blob: dc3a617fff18416a7ce593f7314cc54809596bc7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "perfetto/base/flat_set.h"
#include "perfetto/protozero/scattered_heap_buffer.h"
#include "perfetto/tracing/core/forward_decls.h"
#include "perfetto/tracing/data_source.h"
#include "perfetto/tracing/debug_annotation.h"
#include "perfetto/tracing/trace_writer_base.h"
#include "perfetto/tracing/traced_value.h"
#include "perfetto/tracing/track.h"
#include "protos/perfetto/common/builtin_clock.pbzero.h"
#include "protos/perfetto/trace/interned_data/interned_data.pbzero.h"
#include "protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/track_event.pbzero.h"
#include <unordered_map>
namespace perfetto {
// Represents a point in time for the clock specified by |clock_id|.
struct TraceTimestamp {
// Clock IDs have the following semantic:
// [1, 63]: Builtin types, see BuiltinClock from
// ../common/builtin_clock.proto.
// [64, 127]: User-defined clocks. These clocks are sequence-scoped. They
// are only valid within the same |trusted_packet_sequence_id|
// (i.e. only for TracePacket(s) emitted by the same TraceWriter
// that emitted the clock snapshot).
// [128, MAX]: Reserved for future use. The idea is to allow global clock
// IDs and setting this ID to hash(full_clock_name) & ~127.
// Learn more: `clock_snapshot.proto`
uint32_t clock_id;
uint64_t value;
class EventContext;
class TrackEventSessionObserver;
struct Category;
struct TraceTimestamp;
namespace protos {
namespace gen {
class TrackEventConfig;
} // namespace gen
namespace pbzero {
class DebugAnnotation;
} // namespace pbzero
} // namespace protos
// A callback interface for observing track event tracing sessions starting and
// stopping. See TrackEvent::{Add,Remove}SessionObserver. Note that all methods
// will be called on an internal Perfetto thread.
class PERFETTO_EXPORT TrackEventSessionObserver {
virtual ~TrackEventSessionObserver();
// Called when a track event tracing session is configured. Note tracing isn't
// active yet, so track events emitted here won't be recorded. See
// DataSourceBase::OnSetup.
virtual void OnSetup(const DataSourceBase::SetupArgs&);
// Called when a track event tracing session is started. It is possible to
// emit track events from this callback.
virtual void OnStart(const DataSourceBase::StartArgs&);
// Called when a track event tracing session is stopped. It is still possible
// to emit track events from this callback.
virtual void OnStop(const DataSourceBase::StopArgs&);
namespace internal {
class TrackEventCategoryRegistry;
class PERFETTO_EXPORT BaseTrackEventInternedDataIndex {
virtual ~BaseTrackEventInternedDataIndex();
const char* type_id_ = nullptr;
const void* add_function_ptr_ = nullptr;
struct TrackEventTlsState {
template <typename TraceContext>
explicit TrackEventTlsState(const TraceContext& trace_context) {
auto locked_ds = trace_context.GetDataSourceLocked();
if (locked_ds.valid()) {
const auto& config = locked_ds->GetConfig();
disable_incremental_timestamps = config.disable_incremental_timestamps();
filter_debug_annotations = config.filter_debug_annotations();
bool disable_incremental_timestamps = false;
bool filter_debug_annotations = false;
struct TrackEventIncrementalState {
static constexpr size_t kMaxInternedDataFields = 32;
// Packet-sequence-scoped clock that encodes microsecond timestamps in the
// domain of the clock returned by GetClockId() as delta values - see
// Clock::is_incremental in perfetto/trace/clock_snapshot.proto.
// Default unit: nanoseconds.
static constexpr uint32_t kClockIdIncremental = 64;
bool was_cleared = true;
// A heap-allocated message for storing newly seen interned data while we are
// in the middle of writing a track event. When a track event wants to write
// new interned data into the trace, it is first serialized into this message
// and then flushed to the real trace in EventContext when the packet ends.
// The message is cached here as a part of incremental state so that we can
// reuse the underlying buffer allocation for subsequently written interned
// data.
// In-memory indices for looking up interned data ids.
// For each intern-able field (up to a max of 32) we keep a dictionary of
// field-value -> interning-key. Depending on the type we either keep the full
// value or a hash of it (See track_event_interned_data_index.h)
using InternedDataIndex =
std::pair</* interned_data.proto field number */ size_t,
std::array<InternedDataIndex, kMaxInternedDataFields> interned_data_indices =
// Track uuids for which we have written descriptors into the trace. If a
// trace event uses a track which is not in this set, we'll write out a
// descriptor for it.
base::FlatSet<uint64_t> seen_tracks;
// Dynamically registered category names that have been encountered during
// this tracing session. The value in the map indicates whether the category
// is enabled or disabled.
std::unordered_map<std::string, bool> dynamic_categories;
// The latest reference timestamp that was used in a TracePacket or in a
// ClockSnapshot. The increment between this timestamp and the current trace
// time (GetTimeNs) is a value in kClockIdIncremental's domain.
uint64_t last_timestamp_ns = 0;
// The latest known counter values that was used in a TracePacket for each
// counter track. The key (uint64_t) is the uuid of counter track.
// The value is used for delta encoding of counter values.
std::unordered_map<uint64_t, int64_t> last_counter_value_per_track;
// The backend portion of the track event trace point implemention. Outlined to
// a separate .cc file so it can be shared by different track event category
// namespaces.
class PERFETTO_EXPORT TrackEventInternal {
static bool Initialize(
const TrackEventCategoryRegistry&,
bool (*register_data_source)(const DataSourceDescriptor&));
static bool AddSessionObserver(TrackEventSessionObserver*);
static void RemoveSessionObserver(TrackEventSessionObserver*);
static void EnableTracing(const TrackEventCategoryRegistry& registry,
const protos::gen::TrackEventConfig& config,
const DataSourceBase::SetupArgs&);
static void OnStart(const DataSourceBase::StartArgs&);
static void DisableTracing(const TrackEventCategoryRegistry& registry,
const DataSourceBase::StopArgs&);
static bool IsCategoryEnabled(const TrackEventCategoryRegistry& registry,
const protos::gen::TrackEventConfig& config,
const Category& category);
static perfetto::EventContext WriteEvent(
const TrackEventTlsState& tls_state,
const Category* category,
const char* name,
const TraceTimestamp& timestamp);
static void ResetIncrementalStateIfRequired(
TraceWriterBase* trace_writer,
TrackEventIncrementalState* incr_state,
const TrackEventTlsState& tls_state,
const TraceTimestamp& timestamp) {
if (incr_state->was_cleared) {
incr_state->was_cleared = false;
ResetIncrementalState(trace_writer, incr_state, tls_state, timestamp);
// TODO(altimin): Remove this method once Chrome uses
// EventContext::AddDebugAnnotation directly.
template <typename T>
static void AddDebugAnnotation(perfetto::EventContext* event_ctx,
const char* name,
T&& value) {
auto annotation = AddDebugAnnotation(event_ctx, name);
internal::CreateTracedValueFromProto(annotation, event_ctx),
// If the given track hasn't been seen by the trace writer yet, write a
// descriptor for it into the trace. Doesn't take a lock unless the track
// descriptor is new.
template <typename TrackType>
static void WriteTrackDescriptorIfNeeded(
const TrackType& track,
TraceWriterBase* trace_writer,
TrackEventIncrementalState* incr_state,
const TrackEventTlsState& tls_state,
const TraceTimestamp& timestamp) {
auto it_and_inserted = incr_state->seen_tracks.insert(track.uuid);
if (PERFETTO_LIKELY(!it_and_inserted.second))
WriteTrackDescriptor(track, trace_writer, incr_state, tls_state, timestamp);
// Unconditionally write a track descriptor into the trace.
template <typename TrackType>
static void WriteTrackDescriptor(const TrackType& track,
TraceWriterBase* trace_writer,
TrackEventIncrementalState* incr_state,
const TrackEventTlsState& tls_state,
const TraceTimestamp& timestamp) {
ResetIncrementalStateIfRequired(trace_writer, incr_state, tls_state,
track, NewTracePacket(trace_writer, incr_state, tls_state, timestamp));
// Get the current time in nanoseconds in the trace clock timebase.
static uint64_t GetTimeNs();
static TraceTimestamp GetTraceTime();
// Get the clock used by GetTimeNs().
static constexpr protos::pbzero::BuiltinClock GetClockId() {
return protos::pbzero::BUILTIN_CLOCK_BOOTTIME;
return protos::pbzero::BUILTIN_CLOCK_MONOTONIC;
static int GetSessionCount();
// Represents the default track for the calling thread.
static const Track kDefaultTrack;
static void ResetIncrementalState(TraceWriterBase* trace_writer,
TrackEventIncrementalState* incr_state,
const TrackEventTlsState& tls_state,
const TraceTimestamp& timestamp);
static protozero::MessageHandle<protos::pbzero::TracePacket> NewTracePacket(
const TrackEventTlsState& tls_state,
uint32_t seq_flags =
static protos::pbzero::DebugAnnotation* AddDebugAnnotation(
const char* name);
static std::atomic<int> session_count_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace perfetto