blob: 2be191aa9270720038694bbdb07e48c223b7bbb0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <array>
#include <atomic>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
// No perfetto headers (other than tracing/api and protozero) should be here.
#include "perfetto/tracing/buffer_exhausted_policy.h"
#include "perfetto/tracing/internal/basic_types.h"
#include "perfetto/tracing/trace_writer_base.h"
namespace perfetto {
class DataSourceBase;
class InterceptorBase;
class TraceWriterBase;
namespace internal {
class TracingTLS;
// This maintains the internal state of a data source instance that is used only
// to implement the tracing mechanics and is not exposed to the API client.
// There is one of these object per DataSource instance (up to
// kMaxDataSourceInstances).
struct DataSourceState {
// This boolean flag determines whether the DataSource::Trace() method should
// do something or be a no-op. This flag doesn't give the full guarantee
// that tracing data will be visible in the trace, it just makes it so that
// the client attemps writing trace data and interacting with the service.
// For instance, when a tracing session ends the service will reject data
// commits that arrive too late even if the producer hasn't received the stop
// IPC message.
// This flag is set right before calling OnStart() and cleared right before
// calling OnStop(), unless using HandleStopAsynchronously() (see comments
// in data_source.h).
// Keep this flag as the first field. This allows the compiler to directly
// dereference the DataSourceState* pointer in the trace fast-path without
// doing extra pointr arithmetic.
bool trace_lambda_enabled = false;
// The overall TracingMuxerImpl instance id, which gets incremented by
// ResetForTesting.
uint32_t muxer_id_for_testing = 0;
// The central buffer id that all TraceWriter(s) created by this data source
// must target.
BufferId buffer_id = 0;
// The index within TracingMuxerImpl.backends_. Practically it allows to
// lookup the Producer object, and hence the IPC channel, for this data
// source.
TracingBackendId backend_id = 0;
// Each backend may connect to the tracing service multiple times if a
// disconnection occurs. This counter is used to uniquely identify each
// connection so that trace writers don't get reused across connections.
uint32_t backend_connection_id = 0;
// The instance id as assigned by the tracing service. Note that because a
// process can be connected to >1 services, this ID is not globally unique but
// is only unique within the scope of its backend.
// Only the tuple (backend_id, data_source_instance_id) is globally unique.
uint64_t data_source_instance_id = 0;
// A hash of the trace config used by this instance. This is used to
// de-duplicate instances for data sources with identical names (e.g., track
// event).
uint64_t config_hash = 0;
// If this data source is being intercepted (see Interceptor), this field
// contains the non-zero id of a registered interceptor which should receive
// trace packets for this session. Note: interceptor id 1 refers to the first
// element of TracingMuxerImpl::interceptors_ with successive numbers using
// the following slots.
uint32_t interceptor_id = 0;
// This lock is not held to implement Trace() and it's used only if the trace
// code wants to access its own data source state.
// This is to prevent that accessing the data source on an arbitrary embedder
// thread races with the internal IPC thread destroying the data source
// because of a end-of-tracing notification from the service.
// This lock is also used to protect access to a possible interceptor for this
// data source session.
std::recursive_mutex lock;
std::unique_ptr<DataSourceBase> data_source;
std::unique_ptr<InterceptorBase> interceptor;
// This is to allow lazy-initialization and avoid static initializers and
// at-exit destructors. All the entries are initialized via placement-new when
// DataSource::Register() is called, see TracingMuxerImpl::RegisterDataSource().
struct DataSourceStateStorage {
alignas(DataSourceState) char storage[sizeof(DataSourceState)]{};
// Per-DataSource-type global state.
struct DataSourceStaticState {
// System-wide unique id of the data source.
uint64_t id = 0;
// Unique index of the data source, assigned at registration time.
uint32_t index = kMaxDataSources;
// A bitmap that tells about the validity of each |instances| entry. When the
// i-th bit of the bitmap it's set, instances[i] is valid.
std::atomic<uint32_t> valid_instances{};
std::array<DataSourceStateStorage, kMaxDataSourceInstances> instances{};
// Incremented whenever incremental state should be reset for any instance of
// this data source.
std::atomic<uint32_t> incremental_state_generation{};
// Can be used with a cached |valid_instances| bitmap.
DataSourceState* TryGetCached(uint32_t cached_bitmap, size_t n) {
return cached_bitmap & (1 << n)
? reinterpret_cast<DataSourceState*>(&instances[n])
: nullptr;
DataSourceState* TryGet(size_t n) {
return TryGetCached(valid_instances.load(std::memory_order_acquire), n);
void CompilerAsserts() {
static_assert(sizeof(valid_instances.load()) * 8 >= kMaxDataSourceInstances,
"kMaxDataSourceInstances too high");
// Per-DataSource-instance thread-local state.
struct DataSourceInstanceThreadLocalState {
void Reset() {
muxer_id_for_testing = 0;
backend_id = 0;
backend_connection_id = 0;
buffer_id = 0;
data_source_instance_id = 0;
incremental_state_generation = 0;
is_intercepted = false;
std::unique_ptr<TraceWriterBase> trace_writer;
using ObjectWithDeleter = std::unique_ptr<void, void (*)(void*)>;
ObjectWithDeleter incremental_state = {nullptr, [](void*) {}};
ObjectWithDeleter data_source_custom_tls = {nullptr, [](void*) {}};
uint32_t incremental_state_generation;
uint32_t muxer_id_for_testing;
TracingBackendId backend_id;
uint32_t backend_connection_id;
BufferId buffer_id;
uint64_t data_source_instance_id;
bool is_intercepted;
// Per-DataSource-type thread-local state.
struct DataSourceThreadLocalState {
DataSourceStaticState* static_state = nullptr;
// Pointer to the parent tls object that holds us. Used to retrieve the
// generation, which is per-global-TLS and not per data-source.
TracingTLS* root_tls = nullptr;
// One entry per each data source instance.
std::array<DataSourceInstanceThreadLocalState, kMaxDataSourceInstances>
} // namespace internal
} // namespace perfetto