blob: 54c716ea2b84a54ddce37e604ad1e9d82fb7adf7 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package chre.rpc;
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
option java_package = "dev.chre.rpc.proto";
service ChreApiTestService {
// Returns the BLE capabilities.
rpc ChreBleGetCapabilities(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (Capabilities) {}
// Returns the BLE filter capabilities.
rpc ChreBleGetFilterCapabilities(google.protobuf.Empty)
returns (Capabilities) {}
// Finds the default sensor for the given sensor type.
rpc ChreSensorFindDefault(ChreSensorFindDefaultInput)
returns (ChreSensorFindDefaultOutput) {}
// Gets the information about a sensor.
rpc ChreGetSensorInfo(ChreHandleInput) returns (ChreGetSensorInfoOutput) {}
// Gets the sampling status for the sensor.
rpc ChreGetSensorSamplingStatus(ChreHandleInput)
returns (ChreGetSensorSamplingStatusOutput) {}
// Configures a sensor.
rpc ChreSensorConfigure(ChreSensorConfigureInput) returns (Status) {}
// Configures a sensor's mode.
rpc ChreSensorConfigureModeOnly(ChreSensorConfigureModeOnlyInput)
returns (Status) {}
// Gets the audio source's information.
rpc ChreAudioGetSource(ChreHandleInput) returns (ChreAudioGetSourceOutput) {}
// Configures the nanoapp to receive host endpoint information for a host
// endpoint id.
rpc ChreConfigureHostEndpointNotifications(
ChreConfigureHostEndpointNotificationsInput) returns (Status) {}
// Gets the host endpoint info for a given host endpoint id.
rpc ChreGetHostEndpointInfo(ChreGetHostEndpointInfoInput)
returns (ChreGetHostEndpointInfoOutput) {}
// Start synchronous functions
/* Starts a BLE scan synchronously. This will wait for the
* event and will return success if the chreBleStartScanAsync
* function returns success and the event is seen. This will
* return the event's success field.
rpc ChreBleStartScanSync(ChreBleStartScanAsyncInput)
returns (stream GeneralSyncMessage) {}
/* Stops a BLE scan synchronously. This will wait for the
* event and will return success if the chreBleStopScanAsync
* function returns success and the event is seen. This will
* return the event's success field.
rpc ChreBleStopScanSync(google.protobuf.Empty)
returns (stream GeneralSyncMessage) {}
// Returns events that match the eventType filter
rpc GatherEvents(GatherEventsInput) returns (stream GeneralEventsMessage) {}
// General messages
// Contains a capabilities uint32
message Capabilities {
uint32 capabilities = 1;
// Status message
message Status {
bool status = 1;
// Input with a handle
message ChreHandleInput {
uint32 handle = 1;
// Message for sync function output
message GeneralSyncMessage {
bool status = 1;
// Event capturing messages
// Contains event filters for gathering events
message GatherEventsInput {
repeated uint32 eventTypes = 1;
// Deprecated: We use the built-in count variable now
uint32 eventTypeCount = 2 [deprecated = true];
uint32 eventCount = 3;
uint64 timeoutInNs = 4;
// Contains events that were gathered
// To gather a new type of event, add its message to the oneof data
message GeneralEventsMessage {
bool status = 1;
oneof data {
ChreSensorThreeAxisData chreSensorThreeAxisData = 2;
ChreSensorSamplingStatusEvent chreSensorSamplingStatusEvent = 3;
ChreHostEndpointNotification chreHostEndpointNotification = 4;
ChreBleAdvertisementEvent chreBleAdvertisementEvent = 5;
// A sensor sampling status update event
message ChreSensorSamplingStatusEvent {
uint32 sensorHandle = 1;
ChreSensorSamplingStatus status = 2;
// The sampling status of a sensor
message ChreSensorSamplingStatus {
uint64 interval = 1;
uint64 latency = 2;
bool enabled = 3;
// Contains three axis data for use with the accelerometer and other sensors
message ChreSensorThreeAxisData {
ChreSensorDataHeader header = 1;
repeated ChreSensorThreeAxisSampleData readings = 2;
// Header for sensor data
message ChreSensorDataHeader {
uint64 baseTimestamp = 1;
uint32 sensorHandle = 2;
uint32 readingCount = 3;
uint32 accuracy = 4;
uint32 reserved = 5;
// Individual sample data for a three-axis sensor
message ChreSensorThreeAxisSampleData {
uint32 timestampDelta = 1;
float x = 2;
float y = 3;
float z = 4;
// A BLE advertising event
message ChreBleAdvertisementEvent {
uint32 reserved = 1;
repeated ChreBleAdvertisingReport reports = 2;
// A BLE advertising report
message ChreBleAdvertisingReport {
uint64 timestamp = 1;
uint32 eventTypeAndDataStatus = 2;
uint32 addressType = 3;
bytes address = 4;
uint32 primaryPhy = 5;
uint32 secondaryPhy = 6;
uint32 advertisingSid = 7;
int32 txPower = 8;
uint32 periodicAdvertisingInterval = 9;
int32 rssi = 10;
uint32 directAddressType = 11;
bytes directAddress = 12;
bytes data = 13;
uint32 reserved = 14;
// Function specific messages
// Input value for ChreSensorFindDefault
message ChreSensorFindDefaultInput {
uint32 sensorType = 1;
// Input value for ChreConfigureHostEndpointNotifications
message ChreConfigureHostEndpointNotificationsInput {
uint32 hostEndpointId = 1;
bool enable = 2;
// Retrieving subscribed disconnected host endpoint notification
message RetrieveLatestDisconnectedHostEndpointEventOutput {
// Records how many disconnected event received by this nanoapp.
uint32 disconnectedCount = 1;
uint32 hostEndpointId = 2;
message ChreHostEndpointNotification {
uint32 hostEndpointId = 1;
uint32 notificationType = 2;
// Input value for ChreGetHostEndpointInfo
message ChreGetHostEndpointInfoInput {
uint32 hostEndpointId = 1;
// Return value for ChreGetHostEndpointInfo.
// Bool + chreHostEndpointInfo
// @see chreHostEndpointInfo for description of each field.
message ChreGetHostEndpointInfoOutput {
bool status = 1;
uint32 hostEndpointId = 2;
uint32 hostEndpointType = 3;
bool isNameValid = 4;
bool isTagValid = 5;
string endpointName = 6;
string endpointTag = 7;
// Return value for ChreSensorFindDefault. sensorHandle is only valid if
// foundSensor is true.
message ChreSensorFindDefaultOutput {
bool foundSensor = 1;
uint32 sensorHandle = 2;
// Return value for ChreGetSensorInfo
message ChreGetSensorInfoOutput {
bool status = 1;
string sensorName = 2;
uint32 sensorType = 3;
uint32 isOnChange = 4;
uint32 isOneShot = 5;
uint32 reportsBiasEvents = 6;
uint32 supportsPassiveMode = 7;
uint32 unusedFlags = 8;
uint64 minInterval = 9;
uint32 sensorIndex = 10;
// Return value for ChreGetSensorSamplingStatus
message ChreGetSensorSamplingStatusOutput {
bool status = 1;
uint64 interval = 2;
uint64 latency = 3;
bool enabled = 4;
// Input value for ChreSensorConfigureModeOnly
message ChreSensorConfigureInput {
uint32 sensorHandle = 1;
uint32 mode = 2;
uint64 interval = 3;
uint64 latency = 4;
// Input value for ChreSensorConfigureModeOnly
message ChreSensorConfigureModeOnlyInput {
uint32 sensorHandle = 1;
uint32 mode = 2;
// Return value for ChreAudioGetSource
message ChreAudioGetSourceOutput {
bool status = 1;
string name = 2;
uint32 sampleRate = 3;
uint64 minBufferDuration = 4;
uint64 maxBufferDuration = 5;
uint32 format = 6;
// Enumeration for BLE scan mode
enum ChreBleScanMode {
// BLE scan filters
message ChreBleGenericFilter {
uint32 type = 1;
uint32 length = 2;
bytes data = 3;
bytes mask = 4;
// Scan filter for BLE scanning
message ChreBleScanFilter {
int32 rssiThreshold = 1;
// Deprecated: We use the built-in count variable now
uint32 scanFilterCount = 2 [deprecated = true];
repeated ChreBleGenericFilter scanFilters = 3;
// Input value for ChreBleStartScanAsync
message ChreBleStartScanAsyncInput {
ChreBleScanMode mode = 1;
uint32 reportDelayMs = 2;
bool hasFilter = 3;
ChreBleScanFilter filter = 4;