blob: 8013165be483158dad42051d820f9c5a80984e38 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <array>
#include <future>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "AstcCpuDecompressor.h"
#include "astcenc.h"
namespace gfxstream {
namespace vk {
namespace {
constexpr uint32_t kNumThreads = 2;
const astcenc_swizzle kSwizzle = {ASTCENC_SWZ_R, ASTCENC_SWZ_G, ASTCENC_SWZ_B, ASTCENC_SWZ_A};
// Used by std::unique_ptr to release the context when the pointer is destroyed
struct AstcencContextDeleter {
void operator()(astcenc_context* c) { astcenc_context_free(c); }
using AstcencContextUniquePtr = std::unique_ptr<astcenc_context, AstcencContextDeleter>;
// Creates a new astcenc_context and wraps it in a smart pointer.
// It is not needed to call astcenc_context_free() on the returned pointer.
// blockWith, blockSize: ASTC block size for the context
// Error: (output param) Where to put the error status. Must not be null.
// Returns nullptr in case of error.
AstcencContextUniquePtr makeDecoderContext(uint32_t blockWidth, uint32_t blockHeight,
astcenc_error* error) {
astcenc_config config = {};
*error =
// TODO(gregschlom): Do we need to pass ASTCENC_PRF_LDR_SRGB here?
astcenc_config_init(ASTCENC_PRF_LDR, blockWidth, blockHeight, 1, ASTCENC_PRE_FASTEST,
if (*error != ASTCENC_SUCCESS) {
return nullptr;
astcenc_context* context;
*error = astcenc_context_alloc(&config, kNumThreads, &context);
if (*error != ASTCENC_SUCCESS) {
return nullptr;
return AstcencContextUniquePtr(context);
#if !defined(__clang__) && defined(_MSC_VER)
// AVX2 support detection for Visual Studio
#include <intrin.h>
bool cpuSupportsAvx2()
int data[4];
__cpuid(data, 0);
if (data[0] >= 7) {
__cpuidex(data, 7, 0);
return data[1] & (1 << 5); // AVX2 = Bank 7, EBX, bit 5
return false;
#elif defined(__aarch64__)
bool cpuSupportsAvx2()
return false;
// AVX2 support detection for GCC and Clang
#include <cpuid.h>
bool cpuSupportsAvx2()
unsigned int data[4];
if (__get_cpuid_count(7, 0, &data[0], &data[1], &data[2], &data[3])) {
return data[1] & (1 << 5); // AVX2 = Bank 7, EBX, bit 5
return false;
// Returns whether the ASTC decoder can be used on this machine. It might not be available if the
// CPU doesn't support AVX2 instructions for example. Since this call is a bit expensive and never
// changes, the result should be cached.
bool isAstcDecoderAvailable() {
if (!cpuSupportsAvx2()) return false;
astcenc_error error;
// Try getting an arbitrary context. If it works, the decoder is available.
auto context = makeDecoderContext(5, 5, &error);
return context != nullptr;
// Caches and manages astcenc_context objects.
// Each context is fairly large (around 30 MB) and takes a while to construct, so it's important to
// reuse them as much as possible.
// While context objects can be reused across multiple threads, they must be used sequentially. To
// avoid having to lock and manage access between threads, we keep one cache per thread. This avoids
// any concurrency issues, at the cost of extra memory.
// Currently, there is no eviction strategy. Each cache could grow to a maximum of ~400 MB in size
// since they are 13 possible ASTC block sizes.
// Thread-safety: not thread safe.
class AstcDecoderContextCache {
// Returns a context object for a given ASTC block size, along with the error code if the
// context initialization failed.
// In this case, the context will be null, and the status code will be non-zero.
std::pair<astcenc_context*, astcenc_error> get(uint32_t blockWidth, uint32_t blockHeight) {
Value& value = mContexts[{blockWidth, blockHeight}];
if (value.context == nullptr) {
value.context = makeDecoderContext(blockWidth, blockHeight, &value.error);
return {value.context.get(), value.error};
// Holds the data we use as the cache key
struct Key {
uint32_t blockWidth;
uint32_t blockHeight;
bool operator==(const Key& other) const {
return blockWidth == other.blockWidth && blockHeight == other.blockHeight;
struct Value {
AstcencContextUniquePtr context = nullptr;
astcenc_error error = ASTCENC_SUCCESS;
// Computes the hash of a Key
struct KeyHash {
std::size_t operator()(const Key& k) const {
// blockWidth and blockHeight are < 256 (actually, < 16), so this is safe
return k.blockWidth << 8 | k.blockHeight;
std::unordered_map<Key, Value, KeyHash> mContexts;
// Thread-safety: all public methods are thread-safe
class WorkerThread {
explicit WorkerThread() : mThread(&WorkerThread::main, this) {}
// Terminates the thread. Call wait() to wait until the thread fully exits.
void terminate() {
std::lock_guard lock(mWorkerMutex);
mTerminated = true;
// Blocks until the thread exits.
void wait() { mThread.join(); }
std::future<astcenc_error> decompress(astcenc_context* context, uint32_t threadIndex,
const uint8_t* data, size_t dataLength,
astcenc_image* image) {
std::lock_guard lock(mWorkerMutex);
mTask = std::packaged_task<astcenc_error()>{[=] {
return astcenc_decompress_image(context, data, dataLength, image, &kSwizzle,
return mTask.get_future();
// Thread's main loop
void main() {
while (true) {
std::packaged_task<astcenc_error()> task;
std::unique_lock lock(mWorkerMutex);
mWorkerCondition.wait(lock, [this] { return mTask.valid() || mTerminated; });
if (mTerminated) return;
task = std::move(mTask);
bool mTerminated = false;
std::condition_variable mWorkerCondition = {}; // Signals availability of work
std::mutex mWorkerMutex = {}; // Mutex used with mWorkerCondition.
std::packaged_task<astcenc_error()> mTask = {};
std::thread mThread = {};
// Performs ASTC decompression of an image on the CPU
class AstcCpuDecompressorImpl : public AstcCpuDecompressor {
: AstcCpuDecompressor(), mContextCache(std::make_unique<AstcDecoderContextCache>()) {}
~AstcCpuDecompressorImpl() override {
// Stop the worker threads, otherwise the process would hang upon exit.
std::lock_guard global_lock(mMutex);
for (auto& worker : mWorkerThreads) {
bool available() const override {
static bool available = isAstcDecoderAvailable();
return available;
int32_t decompress(const uint32_t imgWidth, const uint32_t imgHeight, const uint32_t blockWidth,
const uint32_t blockHeight, const uint8_t* astcData, size_t astcDataLength,
uint8_t* output) override {
std::array<std::future<astcenc_error>, kNumThreads> futures;
std::lock_guard global_lock(mMutex);
auto [context, context_status] = mContextCache->get(blockWidth, blockHeight);
if (context_status != ASTCENC_SUCCESS) return context_status;
astcenc_image image = {
.dim_x = imgWidth,
.dim_y = imgHeight,
.dim_z = 1,
.data_type = ASTCENC_TYPE_U8,
.data = reinterpret_cast<void**>(&output),
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kNumThreads; ++i) {
futures[i] = mWorkerThreads[i].decompress(context, i, astcData, astcDataLength, &image);
astcenc_error result = ASTCENC_SUCCESS;
// Wait for all threads to be done
for (auto& future : futures) {
astcenc_error status = future.get();
if (status != ASTCENC_SUCCESS) {
result = status;
return result;
const char* getStatusString(int32_t statusCode) const override {
const char* msg = astcenc_get_error_string((astcenc_error)statusCode);
return msg ? msg : "ASTCENC_UNKNOWN_STATUS";
std::unique_ptr<AstcDecoderContextCache> mContextCache;
std::mutex mMutex; // Locked while calling `decompress()`
std::array<WorkerThread, kNumThreads> mWorkerThreads;
} // namespace
AstcCpuDecompressor& AstcCpuDecompressor::get() {
static AstcCpuDecompressorImpl instance;
return instance;
} // namespace vk
} // namespace gfxstream