blob: c26a8e6531e0ad6609a5d53b15b1ca1c1a84af6b [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Contains classes for BatchTraceProcessor API."""
import concurrent.futures as cf
import dataclasses as dc
from enum import Enum
import multiprocessing
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Tuple, List, Optional
import pandas as pd
from perfetto.batch_trace_processor.platform import PlatformDelegate
from perfetto.trace_processor.api import PLATFORM_DELEGATE as TP_PLATFORM_DELEGATE
from perfetto.trace_processor.api import TraceProcessor
from perfetto.trace_processor.api import TraceProcessorException
from perfetto.trace_processor.api import TraceProcessorConfig
from perfetto.trace_uri_resolver import registry
from perfetto.trace_uri_resolver.registry import ResolverRegistry
# Defining this field as a module variable means this can be changed by
# implementations at startup and used for all BatchTraceProcessor objects
# without having to specify on each one.
# In Google3, this field is rewritten using Copybara to a implementation
# which can integrates with internal infra.
PLATFORM_DELEGATE = PlatformDelegate
TraceListReference = registry.TraceListReference
Metadata = Dict[str, str]
# Enum encoding how errors while loading/querying traces in BatchTraceProcessor
# should be handled.
class FailureHandling(Enum):
# If any trace fails to load or be queried, raises an exception causing the
# entire batch trace processor to fail.
# This is the default behaviour and the method which should be preferred for
# any interactive use of BatchTraceProcessor.
# If a trace fails to load or be queried, the trace processor for that trace
# is dropped but loading of other traces is unaffected. A failure integer is
# incremented in the Stats class for the batch trace processor instance.
class BatchTraceProcessorConfig:
tp_config: TraceProcessorConfig
load_failure_handling: FailureHandling
query_failure_handling: FailureHandling
def __init__(
tp_config: TraceProcessorConfig = TraceProcessorConfig(),
load_failure_handling: FailureHandling = FailureHandling.RAISE_EXCEPTION,
execute_failure_handling: FailureHandling = FailureHandling
self.tp_config = tp_config
self.load_failure_handling = load_failure_handling
self.execute_failure_handling = execute_failure_handling
# Contains stats about the events which happened during the use of
# BatchTraceProcessor.
class Stats:
# The number of traces which failed to load; only non-zero if
# FailureHanding.INCREMENT_STAT is chosen as the load failure handling type.
load_failures: int = 0
# The number of traces which failed while executing (query, metric or
# arbitary function); only non-zero if FailureHanding.INCREMENT_STAT is
# chosen as the execute failure handling type.
execute_failures: int = 0
class BatchTraceProcessor:
"""Run ad-hoc SQL queries across many Perfetto traces.
with BatchTraceProcessor(traces) as btp:
dfs = btp.query('select * from slice')
for df in dfs:
def __init__(self,
traces: TraceListReference,
config: BatchTraceProcessorConfig = BatchTraceProcessorConfig()):
"""Creates a batch trace processor instance.
BatchTraceProcessor is the blessed way of running ad-hoc queries in
Python across many traces.
traces: A list of traces, a trace URI resolver or a URI which
can be resolved to a list of traces.
If a list, each of items must be one of the following types:
1) path to a trace file to open and read
2) a file like object (file, io.BytesIO or similar) to read
3) a generator yielding bytes
4) an URI which resolves to a trace
A trace URI resolver is a subclass of resolver.TraceUriResolver
which generates a list of trace references when the |resolve|
method is called on it.
A URI is similar to a connection string (e.g. for a web
address or SQL database) which specifies where to lookup traces
and which traces to pick from this data source. The format of a
string should be as follows:
Custom resolvers can be provided to handle URIs via
config: configuration options which customize functionality of batch
trace processor and underlying trace processors.
self.tps_and_metadata = None
self.closed = False
self._stats = Stats()
self.platform_delegate = PLATFORM_DELEGATE()
self.tp_platform_delegate = TP_PLATFORM_DELEGATE()
self.config = config
# Make sure the descendent trace processors are using the same resolver
# registry (even though they won't actually use it as we will resolve
# everything fully in this class).
self.resolver_registry = config.tp_config.resolver_registry or \
self.config.tp_config.resolver_registry = self.resolver_registry
# Resolve all the traces to their final form.
resolved = self.resolver_registry.resolve(traces)
# As trace processor is completely CPU bound, it makes sense to just
# max out the CPUs available.
query_executor = self.platform_delegate.create_query_executor(
len(resolved)) or cf.ThreadPoolExecutor(
load_exectuor = self.platform_delegate.create_load_executor(
len(resolved)) or query_executor
self.query_executor = query_executor
self.tps_and_metadata = [
x for x in, resolved) if x is not None
def metric(self, metrics: List[str]):
"""Computes the provided metrics.
The computation happens in parallel across all the traces.
metrics: A list of valid metrics as defined in TraceMetrics
A list of TraceMetric protos (one for each trace).
return self.execute(lambda tp: tp.metric(metrics))
def query(self, sql: str):
"""Executes the provided SQL statement (returning a single row).
The execution happens in parallel across all the traces.
sql: The SQL statement to execute.
A list of Pandas dataframes with the result of executing the query (one
per trace).
TraceProcessorException: An error occurred running the query.
return self.execute(lambda tp: tp.query(sql).as_pandas_dataframe())
def query_and_flatten(self, sql: str):
"""Executes the provided SQL statement and flattens the result.
The execution happens in parallel across all the traces and the
resulting Pandas dataframes are flattened into a single dataframe.
sql: The SQL statement to execute.
A concatenated Pandas dataframe containing the result of executing the
query across all the traces.
If an URI or a trace resolver was passed to the constructor, the
contents of the |metadata| dictionary emitted by the resolver will also
be emitted as extra columns (key being column name, value being the
value in the dataframe).
For example:
class CustomResolver(TraceResolver):
def resolve(self):
return [TraceResolver.Result(trace='/tmp/path',
'path': '/tmp/path'
'foo': 'bar'
with BatchTraceProcessor(CustomResolver()) as btp:
df = btp.query_and_flatten('select count(1) as cnt from slice')
Then df will look like this:
cnt path foo
100 /tmp/path bar
TraceProcessorException: An error occurred running the query.
return self.execute_and_flatten(lambda tp: tp.query(sql).
def query_single_result(self, sql: str):
"""Executes the provided SQL statement (returning a single row).
The execution happens in parallel across all the traces.
sql: The SQL statement to execute. This statement should return exactly
one row on any trace.
A list of values with the result of executing the query (one per trace).
TraceProcessorException: An error occurred running the query or more than
one result was returned.
def query_single_result_inner(tp):
df = tp.query(sql).as_pandas_dataframe()
if len(df.index) != 1:
raise TraceProcessorException("Query should only return a single row")
if len(df.columns) != 1:
raise TraceProcessorException(
"Query should only return a single column")
return df.iloc[0, 0]
return self.execute(query_single_result_inner)
def execute(self, fn: Callable[[TraceProcessor], Any]) -> List[Any]:
"""Executes the provided function.
The execution happens in parallel across all the trace processor instances
owned by this object.
fn: The function to execute.
A list of values with the result of executing the fucntion (one per
def wrapped(pair: Tuple[TraceProcessor, Metadata]):
(tp, metadata) = pair
return self._execute_handling_failure(fn, tp, metadata)
return list(, self.tps_and_metadata))
def execute_and_flatten(self, fn: Callable[[TraceProcessor], pd.DataFrame]
) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Executes the provided function and flattens the result.
The execution happens in parallel across all the trace processor
instances owned by this object and the returned Pandas dataframes are
flattened into a single dataframe.
fn: The function to execute which returns a Pandas dataframe.
A Pandas dataframe containing the result of executing the query across all
the traces. Extra columns containing the file path and args will
be added to the dataframe (see |query_and_flatten| for details).
def wrapped(pair: Tuple[TraceProcessor, Metadata]):
(tp, metadata) = pair
df = self._execute_handling_failure(fn, tp, metadata)
for key, value in metadata.items():
df[key] = value
return df
df = pd.concat(
list(, self.tps_and_metadata)))
return df.reset_index(drop=True)
def close(self):
"""Closes this batch trace processor instance.
This closes all spawned trace processor instances, releasing all the memory
and resources those instances take.
No further calls to other methods in this class should be made after
calling this method.
if self.closed:
self.closed = True
if self.tps_and_metadata:
for tp, _ in self.tps_and_metadata:
def stats(self):
"""Statistics about the operation of this batch trace processor instance.
See |Stats| class definition for the list of the statistics available."""
return self._stats
def _create_tp(self, trace: ResolverRegistry.Result
) -> Optional[Tuple[TraceProcessor, Metadata]]:
return TraceProcessor(
trace=trace.generator, config=self.config.tp_config), trace.metadata
except TraceProcessorException as ex:
if self.config.load_failure_handling == FailureHandling.RAISE_EXCEPTION:
raise ex
self._stats.load_failures += 1
return None
def _execute_handling_failure(self, fn: Callable[[TraceProcessor], Any],
tp: TraceProcessor, metadata: Metadata):
return fn(tp)
except TraceProcessorException as ex:
if self.config.execute_failure_handling == \
raise TraceProcessorException(f'{metadata} {ex}') from None
self._stats.execute_failures += 1
return pd.DataFrame()
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, a, b, c):
del a, b, c # Unused.
return False
def __del__(self):