blob: 1afcdd05d69c500ecd63f1734f0bb4f957cce9f4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "perfetto/tracing/internal/track_event_internal.h"
#include "perfetto/base/compiler.h"
#include "perfetto/tracing/event_context.h"
#include <map>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
// This file has templates for defining your own interned data types to be used
// with track event. Interned data can be useful for avoiding repeating the same
// constant data (e.g., strings) throughout the trace.
// =============
// Example usage
// =============
// First define an interning index for your type. It should map to a specific
// field of interned_data.proto and define how the interned data is written into
// that message.
// struct MyInternedData
// : public perfetto::TrackEventInternedDataIndex<
// MyInternedData,
// perfetto::protos::pbzero::InternedData::kMyInternedDataFieldNumber,
// const char*> {
// static void Add(perfetto::protos::pbzero::InternedData* interned_data,
// size_t iid,
// const char* value) {
// auto my_data = interned_data->add_my_interned_data();
// my_data->set_iid(iid);
// my_data->set_value(value);
// }
// };
// Next, use your interned data in a trace point as shown below. The interned
// string will only be emitted the first time the trace point is hit.
// "category", "Event", [&](perfetto::EventContext ctx) {
// auto my_message = ctx.event()->set_my_message();
// size_t iid = MyInternedData::Get(&ctx, "Some data");
// my_message->set_iid(iid);
// });
namespace perfetto {
// By default, the interning index stores a full copy of the interned data. This
// ensures the same data is always mapped to the same interning id, and there is
// no danger of collisions. This comes at the cost of memory usage, however, so
// consider using HashedInternedDataTraits if that may be an issue.
// This type of index also performs hashing on the stored data for lookups; for
// types where this isn't necessary (e.g., raw const char*), use
// SmallInternedDataTraits.
struct BigInternedDataTraits {
template <typename ValueType>
class Index {
bool LookUpOrInsert(size_t* iid, const ValueType& value) {
size_t next_id = data_.size() + 1;
auto it_and_inserted = data_.insert(std::make_pair(value, next_id));
if (!it_and_inserted.second) {
*iid = it_and_inserted.first->second;
return true;
*iid = next_id;
return false;
std::unordered_map<ValueType, size_t> data_;
// This type of interning index keeps full copies of interned data without
// hashing the values. This is a good fit for small types that can be directly
// used as index keys.
struct SmallInternedDataTraits {
template <typename ValueType>
class Index {
bool LookUpOrInsert(size_t* iid, const ValueType& value) {
size_t next_id = data_.size() + 1;
auto it_and_inserted = data_.insert(std::make_pair(value, next_id));
if (!it_and_inserted.second) {
*iid = it_and_inserted.first->second;
return true;
*iid = next_id;
return false;
std::map<ValueType, size_t> data_;
// This type of interning index only stores the hash of the interned values
// instead of the values themselves. This is more efficient in terms of memory
// usage, but assumes that there are no hash collisions. If a hash collision
// occurs, two or more values will be mapped to the same interning id.
// Note that the given type must have a specialization for std::hash.
struct HashedInternedDataTraits {
template <typename ValueType>
class Index {
bool LookUpOrInsert(size_t* iid, const ValueType& value) {
auto key = std::hash<ValueType>()(value);
size_t next_id = data_.size() + 1;
auto it_and_inserted = data_.insert(std::make_pair(key, next_id));
if (!it_and_inserted.second) {
*iid = it_and_inserted.first->second;
return true;
*iid = next_id;
return false;
std::map<size_t, size_t> data_;
// A templated base class for an interned data type which corresponds to a field
// in interned_data.proto.
// |InternedDataType| must be the type of the subclass.
// |FieldNumber| is the corresponding protobuf field in InternedData.
// |ValueType| is the type which is stored in the index. It must be copyable.
// |Traits| can be used to customize the storage and lookup mechanism.
// The subclass should define a static method with the following signature for
// committing interned data together with the interning id |iid| into the trace:
// static void Add(perfetto::protos::pbzero::InternedData*,
// size_t iid,
// const ValueType& value);
template <typename InternedDataType,
size_t FieldNumber,
typename ValueType,
// Avoid unnecessary hashing for pointers by default.
typename Traits =
typename std::conditional<(std::is_pointer<ValueType>::value),
class TrackEventInternedDataIndex
: public internal::BaseTrackEventInternedDataIndex {
// Return an interning id for |value|. The returned id can be immediately
// written to the trace. The optional |add_args| are passed to the Add()
// function.
template <typename... Args>
static size_t Get(EventContext* ctx,
const ValueType& value,
Args&&... add_args) {
// First check if the value exists in the dictionary.
auto index_for_field = GetOrCreateIndexForField(ctx->incremental_state_);
size_t iid;
if (PERFETTO_LIKELY(index_for_field->index_.LookUpOrInsert(&iid, value))) {
return iid;
// If not, we need to serialize the definition of the interned value into
// the heap buffered message (which is committed to the trace when the
// packet ends).
ctx->incremental_state_->serialized_interned_data.get(), iid,
std::move(value), std::forward<Args>(add_args)...);
return iid;
static InternedDataType* GetOrCreateIndexForField(
internal::TrackEventIncrementalState* incremental_state) {
// Fast path: look for matching field number.
for (const auto& entry : incremental_state->interned_data_indices) {
if (entry.first == FieldNumber) {
entry.second->type_id_)) {
"Interned data accessed under different types! Previous type: "
"%s. New type: %s.",
entry.second->type_id_, PERFETTO_DEBUG_FUNCTION_IDENTIFIER());
// If an interned data index is defined in an anonymous namespace, we
// can end up with multiple copies of it in the same program. Because
// they will all share a memory address through TLS, this can lead to
// subtle data corruption if all the copies aren't exactly identical.
// Try to detect this by checking if the Add() function address remains
// constant.
if (reinterpret_cast<void*>(&InternedDataType::Add) !=
entry.second->add_function_ptr_) {
"Inconsistent interned data index. Maybe the index was defined "
"in an anonymous namespace in a header or copied to multiple "
"files? Duplicate index definitions can lead to memory "
"corruption! Type id: %s",
return reinterpret_cast<InternedDataType*>(entry.second.get());
// No match -- add a new entry for this field.
for (auto& entry : incremental_state->interned_data_indices) {
if (!entry.first) {
entry.first = FieldNumber;
entry.second.reset(new InternedDataType());
entry.second->type_id_ = PERFETTO_DEBUG_FUNCTION_IDENTIFIER();
entry.second->add_function_ptr_ =
return reinterpret_cast<InternedDataType*>(entry.second.get());
// Out of space in the interned data index table.
// The actual interning dictionary for this type of interned data. The actual
// container type is defined by |Traits|, hence the extra layer of template
// indirection here.
typename Traits::template Index<ValueType> index_;
} // namespace perfetto