blob: 517d87aef8c609e7aa0f19b70605c636f30c5893 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023, The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Rust bindgen wrappers to allow calling into libavb from Rust.
// The auto-generated wrappers are Rust unsafe and somewhat difficult to work
// with so are not exposed outside of this directory; instead we will provide
// a safe higher-level Rust API.
rust_defaults {
name: "libavb_bindgen.defaults",
wrapper_src: "bindgen/avb.h",
crate_name: "avb_bindgen",
edition: "2021",
visibility: [
// TODO(b/290110273): add the Rust public API layer here and adjust
// Virtualization packages to depend on it instead of the raw bindgen.
source_stem: "bindings",
bindgen_flags: [
"--constified-enum-module AvbDescriptorTag",
"--default-enum-style rust",
cflags: ["-DBORINGSSL_NO_CXX"],
rust_bindgen {
name: "libavb_bindgen",
defaults: ["libavb_bindgen.defaults"],
host_supported: true,
static_libs: [
shared_libs: [
apex_available: [
rust_bindgen {
name: "libavb_bindgen_nostd",
defaults: ["libavb_bindgen.defaults"],
static_libs: [
rust_test {
name: "libavb_bindgen_test",
srcs: [":libavb_bindgen"],
crate_name: "avb_bindgen_test",
edition: "2021",
test_suites: ["general-tests"],
auto_gen_config: true,
clippy_lints: "none",
lints: "none",
// Rust library wrapping libavb C implementation.
// Common defaults for all variations.
rust_defaults {
name: "libavb_rs_common.defaults",
crate_name: "avb",
srcs: ["src/"],
clippy_lints: "android",
lints: "android",
// No std, no features.
rust_defaults {
name: "libavb_rs_nostd.defaults",
defaults: ["libavb_rs_common.defaults"],
// Only rlib can build without the required nostd hooks (eh_personality,
// panic_handler, etc) to defer them for the final binary to implement.
prefer_rlib: true,
no_stdlibs: true,
rustlibs: [
whole_static_libs: [
stdlibs: [
// Std, no features.
rust_defaults {
name: "libavb_rs.defaults",
defaults: ["libavb_rs_common.defaults"],
host_supported: true,
rustlibs: [
whole_static_libs: [
// Adds UUID feature for nostd.
rust_defaults {
name: "libavb_rs_nostd.uuid.defaults",
features: [
rustlibs: [
// Adds UUID feature for std.
rust_defaults {
name: "libavb_rs.uuid.defaults",
features: [
rustlibs: [
// lib: no std, no features.
rust_library_rlib {
name: "libavb_rs_nostd",
defaults: ["libavb_rs_nostd.defaults"],
// lib: no std, UUID feature.
rust_library_rlib {
name: "libavb_rs_nostd_uuid",
defaults: [
// lib: std, no features.
rust_library {
name: "libavb_rs",
defaults: ["libavb_rs.defaults"],
// Unit tests: std, no features.
rust_test {
name: "libavb_rs_unittest",
defaults: ["libavb_rs.defaults"],
test_suites: ["general-tests"],
// lib: std, UUID feature.
rust_library {
name: "libavb_rs_uuid",
defaults: [
// Unit tests: std, UUID feature.
rust_test {
name: "libavb_rs_uuid_unittest",
defaults: [
test_suites: ["general-tests"],
// Integration test defaults.
rust_defaults {
name: "libavb_rs_test.defaults",
srcs: ["tests/"],
data: [
test_suites: ["general-tests"],
clippy_lints: "android",
lints: "android",
// Integration test: no features.
rust_test {
name: "libavb_rs_test",
defaults: ["libavb_rs_test.defaults"],
rustlibs: ["libavb_rs"],
// Integration test: UUID feature.
rust_test {
name: "libavb_rs_uuid_test",
defaults: [
rustlibs: ["libavb_rs_uuid"],
// Test images for verification.
// Unsigned 16KiB test image.
genrule {
name: "avbrs_test_image",
tools: ["avbtool"],
out: ["test_image.img"],
cmd: "$(location avbtool) generate_test_image --image_size 16384 --output $(out)",
// Unsigned vbmeta blob containing the test image descriptor for partition name "test_part".
avb_gen_vbmeta_image {
name: "avbrs_test_image_descriptor",
src: ":avbrs_test_image",
partition_name: "test_part",
salt: "0000",
// Unsigned vbmeta blob containing the test image descriptor for partition name "test_part_2".
avb_gen_vbmeta_image {
name: "avbrs_test_image_descriptor_2",
src: ":avbrs_test_image",
partition_name: "test_part_2",
salt: "0001",
// Unsigned vbmeta blob containing a persistent digest descriptor for partition name
// "test_part_persistent_digest".
// Currently this is the only in-tree usage of persistent digests, but if anyone else needs it
// later on it may be worth folding support for this into the `avb_gen_vbmeta_image` rule.
genrule {
name: "avbrs_test_image_descriptor_persistent_digest",
tools: ["avbtool"],
srcs: [":avbrs_test_image"],
out: ["avbrs_test_image_descriptor_persistent_digest.img"],
cmd: "$(location avbtool) add_hash_footer --image $(location :avbrs_test_image) --partition_name test_part_persistent_digest --dynamic_partition_size --do_not_append_vbmeta_image --use_persistent_digest --output_vbmeta_image $(out)",
// Standalone vbmeta image signing the test image descriptor.
genrule {
name: "avbrs_test_vbmeta",
tools: ["avbtool"],
srcs: [
out: ["test_vbmeta.img"],
cmd: "$(location avbtool) make_vbmeta_image --key $(location :avb_testkey_rsa4096) --algorithm SHA512_RSA4096 --include_descriptors_from_image $(location :avbrs_test_image_descriptor) --output $(out)",
// Standalone vbmeta image signing the test image descriptors for "test_part" and "test_part_2".
genrule {
name: "avbrs_test_vbmeta_2_parts",
tools: ["avbtool"],
srcs: [
out: ["test_vbmeta_2_parts.img"],
cmd: "$(location avbtool) make_vbmeta_image --key $(location :avb_testkey_rsa4096) --algorithm SHA512_RSA4096 --include_descriptors_from_image $(location :avbrs_test_image_descriptor) --include_descriptors_from_image $(location :avbrs_test_image_descriptor_2) --output $(out)",
// Standalone vbmeta image signing the test image persistent digest descriptor.
genrule {
name: "avbrs_test_vbmeta_persistent_digest",
tools: ["avbtool"],
srcs: [
out: ["test_vbmeta_persistent_digest.img"],
cmd: "$(location avbtool) make_vbmeta_image --key $(location :avb_testkey_rsa4096) --algorithm SHA512_RSA4096 --include_descriptors_from_image $(location :avbrs_test_image_descriptor_persistent_digest) --output $(out)",
// Combined test image + signed vbmeta footer for "test_part".
avb_add_hash_footer {
name: "avbrs_test_image_with_vbmeta_footer",
src: ":avbrs_test_image",
partition_name: "test_part",
private_key: ":avb_testkey_rsa4096",
salt: "A000",
// Combined test image + signed vbmeta footer for "boot".
avb_add_hash_footer {
name: "avbrs_test_image_with_vbmeta_footer_for_boot",
src: ":avbrs_test_image",
partition_name: "boot",
private_key: ":avb_testkey_rsa4096",
salt: "A001",