Move restorecon of /data earlier in boot sequence.

A future early-boot daemon (on-device signing) needs to access
/data/misc before fs-verity keys are locked. Therefore, move the
restorecon of /data up a bit, to make sure the labels are correct. To be
safe, only run it after init_user0, since that function is responsible
for loading DE keys.

Also move early boot keys and fs-verity key locking a bit later, since
the on-device signing daemon needs to use both of these, but it also
needs the restorecon to function correctly.

Bug: 174740982
Test: manual
Change-Id: I9b6e44d9b547d420e1c6ba01fb3d3accc0625e20
diff --git a/rootdir/init.rc b/rootdir/init.rc
index 049301d..19c00f9 100644
--- a/rootdir/init.rc
+++ b/rootdir/init.rc
@@ -856,13 +856,6 @@
     wait_for_prop apexd.status activated
-    # Lock the fs-verity keyring, so no more keys can be added
-    exec -- /system/bin/fsverity_init --lock
-    # After apexes are mounted, tell keymaster early boot has ended, so it will
-    # stop allowing use of early-boot keys
-    exec - system system -- /system/bin/vdc keymaster earlyBootEnded
     # Special-case /data/media/obb per b/64566063
     mkdir /data/media 0770 media_rw media_rw encryption=None
     exec - media_rw media_rw -- /system/bin/chattr +F /data/media
@@ -872,15 +865,22 @@
+    # Set SELinux security contexts on upgrade or policy update.
+    restorecon --recursive --skip-ce /data
+    # After apexes are mounted, tell keymaster early boot has ended, so it will
+    # stop allowing use of early-boot keys
+    exec - system system -- /system/bin/vdc keymaster earlyBootEnded
+    # Lock the fs-verity keyring, so no more keys can be added
+    exec -- /system/bin/fsverity_init --lock
     # Allow apexd to snapshot and restore device encrypted apex data in the case
     # of a rollback. This should be done immediately after DE_user data keys
     # are loaded. APEXes should not access this data until this has been
     # completed and apexd.status becomes "ready".
     exec_start apexd-snapshotde
-    # Set SELinux security contexts on upgrade or policy update.
-    restorecon --recursive --skip-ce /data
     # Check any timezone data in /data is newer than the copy in the time zone data
     # module, delete if not.
     exec - system system -- /system/bin/tzdatacheck /apex/ /data/misc/zoneinfo