blob: 7e34e1a35ae616c6ccc7863c3e21f2e0232020b9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "perfetto/trace_processor/basic_types.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/types/destructible.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace trace_processor {
class ArgsTracker;
class ArgsTranslationTable;
class AsyncTrackSetTracker;
class AndroidProbesTracker;
class ChunkedTraceReader;
class ClockTracker;
class EventTracker;
class ForwardingTraceParser;
class FtraceModule;
class GlobalArgsTracker;
class GlobalStackProfileTracker;
class HeapGraphTracker;
class HeapProfileTracker;
class PerfSampleTracker;
class MetadataTracker;
class ProtoImporterModule;
class ProcessTracker;
class SliceTracker;
class SliceTranslationTable;
class FlowTracker;
class TraceParser;
class TraceSorter;
class TraceStorage;
class TrackTracker;
class DescriptorPool;
class TraceProcessorContext {
Config config;
std::unique_ptr<TraceStorage> storage;
std::unique_ptr<ChunkedTraceReader> chunk_reader;
std::unique_ptr<TraceSorter> sorter;
// Keep the global tracker before the args tracker as we access the global
// tracker in the destructor of the args tracker. Also keep it before other
// trackers, as they may own ArgsTrackers themselves.
std::unique_ptr<GlobalArgsTracker> global_args_tracker;
std::unique_ptr<ArgsTracker> args_tracker;
std::unique_ptr<ArgsTranslationTable> args_translation_table;
std::unique_ptr<TrackTracker> track_tracker;
std::unique_ptr<AsyncTrackSetTracker> async_track_set_tracker;
std::unique_ptr<SliceTracker> slice_tracker;
std::unique_ptr<SliceTranslationTable> slice_translation_table;
std::unique_ptr<FlowTracker> flow_tracker;
std::unique_ptr<ProcessTracker> process_tracker;
std::unique_ptr<EventTracker> event_tracker;
std::unique_ptr<ClockTracker> clock_tracker;
std::unique_ptr<HeapProfileTracker> heap_profile_tracker;
std::unique_ptr<PerfSampleTracker> perf_sample_tracker;
std::unique_ptr<GlobalStackProfileTracker> global_stack_profile_tracker;
std::unique_ptr<MetadataTracker> metadata_tracker;
// These fields are stored as pointers to Destructible objects rather than
// their actual type (a subclass of Destructible), as the concrete subclass
// type is only available in storage_full target. To access these fields use
// the GetOrCreate() method on their subclass type, e.g.
// SyscallTracker::GetOrCreate(context)
std::unique_ptr<Destructible> android_probes_tracker; // AndroidProbesTracker
std::unique_ptr<Destructible> syscall_tracker; // SyscallTracker
std::unique_ptr<Destructible> sched_tracker; // SchedEventTracker
std::unique_ptr<Destructible> binder_tracker; // BinderTracker
std::unique_ptr<Destructible> systrace_parser; // SystraceParser
std::unique_ptr<Destructible> heap_graph_tracker; // HeapGraphTracker
std::unique_ptr<Destructible> system_info_tracker; // SystemInfoTracker
// These fields are trace readers which will be called by |forwarding_parser|
// once the format of the trace is discovered. They are placed here as they
// are only available in the storage_full target.
std::unique_ptr<ChunkedTraceReader> json_trace_tokenizer;
std::unique_ptr<ChunkedTraceReader> fuchsia_trace_tokenizer;
std::unique_ptr<ChunkedTraceReader> systrace_trace_parser;
std::unique_ptr<ChunkedTraceReader> gzip_trace_parser;
// These fields are trace parsers which will be called by |forwarding_parser|
// once the format of the trace is discovered. They are placed here as they
// are only available in the storage_full target.
std::unique_ptr<TraceParser> json_trace_parser;
std::unique_ptr<TraceParser> fuchsia_trace_parser;
// This field contains the list of proto descriptors that can be used by
// reflection-based parsers.
std::unique_ptr<DescriptorPool> descriptor_pool_;
// The module at the index N is registered to handle field id N in
// TracePacket.
std::vector<std::vector<ProtoImporterModule*>> modules_by_field;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ProtoImporterModule>> modules;
FtraceModule* ftrace_module = nullptr;
// Marks whether the uuid was read from the trace.
// If the uuid was NOT read, the uuid will be made from the hash of the first
// 4KB of the trace.
bool uuid_found_in_trace = false;
} // namespace trace_processor
} // namespace perfetto