blob: a971dfab3f7b0e0590ec87e6fd02edf63524eba9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "src/protozero/filtering/message_filter.h"
#include "perfetto/base/logging.h"
#include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace protozero {
namespace {
// Inline helpers to append proto fields in output. They are the equivalent of
// the protozero::Message::AppendXXX() fields but don't require building and
// maintaining a full protozero::Message object or dealing with scattered
// output slices.
// All these functions assume there is enough space in the output buffer, which
// should be always the case assuming that we don't end up generating more
// output than input.
inline void AppendVarInt(uint32_t field_id, uint64_t value, uint8_t** out) {
*out = proto_utils::WriteVarInt(proto_utils::MakeTagVarInt(field_id), *out);
*out = proto_utils::WriteVarInt(value, *out);
// For fixed32 / fixed64.
template <typename INT_T /* uint32_t | uint64_t*/>
inline void AppendFixed(uint32_t field_id, INT_T value, uint8_t** out) {
*out = proto_utils::WriteVarInt(proto_utils::MakeTagFixed<INT_T>(field_id),
memcpy(*out, &value, sizeof(value));
*out += sizeof(value);
// For length-delimited (string, bytes) fields. Note: this function appends only
// the proto preamble and the varint field that states the length of the payload
// not the payload itself.
// In the case of submessages, the caller needs to re-write the length at the
// end in the in the returned memory area.
// The problem here is that, because of filtering, the length of a submessage
// might be < original length (the original length is still an upper-bound).
// Returns a pair with: (1) the pointer where the final length should be written
// into, (2) the length of the size field.
// The caller must write a redundant varint to match the original size (i.e.
// needs to use WriteRedundantVarInt()).
inline std::pair<uint8_t*, uint32_t> AppendLenDelim(uint32_t field_id,
uint32_t len,
uint8_t** out) {
*out = proto_utils::WriteVarInt(proto_utils::MakeTagLengthDelimited(field_id),
uint8_t* size_field_start = *out;
*out = proto_utils::WriteVarInt(len, *out);
const size_t size_field_len = static_cast<size_t>(*out - size_field_start);
return std::make_pair(size_field_start, size_field_len);
} // namespace
MessageFilter::MessageFilter() {
// Push a state on the stack for the implicit root message.
MessageFilter::~MessageFilter() = default;
bool MessageFilter::LoadFilterBytecode(const void* filter_data, size_t len) {
return filter_.Load(filter_data, len);
bool MessageFilter::SetFilterRoot(const uint32_t* field_ids,
size_t num_fields) {
uint32_t root_msg_idx = 0;
for (const uint32_t* it = field_ids; it < field_ids + num_fields; ++it) {
uint32_t field_id = *it;
auto res = filter_.Query(root_msg_idx, field_id);
if (!res.allowed || res.simple_field())
return false;
root_msg_idx = res.nested_msg_index;
root_msg_index_ = root_msg_idx;
return true;
MessageFilter::FilteredMessage MessageFilter::FilterMessageFragments(
const InputSlice* slices,
size_t num_slices) {
// First compute the upper bound for the output. The filtered message cannot
// be > the original message.
uint32_t total_len = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_slices; ++i)
total_len += slices[i].len;
out_buf_.reset(new uint8_t[total_len]);
out_ = out_buf_.get();
out_end_ = out_ + total_len;
// Reset the parser state.
tokenizer_ = MessageTokenizer();
error_ = false;
// stack_[0] is a sentinel and should never be hit in nominal cases. If we
// end up there we will just keep consuming the input stream and detecting
// at the end, without hurting the fastpath.
stack_[0].in_bytes_limit = UINT32_MAX;
stack_[0].eat_next_bytes = UINT32_MAX;
// stack_[1] is the actual root message.
stack_[1].in_bytes_limit = total_len;
stack_[1].msg_index = root_msg_index_;
// Process the input data and write the output.
for (size_t slice_idx = 0; slice_idx < num_slices; ++slice_idx) {
const InputSlice& slice = slices[slice_idx];
const uint8_t* data = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(;
for (size_t i = 0; i < slice.len; ++i)
// Construct the output object.
PERFETTO_CHECK(out_ >= out_buf_.get() && out_ <= out_end_);
auto used_size = static_cast<size_t>(out_ - out_buf_.get());
FilteredMessage res{std::move(out_buf_), used_size};
res.error = error_;
if (stack_.size() != 1 || !tokenizer_.idle() ||
stack_[0].in_bytes != total_len) {
res.error = true;
return res;
void MessageFilter::FilterOneByte(uint8_t octet) {
auto* state = &stack_.back();
StackState next_state{};
bool push_next_state = false;
if (state->eat_next_bytes > 0) {
// This is the case where the previous tokenizer_.Push() call returned a
// length delimited message which is NOT a submessage (a string or a bytes
// field). We just want to consume it, and pass it through in output
// if the field was allowed.
if (state->passthrough_eaten_bytes)
*(out_++) = octet;
} else {
MessageTokenizer::Token token = tokenizer_.Push(octet);
// |token| will not be valid() in most cases and this is WAI. When pushing
// a varint field, only the last byte yields a token, all the other bytes
// return an invalid token, they just update the internal tokenizer state.
if (token.valid()) {
auto filter = filter_.Query(state->msg_index, token.field_id);
switch (token.type) {
case proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kVarInt:
if (filter.allowed && filter.simple_field())
AppendVarInt(token.field_id, token.value, &out_);
case proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kFixed32:
if (filter.allowed && filter.simple_field())
AppendFixed(token.field_id, static_cast<uint32_t>(token.value),
case proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kFixed64:
if (filter.allowed && filter.simple_field())
AppendFixed(token.field_id, static_cast<uint64_t>(token.value),
case proto_utils::ProtoWireType::kLengthDelimited:
// Here we have two cases:
// A. A simple string/bytes field: we just want to consume the next
// bytes (the string payload), optionally passing them through in
// output if the field is allowed.
// B. This is a nested submessage. In this case we want to recurse and
// push a new state on the stack.
// Note that we can't tell the difference between a
// "non-allowed string" and a "non-allowed submessage". But it doesn't
// matter because in both cases we just want to skip the next N bytes.
const auto submessage_len = static_cast<uint32_t>(token.value);
auto in_bytes_left = state->in_bytes_limit - state->in_bytes - 1;
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(submessage_len > in_bytes_left)) {
// This is a malicious / malformed string/bytes/submessage that
// claims to be larger than the outer message that contains it.
return SetUnrecoverableErrorState();
if (filter.allowed && !filter.simple_field() && submessage_len > 0) {
// submessage_len == 0 is the edge case of a message with a 0-len
// (but present) submessage. In this case, if allowed, we don't want
// to push any further state (doing so would desync the FSM) but we
// still want to emit it.
// At this point |submessage_len| is only an upper bound. The
// final message written in output can be <= the one in input,
// only some of its fields might be allowed (also remember that
// this class implicitly removes redundancy varint encoding of
// len-delimited field lengths). The final length varint (the
// return value of AppendLenDelim()) will be filled when popping
// from |stack_|.
auto size_field =
AppendLenDelim(token.field_id, submessage_len, &out_);
push_next_state = true;
next_state.field_id = token.field_id;
next_state.msg_index = filter.nested_msg_index;
next_state.in_bytes_limit = submessage_len;
next_state.size_field = size_field.first;
next_state.size_field_len = size_field.second;
next_state.out_bytes_written_at_start = out_written();
} else {
// A string or bytes field, or a 0 length submessage.
state->eat_next_bytes = submessage_len;
state->passthrough_eaten_bytes = filter.allowed;
if (filter.allowed)
AppendLenDelim(token.field_id, submessage_len, &out_);
} // switch(type)
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(track_field_usage_)) {
IncrementCurrentFieldUsage(token.field_id, filter.allowed);
} // if (token.valid)
} // if (eat_next_bytes == 0)
while (state->in_bytes >= state->in_bytes_limit) {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(state->in_bytes == state->in_bytes_limit);
push_next_state = false;
// We can't possibly write more than we read.
const uint32_t msg_bytes_written = static_cast<uint32_t>(
out_written() - state->out_bytes_written_at_start);
PERFETTO_DCHECK(msg_bytes_written <= state->in_bytes_limit);
// Backfill the length field of the
proto_utils::WriteRedundantVarInt(msg_bytes_written, state->size_field,
const uint32_t in_bytes_processes_for_last_msg = state->in_bytes;
state = &stack_.back();
state->in_bytes += in_bytes_processes_for_last_msg;
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(!tokenizer_.idle())) {
// If we hit this case, it means that we got to the end of a submessage
// while decoding a field. We can't recover from this and we don't want to
// propagate a broken sub-message.
return SetUnrecoverableErrorState();
if (push_next_state) {
state = &stack_.back();
void MessageFilter::SetUnrecoverableErrorState() {
error_ = true;
auto& state = stack_[0];
state.eat_next_bytes = UINT32_MAX;
state.in_bytes_limit = UINT32_MAX;
state.passthrough_eaten_bytes = false;
out_ = out_buf_.get(); // Reset the write pointer.
void MessageFilter::IncrementCurrentFieldUsage(uint32_t field_id,
bool allowed) {
// Slowpath. Used mainly in offline tools and tests to workout used fields in
// a proto.
// Field path contains a concatenation of varints, one for each nesting level.
// e.g. y in message Root { Sub x = 2; }; message Sub { SubSub y = 7; }
// is encoded as [varint(2) + varint(7)].
// We use varint to take the most out of SSO (small string opt). In most cases
// the path will fit in the on-stack 22 bytes, requiring no heap.
std::string field_path;
auto append_field_id = [&field_path](uint32_t id) {
uint8_t buf[10];
uint8_t* end = proto_utils::WriteVarInt(id, buf);
static_cast<size_t>(end - buf));
// Append all the ancestors IDs from the state stack.
// The first entry of the stack has always ID 0 and we skip it (we don't know
// the ID of the root message itself).
PERFETTO_DCHECK(stack_.size() >= 2 && stack_[1].field_id == 0);
for (size_t i = 2; i < stack_.size(); ++i)
// Append the id of the field in the current message.
field_usage_[field_path] += allowed ? 1 : -1;
} // namespace protozero