blob: 22541545d8d6664afcfeda1a8876a227fd145bc6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024, The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! This library provides APIs for receiving, processing and replying to fastboot commands. To use
//! the library:
//! 1. Provide a transport backend by implementing the `Transport` trait.
//! ```
//! struct FastbootTransport {}
//! impl Transport<MyErrorType> for TestTransport {
//! fn receive_packet(&mut self, out: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, TransportError> {
//! todo!();
//! }
//! fn send_packet(&mut self, packet: &[u8]) -> Result<(), TransportError> {
//! todo!();
//! }
//! }
//! ```
//! 2. Provide a fastboot command backend by implementing the `FastbootImplementation` trait.
//! i.e.
//! ```
//! struct FastbootCommand {}
//! impl FastbootImplementation for FastbootTest {
//! fn get_var(
//! &mut self,
//! var: &str,
//! args: Split<char>,
//! out: &mut [u8],
//! ) -> Result<usize, CommandError> {
//! todo!();
//! }
//! ...
//! }
//! 3. Construct a `Fastboot` object with a given download buffer. Pass the transport, command
//! implementation and call the `run()` method:
//! ```
//! let mut fastboot_impl: FastbootCommand = ...;
//! let mut transport: TestTransport = ...;
//! let download_buffer: &mut [u8] = ...;
//! let mut fastboot = Fastboot::new(&mut download_buffer[..]);
//! let result = transport, &mut fastboot_impl, &[]);
//! ```
#![cfg_attr(not(test), no_std)]
use core::fmt::{Debug, Display, Error, Formatter, Write};
use core::str::{from_utf8, Split};
pub const MAX_COMMAND_SIZE: usize = 4096;
pub const MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE: usize = 256;
const OKAY: &'static str = "OKAY";
/// Transport errors.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum TransportError {
Others(&'static str),
impl Display for TransportError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error> {
write!(f, "{:?}", self)
/// Implementation for Fastboot transport interfaces.
pub trait Transport {
/// Fetches the next fastboot packet into `out`.
/// Returns the actual size of the packet on success.
/// TODO(b/322540167): In the future, we may want to support using `[MaybeUninit<u8>]` as the
/// download buffer to avoid expensive initialization at the beginning. This would require an
/// interface where the implementation provides the buffer for us to copy instead of us.
fn receive_packet(&mut self, out: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, TransportError>;
/// Sends a fastboot packet.
/// The method assumes `packet` is sent or at least copied to queue after it returns, where
/// the buffer can go out of scope without affecting anything.
fn send_packet(&mut self, packet: &[u8]) -> Result<(), TransportError>;
/// For now, we hardcode the expected version, until we need to distinguish between multiple
/// versions.
const TCP_HANDSHAKE_MESSAGE: &[u8] = b"FB01";
/// A trait representing a TCP stream reader/writer. Fastboot over TCP has additional handshake
/// process and uses a length-prefixed wire message format. It is recommended that caller
/// implements this trait instead of `Transport`, and uses the API `Fastboot::run_tcp_session()`
/// to perform fastboot over TCP. It internally handles handshake and wire message parsing.
pub trait TcpStream {
/// Reads to `out` for exactly `out.len()` number bytes from the TCP connection.
fn read_exact(&mut self, out: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), TransportError>;
/// Sends exactly `data.len()` number bytes from `data` to the TCP connection.
fn write_exact(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), TransportError>;
impl Transport for &mut dyn TcpStream {
fn receive_packet(&mut self, out: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, TransportError> {
let mut length_prefix = [0u8; 8];
self.read_exact(&mut length_prefix[..])?;
let packet_size: usize = u64::from_be_bytes(length_prefix)
.map_err(|_| TransportError::PacketSizeOverflow)?;
match out.len() < packet_size {
true => Err(TransportError::PacketSizeExceedMaximum),
_ => {
self.read_exact(&mut out[..packet_size])?;
fn send_packet(&mut self, packet: &[u8]) -> Result<(), TransportError> {
&mut u64::try_from(packet.len())
.map_err(|_| TransportError::PacketSizeOverflow)?
/// `CommandError` is the return error type for methods in trait `FastbootImplementation` when
/// they fail. It will be converted into string and sent as fastboot error message "FAIL<string>".
/// Any type that implements `Display` trait can be converted into it. However, because fastboot
/// response message is limited to `MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE`. If the final displayed string length
/// exceeds it, the rest of the content is ignored.
pub struct CommandError(FormattedBytes<[u8; COMMAND_ERROR_LENGTH]>);
impl CommandError {
/// Converts to string.
pub fn to_str(&self) -> &str {
from_utf8(&self.0 .0[..self.0 .1]).unwrap_or("")
impl Debug for CommandError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error> {
write!(f, "{}", self.to_str())
impl<T: Display> From<T> for CommandError {
fn from(val: T) -> Self {
let mut res = CommandError(FormattedBytes([0u8; COMMAND_ERROR_LENGTH], 0));
write!(res.0, "{}", val).unwrap();
/// Implementation for Fastboot command backends.
pub trait FastbootImplementation {
/// Backend for `fastboot getvar ...`
/// Gets the value of a variable specified by name and configuration represented by list of
/// additional arguments in `args`.
/// Variable `max-download-size`, `version` are reserved by the library.
/// # Args
/// * `var`: Name of the variable.
/// * `args`: Additional arguments.
/// * `out`: Output buffer for storing the variable value.
/// * `utils`: A mutable reference to an instance of `FastbootUtils`.
/// TODO(b/322540167): Figure out other reserved variables.
fn get_var(
&mut self,
var: &str,
args: Split<char>,
out: &mut [u8],
utils: &mut FastbootUtils,
) -> Result<usize, CommandError>;
/// A helper API for getting the value of a fastboot variable and decoding it into string.
fn get_var_as_str<'s>(
&mut self,
var: &str,
args: Split<char>,
out: &'s mut [u8],
utils: &mut FastbootUtils,
) -> Result<&'s str, CommandError> {
let size = self.get_var(var, args, out, utils)?;
Ok(from_utf8(out.get(..size).ok_or("Invalid variable size")?)
.map_err(|_| "Value is not string")?)
/// Backend for `fastboot getvar all`.
/// Iterates all combinations of fastboot variable, configurations and values that need to be
/// included in the response to `fastboot getvar all`.
/// # Args
/// * `f`: A closure that takes 3 arguments: 1. variable name, 2. an array of string
/// arguments and 3. the corresponding variable value. Implementation should call this for
/// all combinations that need to be returned for `fastboot getvar all`. If `f` returns
/// error, the implementation should return it immediately. For example the following
/// implementation:
/// fn get_var_all(&mut self, f: F, utils: &mut FastbootUtils) -> Result<(), CommandError> {
/// f("partition-size", &["boot_a"], /* size string of boot_a */)?;
/// f("partition-size", &["boot_b"], /* size string of boot_b */)?;
/// f("partition-size", &["init_boot_a"], /* size string of init_boot_a */)?;
/// f("partition-size", &["init_boot_b"], /* size string of init_boot_b */)?;
/// Ok(())
/// }
/// will generates the following outputs for `fastboot getvar all`:
/// ...
/// (bootloader) partition-size:boot_a: <size of boot_a>
/// (bootloader) partition-size:boot_b: <size of boot_b>
/// (bootloader) partition-size:init_boot_a: <size of init_boot_a>
/// (bootloader) partition-size:init_boot_b: <size of init_boot_b>
/// ...
/// * `utils`: A mutable reference to an instance of `FastbootUtils`.
/// TODO(b/322540167): This and `get_var()` contain duplicated logic. Investigate if there can
/// be better solutions for doing the combination traversal.
fn get_var_all(
&mut self,
f: &mut dyn FnMut(&str, &[&str], &str) -> Result<(), CommandError>,
utils: &mut FastbootUtils,
) -> Result<(), CommandError>;
/// Backend for `fastboot flash ...`
/// # Args
/// * `part`: Name of the partition.
/// * `utils`: A mutable reference to an instance of `FastbootUtils`.
fn flash(&mut self, part: &str, utils: &mut FastbootUtils) -> Result<(), CommandError>;
/// Backend for `fastboot get_staged ...`
/// # Args
/// * `upload_builder`: An instance of `UploadBuilder` for initiating and uploading data. For
/// example:
/// ```
/// fn upload(
/// &mut self,
/// upload_builder: UploadBuilder,
/// utils: &mut FastbootUtils,
/// ) -> Result<(), CommandError> {
/// // Sends a total of 1024 bytes data.
/// let mut uploader = upload_builder.start(1024)?;
/// // Can upload in multiple batches.
/// uploader.upload(&utils.download_buffer[..512])?;
/// uploader.upload(&utils.download_buffer[512..])?;
/// Ok(())
/// }
/// ```
/// If implementation fails to upload enough, or attempts to upload more than expected data
/// with `Uploader::upload()`, an error will be returned.
/// * `utils`: A mutable reference to an instance of `FastbootUtils`.
fn upload(
&mut self,
upload_builder: UploadBuilder,
utils: &mut FastbootUtils,
) -> Result<(), CommandError>;
/// Backend for `fastboot fetch ...`
/// # Args
/// * `part`: The partition name.
/// * `offset`: The offset into the partition for upload.
/// * `size`: The number of bytes to upload.
/// * `upload_builder`: An instance of `UploadBuilder` for initiating and uploading data.
/// * `utils`: A mutable reference to an instance of `FastbootUtils`.
fn fetch(
&mut self,
part: &str,
offset: u64,
size: u64,
upload_builder: UploadBuilder,
utils: &mut FastbootUtils,
) -> Result<(), CommandError>;
/// Backend for `fastboot oem ...`.
/// # Args
/// * `cmd`: The OEM command string that comes after "oem ".
/// * `utils`: A mutable reference to an instance of `FastbootUtils`.
/// * `res`: The response buffer. Upon success, implementation can use the buffer to
/// construct a valid UTF8 string which will be sent as "OKAY<string>"
/// # Returns
/// On success, returns the portion of `res` used by the construction of string message.
fn oem<'a>(
&mut self,
cmd: &str,
utils: &mut FastbootUtils,
res: &'a mut [u8],
) -> Result<&'a [u8], CommandError>;
// TODO(b/322540167): Add methods for other commands.
/// An internal convenient macro helper for `fastboot_okay`, `fastboot_fail` and `fastboot_info`.
macro_rules! fastboot_msg {
( $arr:expr, $msg_type:expr, $( $x:expr ),* $(,)? ) => {
let mut formatted_bytes = FormattedBytes::new(&mut $arr[..]);
write!(formatted_bytes, $msg_type).unwrap();
write!(formatted_bytes, $($x,)*).unwrap();
let size = formatted_bytes.size();
&mut $arr[..size]
/// An internal convenient macro that constructs a formatted fastboot OKAY message.
macro_rules! fastboot_okay {
( $arr:expr, $( $x:expr ),* ) => { fastboot_msg!($arr, "OKAY", $($x,)*) };
/// An internal convenient macro that constructs a formatted fastboot FAIL message.
macro_rules! fastboot_fail {
( $arr:expr, $( $x:expr ),* ) => { fastboot_msg!($arr, "FAIL", $($x,)*) };
/// An internal convenient macro that constructs a formatted fastboot INFO message.
macro_rules! fastboot_info {
( $arr:expr, $( $x:expr ),* ) => { fastboot_msg!($arr, "INFO", $($x,)*) };
/// `FastbootInfoSender` defines a method for sending Fastboot INFO messages.
/// The trait is for user to implement their mock `FastbootUtils` for testing implementation
/// of the `FastbootImplementation` trait.
pub trait FastbootInfoSend {
/// Sends a Fastboot "INFO<`msg`>" packet
fn send(&mut self, msg: &str) -> Result<(), CommandError>;
/// `FastbootUtils` contains download data/buffer and a `FastbootInfoSend` trait object for sending
/// Fastboot INFO messages. It can be used in the implementation of `FastbootImplementation`.
pub struct FastbootUtils<'a> {
// TODO(b/328784766): Consider using arrayvec crate or similar instead of passing download
// buffer and size separately.
// The total download buffer.
download_buffer: &'a mut [u8],
// Current downloaded data size.
download_data_size: &'a mut usize,
/// When available, a trait object `FastbootInfoSend` for sending Fastboot INFO messages.
fb_info: Option<&'a mut dyn FastbootInfoSend>,
impl<'a> FastbootUtils<'a> {
/// Creates a new instance.
pub fn new(
download_buffer: &'a mut [u8],
download_data_size: &'a mut usize,
fb_info: Option<&'a mut dyn FastbootInfoSend>,
) -> Self {
Self { download_buffer, download_data_size, fb_info }
/// Returns the current downloaded data.
pub fn download_data(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] {
&mut self.download_buffer[..*self.download_data_size]
/// Returns the entire download buffer and the size of the download data. The method assumes
/// that callers will modify the download buffer and therefore will no longer consider the
/// download data valid, i.e. future calls of FastbootUtils::download_data() will only return
/// an empty slice.
pub fn take_download_buffer(&mut self) -> (&mut [u8], usize) {
let download_data_size = *self.download_data_size;
*self.download_data_size = 0;
(self.download_buffer, download_data_size)
/// Sends a Fastboot INFO message.
/// Returns Ok(true) if successful, Ok(false) if INFO messages are not supported in the context
/// of the current command, error otherwise.
pub fn info_send(&mut self, msg: &str) -> Result<bool, CommandError> {
match self.fb_info {
Some(ref mut send) => send.send(msg).map(|_| true),
_ => Ok(false),
/// `FastbootInfoSender` is an internal type that implements `FastbootInfoSend` with a `Transport`
/// trait object.
struct FastbootInfoSender<'a> {
transport: &'a mut dyn Transport,
transport_error: Result<(), TransportError>,
impl<'a> FastbootInfoSender<'a> {
/// Creates an new instance
fn new(transport: &'a mut dyn Transport) -> Self {
Self { transport: transport, transport_error: Ok(()) }
/// Returns the `Self:;transport_error`.
fn transport_error(&self) -> Result<(), TransportError> {
impl FastbootInfoSend for FastbootInfoSender<'_> {
fn send(&mut self, msg: &str) -> Result<(), CommandError> {
let mut res = [0u8; MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE];
self.transport_error = self.transport.send_packet(fastboot_info!(res, "{}", msg));
/// `UploadBuilder` can be consumed to create an `Uploader` for sending data to the host during
/// handling of command `fastboot get_staged`.
pub struct UploadBuilder<'a> {
remaining: &'a mut u64,
// `send` sends a bytes array as fastboot packet.
send: &'a mut dyn FnMut(&[u8]) -> Result<(), CommandError>,
impl<'a> UploadBuilder<'a> {
/// Consumes the builder to create an `Uploader` to start uploading data.
pub fn start(self, data_size: u64) -> Result<Uploader<'a>, CommandError> {
let mut res = [0u8; 16];
(self.send)(snprintf!(res, "DATA{:08x}", data_size).as_bytes())?;
*self.remaining = data_size;
Ok(Uploader { remaining: self.remaining, send: self.send })
/// `UploadBuilder` provides APIs for sending data from the device in response to
/// `fastboot get_staged`
pub struct Uploader<'a> {
remaining: &'a mut u64,
send: &'a mut dyn FnMut(&[u8]) -> Result<(), CommandError>,
impl<'a> Uploader<'a> {
/// Uploads data. Returns error if accumulative amount exceeds `data_size` passed to
/// `UploadBuilder::start()`.
pub fn upload(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), CommandError> {
*self.remaining = self
.checked_sub(data.len().try_into().map_err(|_| "")?)
/// A helper function that creates an `UploadBuilder` from a `Transport` and runs a closure with
/// it. The helper internally checks that the closure uploads enough data it specifies.
fn with_upload_builder<F, R>(
transport: &mut impl Transport,
mut f: F,
) -> Result<Result<R, CommandError>, TransportError>
F: FnMut(UploadBuilder) -> Result<R, CommandError>,
let mut transport_error = Ok(());
let mut remaining = 0u64;
let mut send = |data: &[u8]| -> Result<(), CommandError> {
transport_error = transport.send_packet(data);
let upload_builder = UploadBuilder { remaining: &mut remaining, send: &mut send };
let res = f(upload_builder);
// Failing to upload enough data should be considered a transport error. Because the remote
// host will hang as long as the connection is still active.
match remaining > 0 {
true => Err(TransportError::NotEnoughUpload),
_ => Ok(res),
pub mod test_utils {
use crate::{CommandError, UploadBuilder};
/// Runs a closure with a mock uploader for user implementation to test
/// `FastbootImplementation::upload()`.
/// The mock uploader simply uploads to a user provided buffer.
/// Returns the total uploaded size and remaining size.
pub fn with_mock_upload_builder<F>(buffer: &mut [u8], mut f: F) -> (usize, usize)
F: FnMut(UploadBuilder),
let mut remaining = 0u64;
let mut sent = 0;
let mut send = |data: &[u8]| -> Result<(), CommandError> {
// Skips the first 12 bytes "DATAXXXXXXXX" fastboot message.
match sent == 0 {
true => {
assert_eq!(data.len(), 12);
sent += data.len()
_ => {
buffer[sent - 12..][].clone_from_slice(data);
sent += data.len();
f(UploadBuilder { remaining: &mut remaining, send: &mut send });
(core::cmp::max(sent, 12) - 12, remaining.try_into().unwrap())
const MAX_DOWNLOAD_SIZE_NAME: &'static str = "max-download-size";
/// State of the fastboot protocol.
enum ProtocolState {
/// `Fastboot` provides methods for receiving/processing/replying fastboot commands from a
/// transport.
pub struct Fastboot<'a> {
state: ProtocolState,
download_buffer: &'a mut [u8],
downloaded_size: usize,
total_download_size: usize,
impl<'a> Fastboot<'a> {
/// Creates an instance with a given download buffer.
pub fn new(download_buffer: &'a mut [u8]) -> Self {
Self {
state: ProtocolState::Command,
download_buffer: download_buffer,
downloaded_size: 0,
total_download_size: 0,
/// Process fastboot command/data from a given transport.
/// # Args
/// * `transport`: An implementation of `Transport`
/// * `fb_impl`: An implementation of `FastbootImplementation`.
/// # Returns
/// The method returns on any errors from calls to `transport` methods.
pub fn run(
&mut self,
transport: &mut impl Transport,
fb_impl: &mut impl FastbootImplementation,
) -> Result<(), TransportError> {
loop {
match self.state {
ProtocolState::Command => {
let mut packet = [0u8; MAX_COMMAND_SIZE];
let cmd_size = transport.receive_packet(&mut packet[..])?;
if cmd_size == 0 {
let mut res = [0u8; MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE];
let cmd_str = match from_utf8(&packet[..cmd_size]) {
Ok(s) => s,
_ => {
transport.send_packet(fastboot_fail!(res, "Invalid Command"))?;
let mut args = cmd_str.split(':');
let Some(cmd) = else {
transport.send_packet(fastboot_fail!(res, "No command"))?;
match cmd {
"getvar" => self.get_var(args, transport, fb_impl)?,
"download" =>, transport, fb_impl)?,
"flash" => self.flash(cmd_str, transport, fb_impl)?,
"upload" => self.upload(transport, fb_impl)?,
"fetch" => self.fetch(&cmd_str, args, transport, fb_impl)?,
_ if cmd_str.starts_with("oem ") => {
self.oem(&cmd_str[4..], transport, fb_impl)?
_ => {
transport.send_packet(fastboot_fail!(res, "Command not found"))?;
ProtocolState::Download => {
let (_, remains) = &mut self.download_buffer[..self.total_download_size]
match transport.receive_packet(remains) {
Ok(size) if size > remains.len() => {
let mut res = [0u8; MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE];
snprintf!(res, "FAILMore data received then expected").as_bytes(),
self.total_download_size = 0;
self.downloaded_size = 0;
self.state = ProtocolState::Command;
Ok(size) => {
self.downloaded_size = self.downloaded_size.checked_add(size).unwrap();
if self.downloaded_size == self.total_download_size {
self.state = ProtocolState::Command;
Err(e) => {
self.total_download_size = 0;
self.downloaded_size = 0;
return Err(e);
/// Runs a fastboot over TCP session.
/// The method performs fastboot over TCP handshake and then call `Self::run(...)`.
pub fn run_tcp_session(
&mut self,
mut tcp_stream: &mut dyn TcpStream,
fb_impl: &mut impl FastbootImplementation,
) -> Result<(), TransportError> {
let mut handshake = [0u8; 4];
tcp_stream.read_exact(&mut handshake[..])?;
match handshake == *TCP_HANDSHAKE_MESSAGE {
true => tcp_stream, fb_impl),
_ => Err(TransportError::InvalidHanshake),
/// Method for handling "fastboot getvar ..."
fn get_var(
&mut self,
mut args: Split<char>,
transport: &mut impl Transport,
fb_impl: &mut impl FastbootImplementation,
) -> Result<(), TransportError> {
let mut res = [0u8; MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE];
let Some(var) = else {
return transport.send_packet(fastboot_fail!(res, "Missing variable"));
if var == "all" {
return self.get_var_all(transport, fb_impl);
} else if var == MAX_DOWNLOAD_SIZE_NAME {
return transport.send_packet(fastboot_okay!(res, "{:#x}", self.download_buffer.len()));
let mut val = [0u8; MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE];
match self.get_var_str(var, args, &mut val[..], transport, fb_impl) {
Ok(s) => transport.send_packet(fastboot_okay!(res, "{}", s)),
Err(e) => transport.send_packet(fastboot_fail!(res, "{}", e.to_str())),
/// A helper for getting the string version of a fastboot variable value.
fn get_var_str<'s>(
&mut self,
var: &str,
args: Split<char>,
out: &'s mut [u8],
transport: &mut impl Transport,
fb_impl: &mut impl FastbootImplementation,
) -> Result<&'s str, CommandError> {
let mut info_sender = FastbootInfoSender::new(transport);
let mut utils = self.utils(Some(&mut info_sender));
fb_impl.get_var_as_str(var, args, out, &mut utils)
/// A wrapper of `get_var_all()` that first iterates reserved variables.
fn get_var_all_with_native(
&mut self,
fb_impl: &mut impl FastbootImplementation,
f: &mut dyn FnMut(&str, &[&str], &str) -> Result<(), CommandError>,
) -> Result<(), CommandError> {
// Process the built-in MAX_DOWNLOAD_SIZE_NAME variable.
let mut size_str = [0u8; 32];
f(MAX_DOWNLOAD_SIZE_NAME, &[], snprintf!(size_str, "{:#x}", self.download_buffer.len()))?;
// Don't allow other custom INFO messages because variable values are sent as INFO
// messages.
fb_impl.get_var_all(f, &mut self.utils(None))
/// Method for handling "fastboot getvar all"
fn get_var_all(
&mut self,
transport: &mut impl Transport,
fb_impl: &mut impl FastbootImplementation,
) -> Result<(), TransportError> {
let mut res = [0u8; MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE];
let mut transport_error = Ok(());
let get_res = self.get_var_all_with_native(fb_impl, &mut |name, args, val| {
let mut formatted_bytes = FormattedBytes::new(&mut res);
write!(formatted_bytes, "INFO{}", name).unwrap();
args.iter().for_each(|arg| write!(formatted_bytes, ":{}", arg).unwrap());
write!(formatted_bytes, ": {}", val).unwrap();
let size = formatted_bytes.size();
transport_error = transport.send_packet(&res[..size]);
match get_res {
Ok(()) => transport.send_packet(fastboot_okay!(res, "")),
Err(e) => transport.send_packet(fastboot_fail!(res, "{}", e.to_str())),
/// Method for handling "fastboot download:...".
fn download(
&mut self,
mut args: Split<char>,
transport: &mut impl Transport,
_: &mut impl FastbootImplementation,
) -> Result<(), TransportError> {
let mut res = [0u8; MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE];
let total_download_size = match (|| -> Result<usize, CommandError> {
usize::try_from(next_arg_u64(&mut args, Err("Not enough argument".into()))?)
.map_err(|_| "Download size overflow".into())
})() {
Err(e) => return transport.send_packet(fastboot_fail!(res, "{}", e.to_str())),
Ok(v) => v,
if total_download_size > self.download_buffer.len() {
return transport.send_packet(fastboot_fail!(res, "Download size is too big"));
} else if total_download_size == 0 {
return transport.send_packet(fastboot_fail!(res, "Zero download size"));
transport.send_packet(snprintf!(res, "DATA{:#x}", total_download_size).as_bytes())?;
self.total_download_size = total_download_size;
self.downloaded_size = 0;
self.state = ProtocolState::Download;
/// Method for handling "fastboot flash ...".
fn flash(
&mut self,
cmd: &str,
transport: &mut impl Transport,
fb_impl: &mut impl FastbootImplementation,
) -> Result<(), TransportError> {
let mut res = [0u8; MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE];
match (|| -> Result<(), CommandError> {
let part =
cmd.strip_prefix("flash:").ok_or::<CommandError>("Missing partition".into())?;
fb_impl.flash(part, &mut self.utils(Some(&mut FastbootInfoSender::new(transport))))
})() {
Err(e) => transport.send_packet(fastboot_fail!(res, "{}", e.to_str())),
_ => transport.send_packet(fastboot_okay!(res, "")),
/// Method for handling "fastboot get_staged ...".
fn upload(
&mut self,
transport: &mut impl Transport,
fb_impl: &mut impl FastbootImplementation,
) -> Result<(), TransportError> {
let mut res = [0u8; MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE];
match with_upload_builder(transport, |upload_builder| {
// No INFO message should be sent during upload.
let mut utils = self.utils(None);
fb_impl.upload(upload_builder, &mut utils)
})? {
Err(e) => transport.send_packet(fastboot_fail!(res, "{}", e.to_str())),
_ => transport.send_packet(fastboot_okay!(res, "")),
/// Method for handling "fastboot fetch ...".
pub fn fetch(
&mut self,
cmd: &str,
args: Split<char>,
transport: &mut impl Transport,
fb_impl: &mut impl FastbootImplementation,
) -> Result<(), TransportError> {
let mut res = [0u8; MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE];
match with_upload_builder(transport, |upload_builder| -> Result<(), CommandError> {
let cmd =
cmd.strip_prefix("fetch:").ok_or::<CommandError>("Missing arguments".into())?;
if args.clone().count() < 3 {
return Err("Not enough argments".into());
// Parses backward. Parses size, offset first and treats the remaining string as
// partition name. This allows ":" in partition name.
let mut rev = args.clone().rev();
let sz = next_arg(&mut rev, Err("Invalid argument".into()))?;
let off = next_arg(&mut rev, Err("Invalid argument".into()))?;
let part = &cmd[..cmd.len() - (off.len() + sz.len() + 2)];
// No INFO message should be sent during upload.
let mut utils = self.utils(None);
fb_impl.fetch(part, hex_to_u64(off)?, hex_to_u64(sz)?, upload_builder, &mut utils)
})? {
Err(e) => transport.send_packet(fastboot_fail!(res, "{}", e.to_str())),
_ => transport.send_packet(fastboot_okay!(res, "")),
/// Method for handling "fastboot oem ...".
fn oem(
&mut self,
cmd: &str,
transport: &mut impl Transport,
fb_impl: &mut impl FastbootImplementation,
) -> Result<(), TransportError> {
let mut info_sender = FastbootInfoSender::new(transport);
let mut utils = self.utils(Some(&mut info_sender));
let mut oem_out = [0u8; MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE - 4];
let oem_res = fb_impl.oem(cmd, &mut utils, &mut oem_out[..]);
let mut res = [0u8; MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE];
match oem_res {
Ok(msg) => match from_utf8(msg) {
Ok(s) => transport.send_packet(fastboot_okay!(res, "{}", s)),
Err(e) => transport.send_packet(fastboot_fail!(res, "Invalid return string {}", e)),
Err(e) => transport.send_packet(fastboot_fail!(res, "{}", e.to_str())),
/// Helper method to create an instance of `FastbootUtils`.
fn utils<'b>(&'b mut self, info: Option<&'b mut dyn FastbootInfoSend>) -> FastbootUtils<'b> {
FastbootUtils::new(self.download_buffer, &mut self.total_download_size,|v| v))
/// A helper data structure for writing formatted string to fixed size bytes array.
pub struct FormattedBytes<T: AsMut<[u8]>>(T, usize);
impl<T: AsMut<[u8]>> FormattedBytes<T> {
/// Create an instance.
pub fn new(buf: T) -> Self {
Self(buf, 0)
/// Get the size of content.
pub fn size(&self) -> usize {
pub fn append(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) -> &mut [u8] {
let buf = &mut self.0.as_mut()[self.1..];
// Only write as much as the size of the bytes buffer. Additional write is silently
// ignored.
let to_write = core::cmp::min(buf.len(), bytes.len());
self.1 += to_write;
&mut self.0.as_mut()[..self.1]
impl<T: AsMut<[u8]>> core::fmt::Write for FormattedBytes<T> {
fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> core::fmt::Result {
/// A convenient macro that behaves similar to snprintf in C.
macro_rules! snprintf {
( $arr:expr, $( $x:expr ),* ) => {
let mut formatted_bytes = FormattedBytes::new(&mut $arr[..]);
write!(formatted_bytes, $($x,)*).unwrap();
let size = formatted_bytes.size();
/// A helper to convert a hex string into u64.
pub(crate) fn hex_to_u64(s: &str) -> Result<u64, CommandError> {
Ok(u64::from_str_radix(s.strip_prefix("0x").unwrap_or(s), 16)?)
/// A helper to check and fetch the next argument or fall back to the default if not available.
/// # Args
/// args: A string iterator.
/// default: This will be returned as it is if args doesn't have the next element(). Providing a
/// Ok(str) is equivalent to providing a default value. Providing an Err() is equivalent to
/// requiring that the next argument is mandatory.
pub fn next_arg<'a, T: Iterator<Item = &'a str>>(
args: &mut T,
default: Result<&'a str, CommandError>,
) -> Result<&'a str, CommandError> {|v| *v != "").ok_or("").or(default.map_err(|e| e.into()))
/// A helper to check and fetch the next argument as a u64 hex string.
/// # Args
/// args: A string iterator.
/// default: This will be returned as it is if args doesn't have the next element(). Providing a
/// Ok(u64) is equivalent to providing a default value. Providing an Err() is equivalent to
/// requiring that the next argument is mandatory.
/// Returns error if the next argument is not a valid hex string.
pub fn next_arg_u64<'a, T: Iterator<Item = &'a str>>(
args: &mut T,
default: Result<u64, CommandError>,
) -> Result<u64, CommandError> {
match next_arg(args, Err("".into())) {
Ok(v) => hex_to_u64(v),
_ => default.map_err(|e| e.into()),
mod test {
use super::*;
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, VecDeque};
struct FastbootTest<'a> {
// A mapping from (variable name, argument) to variable value.
vars: BTreeMap<(&'static str, &'static [&'static str]), &'static str>,
flash_cb: Option<&'a mut dyn FnMut(&str, &mut FastbootUtils) -> Result<(), CommandError>>,
upload_cb: Option<
&'a mut dyn FnMut(UploadBuilder, &mut FastbootUtils) -> Result<(), CommandError>,
fetch_cb: Option<
&'a mut dyn FnMut(
&mut FastbootUtils,
) -> Result<(), CommandError>,
oem_cb: Option<
&'a mut dyn FnMut(&str, &mut FastbootUtils, &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, CommandError>,
impl FastbootImplementation for FastbootTest<'_> {
fn get_var(
&mut self,
var: &str,
args: Split<char>,
out: &mut [u8],
_: &mut FastbootUtils,
) -> Result<usize, CommandError> {
let args = args.collect::<Vec<_>>();
match self.vars.get(&(var, &args[..])) {
Some(v) => {
_ => Err("Not Found".into()),
fn get_var_all(
&mut self,
f: &mut dyn FnMut(&str, &[&str], &str) -> Result<(), CommandError>,
_: &mut FastbootUtils,
) -> Result<(), CommandError> {
for ((var, config), value) in &self.vars {
f(var, config, value)?;
fn flash(&mut self, part: &str, utils: &mut FastbootUtils) -> Result<(), CommandError> {
(self.flash_cb.as_mut().unwrap())(part, utils)
fn upload(
&mut self,
upload_builder: UploadBuilder,
utils: &mut FastbootUtils,
) -> Result<(), CommandError> {
(self.upload_cb.as_mut().unwrap())(upload_builder, utils)
fn fetch(
&mut self,
part: &str,
offset: u64,
size: u64,
upload_builder: UploadBuilder,
utils: &mut FastbootUtils,
) -> Result<(), CommandError> {
(self.fetch_cb.as_mut().unwrap())(part, offset, size, upload_builder, utils)
fn oem<'b>(
&mut self,
cmd: &str,
utils: &mut FastbootUtils,
res: &'b mut [u8],
) -> Result<&'b [u8], CommandError> {
let sz = (self.oem_cb.as_mut().unwrap())(cmd, utils, res)?;
struct TestTransport {
in_queue: VecDeque<Vec<u8>>,
out_queue: VecDeque<Vec<u8>>,
impl TestTransport {
fn new() -> Self {
Self { in_queue: VecDeque::new(), out_queue: VecDeque::new() }
fn add_input(&mut self, packet: &[u8]) {
impl Transport for TestTransport {
fn receive_packet(&mut self, out: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, TransportError> {
match self.in_queue.pop_front() {
Some(v) => {
let size = core::cmp::min(out.len(), v.len());
// Returns the input length so that we can test bogus download size.
_ => Err(TransportError::Others("No more data")),
fn send_packet(&mut self, packet: &[u8]) -> Result<(), TransportError> {
struct TestTcpStream {
in_queue: VecDeque<u8>,
out_queue: VecDeque<u8>,
impl TestTcpStream {
/// Adds bytes to input stream.
fn add_input(&mut self, data: &[u8]) {
data.iter().for_each(|v| self.in_queue.push_back(*v));
/// Adds a length pre-fixed bytes stream.
fn add_length_prefixed_input(&mut self, data: &[u8]) {
self.add_input(&(data.len() as u64).to_be_bytes());
impl TcpStream for TestTcpStream {
fn read_exact(&mut self, out: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), TransportError> {
for ele in out {
*ele = self.in_queue.pop_front().ok_or(TransportError::Others("No more data"))?;
fn write_exact(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), TransportError> {
data.iter().for_each(|v| self.out_queue.push_back(*v));
fn test_non_exist_command() {
let mut fastboot_impl: FastbootTest = Default::default();
let mut download_buffer = vec![0u8; 1024];
let mut fastboot = Fastboot::new(&mut download_buffer[..]);
let mut transport = TestTransport::new();
let _ = transport, &mut fastboot_impl);
assert_eq!(transport.out_queue, [b"FAILCommand not found"]);
fn test_non_ascii_command_string() {
let mut fastboot_impl: FastbootTest = Default::default();
let mut download_buffer = vec![0u8; 1024];
let mut fastboot = Fastboot::new(&mut download_buffer[..]);
let mut transport = TestTransport::new();
let _ = transport, &mut fastboot_impl);
assert_eq!(transport.out_queue, [b"FAILInvalid Command"]);
fn test_get_var_max_download_size() {
let mut fastboot_impl: FastbootTest = Default::default();
let mut download_buffer = vec![0u8; 1024];
let mut fastboot = Fastboot::new(&mut download_buffer[..]);
let mut transport = TestTransport::new();
let _ = transport, &mut fastboot_impl);
assert_eq!(transport.out_queue, [b"OKAY0x400"]);
fn test_get_var() {
let mut fastboot_impl: FastbootTest = Default::default();
let vars: [((&str, &[&str]), &str); 4] = [
(("var_0", &[]), "val_0"),
(("var_1", &["a", "b"]), "val_1_a_b"),
(("var_1", &["c", "d"]), "val_1_c_d"),
(("var_2", &["e", "f"]), "val_2_e_f"),
fastboot_impl.vars = BTreeMap::from(vars);
let mut download_buffer = vec![0u8; 1024];
let mut fastboot = Fastboot::new(&mut download_buffer[..]);
let mut transport = TestTransport::new();
transport.add_input(b"getvar:var_1"); // Not Found
transport.add_input(b"getvar:var_3"); // Not Found
transport.add_input(b"getvar"); // Not Found
let _ = transport, &mut fastboot_impl);
b"FAILNot Found".into(),
b"FAILNot Found".into(),
b"FAILMissing variable".into(),
fn test_get_var_all() {
let mut fastboot_impl: FastbootTest = Default::default();
let vars: [((&str, &[&str]), &str); 4] = [
(("var_0", &[]), "val_0"),
(("var_1", &["a", "b"]), "val_1_a_b"),
(("var_1", &["c", "d"]), "val_1_c_d"),
(("var_2", &["e", "f"]), "val_2_e_f"),
fastboot_impl.vars = BTreeMap::from(vars);
let mut download_buffer = vec![0u8; 1024];
let mut fastboot = Fastboot::new(&mut download_buffer[..]);
let mut transport = TestTransport::new();
let _ = transport, &mut fastboot_impl);
b"INFOmax-download-size: 0x400".into(),
b"INFOvar_0: val_0".into(),
b"INFOvar_1:a:b: val_1_a_b".into(),
b"INFOvar_1:c:d: val_1_c_d".into(),
b"INFOvar_2:e:f: val_2_e_f".into(),
fn test_download() {
let mut fastboot_impl: FastbootTest = Default::default();
let mut download_buffer = vec![0u8; 1024];
let download_content: Vec<u8> =
(0..download_buffer.len()).into_iter().map(|v| v as u8).collect();
let mut fastboot = Fastboot::new(&mut download_buffer[..]);
let mut transport = TestTransport::new();
// Splits download into two batches.
let (first, second) = download_content.as_slice().split_at(download_content.len() / 2);
transport.add_input(format!("download:{:#x}", download_content.len()).as_bytes());
let _ = transport, &mut fastboot_impl);
VecDeque::<Vec<u8>>::from([b"DATA0x400".into(), b"OKAY".into(),])
assert_eq!(download_buffer, download_content);
fn test_download_not_enough_args() {
let mut fastboot_impl: FastbootTest = Default::default();
let mut download_buffer = vec![0u8; 1024];
let mut fastboot = Fastboot::new(&mut download_buffer[..]);
let mut transport = TestTransport::new();
let _ = transport, &mut fastboot_impl);
assert_eq!(transport.out_queue, [b"FAILNot enough argument"]);
fn test_download_invalid_hex_string() {
let mut fastboot_impl: FastbootTest = Default::default();
let mut download_buffer = vec![0u8; 1024];
let mut fastboot = Fastboot::new(&mut download_buffer[..]);
let mut transport = TestTransport::new();
let _ = transport, &mut fastboot_impl);
assert_eq!(transport.out_queue.len(), 1);
fn test_download_size(download_buffer_size: usize, download_size: usize, msg: &str) {
let mut fastboot_impl: FastbootTest = Default::default();
let mut download_buffer = vec![0u8; download_buffer_size];
let mut transport = TestTransport::new();
transport.add_input(format!("download:{:#x}", download_size).as_bytes());
let mut fastboot = Fastboot::new(&mut download_buffer[..]);
let _ = transport, &mut fastboot_impl);
assert_eq!(transport.out_queue, VecDeque::<Vec<u8>>::from([msg.as_bytes().into()]));
fn test_download_download_size_too_big() {
test_download_size(1024, 1025, "FAILDownload size is too big");
fn test_download_zero_download_size() {
test_download_size(1024, 0, "FAILZero download size");
fn test_download_more_than_expected() {
let mut fastboot_impl: FastbootTest = Default::default();
let mut download_buffer = vec![0u8; 1024];
let download_content: Vec<u8> = vec![0u8; download_buffer.len()];
let mut fastboot = Fastboot::new(&mut download_buffer[..]);
let mut transport = TestTransport::new();
transport.add_input(format!("download:{:#x}", download_content.len() - 1).as_bytes());
// State should be reset to command state.
let _ = transport, &mut fastboot_impl);
b"FAILMore data received then expected".into(),
fn test_oem_cmd() {
let mut fastboot_impl: FastbootTest = Default::default();
const DOWNLOAD_BUFFER_LEN: usize = 2048;
let mut download_buffer = vec![0u8; DOWNLOAD_BUFFER_LEN];
let download_content: Vec<u8> = (0..1024).into_iter().map(|v| v as u8).collect();
let mut fastboot = Fastboot::new(&mut download_buffer[..]);
let mut transport = TestTransport::new();
transport.add_input(format!("download:{:#x}", download_content.len()).as_bytes());
transport.add_input(b"oem oem-command");
let mut oem_cb = |cmd: &str, utils: &mut FastbootUtils, res: &mut [u8]| {
assert_eq!(cmd, "oem-command");
assert_eq!(utils.download_buffer.len(), DOWNLOAD_BUFFER_LEN);
assert_eq!(utils.download_data().to_vec(), download_content);
Ok(snprintf!(res, "oem-return").len())
fastboot_impl.oem_cb = Some(&mut oem_cb);
let _ = transport, &mut fastboot_impl);
fn test_flash() {
let mut fastboot_impl: FastbootTest = Default::default();
const DOWNLOAD_BUFFER_LEN: usize = 2048;
let mut download_buffer = vec![0u8; DOWNLOAD_BUFFER_LEN];
let download_content: Vec<u8> = (0..1024).into_iter().map(|v| v as u8).collect();
let mut fastboot = Fastboot::new(&mut download_buffer[..]);
let mut transport = TestTransport::new();
transport.add_input(format!("download:{:#x}", download_content.len()).as_bytes());
let mut flash_cb = |part: &str, utils: &mut FastbootUtils| {
assert_eq!(part, "boot_a:0::");
assert_eq!(utils.download_data().to_vec(), download_content);
fastboot_impl.flash_cb = Some(&mut flash_cb);
let _ = transport, &mut fastboot_impl);
VecDeque::<Vec<u8>>::from([b"DATA0x400".into(), b"OKAY".into(), b"OKAY".into(),])
fn test_flash_missing_partition() {
let mut fastboot_impl: FastbootTest = Default::default();
let mut fastboot = Fastboot::new(&mut []);
let mut transport = TestTransport::new();
let mut flash_cb = |_: &str, _: &mut FastbootUtils| Ok(());
fastboot_impl.flash_cb = Some(&mut flash_cb);
let _ = transport, &mut fastboot_impl);
assert_eq!(transport.out_queue, [b"FAILMissing partition"]);
fn test_upload() {
let mut fastboot_impl: FastbootTest = Default::default();
const DOWNLOAD_BUFFER_LEN: usize = 2048;
let mut download_buffer = vec![0u8; DOWNLOAD_BUFFER_LEN];
let download_content: Vec<u8> = (0..1024).into_iter().map(|v| v as u8).collect();
let mut fastboot = Fastboot::new(&mut download_buffer[..]);
let mut transport = TestTransport::new();
transport.add_input(format!("download:{:#x}", download_content.len()).as_bytes());
let mut upload_cb = |upload_builder: UploadBuilder, utils: &mut FastbootUtils| {
assert_eq!(utils.download_buffer.len(), DOWNLOAD_BUFFER_LEN);
assert_eq!(utils.download_data().to_vec(), download_content);
let (download_buffer, download_len) = utils.take_download_buffer();
let to_send = &mut download_buffer[..download_len];
let mut uploader = upload_builder.start(u64::try_from(to_send.len()).unwrap()).unwrap();
uploader.upload(&to_send[..download_len / 2]).unwrap();
uploader.upload(&to_send[download_len / 2..]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(utils.download_data().len(), 0);
fastboot_impl.upload_cb = Some(&mut upload_cb);
let _ = transport, &mut fastboot_impl);
download_content[..download_content.len() / 2].to_vec(),
download_content[download_content.len() / 2..].to_vec(),
fn test_upload_not_enough_data() {
let mut fastboot_impl: FastbootTest = Default::default();
let mut download_buffer = vec![0u8; 2048];
let mut fastboot = Fastboot::new(&mut download_buffer[..]);
let mut transport = TestTransport::new();
let mut upload_cb = |upload_builder: UploadBuilder, _: &mut FastbootUtils| {
let mut uploader = upload_builder.start(0x400).unwrap();
uploader.upload(&[0u8; 0x400 - 1]).unwrap();
fastboot_impl.upload_cb = Some(&mut upload_cb);
assert!( transport, &mut fastboot_impl).is_err());
fn test_upload_more_data() {
let mut fastboot_impl: FastbootTest = Default::default();
let mut download_buffer = vec![0u8; 2048];
let mut fastboot = Fastboot::new(&mut download_buffer[..]);
let mut transport = TestTransport::new();
let mut upload_cb = |upload_builder: UploadBuilder, _: &mut FastbootUtils| {
let mut uploader = upload_builder.start(0x400).unwrap();
uploader.upload(&[0u8; 0x400 + 1])?;
fastboot_impl.upload_cb = Some(&mut upload_cb);
assert!( transport, &mut fastboot_impl).is_err());
fn test_fetch() {
let mut fastboot_impl: FastbootTest = Default::default();
let mut download_buffer = vec![0u8; 2048];
let mut fastboot = Fastboot::new(&mut download_buffer[..]);
let mut transport = TestTransport::new();
let mut fetch_cb = |part: &str,
offset: u64,
size: u64,
upload_builder: UploadBuilder,
_: &mut FastbootUtils| {
assert_eq!(part, "boot_a:0::");
assert_eq!(offset, 0x200);
assert_eq!(size, 0x400);
let mut uploader = upload_builder.start(size)?;
uploader.upload(&vec![0u8; size.try_into().unwrap()][..])?;
fastboot_impl.fetch_cb = Some(&mut fetch_cb);
let _ = transport, &mut fastboot_impl);
[0u8; 0x400].to_vec(),
fn test_fetch_invalid_args() {
let mut fastboot_impl: FastbootTest = Default::default();
let mut download_buffer = vec![0u8; 2048];
let mut fastboot = Fastboot::new(&mut download_buffer[..]);
let mut transport = TestTransport::new();
let mut fetch_cb =
|_: &str, _: u64, _: u64, _: UploadBuilder, _: &mut FastbootUtils| Ok(());
fastboot_impl.fetch_cb = Some(&mut fetch_cb);
let _ = transport, &mut fastboot_impl);
assert!(transport.out_queue.iter().all(|v| v.starts_with(b"FAIL")));
fn test_fastboot_tcp() {
let mut fastboot_impl: FastbootTest = Default::default();
let mut download_buffer = vec![0u8; 1024];
let download_content: Vec<u8> =
(0..download_buffer.len()).into_iter().map(|v| v as u8).collect();
let mut fastboot = Fastboot::new(&mut download_buffer[..]);
let mut tcp_stream: TestTcpStream = Default::default();
// Add two commands and verify both are executed.
format!("download:{:#x}", download_content.len()).as_bytes(),
let _ = fastboot.run_tcp_session(&mut tcp_stream, &mut fastboot_impl);
let expected: &[&[u8]] = &[
assert_eq!(tcp_stream.out_queue, VecDeque::from(expected.concat()));
assert_eq!(download_buffer, download_content);
fn test_fastboot_tcp_invalid_handshake() {
let mut fastboot_impl: FastbootTest = Default::default();
let mut download_buffer = vec![0u8; 1024];
let mut fastboot = Fastboot::new(&mut download_buffer[..]);
let mut tcp_stream: TestTcpStream = Default::default();
fastboot.run_tcp_session(&mut tcp_stream, &mut fastboot_impl).unwrap_err(),
fn test_fastboot_tcp_packet_size_exceeds_maximum() {
let mut fastboot_impl: FastbootTest = Default::default();
let mut download_buffer = vec![0u8; 1024];
let mut fastboot = Fastboot::new(&mut download_buffer[..]);
let mut tcp_stream: TestTcpStream = Default::default();
tcp_stream.add_input(&(MAX_COMMAND_SIZE + 1).to_be_bytes());
fastboot.run_tcp_session(&mut tcp_stream, &mut fastboot_impl).unwrap_err(),