blob: b426882f0a24cbc96c711654f13a0982ce347624 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024, The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
use crate::{
error::{EfiAppError, Result},
utils::{get_device_path, loop_with_timeout, ms_to_100ns},
use alloc::{boxed::Box, vec::Vec};
use core::{
sync::atomic::{AtomicU64, Ordering},
use efi::{
efi_print, efi_println,
protocol::{simple_network::SimpleNetworkProtocol, Protocol},
DeviceHandle, EfiEntry, EventNotify, EventType, Tpl,
use smoltcp::{
iface::{Config, Interface, SocketSet},
phy::{Device, DeviceCapabilities, Medium},
wire::{EthernetAddress, IpAddress, IpCidr, Ipv6Address},
/// Maintains a timestamp needed by smoltcp network. It's updated periodically during timer event.
static NETWORK_TIMESTAMP: AtomicU64 = AtomicU64::new(0);
/// Ethernet frame size for frame pool.
const ETHERNET_FRAME_SIZE: usize = 1536;
// Update period in milliseconds for `NETWORK_TIMESTAMP`.
// Size of the socket tx/rx application data buffer.
const SOCKET_TX_RX_BUFFER: usize = 64 * 1024;
/// Performs a shutdown and restart of the simple network protocol.
fn reset_simple_network<'a>(snp: &Protocol<'a, SimpleNetworkProtocol>) -> Result<()> {
match snp.shutdown() {
Err(e) if !e.is_efi_err(EFI_STATUS_NOT_STARTED) => return Err(e.into()),
_ => {}
match snp.start() {
Err(e) if !e.is_efi_err(EFI_STATUS_ALREADY_STARTED) => {
return Err(e.into());
_ => {}
snp.initialize(0, 0).unwrap();
/// `EfiNetworkDevice` manages a frame pool and handles receiving/sending network frames.
pub struct EfiNetworkDevice<'a> {
protocol: Protocol<'a, SimpleNetworkProtocol>,
rx_frame: Box<[u8; ETHERNET_FRAME_SIZE]>,
tx_frames: Vec<*mut [u8; ETHERNET_FRAME_SIZE]>,
tx_frame_curr: usize, // Circular next index into tx_frames.
efi_entry: &'a EfiEntry,
impl<'a> EfiNetworkDevice<'a> {
/// Creates an new instance. Allocates `extra_tx_frames+1` number of TX frames.
pub fn new(
protocol: Protocol<'a, SimpleNetworkProtocol>,
extra_tx_frames: usize,
efi_entry: &'a EfiEntry,
) -> Self {
let mut ret = Self {
protocol: protocol,
rx_frame: Box::new([0u8; ETHERNET_FRAME_SIZE]),
tx_frames: vec![core::ptr::null_mut(); extra_tx_frames + 1],
tx_frame_curr: 0,
efi_entry: efi_entry,
.for_each(|v| *v = Box::into_raw(Box::new([0u8; ETHERNET_FRAME_SIZE])));
impl Drop for EfiNetworkDevice<'_> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Err(e) = self.protocol.shutdown() {
if !e.is_efi_err(EFI_STATUS_NOT_STARTED) {
// If shutdown fails, the protocol might still be operating on transmit buffers,
// which can cause undefined behavior. Thus we need to panic.
panic!("Failed to shutdown EFI network. {:?}", e);
// Deallocate TX frames.
self.tx_frames.iter_mut().for_each(|v| {
// Each pointer is created by `Box::new()` in `EfiNetworkDevice::new()`. Thus the
// pointer is valid and layout matches.
let _ = unsafe { Box::from_raw(v) };
// Implements network device trait backend for the `smoltcp` crate.
impl<'a> Device for EfiNetworkDevice<'a> {
type RxToken<'b> = RxToken<'b> where Self: 'b;
type TxToken<'b> = TxToken<'a, 'b> where Self: 'b;
fn capabilities(&self) -> DeviceCapabilities {
// Taken from upstream example.
let mut res: DeviceCapabilities = Default::default();
res.max_transmission_unit = 65535;
res.medium = Medium::Ethernet;
fn receive(&mut self, _: Instant) -> Option<(Self::RxToken<'_>, Self::TxToken<'_>)> {
let mut recv_size = self.rx_frame.len();
// Receive the next packet from the device.
.receive(None, Some(&mut recv_size), &mut self.rx_frame[..], None, None, None)
match recv_size > 0 {
true => Some((
RxToken(&mut self.rx_frame[..recv_size]),
TxToken {
protocol: &self.protocol,
tx_frames: &mut self.tx_frames[..],
curr: &mut self.tx_frame_curr,
efi_entry: self.efi_entry,
_ => None,
fn transmit(&mut self, _: Instant) -> Option<Self::TxToken<'_>> {
Some(TxToken {
protocol: &self.protocol,
tx_frames: &mut self.tx_frames[..],
curr: &mut self.tx_frame_curr,
efi_entry: self.efi_entry,
/// In smoltcp, a `RxToken` is used to receive/process a frame when consumed.
pub struct RxToken<'a>(&'a mut [u8]);
impl phy::RxToken for RxToken<'_> {
fn consume<R, F>(self, f: F) -> R
F: FnOnce(&mut [u8]) -> R,
/// In smoltcp, a `TxToken` is used to transmit a frame when consumed.
pub struct TxToken<'a: 'b, 'b> {
tx_frames: &'b mut [*mut [u8; ETHERNET_FRAME_SIZE]],
curr: &'b mut usize,
protocol: &'b Protocol<'a, SimpleNetworkProtocol>,
efi_entry: &'b EfiEntry,
impl TxToken<'_, '_> {
/// Tries to allocate a send buffer.
fn try_get_buffer(&mut self) -> Option<*mut [u8; ETHERNET_FRAME_SIZE]> {
let mut ptr: *mut core::ffi::c_void = core::ptr::null_mut();
let mut interrupt_status = 0u32;
// Recyle a buffer or take one from `tx_frames`.
match self.protocol.get_status(Some(&mut interrupt_status), Some(&mut ptr)) {
Ok(()) if self.tx_frames.contains(&(ptr as *mut _)) => Some(ptr as *mut _),
_ if *self.curr < self.tx_frames.len() => {
// If we can't recycle a buffer, see if we can take one from the pool.
let res = *self.curr;
*self.curr = *self.curr + 1;
_ => None,
impl phy::TxToken for TxToken<'_, '_> {
fn consume<R, F>(mut self, len: usize, f: F) -> R
F: FnOnce(&mut [u8]) -> R,
loop {
match loop_with_timeout(self.efi_entry, 5000, || self.try_get_buffer().ok_or(false)) {
Ok(Some(send_buffer)) => {
// * The pointer is confirmed to come from one of `self.tx_frames`. It's
// created via `Box::new()` in `EfiNetworkDevice::new()`. Thus it is properly
// aligned, dereferenceable and initialized.
// * The pointer is either recycled from `self.protocol.get_status` or newly
// allocated from `self.tx_frames`. Thus There's no other references to it.
// * The reference is only used for passing to `f` and goes out of scope
// immediately after.
let result = f(&mut unsafe { send_buffer.as_mut() }.unwrap()[..len]);
// * `send_buffer` comes from `EfiNetworkDevice::tx_frames`. It has a valid
// length at least `len`. `EfiNetworkDevice` shuts down network on drop. Thus
// the transmit buffer remains valid throughout the operation of the network
// protocol.
// * `send_buffer` is either recycled from `self.protocol.get_status()` or newly
// allocated from `self.tx_frames`. There's no other references to it.
// * `self.curr` stricly increases for each new allocation until
// `reset_simple_network()`. Thus there'll be no other references to the buffer
// until it is either recycled or `reset_simple_network()` is called.
let _ = unsafe {
Default::default(), // Src mac address don't care
Default::default(), // Dest mac address don't care
return result;
Ok(None) => {
// Some UEFI firmware has internal network service that also recycle buffers,
// in which case our buffer may be hijacked and will never be returned from our
// call. If we run into this case, shutdown and restart the network and try
// again. Shutting down network releases all pending send/receive buffers
// internally retained.
"Timeout recycling TX buffers. Resetting network."
// Panics if this fails, as we have effectively lost control over network's
// used of buffers.
*self.curr = 0;
_ => {} // `loop_with_timeout` failure. Try again.
/// Returns the current value of timestamp.
fn timestamp() -> u64 {
/// Returns a smoltcp time `Instant` value.
fn time_instant() -> Instant {
/// Find the first available network device.
fn find_net_device(efi_entry: &EfiEntry) -> Result<DeviceHandle> {
// Find the device whose path is the "smallest" lexicographically, this ensures that it's not
// any child network device of some other node. e1000 tends to add a child network device for
// ipv4 and ipv6 configuration information.
.map(|handle| (*handle, get_device_path(efi_entry, *handle)))
// Ignore devices that fail to get device path.
.filter_map(|(handle, path)| path.ok().map(|v| (handle, v)))
// Ignore devices that have NULL path.
.filter_map(|(handle, path)| path.text().is_some().then(|| (handle, path)))
// Finds the minimum path lexicographically.
.min_by(|lhs, rhs| Ord::cmp(lhs.1.text().unwrap(), rhs.1.text().unwrap()))
.map(|(h, _)| h)
/// Derives a link local ethernet mac address and IPv6 address from `EfiMacAddress`.
fn ll_mac_ip6_addr_from_efi_mac(mac: EfiMacAddress) -> (EthernetAddress, IpAddress) {
let ll_mac_bytes = &mac.addr[..6];
let mut ip6_bytes = [0u8; 16];
ip6_bytes[0] = 0xfe;
ip6_bytes[1] = 0x80;
ip6_bytes[8] = ll_mac_bytes[0] ^ 2;
ip6_bytes[9] = ll_mac_bytes[1];
ip6_bytes[10] = ll_mac_bytes[2];
ip6_bytes[11] = 0xff;
ip6_bytes[12] = 0xfe;
ip6_bytes[13] = ll_mac_bytes[3];
ip6_bytes[14] = ll_mac_bytes[4];
ip6_bytes[15] = ll_mac_bytes[5];
/// `EfiTcpSocket` groups together necessary components for performing TCP.
pub struct EfiTcpSocket<'a, 'b> {
efi_net_dev: &'b mut EfiNetworkDevice<'a>,
interface: &'b mut Interface,
sockets: &'b mut SocketSet<'b>,
efi_entry: &'a EfiEntry,
impl<'a, 'b> EfiTcpSocket<'a, 'b> {
/// Resets the socket and starts listening for new TCP connection.
pub fn listen(&mut self, port: u16) -> Result<()> {
/// Polls network device.
pub fn poll(&mut self) {
self.interface.poll(time_instant(), self.efi_net_dev, self.sockets);
/// Polls network and check if the socket is in an active state.
pub fn check_active(&mut self) -> bool {
/// Gets a reference to the smoltcp socket object.
pub fn get_socket(&mut self) -> &mut tcp::Socket<'b> {
// We only consider single socket use case for now.
let handle = self.sockets.iter().next().unwrap().0;
/// Checks whether a socket is closed.
fn is_closed(&mut self) -> bool {
return !self.get_socket().is_open() || self.get_socket().state() == tcp::State::CloseWait;
/// Receives exactly `out.len()` number of bytes to `out`.
pub fn receive_exact(&mut self, out: &mut [u8], timeout: u64) -> Result<()> {
let mut recv_size = 0;
loop_with_timeout(self.efi_entry, timeout, || -> core::result::Result<Result<()>, bool> {
if self.is_closed() {
return Ok(Err(EfiAppError::PeerClosed.into()));
} else if self.get_socket().can_recv() {
let this_recv = match self.get_socket().recv_slice(&mut out[recv_size..]) {
Err(e) => return Ok(Err(e.into())),
Ok(v) => v,
recv_size += this_recv;
if recv_size == out.len() {
return Ok(Ok(()));
return Err(this_recv > 0);
/// Sends exactly `data.len()` number of bytes from `data`.
pub fn send_exact(&mut self, data: &[u8], timeout: u64) -> Result<()> {
let mut sent_size = 0;
let mut last_send_queue = 0usize;
loop_with_timeout(self.efi_entry, timeout, || -> core::result::Result<Result<()>, bool> {
if sent_size == data.len() && self.get_socket().send_queue() == 0 {
return Ok(Ok(()));
} else if self.is_closed() {
return Ok(Err(EfiAppError::PeerClosed.into()));
// As long as some data is sent, reset the timeout.
let reset = self.get_socket().send_queue() != last_send_queue;
if self.get_socket().can_send() && sent_size < data.len() {
sent_size += match self.get_socket().send_slice(&data[sent_size..]) {
Err(e) => return Ok(Err(e.into())),
Ok(v) => v,
last_send_queue = self.get_socket().send_queue();
/// Gets the smoltcp `Interface` for this socket.
pub fn interface(&self) -> &Interface {
/// Returns the number of milliseconds elapsed since the `base` timestamp.
pub fn timestamp(base: u64) -> u64 {
let curr = timestamp();
// Assume there can be at most one overflow.
match curr < base {
true => u64::MAX - (base - curr),
false => curr - base,
/// Initializes network environment and provides a TCP socket for callers to run a closure. The API
/// handles clean up automatically after returning.
pub fn with_efi_network<F, R>(efi_entry: &EfiEntry, mut f: F) -> Result<R>
F: FnMut(&mut EfiTcpSocket) -> R,
let bs = efi_entry.system_table().boot_services();
// Creates timestamp update event.
let _ = NETWORK_TIMESTAMP.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed);
let mut notify_fn = |_: EfiEvent| {
let mut notify = EventNotify::new(Tpl::Callback, &mut notify_fn);
let timer = bs.create_event(EventType::TimerNotifySignal, Some(&mut notify))?;
// Creates and initializes simple network protocol.
let snp_dev = find_net_device(efi_entry)?;
let snp = bs.open_protocol::<SimpleNetworkProtocol>(snp_dev)?;
// Gets our MAC address and IPv6 address.
// We can also consider getting this from vendor configuration.
let (ll_mac, ll_ip6_addr) = ll_mac_ip6_addr_from_efi_mac(snp.mode()?.current_address);
// Creates an `EfiNetworkDevice`.
// Allocates 7(chosen randomly) extra TX frames. Revisits if it is not enough.
let mut efi_net_dev = EfiNetworkDevice::new(snp, 7, &efi_entry);
// Configures smoltcp network interface.
let mut interface =
Interface::new(Config::new(ll_mac.into()), &mut efi_net_dev, time_instant());
interface.update_ip_addrs(|ip_addrs| ip_addrs.push(IpCidr::new(ll_ip6_addr, 64)).unwrap());
// Creates an instance of socket.
let mut tx_buffer = vec![0u8; SOCKET_TX_RX_BUFFER];
let mut rx_buffer = vec![0u8; SOCKET_TX_RX_BUFFER];
let tx_socket_buffer = tcp::SocketBuffer::new(&mut tx_buffer[..]);
let rx_socket_buffer = tcp::SocketBuffer::new(&mut rx_buffer[..]);
let socket = tcp::Socket::new(rx_socket_buffer, tx_socket_buffer);
let mut sockets: [_; 1] = Default::default();
let mut sockets = SocketSet::new(&mut sockets[..]);
let _ = sockets.add(socket);
let mut socket = EfiTcpSocket {
efi_net_dev: &mut efi_net_dev,
interface: &mut interface,
sockets: &mut sockets,
efi_entry: efi_entry,
Ok(f(&mut socket))