blob: 56354c9125e02ae56861af3aaec65d0536884984 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "chre/core/event_loop.h"
#include <cinttypes>
#include <cstdint>
#include "chre/core/event.h"
#include "chre/core/event_loop_manager.h"
#include "chre/core/nanoapp.h"
#include "chre/platform/assert.h"
#include "chre/platform/context.h"
#include "chre/platform/fatal_error.h"
#include "chre/platform/log.h"
#include "chre/platform/system_time.h"
#include "chre/util/conditional_lock_guard.h"
#include "chre/util/lock_guard.h"
#include "chre/util/system/debug_dump.h"
#include "chre/util/system/event_callbacks.h"
#include "chre/util/system/stats_container.h"
#include "chre/util/time.h"
#include "chre_api/chre/version.h"
namespace chre {
// Out of line declaration required for nonintegral static types
constexpr Nanoseconds EventLoop::kIntervalWakeupBucket;
namespace {
using DynamicMemoryPool =
SynchronizedExpandableMemoryPool<Event, CHRE_EVENT_PER_BLOCK,
// TODO(b/264108686): Make this a compile time parameter.
// How many low priority event to remove if the event queue is full
// and a new event needs to be pushed.
constexpr size_t targetLowPriorityEventRemove = 4;
* Populates a chreNanoappInfo structure using info from the given Nanoapp
* instance.
* @param app A potentially null pointer to the Nanoapp to read from
* @param info The structure to populate - should not be null, but this function
* will handle that input
* @return true if neither app nor info were null, and info was populated
bool populateNanoappInfo(const Nanoapp *app, struct chreNanoappInfo *info) {
bool success = false;
if (app != nullptr && info != nullptr) {
info->appId = app->getAppId();
info->version = app->getAppVersion();
info->instanceId = app->getInstanceId();
if (app->getTargetApiVersion() >= CHRE_API_VERSION_1_8) {
CHRE_ASSERT(app->getRpcServices().size() <= Nanoapp::kMaxRpcServices);
info->rpcServiceCount =
info->rpcServices = app->getRpcServices().data();
memset(&info->reserved, 0, sizeof(info->reserved));
success = true;
return success;
* @return true if a event is a low priority event.
bool isLowPriorityEvent(Event *event) {
return event->isLowPriority;
void deallocateFromMemoryPool(Event *event, void *memoryPool) {
static_cast<DynamicMemoryPool *>(memoryPool)->deallocate(event);
} // anonymous namespace
bool EventLoop::findNanoappInstanceIdByAppId(uint64_t appId,
uint16_t *instanceId) const {
CHRE_ASSERT(instanceId != nullptr);
ConditionalLockGuard<Mutex> lock(mNanoappsLock, !inEventLoopThread());
bool found = false;
for (const UniquePtr<Nanoapp> &app : mNanoapps) {
if (app->getAppId() == appId) {
*instanceId = app->getInstanceId();
found = true;
return found;
void EventLoop::forEachNanoapp(NanoappCallbackFunction *callback, void *data) {
ConditionalLockGuard<Mutex> lock(mNanoappsLock, !inEventLoopThread());
for (const UniquePtr<Nanoapp> &nanoapp : mNanoapps) {
callback(nanoapp.get(), data);
void EventLoop::invokeMessageFreeFunction(uint64_t appId,
chreMessageFreeFunction *freeFunction,
void *message, size_t messageSize) {
Nanoapp *nanoapp = lookupAppByAppId(appId);
if (nanoapp == nullptr) {
LOGE("Couldn't find app 0x%016" PRIx64 " for message free callback", appId);
} else {
auto prevCurrentApp = mCurrentApp;
mCurrentApp = nanoapp;
freeFunction(message, messageSize);
mCurrentApp = prevCurrentApp;
void EventLoop::run() {
LOGI("EventLoop start");
while (mRunning) {
// Events are delivered in a single stage: they arrive in the inbound event
// queue mEvents (potentially posted from another thread), then within
// this context these events are distributed to all interested Nanoapps,
// with their free callback invoked after distribution.
// mEvents.pop() will be a blocking call if mEvents.empty()
Event *event = mEvents.pop();
// Need size() + 1 since the to-be-processed event has already been removed.
mPowerControlManager.preEventLoopProcess(mEvents.size() + 1);
// Purge the main queue of events pending distribution. All nanoapps should be
// prevented from sending events or messages at this point via
// currentNanoappIsStopping() returning true.
while (!mEvents.empty()) {
// Unload all running nanoapps
while (!mNanoapps.empty()) {
unloadNanoappAtIndex(mNanoapps.size() - 1);
LOGI("Exiting EventLoop");
bool EventLoop::startNanoapp(UniquePtr<Nanoapp> &nanoapp) {
bool success = false;
auto *eventLoopManager = EventLoopManagerSingleton::get();
EventLoop &eventLoop = eventLoopManager->getEventLoop();
uint16_t existingInstanceId;
if (nanoapp.isNull()) {
// no-op, invalid argument
} else if (nanoapp->getTargetApiVersion() <
LOGE("Incompatible nanoapp (target ver 0x%" PRIx32
", first supported ver 0x%" PRIx32 ")",
} else if (eventLoop.findNanoappInstanceIdByAppId(nanoapp->getAppId(),
&existingInstanceId)) {
LOGE("App with ID 0x%016" PRIx64 " already exists as instance ID %" PRIu16,
nanoapp->getAppId(), existingInstanceId);
} else if (!mNanoapps.prepareForPush()) {
} else {
LOGD("Instance ID %" PRIu16 " assigned to app ID 0x%016" PRIx64,
nanoapp->getInstanceId(), nanoapp->getAppId());
Nanoapp *newNanoapp = nanoapp.get();
LockGuard<Mutex> lock(mNanoappsLock);
// After this point, nanoapp is null as we've transferred ownership into
// mNanoapps.back() - use newNanoapp to reference it
mCurrentApp = newNanoapp;
success = newNanoapp->start();
mCurrentApp = nullptr;
if (!success) {
// TODO: to be fully safe, need to purge/flush any events and messages
// sent by the nanoapp here (but don't call nanoappEnd). For now, we just
// destroy the Nanoapp instance.
LOGE("Nanoapp %" PRIu16 " failed to start", newNanoapp->getInstanceId());
// Note that this lock protects against concurrent read and modification
// of mNanoapps, but we are assured that no new nanoapps were added since
// we pushed the new nanoapp
LockGuard<Mutex> lock(mNanoappsLock);
} else {
notifyAppStatusChange(CHRE_EVENT_NANOAPP_STARTED, *newNanoapp);
return success;
bool EventLoop::unloadNanoapp(uint16_t instanceId,
bool allowSystemNanoappUnload) {
bool unloaded = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < mNanoapps.size(); i++) {
if (instanceId == mNanoapps[i]->getInstanceId()) {
if (!allowSystemNanoappUnload && mNanoapps[i]->isSystemNanoapp()) {
LOGE("Refusing to unload system nanoapp");
} else {
// Make sure all messages sent by this nanoapp at least have their
// associated free callback processing pending in the event queue (i.e.
// there are no messages pending delivery to the host)
// Mark that this nanoapp is stopping early, so it can't send events or
// messages during the nanoapp event queue flush
mStoppingNanoapp = mNanoapps[i].get();
// Distribute all inbound events we have at this time - here we're
// interested in handling any message free callbacks generated by
// flushInboundEventQueue()
// Post the unload event now (so we can reference the Nanoapp instance
// directly), but nanoapps won't get it until after the unload completes
notifyAppStatusChange(CHRE_EVENT_NANOAPP_STOPPED, *mStoppingNanoapp);
// Finally, we are at a point where there should not be any pending
// events or messages sent by the app that could potentially reference
// the nanoapp's memory, so we are safe to unload it
mStoppingNanoapp = nullptr;
LOGD("Unloaded nanoapp with instanceId %" PRIu16, instanceId);
unloaded = true;
return unloaded;
bool EventLoop::removeLowPriorityEventsFromBack(size_t removeNum) {
return false;
if (removeNum == 0) {
return true;
size_t numRemovedEvent = mEvents.removeMatchedFromBack(
isLowPriorityEvent, removeNum, deallocateFromMemoryPool, &mEventPool);
if (numRemovedEvent == 0 || numRemovedEvent == SIZE_MAX) {
LOGW("Cannot remove any low priority event");
} else {
mNumDroppedLowPriEvents += numRemovedEvent;
return numRemovedEvent > 0;
bool EventLoop::hasNoSpaceForHighPriorityEvent() {
return mEventPool.full() &&
// TODO(b/264108686): Refactor this function and postSystemEvent
void EventLoop::postEventOrDie(uint16_t eventType, void *eventData,
chreEventCompleteFunction *freeCallback,
uint16_t targetInstanceId,
uint16_t targetGroupMask) {
if (mRunning) {
if (hasNoSpaceForHighPriorityEvent() ||
!allocateAndPostEvent(eventType, eventData, freeCallback,
false /*isLowPriority*/, kSystemInstanceId,
targetInstanceId, targetGroupMask)) {
FATAL_ERROR("Failed to post critical system event 0x%" PRIx16, eventType);
} else if (freeCallback != nullptr) {
freeCallback(eventType, eventData);
bool EventLoop::postSystemEvent(uint16_t eventType, void *eventData,
SystemEventCallbackFunction *callback,
void *extraData) {
if (!mRunning) {
return false;
if (hasNoSpaceForHighPriorityEvent()) {
FATAL_ERROR("Failed to post critical system event 0x%" PRIx16
": Full of high priority "
Event *event = mEventPool.allocate(eventType, eventData, callback, extraData);
if (event == nullptr || !mEvents.push(event)) {
FATAL_ERROR("Failed to post critical system event 0x%" PRIx16
": out of memory",
return true;
bool EventLoop::postLowPriorityEventOrFree(
uint16_t eventType, void *eventData,
chreEventCompleteFunction *freeCallback, uint16_t senderInstanceId,
uint16_t targetInstanceId, uint16_t targetGroupMask) {
bool eventPosted = false;
if (mRunning) {
if (mEventPool.getFreeBlockCount() > kMinReservedHighPriorityEventCount)
if (mEventPool.getFreeSpaceCount() > kMinReservedHighPriorityEventCount)
eventPosted = allocateAndPostEvent(
eventType, eventData, freeCallback, true /*isLowPriority*/,
senderInstanceId, targetInstanceId, targetGroupMask);
if (!eventPosted) {
LOGE("Failed to allocate event 0x%" PRIx16 " to instanceId %" PRIu16,
eventType, targetInstanceId);
if (!eventPosted && freeCallback != nullptr) {
freeCallback(eventType, eventData);
return eventPosted;
void EventLoop::stop() {
auto callback = [](uint16_t /*type*/, void *data, void * /*extraData*/) {
auto *obj = static_cast<EventLoop *>(data);
// Stop accepting new events and tell the main loop to finish
/*eventData=*/this, callback, /*extraData=*/nullptr);
void EventLoop::onStopComplete() {
mRunning = false;
Nanoapp *EventLoop::findNanoappByInstanceId(uint16_t instanceId) const {
ConditionalLockGuard<Mutex> lock(mNanoappsLock, !inEventLoopThread());
return lookupAppByInstanceId(instanceId);
bool EventLoop::populateNanoappInfoForAppId(
uint64_t appId, struct chreNanoappInfo *info) const {
ConditionalLockGuard<Mutex> lock(mNanoappsLock, !inEventLoopThread());
Nanoapp *app = lookupAppByAppId(appId);
return populateNanoappInfo(app, info);
bool EventLoop::populateNanoappInfoForInstanceId(
uint16_t instanceId, struct chreNanoappInfo *info) const {
ConditionalLockGuard<Mutex> lock(mNanoappsLock, !inEventLoopThread());
Nanoapp *app = lookupAppByInstanceId(instanceId);
return populateNanoappInfo(app, info);
bool EventLoop::currentNanoappIsStopping() const {
return (mCurrentApp == mStoppingNanoapp || !mRunning);
void EventLoop::logStateToBuffer(DebugDumpWrapper &debugDump) const {
debugDump.print("\nEvent Loop:\n");
debugDump.print(" Max event pool usage: %" PRIu32 "/%zu\n",
mEventPoolUsage.getMax(), kMaxEventCount);
debugDump.print(" Number of low priority events dropped: %" PRIu32 "\n",
debugDump.print(" Mean event pool usage: %" PRIu32 "/%zu\n",
mEventPoolUsage.getMean(), kMaxEventCount);
Nanoseconds timeSince =
SystemTime::getMonotonicTime() - mTimeLastWakeupBucketCycled;
uint64_t timeSinceMins =
timeSince.toRawNanoseconds() / kOneMinuteInNanoseconds;
uint64_t durationMins =
kIntervalWakeupBucket.toRawNanoseconds() / kOneMinuteInNanoseconds;
debugDump.print(" Nanoapp host wakeup tracking: cycled %" PRIu64
"mins ago, bucketDuration=%" PRIu64 "mins\n",
timeSinceMins, durationMins);
for (const UniquePtr<Nanoapp> &app : mNanoapps) {
bool EventLoop::allocateAndPostEvent(uint16_t eventType, void *eventData,
chreEventCompleteFunction *freeCallback,
bool isLowPriority,
uint16_t senderInstanceId,
uint16_t targetInstanceId,
uint16_t targetGroupMask) {
bool success = false;
Event *event =
mEventPool.allocate(eventType, eventData, freeCallback, isLowPriority,
senderInstanceId, targetInstanceId, targetGroupMask);
if (event != nullptr) {
success = mEvents.push(event);
return success;
void EventLoop::deliverNextEvent(const UniquePtr<Nanoapp> &app, Event *event) {
// TODO: cleaner way to set/clear this? RAII-style?
mCurrentApp = app.get();
mCurrentApp = nullptr;
void EventLoop::distributeEvent(Event *event) {
bool eventDelivered = false;
for (const UniquePtr<Nanoapp> &app : mNanoapps) {
if ((event->targetInstanceId == chre::kBroadcastInstanceId &&
app->isRegisteredForBroadcastEvent(event)) ||
event->targetInstanceId == app->getInstanceId()) {
eventDelivered = true;
deliverNextEvent(app, event);
// Log if an event unicast to a nanoapp isn't delivered, as this is could be
// a bug (e.g. something isn't properly keeping track of when nanoapps are
// unloaded), though it could just be a harmless transient issue (e.g. race
// condition with nanoapp unload, where we post an event to a nanoapp just
// after queues are flushed while it's unloading)
if (!eventDelivered && event->targetInstanceId != kBroadcastInstanceId &&
event->targetInstanceId != kSystemInstanceId) {
LOGW("Dropping event 0x%" PRIx16 " from instanceId %" PRIu16 "->%" PRIu16,
event->eventType, event->senderInstanceId, event->targetInstanceId);
void EventLoop::flushInboundEventQueue() {
while (!mEvents.empty()) {
void EventLoop::freeEvent(Event *event) {
if (event->hasFreeCallback()) {
// TODO: find a better way to set the context to the creator of the event
mCurrentApp = lookupAppByInstanceId(event->senderInstanceId);
mCurrentApp = nullptr;
Nanoapp *EventLoop::lookupAppByAppId(uint64_t appId) const {
for (const UniquePtr<Nanoapp> &app : mNanoapps) {
if (app->getAppId() == appId) {
return app.get();
return nullptr;
Nanoapp *EventLoop::lookupAppByInstanceId(uint16_t instanceId) const {
// The system instance ID always has nullptr as its Nanoapp pointer, so can
// skip iterating through the nanoapp list for that case
if (instanceId != kSystemInstanceId) {
for (const UniquePtr<Nanoapp> &app : mNanoapps) {
if (app->getInstanceId() == instanceId) {
return app.get();
return nullptr;
void EventLoop::notifyAppStatusChange(uint16_t eventType,
const Nanoapp &nanoapp) {
auto *info = memoryAlloc<chreNanoappInfo>();
if (info == nullptr) {
} else {
info->appId = nanoapp.getAppId();
info->version = nanoapp.getAppVersion();
info->instanceId = nanoapp.getInstanceId();
postEventOrDie(eventType, info, freeEventDataCallback);
void EventLoop::unloadNanoappAtIndex(size_t index) {
const UniquePtr<Nanoapp> &nanoapp = mNanoapps[index];
// Lock here to prevent the nanoapp instance from being accessed between the
// time it is ended and fully erased
LockGuard<Mutex> lock(mNanoappsLock);
// Let the app know it's going away
mCurrentApp = nanoapp.get();
// Cleanup resources.
const uint32_t numDisabledWifiSubscriptions =
logDanglingResources("WIFI subscriptions", numDisabledWifiSubscriptions);
const uint32_t numDisabledGnssSubscriptions =
logDanglingResources("GNSS subscriptions", numDisabledGnssSubscriptions);
const uint32_t numDisabledSensorSubscriptions =
logDanglingResources("Sensor subscriptions", numDisabledSensorSubscriptions);
const uint32_t numDisabledAudioRequests =
logDanglingResources("Audio requests", numDisabledAudioRequests);
const uint32_t numDisabledBleScans = EventLoopManagerSingleton::get()
logDanglingResources("BLE scan", numDisabledBleScans);
const uint32_t numCancelledTimers =
logDanglingResources("timers", numCancelledTimers);
const uint32_t numFreedBlocks =
logDanglingResources("heap blocks", numFreedBlocks);
mCurrentApp = nullptr;
// Destroy the Nanoapp instance
void EventLoop::handleNanoappWakeupBuckets() {
Nanoseconds now = SystemTime::getMonotonicTime();
Nanoseconds duration = now - mTimeLastWakeupBucketCycled;
if (duration > kIntervalWakeupBucket) {
size_t numBuckets = static_cast<size_t>(
duration.toRawNanoseconds() / kIntervalWakeupBucket.toRawNanoseconds());
mTimeLastWakeupBucketCycled = now;
for (auto &nanoapp : mNanoapps) {
void EventLoop::logDanglingResources(const char *name, uint32_t count) {
if (count > 0) {
LOGE("App 0x%016" PRIx64 " had %" PRIu32 " remaining %s at unload",
mCurrentApp->getAppId(), count, name);
} // namespace chre