blob: 3f679c47ff6faecaf7395a2076d2accb64a120e2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <vector>
#include "perfetto/ext/base/weak_ptr.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/tracing/core/basic_types.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/tracing/core/shared_memory_abi.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/tracing/core/shared_memory_arbiter.h"
#include "perfetto/tracing/core/forward_decls.h"
#include "src/tracing/core/id_allocator.h"
namespace perfetto {
class PatchList;
class Patch;
class TraceWriter;
class TraceWriterImpl;
namespace base {
class TaskRunner;
} // namespace base
// This class handles the shared memory buffer on the producer side. It is used
// to obtain thread-local chunks and to partition pages from several threads.
// There is one arbiter instance per Producer.
// This class is thread-safe and uses locks to do so. Data sources are supposed
// to interact with this sporadically, only when they run out of space on their
// current thread-local chunk.
// When the arbiter is created using CreateUnboundInstance(), the following
// state transitions are possible:
// [ !fully_bound_, !endpoint_, 0 unbound buffer reservations ]
// | |
// | | CreateStartupTraceWriter(buf)
// | | buffer reservations += buf
// | |
// | | ----
// | | | | CreateStartupTraceWriter(buf)
// | | | | buffer reservations += buf
// | V | V
// | [ !fully_bound_, !endpoint_, >=1 unbound buffer reservations ]
// | |
// | BindToProducerEndpoint() |
// | |
// | BindToProducerEndpoint() |
// | V
// | [ !fully_bound_, endpoint_, >=1 unbound buffer reservations ]
// | A | A | A
// | | | | | |
// | | ---- | |
// | | CreateStartupTraceWriter(buf) | |
// | | buffer reservations += buf | |
// | | | |
// | | CreateStartupTraceWriter(buf) | |
// | | where buf is not yet bound | |
// | | buffer reservations += buf | | (yes)
// | | | |
// | | BindStartupTargetBuffer(buf, id) |-----
// | | buffer reservations -= buf | reservations > 0?
// | | |
// | | | (no)
// V | V
// [ fully_bound_, endpoint_, 0 unbound buffer reservations ]
// | A
// | | CreateStartupTraceWriter(buf)
// | | where buf is already bound
// ----
class SharedMemoryArbiterImpl : public SharedMemoryArbiter {
// See SharedMemoryArbiter::CreateInstance(). |start|, |size| define the
// boundaries of the shared memory buffer. ProducerEndpoint and TaskRunner may
// be |nullptr| if created unbound, see
// SharedMemoryArbiter::CreateUnboundInstance().
SharedMemoryArbiterImpl(void* start,
size_t size,
size_t page_size,
// Returns a new Chunk to write tracing data. Depending on the provided
// BufferExhaustedPolicy, this may return an invalid chunk if no valid free
// chunk could be found in the SMB.
SharedMemoryABI::Chunk GetNewChunk(const SharedMemoryABI::ChunkHeader&,
size_t size_hint = 0);
// Puts back a Chunk that has been completed and sends a request to the
// service to move it to the central tracing buffer. |target_buffer| is the
// absolute trace buffer ID where the service should move the chunk onto (the
// producer is just to copy back the same number received in the
// DataSourceConfig upon the StartDataSource() reques).
// PatchList is a pointer to the list of patches for previous chunks. The
// first patched entries will be removed from the patched list and sent over
// to the service in the same CommitData() IPC request.
void ReturnCompletedChunk(SharedMemoryABI::Chunk,
MaybeUnboundBufferID target_buffer,
// Send a request to the service to apply completed patches from |patch_list|.
// |writer_id| is the ID of the TraceWriter that calls this method,
// |target_buffer| is the global trace buffer ID of its target buffer.
void SendPatches(WriterID writer_id,
MaybeUnboundBufferID target_buffer,
PatchList* patch_list);
SharedMemoryABI* shmem_abi_for_testing() { return &shmem_abi_; }
static void set_default_layout_for_testing(SharedMemoryABI::PageLayout l) {
default_page_layout = l;
// SharedMemoryArbiter implementation.
// See include/perfetto/tracing/core/shared_memory_arbiter.h for comments.
std::unique_ptr<TraceWriter> CreateTraceWriter(
BufferID target_buffer,
BufferExhaustedPolicy = BufferExhaustedPolicy::kDefault) override;
std::unique_ptr<TraceWriter> CreateStartupTraceWriter(
uint16_t target_buffer_reservation_id) override;
void BindToProducerEndpoint(TracingService::ProducerEndpoint*,
base::TaskRunner*) override;
void BindStartupTargetBuffer(uint16_t target_buffer_reservation_id,
BufferID target_buffer_id) override;
void AbortStartupTracingForReservation(
uint16_t target_buffer_reservation_id) override;
void NotifyFlushComplete(FlushRequestID) override;
void SetBatchCommitsDuration(uint32_t batch_commits_duration_ms) override;
bool EnableDirectSMBPatching() override;
void SetDirectSMBPatchingSupportedByService() override;
void FlushPendingCommitDataRequests(
std::function<void()> callback = {}) override;
bool TryShutdown() override;
base::TaskRunner* task_runner() const { return task_runner_; }
size_t page_size() const { return shmem_abi_.page_size(); }
size_t num_pages() const { return shmem_abi_.num_pages(); }
base::WeakPtr<SharedMemoryArbiterImpl> GetWeakPtr() const {
return weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr();
friend class TraceWriterImpl;
friend class StartupTraceWriterTest;
friend class SharedMemoryArbiterImplTest;
struct TargetBufferReservation {
bool resolved = false;
BufferID target_buffer = kInvalidBufferId;
// Placeholder for the actual target buffer ID of a startup target buffer
// reservation ID in |target_buffer_reservations_|.
static constexpr BufferID kInvalidBufferId = 0;
static SharedMemoryABI::PageLayout default_page_layout;
SharedMemoryArbiterImpl(const SharedMemoryArbiterImpl&) = delete;
SharedMemoryArbiterImpl& operator=(const SharedMemoryArbiterImpl&) = delete;
void UpdateCommitDataRequest(SharedMemoryABI::Chunk chunk,
WriterID writer_id,
MaybeUnboundBufferID target_buffer,
PatchList* patch_list);
// Search the chunks that are being batched in |commit_data_req_| for a chunk
// that needs patching and that matches the provided |writer_id| and
// |patch.chunk_id|. If found, apply |patch| to that chunk, and if
// |chunk_needs_more_patching| is true, clear the needs patching flag of the
// chunk and mark it as complete - to allow the service to read it (and other
// chunks after it) during scraping. Returns true if the patch was applied,
// false otherwise.
// Note: the caller must be holding |lock_| for the duration of the call.
bool TryDirectPatchLocked(WriterID writer_id,
const Patch& patch,
bool chunk_needs_more_patching);
std::unique_ptr<TraceWriter> CreateTraceWriterInternal(
MaybeUnboundBufferID target_buffer,
// Called by the TraceWriter destructor.
void ReleaseWriterID(WriterID);
void BindStartupTargetBufferImpl(std::unique_lock<std::mutex> scoped_lock,
uint16_t target_buffer_reservation_id,
BufferID target_buffer_id);
// If any flush callbacks were queued up while the arbiter or any target
// buffer reservation was unbound, this wraps the pending callbacks into a new
// std::function and returns it. Otherwise returns an invalid std::function.
std::function<void()> TakePendingFlushCallbacksLocked();
// Replace occurrences of target buffer reservation IDs in |commit_data_req_|
// with their respective actual BufferIDs if they were already bound. Returns
// true iff all occurrences were replaced.
bool ReplaceCommitPlaceholderBufferIdsLocked();
// Update and return |fully_bound_| based on the arbiter's |pending_writers_|
// state.
bool UpdateFullyBoundLocked();
const bool initially_bound_;
// Only accessed on |task_runner_| after the producer endpoint was bound.
TracingService::ProducerEndpoint* producer_endpoint_ = nullptr;
// --- Begin lock-protected members ---
std::mutex lock_;
base::TaskRunner* task_runner_ = nullptr;
SharedMemoryABI shmem_abi_;
size_t page_idx_ = 0;
std::unique_ptr<CommitDataRequest> commit_data_req_;
size_t bytes_pending_commit_ = 0; // SUM(chunk.size() : commit_data_req_).
IdAllocator<WriterID> active_writer_ids_;
bool did_shutdown_ = false;
// Whether the arbiter itself and all startup target buffer reservations are
// bound. Note that this can become false again later if a new target buffer
// reservation is created by calling CreateStartupTraceWriter() with a new
// reservation id.
bool fully_bound_;
// IDs of writers and their assigned target buffers that should be registered
// with the service after the arbiter and/or their startup target buffer is
// bound.
std::map<WriterID, MaybeUnboundBufferID> pending_writers_;
// Callbacks for flush requests issued while the arbiter or a target buffer
// reservation was unbound.
std::vector<std::function<void()>> pending_flush_callbacks_;
// See SharedMemoryArbiter::SetBatchCommitsDuration.
uint32_t batch_commits_duration_ms_ = 0;
// See SharedMemoryArbiter::EnableDirectSMBPatching.
bool direct_patching_enabled_ = false;
// See SharedMemoryArbiter::SetDirectSMBPatchingSupportedByService.
bool direct_patching_supported_by_service_ = false;
// Indicates whether we have already scheduled a delayed flush for the
// purposes of batching. Set to true at the beginning of a batching period and
// cleared at the end of the period. Immediate flushes that happen during a
// batching period will empty the |commit_data_req| (triggering an immediate
// IPC to the service), but will not clear this flag and the
// previously-scheduled delayed flush will still occur at the end of the
// batching period.
bool delayed_flush_scheduled_ = false;
// Stores target buffer reservations for writers created via
// CreateStartupTraceWriter(). A bound reservation sets
// TargetBufferReservation::resolved to true and is associated with the actual
// BufferID supplied in BindStartupTargetBuffer().
// TODO(eseckler): Clean up entries from this map. This would probably require
// a method in SharedMemoryArbiter that allows a producer to invalidate a
// reservation ID.
std::map<MaybeUnboundBufferID, TargetBufferReservation>
// --- End lock-protected members ---
// Keep at the end.
base::WeakPtrFactory<SharedMemoryArbiterImpl> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace perfetto