blob: 8bfb5ad62f540b83696b5f31fcbcc22224c7354c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "chre/platform/shared/log_buffer.h"
#include "chre/platform/assert.h"
#include "chre/platform/shared/generated/host_messages_generated.h"
#include "chre/util/lock_guard.h"
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstdio>
namespace chre {
using LogType = fbs::LogType;
LogBuffer::LogBuffer(LogBufferCallbackInterface *callback, void *buffer,
size_t bufferSize)
: mBufferData(static_cast<uint8_t *>(buffer)),
mCallback(callback) {
CHRE_ASSERT(bufferSize >= kBufferMinSize);
void LogBuffer::handleLog(LogBufferLogLevel logLevel, uint32_t timestampMs,
const char *logFormat, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, logFormat);
handleLogVa(logLevel, timestampMs, logFormat, args);
void LogBuffer::handleLogVa(LogBufferLogLevel logLevel, uint32_t timestampMs,
const char *logFormat, va_list args) {
char tempBuffer[kLogMaxSize];
int logLenSigned = vsnprintf(tempBuffer, kLogMaxSize, logFormat, args);
processLog(logLevel, timestampMs, tempBuffer, logLenSigned,
false /* encoded */);
void LogBuffer::handleBtLog(BtSnoopDirection direction, uint32_t timestampMs,
const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size) {
if (size == 0) {
auto logLen = static_cast<uint8_t>(size);
if (size < kLogMaxSize) {
LockGuard<Mutex> lockGuard(mLock);
static_assert(sizeof(LogType) == sizeof(uint8_t),
"LogType size is not equal to size of uint8_t");
static_assert(sizeof(direction) == sizeof(uint8_t),
"BtSnoopDirection size is not equal to the size of uint8_t");
uint8_t snoopLogDirection = static_cast<uint8_t>(direction);
discardExcessOldLogsLocked(logLen + kBtSnoopLogOffset);
// Set all BT logs to the CHRE_LOG_LEVEL_INFO.
uint8_t metadata =
setLogMetadata(LogType::BLUETOOTH, LogBufferLogLevel::INFO);
copyToBuffer(logLen, buffer);
} else {
// Cannot truncate a BT event. Log a failure message instead.
constexpr char kBtSnoopLogGenericErrorMsg[] =
"Bt Snoop log message too large";
sizeof(kBtSnoopLogGenericErrorMsg) <= kLogMaxSize,
"Error meessage size needs to be smaller than max log length");
logLen = static_cast<uint8_t>(sizeof(kBtSnoopLogGenericErrorMsg));
copyLogToBuffer(LogBufferLogLevel::INFO, timestampMs,
kBtSnoopLogGenericErrorMsg, logLen, false /* encoded */);
void LogBuffer::handleEncodedLog(LogBufferLogLevel logLevel,
uint32_t timestampMs, const uint8_t *log,
size_t logSize) {
processLog(logLevel, timestampMs, log, logSize);
size_t LogBuffer::copyLogs(void *destination, size_t size,
size_t *numLogsDropped) {
LockGuard<Mutex> lock(mLock);
return copyLogsLocked(destination, size, numLogsDropped);
bool LogBuffer::logWouldCauseOverflow(size_t logSize) {
LockGuard<Mutex> lock(mLock);
return (mBufferDataSize + logSize + kLogDataOffset > mBufferMaxSize);
void LogBuffer::transferTo(LogBuffer &buffer) {
LockGuard<Mutex> lockGuardOther(buffer.mLock);
size_t numLogsDropped;
size_t bytesCopied;
LockGuard<Mutex> lockGuardThis(mLock);
// The buffer being transferred to should be as big or bigger.
CHRE_ASSERT(buffer.mBufferMaxSize >= mBufferMaxSize);
bytesCopied = copyLogsLocked(buffer.mBufferData, buffer.mBufferMaxSize,
buffer.mBufferDataTailIndex = bytesCopied % buffer.mBufferMaxSize;
buffer.mBufferDataSize = bytesCopied;
buffer.mNumLogsDropped = numLogsDropped;
void LogBuffer::updateNotificationSetting(LogBufferNotificationSetting setting,
size_t thresholdBytes) {
LockGuard<Mutex> lock(mLock);
mNotificationSetting = setting;
mNotificationThresholdBytes = thresholdBytes;
void LogBuffer::reset() {
LockGuard<Mutex> lock(mLock);
const uint8_t *LogBuffer::getBufferData() {
return mBufferData;
size_t LogBuffer::getBufferSize() {
LockGuard<Mutex> lockGuard(mLock);
return mBufferDataSize;
size_t LogBuffer::getNumLogsDropped() {
LockGuard<Mutex> lockGuard(mLock);
return mNumLogsDropped;
size_t LogBuffer::incrementAndModByBufferMaxSize(size_t originalVal,
size_t incrementBy) const {
return (originalVal + incrementBy) % mBufferMaxSize;
void LogBuffer::copyToBuffer(size_t size, const void *source) {
const uint8_t *sourceBytes = static_cast<const uint8_t *>(source);
if (mBufferDataTailIndex + size > mBufferMaxSize) {
size_t firstSize = mBufferMaxSize - mBufferDataTailIndex;
size_t secondSize = size - firstSize;
memcpy(&mBufferData[mBufferDataTailIndex], sourceBytes, firstSize);
memcpy(mBufferData, &sourceBytes[firstSize], secondSize);
} else {
memcpy(&mBufferData[mBufferDataTailIndex], sourceBytes, size);
mBufferDataSize += size;
mBufferDataTailIndex =
incrementAndModByBufferMaxSize(mBufferDataTailIndex, size);
void LogBuffer::copyFromBuffer(size_t size, void *destination) {
uint8_t *destinationBytes = static_cast<uint8_t *>(destination);
if (mBufferDataHeadIndex + size > mBufferMaxSize) {
size_t firstSize = mBufferMaxSize - mBufferDataHeadIndex;
size_t secondSize = size - firstSize;
memcpy(destinationBytes, &mBufferData[mBufferDataHeadIndex], firstSize);
memcpy(&destinationBytes[firstSize], mBufferData, secondSize);
} else {
memcpy(destinationBytes, &mBufferData[mBufferDataHeadIndex], size);
mBufferDataSize -= size;
mBufferDataHeadIndex =
incrementAndModByBufferMaxSize(mBufferDataHeadIndex, size);
size_t LogBuffer::copyLogsLocked(void *destination, size_t size,
size_t *numLogsDropped) {
size_t copySize = 0;
if (size != 0 && destination != nullptr && mBufferDataSize != 0) {
if (size >= mBufferDataSize) {
copySize = mBufferDataSize;
} else {
size_t logSize;
size_t logStartIndex = getNextLogIndex(mBufferDataHeadIndex, &logSize);
while (copySize + logSize <= size &&
copySize + logSize <= mBufferDataSize) {
copySize += logSize;
logStartIndex = getNextLogIndex(logStartIndex, &logSize);
copyFromBuffer(copySize, destination);
*numLogsDropped = mNumLogsDropped;
return copySize;
void LogBuffer::resetLocked() {
mBufferDataHeadIndex = 0;
mBufferDataTailIndex = 0;
mBufferDataSize = 0;
mNumLogsDropped = 0;
size_t LogBuffer::getNextLogIndex(size_t startingIndex, size_t *logSize) {
size_t logDataStartIndex =
incrementAndModByBufferMaxSize(startingIndex, kLogDataOffset);
LogType type = getLogTypeFromMetadata(mBufferData[startingIndex]);
size_t logDataSize = getLogDataLength(logDataStartIndex, type);
*logSize = kLogDataOffset + logDataSize;
return incrementAndModByBufferMaxSize(startingIndex, *logSize);
size_t LogBuffer::getLogDataLength(size_t startingIndex, LogType type) {
size_t currentIndex = startingIndex;
size_t numBytes = kLogMaxSize;
if (type == LogType::STRING) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < kLogMaxSize; i++) {
if (mBufferData[currentIndex] == '\0') {
// +1 to include the null terminator
numBytes = i + 1;
currentIndex = incrementAndModByBufferMaxSize(currentIndex, 1);
} else if (type == LogType::TOKENIZED) {
numBytes = mBufferData[startingIndex] + kTokenizedLogOffset;
} else if (type == LogType::BLUETOOTH) {
currentIndex = incrementAndModByBufferMaxSize(startingIndex, 1);
numBytes = mBufferData[currentIndex] + kBtSnoopLogOffset;
} else {
CHRE_ASSERT_LOG(false, "Received unexpected log message type");
return numBytes;
void LogBuffer::processLog(LogBufferLogLevel logLevel, uint32_t timestampMs,
const void *logBuffer, size_t size, bool encoded) {
if (size == 0) {
auto logLen = static_cast<uint8_t>(size);
constexpr char kTokenizedLogGenericErrorMsg[] =
"Tokenized log message too large";
// For tokenized logs, need to leave space for the message size offset. For
// string logs, need to leave 1 byte for the null terminator at the end.
if (!encoded && size >= kLogMaxSize - 1) {
// String logs longer than kLogMaxSize - 1 will be truncated.
logLen = static_cast<uint8_t>(kLogMaxSize - 1);
} else if (encoded && size >= kLogMaxSize - kTokenizedLogOffset) {
// There is no way of decoding an encoded message if we truncate it, so
// we do the next best thing and try to log a generic failure message
// reusing the logbuffer for as much as we can. Note that we also need
// flip the encoding flag for proper decoding by the host log message
// parser.
sizeof(kTokenizedLogGenericErrorMsg) <= kLogMaxSize - 1,
"Error meessage size needs to be smaller than max log length");
logBuffer = kTokenizedLogGenericErrorMsg;
logLen = static_cast<uint8_t>(sizeof(kTokenizedLogGenericErrorMsg));
encoded = false;
copyLogToBuffer(logLevel, timestampMs, logBuffer, logLen, encoded);
void LogBuffer::copyLogToBuffer(LogBufferLogLevel level, uint32_t timestampMs,
const void *logBuffer, uint8_t logLen,
bool encoded) {
LockGuard<Mutex> lockGuard(mLock);
// For STRING logs, add 1 byte for null terminator. For TOKENIZED logs, add 1
// byte for the size metadata added to the message.
discardExcessOldLogsLocked(logLen + 1);
encodeAndCopyLogLocked(level, timestampMs, logBuffer, logLen, encoded);
void LogBuffer::discardExcessOldLogsLocked(uint8_t currentLogLen) {
size_t totalLogSize = kLogDataOffset + currentLogLen;
while (mBufferDataSize + totalLogSize > mBufferMaxSize) {
size_t logSize;
mBufferDataHeadIndex = getNextLogIndex(mBufferDataHeadIndex, &logSize);
mBufferDataSize -= logSize;
void LogBuffer::encodeAndCopyLogLocked(LogBufferLogLevel level,
uint32_t timestampMs,
const void *logBuffer, uint8_t logLen,
bool encoded) {
uint8_t metadata =
setLogMetadata(encoded ? LogType::TOKENIZED : LogType::STRING, level);
if (encoded) {
copyToBuffer(logLen, logBuffer);
if (!encoded) {
copyToBuffer(1, reinterpret_cast<const void *>("\0"));
void LogBuffer::dispatch() {
if (mCallback != nullptr) {
switch (mNotificationSetting) {
case LogBufferNotificationSetting::ALWAYS: {
case LogBufferNotificationSetting::NEVER: {
case LogBufferNotificationSetting::THRESHOLD: {
if (mBufferDataSize > mNotificationThresholdBytes) {
LogType LogBuffer::getLogTypeFromMetadata(uint8_t metadata) {
LogType type;
if ((metadata & 0x20) != 0) {
type = LogType::BLUETOOTH;
} else if ((metadata & 0x10) != 0) {
type = LogType::TOKENIZED;
} else {
type = LogType::STRING;
return type;
uint8_t LogBuffer::setLogMetadata(LogType type, LogBufferLogLevel logLevel) {
return static_cast<uint8_t>(type) << 4 | static_cast<uint8_t>(logLevel);
} // namespace chre