blob: a6092b512e7119a448f28d926d2e2c7e28ac7f9a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023, The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
use core::ptr::null_mut;
use crate::defs::*;
use crate::{DeviceHandle, EfiEntry, EfiResult};
pub mod android_boot;
pub mod block_io;
pub mod device_path;
pub mod loaded_image;
pub mod riscv;
pub mod simple_network;
pub mod simple_text_input;
pub mod simple_text_output;
/// ProtocolInfo provides GUID info and the EFI data structure type for a protocol.
pub trait ProtocolInfo {
/// Data structure type of the interface.
type InterfaceType;
/// GUID of the protocol.
const GUID: EfiGuid;
/// A generic type for representing an EFI protcol.
pub struct Protocol<'a, T: ProtocolInfo> {
// The handle to the device offering the protocol. It's needed for closing the protocol.
device: DeviceHandle,
// The interface protocol itself.
interface: *mut T::InterfaceType,
// The `EfiEntry` data
efi_entry: &'a EfiEntry,
/// A base implementation for Protocol<T>.
/// Protocol<T> will have additional implementation based on type `T`.
impl<'a, T: ProtocolInfo> Protocol<'a, T> {
/// Create a new instance with the given device handle, interface pointer and `EfiEntry` data.
/// # Safety
/// Caller needs to ensure that
/// * `interface` points to a valid object of type T::InterfaceType.
/// * Object pointed to by `interface` must live as long as the create `Protocol` or 'a.
pub(crate) unsafe fn new(
device: DeviceHandle,
interface: *mut T::InterfaceType,
efi_entry: &'a EfiEntry,
) -> Self {
Self { device, interface, efi_entry }
/// Returns the EFI data structure for the protocol interface.
pub fn interface(&self) -> EfiResult<&T::InterfaceType> {
// SAFETY: EFI protocol interface data structure.
unsafe { self.interface.as_ref() }.ok_or_else(|| EFI_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER.into())
/// Returns the mutable pointer of the interface. Invisible from outside. Application should
/// not have any need to alter the content of interface data.
pub(crate) fn interface_ptr(&self) -> *mut T::InterfaceType {
impl<T: ProtocolInfo> Drop for Protocol<'_, T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// If the device handle is not specified when creating the Protocol<T>, treat the
// handle as a static permanent reference and don't close it. An example is
if self.device.0 != null_mut() {
impl EfiGuid {
pub const fn new(data1: u32, data2: u16, data3: u16, data4: [u8; 8usize]) -> Self {
EfiGuid { data1, data2, data3, data4 }
macro_rules! efi_call {
( $method:expr, $($x:expr),*$(,)? ) => {
let res: EfiResult<()> = match $method {
None => Err(EFI_STATUS_NOT_FOUND.into()),
Some(f) => map_efi_err(f($($x,)*))
// Following are protocol specific implementations for Protocol<T>.
// TODO(300168989): Consdier splitting each protocol into separate file as we add more protocols.
mod test {
use super::*;
use crate::test::*;
fn test_dont_close_protocol_without_device_handle() {
run_test(|image_handle, systab_ptr| {
let efi_entry = EfiEntry { image_handle, systab_ptr };
let mut block_io: EfiBlockIoProtocol = Default::default();
// SAFETY: `block_io` is a EfiBlockIoProtocol and out lives the created Protocol.
unsafe {
&mut block_io as *mut _,
efi_call_traces().with(|traces| {
assert_eq!(traces.borrow_mut().close_protocol_trace.inputs.len(), 0);