''
     sth = aftltool.TrillianLogRootDescriptor()
@@ -494,11 +503,112 @@
       self.assertEqual(root_hash, roots[icp[1] -1])
+class AftlIcpHeaderTest(AftltoolTestCase):
+  """Test suite for testing the AftlIcpHeader descriptor."""
+  def setUp(self):
+    """Sets up the test bed for the unit tests."""
+    super(AftlIcpHeaderTest, self).setUp()
+    self.test_header_valid = aftltool.AftlIcpHeader()
+    self.test_header_valid.icp_count = 1
+    self.test_header_invalid = aftltool.AftlIcpHeader()
+    self.test_header_invalid.icp_count = -34
+    self.test_header_bytes = bytearray(b'\x41\x46\x54\x4c\x00\x00\x00\x01'
+                                       '\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x12'
+                                       '\x00\x01')
+  def test__init__(self):
+    """Tests default ICP header structure."""
+    # Calls constructor without data.
+    header = aftltool.AftlIcpHeader()
+    self.assertEqual(header.magic, 'AFTL')
+    self.assertEqual(header.required_icp_version_major,
+                     avbtool.AVB_VERSION_MAJOR)
+    self.assertEqual(header.required_icp_version_minor,
+                     avbtool.AVB_VERSION_MINOR)
+    self.assertEqual(header.aftl_descriptor_size, aftltool.AftlIcpHeader.SIZE)
+    self.assertEqual(header.icp_count, 0)
+    self.assertTrue(header.is_valid())
+    # Calls constructor with data.
+    header = aftltool.AftlIcpHeader(self.test_header_bytes)
+    self.assertEqual(header.magic, 'AFTL')
+    self.assertEqual(header.required_icp_version_major, 1)
+    self.assertEqual(header.required_icp_version_minor, 1)
+    self.assertEqual(header.aftl_descriptor_size, aftltool.AftlIcpHeader.SIZE)
+    self.assertTrue(header.icp_count, 1)
+    self.assertTrue(header.is_valid())
+  def test_save(self):
+    """Tests ICP header save method."""
+    buf = io.BytesIO()
+    self.assertEqual(buf.getvalue(), self.test_header_bytes)
+  def test_encode(self):
+    """Tests ICP header encoding."""
+    # Valid header.
+    header_bytes = self.test_header_valid.encode()
+    self.assertEqual(header_bytes, self.test_header_bytes)
+    # Invalid header
+    with self.assertRaises(aftltool.AftlError):
+      header_bytes = self.test_header_invalid.encode()
+  def test_is_valid(self):
+    """Tests valid ICP header structures."""
+    # Invalid magic.
+    header = aftltool.AftlIcpHeader()
+    self.assertTrue(header.is_valid())
+    # Invalid magic.
+    header = aftltool.AftlIcpHeader()
+    header.magic = 'YOLO'
+    self.assertFalse(header.is_valid())
+    # Valid ICP count.
+    self.assertTrue(self.test_header_valid.is_valid())
+    # Invalid ICP count.
+    self.assertFalse(self.test_header_invalid.is_valid())
+    header = aftltool.AftlIcpHeader()
+    header.icp_count = 10000000
+    self.assertFalse(header.is_valid())
+    # Invalid ICP major version.
+    header = aftltool.AftlIcpHeader()
+    header.required_icp_version_major = avbtool.AVB_VERSION_MAJOR + 1
+    self.assertFalse(header.is_valid())
+    # Invalid ICP minor version.
+    header = aftltool.AftlIcpHeader()
+    header.required_icp_version_minor = avbtool.AVB_VERSION_MINOR + 1
+    self.assertFalse(header.is_valid())
+  def test_print_desc(self):
+    """Tests print_desc method."""
+    buf = io.BytesIO()
+    self.test_header_valid.print_desc(buf)
+    desc = buf.getvalue()
+    # Cursory whether the printed description contains something useful.
+    self.assertGreater(len(desc), 0)
+    self.assertTrue('Major version:' in desc)
 class TrillianLogRootDescriptorTest(AftltoolTestCase):
+  """Test suite for testing the TrillianLogRootDescriptorTest descriptor."""
   def setUp(self):
     """Sets up the test bed for the unit tests."""
     super(TrillianLogRootDescriptorTest, self).setUp()
+    # Creates basic log root without metadata fields.
     base_log_root = (
         '0001'                              # version
         '00000000000002e5'                  # tree_size
@@ -508,38 +618,241 @@
         '15e1c97e3b4bd239'                  # timestamp
         '00000000000002e4'                  # revision
-    self.test_log_root_without_metadata = binascii.unhexlify(
+    # Create valid log roots with metadata fields w/ and w/o metadata.
+    self.test_log_root_bytes_wo_metadata = binascii.unhexlify(
         base_log_root + '0000')
-    self.test_log_root_with_metadata = binascii.unhexlify(
+    self.test_log_root_bytes_with_metadata = binascii.unhexlify(
         base_log_root + '00023132')
-  def test_valid_empty_descriptor(self):
-    """Tests behavior of instance creation without data."""
+  def test__init__(self):
+    """Tests constructor."""
+    # Calls constructor without data.
     d = aftltool.TrillianLogRootDescriptor()
+    self.assertEqual(d.version, 1)
+    self.assertEqual(d.tree_size, 0)
+    self.assertEqual(d.root_hash_size, 0)
+    self.assertEqual(d.root_hash, bytearray())
+    self.assertEqual(d.timestamp, 0)
+    self.assertEqual(d.revision, 0)
+    self.assertEqual(d.metadata_size, 0)
+    self.assertEqual(d.metadata, bytearray())
-  def test_valid_parsed_descriptor_without_metadata(self):
-    """Tests parsing of a Trillian log_root structure."""
-    d = aftltool.TrillianLogRootDescriptor(self.test_log_root_without_metadata)
+    # Calls constructor with log_root w/o metadata
+    d = aftltool.TrillianLogRootDescriptor(self.test_log_root_bytes_wo_metadata)
     self.assertEqual(d.version, 1)
     self.assertEqual(d.tree_size, 741)
     self.assertEqual(d.root_hash_size, 32)
-    self.assertEqual(binascii.hexlify(d.root_hash),
-                     '2d614759ad408a111a3351c0cb33c099'
-                     '422c30a5c5104788a343332bde2b387b')
+    self.assertEqual(d.root_hash,
+                     binascii.unhexlify('2d614759ad408a111a3351c0cb33c099'
+                                        '422c30a5c5104788a343332bde2b387b'))
     self.assertEqual(d.timestamp, 1576762888554271289)
     self.assertEqual(d.revision, 740)
     self.assertEqual(d.metadata_size, 0)
     self.assertEqual(d.metadata, bytearray())
-  def test_valid_parsed_descriptor_with_metadata(self):
-    """Tests parsing of a Trillian log_root structure with metadata field."""
-    d = aftltool.TrillianLogRootDescriptor(self.test_log_root_with_metadata)
-    self.assertTrue(d.is_valid())
+    # Calls constructor with log_root with metadata
+    d = aftltool.TrillianLogRootDescriptor(
+        self.test_log_root_bytes_with_metadata)
     self.assertEqual(d.metadata_size, 2)
     self.assertEqual(d.metadata, bytearray('12'))
+  def test_get_expected_size(self):
+    """Tests get_expected_size method."""
+    # Default constructor.
+    d = aftltool.TrillianLogRootDescriptor()
+    self.assertEqual(d.get_expected_size(), 11 + 18)
+    # Log root without metadata.
+    d = aftltool.TrillianLogRootDescriptor(self.test_log_root_bytes_wo_metadata)
+    self.assertEqual(d.get_expected_size(), 11 + 18 + 32)
+    # Log root with metadata.
+    d = aftltool.TrillianLogRootDescriptor(
+        self.test_log_root_bytes_with_metadata)
+    self.assertEqual(d.get_expected_size(), 11 + 18 + 32 + 2)
+  def test_encode(self):
+    """Tests encode method."""
+    # Log root from default constructor.
+    d = aftltool.TrillianLogRootDescriptor()
+    expected_bytes = (
+        '0001'                              # version
+        '0000000000000000'                  # tree_size
+        '00'                                # root_hash_size
+        ''                                  # root_hash (empty)
+        '0000000000000000'                  # timestamp
+        '0000000000000000'                  # revision
+        '0000'                              # metadata size
+        ''                                  # metadata (empty)
+    )
+    self.assertEqual(d.encode(), binascii.unhexlify(expected_bytes))
+    # Log root without metadata.
+    d = aftltool.TrillianLogRootDescriptor(self.test_log_root_bytes_wo_metadata)
+    self.assertEqual(d.encode(), self.test_log_root_bytes_wo_metadata)
+    # Log root with metadata.
+    d = aftltool.TrillianLogRootDescriptor(
+        self.test_log_root_bytes_with_metadata)
+    self.assertEqual(d.encode(), self.test_log_root_bytes_with_metadata)
+  def test_is_valid(self):
+    """Tests the is_valid method."""
+    d = aftltool.TrillianLogRootDescriptor()
+    self.assertTrue(d.is_valid())
+    # Invalid version.
+    d = aftltool.TrillianLogRootDescriptor()
+    d.version = 2
+    self.assertFalse(d.is_valid())
+    # Invalid tree_size.
+    d = aftltool.TrillianLogRootDescriptor()
+    d.tree_size = -1
+    self.assertFalse(d.is_valid())
+    # Invalid root_hash_size.
+    d = aftltool.TrillianLogRootDescriptor()
+    d.root_hash_size = -1
+    self.assertFalse(d.is_valid())
+    d.root_hash_size = 300
+    self.assertFalse(d.is_valid())
+    # Invalid/valid root_hash_size / root_hash combination.
+    d = aftltool.TrillianLogRootDescriptor()
+    d.root_hash_size = 4
+    d.root_hash = '123'
+    self.assertFalse(d.is_valid())
+    d.root_hash = '1234'
+    self.assertTrue(d.is_valid())
+    # Invalid timestamp.
+    d = aftltool.TrillianLogRootDescriptor()
+    d.timestamp = -1
+    self.assertFalse(d.is_valid())
+    # Invalid revision.
+    d = aftltool.TrillianLogRootDescriptor()
+    d.revision = -1
+    self.assertFalse(d.is_valid())
+    # Invalid metadata_size.
+    d = aftltool.TrillianLogRootDescriptor()
+    d.metadata_size = -1
+    self.assertFalse(d.is_valid())
+    d.metadata_size = 70000
+    self.assertFalse(d.is_valid())
+    # Invalid/valid metadata_size / metadata combination.
+    d = aftltool.TrillianLogRootDescriptor()
+    d.metadata_size = 4
+    d.metadata = '123'
+    self.assertFalse(d.is_valid())
+    d.metadata = '1234'
+    self.assertTrue(d.is_valid())
+  def test_print_desc(self):
+    """Tests print_desc method."""
+    # Log root without metadata
+    buf = io.BytesIO()
+    d = aftltool.TrillianLogRootDescriptor(self.test_log_root_bytes_wo_metadata)
+    d.print_desc(buf)
+    desc = buf.getvalue()
+    # Cursory whether the printed description contains something useful.
+    self.assertGreater(len(desc), 0)
+    self.assertTrue('Version:' in desc)
+    self.assertFalse('Metadata:' in desc)
+    # Log root with metadata
+    buf = io.BytesIO()
+    d = aftltool.TrillianLogRootDescriptor(
+        self.test_log_root_bytes_with_metadata)
+    d.print_desc(buf)
+    desc = buf.getvalue()
+    # Cursory whether the printed description contains something useful.
+    self.assertGreater(len(desc), 0)
+    self.assertTrue('Version:' in desc)
+    self.assertTrue('Metadata:' in desc)
+class AftlMockCommunication(aftltool.AftlCommunication):
+  """Testing Mock implementation of AftlCommunication."""
+  def __init__(self, transparency_log, canned_response):
+    """Initializes the object.
+    Arguments:
+      transparency_log: String containing the URL of a transparency log server.
+      canned_response: AddFirmwareInfoResponse to return or the Exception to
+        raise.
+    """
+    super(AftlMockCommunication, self).__init__(transparency_log)
+    self.request = None
+    self.canned_response = canned_response
+  def AddFirmwareInfo(self, request):
+    """Records the request and returns the canned response."""
+    self.request = request
+    if isinstance(self.canned_response, aftltool.AftlError):
+      raise self.canned_response
+    return self.canned_response
+class AftlTest(AftltoolTestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    """Sets up the test bed for the unit tests."""
+    super(AftlTest, self).setUp()
+    self.mock_aftl_host = ''
+  # pylint: disable=no-member
+  def test_request_inclusion_proof(self):
+    """Tests the request_inclusion_proof method."""
+    aftl_comms = AftlMockCommunication(self.mock_aftl_host, self.test_afi_resp)
+    aftl = aftltool.Aftl()
+    icp = aftl.request_inclusion_proof(self.mock_aftl_host,
+                                       'a'*1024, 'version_inc',
+                                       'test/data/testkey_rsa4096.pem',
+                                       None, None,
+                                       aftl_comms=aftl_comms)
+    self.assertEqual(icp.leaf_index,
+                     self.test_afi_resp.fw_info_proof.proof.leaf_index)
+    self.assertEqual(icp.proof_hash_count,
+                     len(self.test_afi_resp.fw_info_proof.proof.hashes))
+    self.assertEqual(icp.log_url, self.mock_aftl_host)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        icp.log_root_descriptor.root_hash, binascii.unhexlify(
+            '53b182b55dc1377197c938637f50093131daea4d0696b1eae5b8a014bfde884a'))
+    self.assertEqual(icp.fw_info_leaf.version_incremental, 'version_inc')
+    # To calculate the hash of the a RSA key use the following command:
+    # openssl rsa -in test/data/testkey_rsa4096.pem -pubout \
+    #    -outform DER | sha256sum
+    self.assertEqual(icp.fw_info_leaf.manufacturer_key_hash, binascii.unhexlify(
+        '9841073d16a7abbe21059e026da71976373d8f74fdb91cc46aa0a7d622b925b9'))
+    self.assertEqual(icp.log_root_signature,
+                     self.test_afi_resp.fw_info_proof.sth.log_root_signature)
+    self.assertEqual(icp.proofs, self.test_afi_resp.fw_info_proof.proof.hashes)
+  # pylint: disable=no-member
+  def test_request_inclusion_proof_failure(self):
+    """Tests the request_inclusion_proof_method in case of a comms problem."""
+    aftl_comms = AftlMockCommunication(self.mock_aftl_host,
+                                       aftltool.AftlError('Comms error'))
+    aftl = aftltool.Aftl()
+    with self.assertRaises(aftltool.AftlError):
+      aftl.request_inclusion_proof(self.mock_aftl_host,
+                                   'a'*1024, 'version_inc',
+                                   'test/data/testkey_rsa4096.pem',
+                                   None, None,
+                                   aftl_comms=aftl_comms)
 if __name__ == '__main__':