blob: 9ebcfd98373593a590b142aab8d84b7185600361 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <android-base/unique_fd.h>
#include <libsnapshot/cow_format.h>
namespace android {
namespace snapshot {
class ICowOpIter;
class ICowOpReverseIter;
// A ByteSink object handles requests for a buffer of a specific size. It
// always owns the underlying buffer. It's designed to minimize potential
// copying as we parse or decompress the COW.
class IByteSink {
virtual ~IByteSink() {}
// Called when the reader has data. The size of the request is given. The
// sink must return a valid pointer (or null on failure), and return the
// maximum number of bytes that can be written to the returned buffer.
// The returned buffer is owned by IByteSink, but must remain valid until
// the read operation has completed (or the entire buffer has been
// covered by calls to ReturnData).
// After calling GetBuffer(), all previous buffers returned are no longer
// valid.
// GetBuffer() is intended to be sequential. A returned size of N indicates
// that the output stream will advance by N bytes, and the ReturnData call
// indicates that those bytes have been fulfilled. Therefore, it is
// possible to have ReturnBuffer do nothing, if the implementation doesn't
// care about incremental writes.
virtual void* GetBuffer(size_t requested, size_t* actual) = 0;
// Called when a section returned by |GetBuffer| has been filled with data.
virtual bool ReturnData(void* buffer, size_t length) = 0;
// Interface for reading from a snapuserd COW.
class ICowReader {
virtual ~ICowReader() {}
// Return the file header.
virtual bool GetHeader(CowHeader* header) = 0;
// Return the file footer.
virtual bool GetFooter(CowFooter* footer) = 0;
// Return the last valid label
virtual bool GetLastLabel(uint64_t* label) = 0;
// Return an iterator for retrieving CowOperation entries.
virtual std::unique_ptr<ICowOpIter> GetOpIter() = 0;
// Return an reverse iterator for retrieving CowOperation entries.
virtual std::unique_ptr<ICowOpReverseIter> GetRevOpIter() = 0;
// Get decoded bytes from the data section, handling any decompression.
// All retrieved data is passed to the sink.
virtual bool ReadData(const CowOperation& op, IByteSink* sink) = 0;
// Iterate over a sequence of COW operations.
class ICowOpIter {
virtual ~ICowOpIter() {}
// True if there are more items to read, false otherwise.
virtual bool Done() = 0;
// Read the current operation.
virtual const CowOperation& Get() = 0;
// Advance to the next item.
virtual void Next() = 0;
// Reverse Iterate over a sequence of COW operations.
class ICowOpReverseIter {
virtual ~ICowOpReverseIter() {}
// True if there are more items to read, false otherwise.
virtual bool Done() = 0;
// Read the current operation.
virtual const CowOperation& Get() = 0;
// Advance to the next item.
virtual void Next() = 0;
class CowReader : public ICowReader {
~CowReader() { owned_fd_ = {}; }
// Parse the COW, optionally, up to the given label. If no label is
// specified, the COW must have an intact footer.
bool Parse(android::base::unique_fd&& fd, std::optional<uint64_t> label = {});
bool Parse(android::base::borrowed_fd fd, std::optional<uint64_t> label = {});
bool InitForMerge(android::base::unique_fd&& fd);
bool GetHeader(CowHeader* header) override;
bool GetFooter(CowFooter* footer) override;
bool GetLastLabel(uint64_t* label) override;
// Create a CowOpIter object which contains footer_.num_ops
// CowOperation objects. Get() returns a unique CowOperation object
// whose lifetime depends on the CowOpIter object; the return
// value of these will never be null.
std::unique_ptr<ICowOpIter> GetOpIter() override;
std::unique_ptr<ICowOpReverseIter> GetRevOpIter() override;
bool ReadData(const CowOperation& op, IByteSink* sink) override;
bool GetRawBytes(uint64_t offset, void* buffer, size_t len, size_t* read);
void InitializeMerge();
void set_total_data_ops(uint64_t size) { total_data_ops_ = size; }
uint64_t total_data_ops() { return total_data_ops_; }
void set_copy_ops(uint64_t size) { copy_ops_ = size; }
uint64_t total_copy_ops() { return copy_ops_; }
void CloseCowFd() { owned_fd_ = {}; }
bool ParseOps(std::optional<uint64_t> label);
uint64_t FindNumCopyops();
android::base::unique_fd owned_fd_;
android::base::borrowed_fd fd_;
CowHeader header_;
std::optional<CowFooter> footer_;
uint64_t fd_size_;
std::optional<uint64_t> last_label_;
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<CowOperation>> ops_;
uint64_t total_data_ops_;
uint64_t copy_ops_;
} // namespace snapshot
} // namespace android