blob: a61ba5664dbf7787ffba63395bcf0ecb40f5b28a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "host-common/H264NaluParser.h"
#include "host-common/MediaFfmpegVideoHelper.h"
#include "host-common/MediaSnapshotState.h"
#include "host-common/MediaTexturePool.h"
#include "host-common/MediaVideoHelper.h"
#include "host-common/YuvConverter.h"
// this is apple's video tool box header
#include <VideoToolbox/VideoToolbox.h>
#ifndef kVTVideoDecoderSpecification_RequireHardwareAcceleratedVideoDecoder
#define kVTVideoDecoderSpecification_RequireHardwareAcceleratedVideoDecoder \
#include <cstdint>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stddef.h>
namespace android {
namespace emulation {
class MediaVideoToolBoxVideoHelper : public MediaVideoHelper {
enum class FrameStorageMode {
enum class OutputTreatmentMode {
MediaVideoToolBoxVideoHelper(int w,
int h,
OutputTreatmentMode outMode,
FrameStorageMode fMode);
~MediaVideoToolBoxVideoHelper() override;
// return true if success; false otherwise
bool init() override;
void decode(const uint8_t* frame,
size_t szBytes,
uint64_t inputPts) override;
void flush() override;
void deInit() override;
void resetTexturePool(MediaTexturePool* pool = nullptr) {
mTexturePool = pool;
virtual int error() const override { return mErrorCode; }
virtual bool good() const override { return mIsGood; }
virtual bool fatal() const override { return false; }
// static
static void videoToolboxDecompressCallback(void* opaque,
void* sourceFrameRefCon,
OSStatus status,
VTDecodeInfoFlags flags,
CVPixelBufferRef image_buffer,
CMTime pts,
CMTime duration);
static CFDictionaryRef createOutputBufferAttributes(int width,
int height,
OSType pix_fmt);
static CMSampleBufferRef createSampleBuffer(CMFormatDescriptionRef fmtDesc,
void* buffer,
size_t sz);
void copyFrame();
void copyFrameToTextures();
void copyFrameToCPU();
void createCMFormatDescription();
void recreateDecompressionSession();
void getOutputWH();
void resetDecoderSession();
void resetFormatDesc();
struct InputFrame {
InputFrame(H264NaluParser::H264NaluType in_type,
const uint8_t* in_data,
int in_size)
: type(in_type), data(in_data), size(in_size) {}
H264NaluParser::H264NaluType type;
const uint8_t* data;
int size;
std::vector<InputFrame> mInputFrames;
bool parseInputFrames(const uint8_t* frame, size_t sz);
// returns the remaining part of the frame, nullptr if none
const uint8_t* parseOneFrame(const uint8_t* frame, size_t szBytes);
void handleIDRFrame(const uint8_t* ptr, size_t szBytes, uint64_t pts);
std::vector<uint8_t> mSPS; // sps NALU
std::vector<uint8_t> mPPS; // pps NALU
// turn on gpu texture mode
bool mUseGpuTexture = true;
MediaTexturePool* mTexturePool = nullptr;
uint64_t mNumInputFrame{0};
uint64_t mNumOutputFrame{0};
int mErrorCode = 0;
bool mIsGood = true;
unsigned int mHeight = 0;
unsigned int mWidth = 0;
unsigned int mOutputHeight = 0;
unsigned int mOutputWidth = 0;
unsigned int mSurfaceHeight = 0;
unsigned int mBPP = 0;
unsigned int mSurfaceWidth = 0;
unsigned int mLumaWidth = 0;
unsigned int mLumaHeight = 0;
unsigned int mChromaHeight = 0;
unsigned int mOutBufferSize = 0;
uint64_t mOutputPts = 0;
bool mImageReady = false;
// used in vtb callback to saved decoded frame
std::vector<uint8_t> mSavedDecodedFrame;
// TODO: get color aspects from some where
MediaSnapshotState::ColorAspects mColorAspects{0};
std::mutex mFrameLock;
// this is only set to true after video session is created without errors
// it is reset to false when new sps/pps comes
bool mVtbReady = false;
// videotoolbox stuff
// the fmt, this will be recreated each time
// we get a sps+pps frames
CMFormatDescriptionRef mCmFmtDesc = nullptr;
// The VideoToolbox decoder session: this could fail to
// create due to incompatible formats coming from android guest
VTDecompressionSessionRef mDecoderSession = nullptr;
// where the decoded frame is stored
CVPixelBufferRef mDecodedFrame = nullptr;
// need this ffmpeg helper to get the w/h/colorspace info
// TODO: replace it with webrtc h264 parser once it is built
// for all platforms
std::unique_ptr<MediaFfmpegVideoHelper> mFfmpegVideoHelper;
void extractFrameInfo();
uint64_t mTotalFrames = 0;
// vtb decoder does not reorder output frames, that means
// the video could see jumps all the times
int mVtbBufferSize = 8;
using PtsPair = std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>;
std::map<PtsPair, MediaSnapshotState::FrameInfo> mVtbBufferMap;
}; // MediaVideoToolBoxVideoHelper
} // namespace emulation
} // namespace android