Merge "Don't depend on String8 cast to C string" into main
diff --git a/init/security.cpp b/init/security.cpp
index 445286a..0c73fae 100644
--- a/init/security.cpp
+++ b/init/security.cpp
@@ -106,13 +106,9 @@
     // uml does not support mmap_rnd_bits
     return {};
 #elif defined(__aarch64__)
-    // arm64 architecture supports 18 - 33 rnd bits depending on pagesize and
-    // VA_SIZE. However the kernel might have been compiled with a narrower
-    // range using CONFIG_ARCH_MMAP_RND_BITS_MIN/MAX. To use the maximum
-    // supported number of bits, we start from the theoretical maximum of 33
-    // bits and try smaller values until we reach 24 bits which is the
-    // Android-specific minimum. Don't go lower even if the configured maximum
-    // is smaller than 24.
+    // arm64 supports 14 - 33 rnd bits depending on page size and ARM64_VA_BITS.
+    // The kernel (6.5) still defaults to 39 va bits for 4KiB pages, so shipping
+    // devices are only getting 24 bits of randomness in practice.
     if (SetMmapRndBitsMin(33, 24, false) && (!Has32BitAbi() || SetMmapRndBitsMin(16, 16, true))) {
         return {};