blob: f7979638c6623fe1a60b9abe5a36a31218e76d7c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import io
from datetime import datetime
import sys
import textwrap
from typing import Dict, Optional
from . import vulkan_printer
from . import opcodes
import struct
class CommandPrinter:
"""This class is responsible for printing the commands found in the minidump file to the terminal."""
def __init__(self, opcode: int, original_size: int, data: bytes, timestamp: int,
stream_idx: int, cmd_idx: int, out=sys.stdout):
self.opcode = opcode
self.original_size = original_size = io.BytesIO(data)
self.timestamp = timestamp
self.stream_idx = stream_idx
self.cmd_idx = cmd_idx
self.out = out
def print_cmd(self):
Tries to decode and pretty print the command to the terminal.
Falls back to printing hex data if the command doesn't have a printer.
# Print out the command name
print("\n{}.{} - {}: ({} bytes)".format(self.stream_idx, self.cmd_idx, self.cmd_name(),
self.original_size - 8), file=self.out)
if len( == 0:
pretty_printer = getattr(vulkan_printer, self.cmd_name(), None)
if not pretty_printer:
pretty_printer(self, indent=4)
except Exception as ex:
print("Error while processing {}: {}".format(self.cmd_name(), repr(ex)), file=self.out)
print("Command raw data:", file=self.out)
raise ex
def check_no_more_bytes(self):
Checks that we processed all the bytes, otherwise there's probably a bug in the decoding
if != len(
raise BufferError(
"Not all data was decoded. Decoded {} bytes but command had {}".format(, len(
def cmd_name(self) -> str:
"""Returns the command name (e.g.: "OP_vkBeginCommandBuffer", or the opcode as a string if unknown"""
return opcodes.opcodes.get(self.opcode, str(self.opcode))
def print_raw(self):
"""Prints the command data as a hex bytes, as a fallback if we don't know how to decode it"""
truncated = self.original_size > len( + 8
indent = 8
hex = ' '.join(["{:02x}".format(x) for x in])
if truncated:
hex += " [...]"
lines = textwrap.wrap(hex, width=16 * 3 + indent, initial_indent=' ' * indent,
subsequent_indent=' ' * indent)
for l in lines:
print(l, file=self.out)
def read_bytes(self, size: int):
buf =
if len(buf) != size:
raise EOFError("Unexpectedly reached the end of the buffer")
return buf
def read_int(self, size: int, signed: bool = False, big_endian: bool = False) -> int:
assert size in [1, 2, 4, 8], "Invalid size to read: " + str(size)
buf = self.read_bytes(size)
byte_order = 'big' if big_endian else 'little'
return int.from_bytes(buf, byteorder=byte_order, signed=signed)
def read_float(self) -> float:
buf = self.read_bytes(4)
return struct.unpack('f', buf)[0]
def write(self, msg: str, indent: int):
"""Prints a string at a given indentation level"""
assert type(msg) == str
assert type(indent) == int and indent >= 0
print(" " * indent + msg, end='', file=self.out)
def write_int(self,
field_name: str,
size: int,
indent: int,
signed: bool = False,
big_endian: bool = False,
optional: bool = False,
count: Optional[int] = None) -> Optional[int]:
Reads and prints integers from the data stream.
When reading a single int (ie: when count=None), returns the int that was read, otherwise
returns None.
size: size of the integer in bytes
indent: indentation level that we should write at
signed: whether to treat it as a signed or unsigned int
big_endian: whether to treat it as little endian or big endian
optional: if True, we will first read an 8 byte boolean value. If that value is false, we
will return without further reading.
count: how many integers to read, for repeated values.
if optional and self.check_null(field_name, indent):
# Write the field name
self.write("{name}: ".format(name=field_name), indent)
if count is not None:
values = ["0x{:x}".format(self.read_int(size, signed, big_endian)) for i in
range(0, count)]
self.write("[{}]\n".format(", ".join(values)), indent=0)
value = self.read_int(size, signed, big_endian)
# Print small values as decimal only, otherwise hex + decimal
format_str = ("{val}\n" if value < 10 else "0x{val:x} ({val})\n")
self.write(format_str.format(val=value), indent=0)
return value
def write_float(self, field_name: str, indent: int, count: Optional[int] = None):
if count is not None:
values = [str(self.read_float()) for i in range(0, count)]
self.write("{}: [{}]\n".format(field_name, ", ".join(values)), indent)
self.write("{}: {}\n".format(field_name, self.read_float()), indent)
def write_enum(self, field_name: str, enum: Dict[int, str], indent: int) -> int:
"""Reads the next 32-byte int from the data stream, prints it as an enum, and return it"""
value = self.read_int(4)
self.write("{}: {} ({})\n".format(field_name, enum.get(value, ""), value), indent)
return value
def write_flags(self, field_name: str, enum: Dict[int, str], indent: int):
"""Reads and prints Vulkan flags (byte masks)"""
remaining_flags = flags = self.read_int(4)
flags_list = []
if remaining_flags == 0xffffffff:
# When the value is set to all flags, don't bother listing them all
flags_list.append("(all flags)")
for (value, flag) in enum.items():
if value & remaining_flags:
remaining_flags ^= value
if remaining_flags != 0:
flags_list.insert(0, "0x{:x}".format(remaining_flags))
self.write("{}: {} (0x{:x})\n".format(field_name, " | ".join(flags_list), flags), indent)
def write_stype_and_pnext(self, expected_stype: str, indent: int):
"""Reads and prints the sType and pNext fields found in many Vulkan structs, while also sanity checking them"""
stype = self.write_enum("sType", vulkan_printer.VkStructureType, indent)
stype_str = vulkan_printer.VkStructureType.get(stype)
if stype_str != expected_stype:
raise ValueError("Wrong structure type. Expected: {}, got {} ({}) instead".format(
expected_stype, stype, stype_str))
pnext_size = self.write_int("pNext_size", 4, indent, big_endian=True)
if pnext_size != 0:
self.write_enum("ext type", vulkan_printer.VkStructureType, indent + 1)
raise NotImplementedError("Decoding structs with extensions is not supported")
def write_timestamp(self, indent):
if self.timestamp != 0:
"Recorded at: {}\n".format(datetime.fromtimestamp(self.timestamp / 1000000.0)),
def check_null(self, field_name: str, indent) -> bool:
is_null = self.read_int(8, big_endian=True) == 0
if is_null:
self.write("{}: (null)\n".format(field_name), indent)
return is_null
def write_struct(self, field_name: str, struct_fn, optional: bool, count: Optional[int],
indent: int):
Reads and prints a struct, calling `struct_fn` to pretty-print it
optional: whether this is an optional structure. In this case, we will read an int64 first
and skip the struct if the result is null.
count: how many times this is repeated. Pass None for non-repeated fields.
if optional and self.check_null(field_name, indent):
is_repeated = count is not None
for i in range(0, count if is_repeated else 1):
suffix = " #{}".format(i) if is_repeated else ""
self.write("{}{}:\n".format(field_name, suffix), indent)
struct_fn(self, indent + 1)
def write_string(self, field_name: str, size: Optional[int], indent: int):
Reads a null-terminated string from the stream.
size: if specified, reads up to this many characters
buf = bytearray()
if size is not None:
buf = self.read_bytes(size)
buf = buf.rstrip(b'\x00')
# Reads from the string one char at a time, until we find a null
# Not the most efficient way of doing this, but whatever
while True:
c = self.read_int(1)
if c == 0:
self.write("{}: \"{}\"\n".format(field_name, buf.decode('utf-8')), indent)