blob: 69d72e19cfbcafc80138383ec64cf67752d8f824 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// A subset of system/update_engine/update_metadata.proto. A separate file is
// used here because:
// - The original file is optimized for LITE_RUNTIME, but fuzzing needs
// reflection.
// - The definition here has less fields. libsnapshot only uses fields declared
// here, and all fields declared here are fuzzed by libsnapshot_fuzzer. If
// libsnapshot uses more fields in system/update_engine/update_metadata.proto
// in the future, they must be added here too, otherwise it will fail to
// compile.
// It is okay that this file is older than
// system/update_engine/update_metadata.proto as long as the messages defined
// here can also be parsed by protobuf defined there. However, it is not
// okay to add fields here without adding them to
// system/update_engine/update_metadata.proto. Doing so will cause a compiler
// error when libsnapshot code starts to use these dangling fields.
syntax = "proto2";
package chromeos_update_engine;
message Extent {
optional uint64 start_block = 1;
optional uint64 num_blocks = 2;
message PartitionInfo {
optional uint64 size = 1;
message InstallOperation {
enum Type {
// Not used by libsnapshot. Declared here so that the fuzzer has an
// alternative value to use for |type|.
ZERO = 6;
required Type type = 1;
repeated Extent src_extents = 4;
repeated Extent dst_extents = 6;
message PartitionUpdate {
required string partition_name = 1;
optional PartitionInfo new_partition_info = 7;
repeated InstallOperation operations = 8;
optional Extent hash_tree_extent = 11;
optional Extent fec_extent = 15;
optional uint64 estimate_cow_size = 19;
message DynamicPartitionGroup {
required string name = 1;
optional uint64 size = 2;
repeated string partition_names = 3;
message DynamicPartitionMetadata {
repeated DynamicPartitionGroup groups = 1;
optional bool vabc_enabled = 3;
optional string vabc_compression_param = 4;
optional uint32 cow_version = 5;
message DeltaArchiveManifest {
repeated PartitionUpdate partitions = 13;
optional DynamicPartitionMetadata dynamic_partition_metadata = 15;
optional bool partial_update = 16;