Snap for 8068644 from bf17d7046897cac823330c7e7935a532477b3328 to sc-v2-release

Change-Id: I05390e7b58357ea6adb4812ac18a917be37eac34
diff --git a/acts_tests/tests/google/wifi/ b/acts_tests/tests/google/wifi/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d47ddf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acts_tests/tests/google/wifi/
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3.4
+#   Copyright 2016 - The Android Open Source Project
+#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#   limitations under the License.
+import os
+import time
+import re
+import json
+import logging
+import pprint
+from acts import asserts
+from acts import utils
+from acts.keys import Config
+from acts.test_decorators import test_tracker_info
+from acts_contrib.test_utils.wifi import wifi_constants
+from acts_contrib.test_utils.wifi import wifi_test_utils as wutils
+from acts_contrib.test_utils.wifi.WifiBaseTest import WifiBaseTest
+from acts_contrib.test_utils.wifi.wifi_constants import\
+WifiEnums = wutils.WifiEnums
+WPA3_SAE_SOFTAP = WifiEnums.SoftApSecurityType.WPA3_SAE
+class WifiCellCoexChannelAvoidTest(WifiBaseTest):
+    def __init__(self, configs):
+        super().__init__(configs)
+        self.generate_test_list()
+    def generate_test_list(self):
+        """Generates a test list sorted with coex_unsafe_list_sap list.
+            Test with a sorted list can reduce lots of time
+            on switch radio and band start up.
+        """
+        sorted_list = sorted(
+            self.user_params["coex_unsafe_list_sap"], key=lambda radio: radio["band"])
+        for test_item in sorted_list:
+            self.init_test_case(self.coex_unsafechannel_avoidance, test_item)
+        pprint.pprint("self.tests = {}".format(self.tests))
+    def init_test_case(self, coex_unsafechannel_avoidance, test_item):
+        """Generates a single test case from the given data.
+        Args:
+            coex_unsafechannel_avoidance: The base test case function to run.
+            test_item: test case required info include ["uuid","coex_unsafe_case"]
+        """
+        test_name = test_item["coex_unsafe_case"]
+        test_tracker_uuid = test_item["uuid"]
+        if not test_name.startswith("test_"):
+            test_name = "test_{}".format(test_name)
+        test_case = test_tracker_info(uuid=test_tracker_uuid)(
+            lambda: coex_unsafechannel_avoidance(test_item))
+        setattr(self, test_name, test_case)
+        self.tests.append(test_name)
+    def setup_class(self):
+        """It will setup the required dependencies from config file and configure
+           the devices for softap mode testing.
+        Returns:
+            True if successfully configured the requirements for testing.
+        """
+        super().setup_class()
+        self.dut = self.android_devices[0]
+        self.dut_client = self.android_devices[1]
+        req_params = ["dbs_supported_models", "sta_concurrency_supported_models",
+                      "wifi6_models","coex_unsafe_list_sap"]
+        opt_param = ["reference_networks"]
+        self.unpack_userparams(
+            req_param_names=req_params, opt_param_names=opt_param)
+        if "AccessPoint" in self.user_params:
+            self.legacy_configure_ap_and_start()
+        elif "OpenWrtAP" in self.user_params:
+            self.configure_openwrt_ap_and_start(wpa_network=True)
+        self.wifi_network = self.reference_networks[0]["2g"]
+        # Do a simple version of init - mainly just sync the time and enable
+        # verbose logging.  This test will fail if the DUT has a sim and cell
+        # data is disabled.  We would also like to test with phones in less
+        # constrained states (or add variations where we specifically
+        # constrain).
+        utils.require_sl4a((self.dut, self.dut_client))
+        utils.sync_device_time(self.dut)
+        utils.sync_device_time(self.dut_client)
+        # Enable verbose logging on the duts
+        self.dut.droid.wifiEnableVerboseLogging(1)
+        asserts.assert_equal(self.dut.droid.wifiGetVerboseLoggingLevel(), 1,
+            "Failed to enable WiFi verbose logging on the softap dut.")
+        self.dut_client.droid.wifiEnableVerboseLogging(1)
+        asserts.assert_equal(self.dut_client.droid.wifiGetVerboseLoggingLevel(), 1,
+            "Failed to enable WiFi verbose logging on the client dut.")
+        wutils.wifi_toggle_state(self.dut, True)
+        wutils.wifi_toggle_state(self.dut_client, True)
+        self.AP_IFACE = 'wlan0'
+        if self.dut.model in self.dbs_supported_models:
+            self.AP_IFACE = 'wlan1'
+        if self.dut.model in self.sta_concurrency_supported_models:
+            self.AP_IFACE = 'wlan2'
+        if len(self.android_devices) > 2:
+            utils.sync_device_time(self.android_devices[2])
+            self.android_devices[2].droid.wifiEnableVerboseLogging(1)
+            asserts.assert_equal(self.android_devices[2].droid.wifiGetVerboseLoggingLevel(), 1,
+                "Failed to enable WiFi verbose logging on the client dut.")
+            self.dut_client_2 = self.android_devices[2]
+    def teardown_class(self):
+        super().teardown_class()
+        for ad in self.android_devices:
+            wutils.wifi_toggle_state(ad, True)
+            wutils.reset_wifi(ad)
+            time.sleep(WAIT_AFTER_REBOOT)
+        if self.dut.droid.wifiIsApEnabled():
+            wutils.stop_wifi_tethering(self.dut)
+        if "AccessPoint" in self.user_params:
+            del self.user_params["reference_networks"]
+            del self.user_params["open_network"]
+    def setup_test(self):
+        super().setup_test()
+        for ad in self.android_devices:
+            wutils.wifi_toggle_state(ad, True)
+        self.dut.reboot()
+        time.sleep(WAIT_AFTER_REBOOT)
+    def teardown_test(self):
+        super().teardown_test()
+        for ad in self.android_devices:
+            wutils.wifi_toggle_state(ad, True)
+        if self.dut.droid.wifiIsApEnabled():
+            wutils.stop_wifi_tethering(self.dut)
+        self.dut.log.debug("Toggling Airplane mode OFF.")
+        asserts.assert_true(utils.force_airplane_mode(self.dut, False),
+                            "Can not turn off airplane mode: %s" % self.dut.serial)
+        #reset coexcell setting
+'cmd wifi reset-coex-cell-channels')
+    """ Helper Functions """
+    def coex_unsafe_channel_key(self, unsafe_channel):
+        if COEX_POWER_CAP_DBM in unsafe_channel:
+            return (unsafe_channel[COEX_BAND], unsafe_channel[COEX_CHANNEL],
+                    unsafe_channel[COEX_POWER_CAP_DBM])
+        return (unsafe_channel[COEX_BAND], unsafe_channel[COEX_CHANNEL])
+    def enable_softap(self, ad, band=None):
+        """ Enable SoftAp of the DUT
+        Returns:
+            (freq1, freq2): Integer; a 2G frequency and a 5G frequency if DUT
+                            support BridgedAp.
+            freq: Integer; a frequency from SoftAp.
+            None, bandwidth: Just a placeholder, won't be used.
+        """
+        # Enable SoftAp
+        # Create SoftAp config.
+        config = wutils.create_softap_config()
+        # If DUT support BridgedAp, then two BridgedAp instances enabled.
+        if self.dut.droid.wifiIsBridgedApConcurrencySupported():
+            wutils.save_wifi_soft_ap_config(
+                ad,
+                config,
+                bands=[WifiEnums.WIFI_CONFIG_SOFTAP_BAND_2G,
+                       WifiEnums.WIFI_CONFIG_SOFTAP_BAND_2G_5G])
+        # If DUT does not support BridgedAp, 2G OR 5G SoftAp enabled.
+        else:
+            if self.init_softap_band == BAND_2G:
+                band = WifiEnums.WIFI_CONFIG_SOFTAP_BAND_2G
+            if self.init_softap_band == BAND_5G:
+                band = WifiEnums.WIFI_CONFIG_SOFTAP_BAND_5G
+            wutils.save_wifi_soft_ap_config(ad,
+                                            config,
+                                            band=band)
+        wutils.start_wifi_tethering_saved_config(ad)
+        # if DUT support BridgedAp:
+        if ad.droid.wifiIsBridgedApConcurrencySupported():
+            callbackId = ad.droid.registerSoftApCallback()
+            infos = wutils.get_current_softap_infos(ad, callbackId, True)
+            ad.droid.unregisterSoftApCallback(callbackId)
+            # if DUT BridgedAp has two instances, return two frequencies.
+            if len(infos) == 2:
+                freq_1 = infos[0]["frequency"]
+                freq_2 = infos[1]["frequency"]
+      "DUT connected to AP on freq: {},{}, chan: {} ,{}".
+                                  format(freq_1, freq_2, WifiEnums.freq_to_channel[freq_1],
+                                         WifiEnums.freq_to_channel[freq_2]))
+                return freq_1, freq_2
+            # if DUT BridgedAp has only one instances, return the frequency.
+            elif len(infos) == 1:
+                freq = infos[0]["frequency"]
+      "DUT connected to AP on freq: {}, chan: {}".
+                                  format(freq, WifiEnums.freq_to_channel[freq]))
+                return freq
+            else:
+                raise signals.TestFailure("There should be SoftAp instance.")
+        # if DUT does not support BridgedAp:
+        else:
+            # Return SoftAp frequency.
+            callbackId = ad.droid.registerSoftApCallback()
+            freq, bandwidth = wutils.get_current_softap_info(ad,
+                                                             callbackId,
+                                                             True)
+  "SoftAp freq: {}".format(freq))
+            ad.droid.unregisterSoftApCallback(callbackId)
+  "DUT connected to AP on freq: {}, chan: {}".
+                        format(freq, WifiEnums.freq_to_channel[freq]))
+            return freq, bandwidth
+    """ Tests Begin """
+    def coex_unsafechannel_avoidance(self, test_item):
+ = test_item["radio"]
+ = test_item["band"]
+        self.cellchannels = test_item["setcoexcellchannels"]
+        time.sleep(WAIT_AFTER_REBOOT)
+        wutils.set_wifi_country_code(self.dut, country_code='US')
+        asserts.skip_if(not self.dut.droid.isSdkAtLeastS(),
+                        "Require SDK at least S to use wifi coex apis.")
+        self.dut.ed.clear_all_events()
+        #Listing the test coex setting from configuration
+"DUT test cellcoex radio:{}, band:{}, channels setting:{}"
+                          .format(,, self.cellchannels))
+'cmd wifi set-coex-cell-channels %s %s %s' % (,,
+                                                                         self.cellchannels))
+        self.dut.droid.wifiRegisterCoexCallback()
+        try:
+            # Wait for the immediate callback from registering and store the current values
+            event = self.dut.ed.pop_event("WifiManagerCoexCallback#onCoexUnsafeChannelsChanged", 5)
+        except queue.Empty:
+  "Coex callback event not received after registering.")
+        prev_unsafe_channels = sorted(json.loads(event["data"][KEY_COEX_UNSAFE_CHANNELS]),
+                                      key=self.coex_unsafe_channel_key)
+        prev_restrictions = sorted(json.loads(event["data"][KEY_COEX_RESTRICTIONS]))
+        unsafe_channels = []
+        for i in range(len(prev_unsafe_channels)):
+            unsafe_channels.append(prev_unsafe_channels[i]['channel'])
+"DUT unsafe channels:{}".format(unsafe_channels))
+        freq1, freq2 = self.enable_softap(self.dut)
+        sapchan1, sapchan2 = WifiEnums.freq_to_channel[freq1], WifiEnums.freq_to_channel[freq2]
+        if sapchan1 in unsafe_channels or sapchan2 in unsafe_channels:
+  "devices hotspot's channel open on current unsafe channels "
+                                + str(unsafe_channels))
+        else:
+            pass
+        self.dut.droid.wifiUnregisterCoexCallback()
+'cmd wifi reset-coex-cell-channels')
+    """ Tests End """
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    pass