Add braces for conditional statements in raw_hash_map functions.

The current version violates the Google C++ style guide - see This code does not fit into the historical exception that "the curly braces for the controlled statement or the line breaks inside the curly braces may be omitted if as a result the entire statement appears on either a single line (in which case there is a space between the closing parenthesis and the controlled statement) or on two lines (in which case there is a line break after the closing parenthesis and there are no braces)."

PiperOrigin-RevId: 609789188
Change-Id: Id7ae9596e454dac5581d19939564c07670077f92
diff --git a/absl/container/internal/raw_hash_map.h b/absl/container/internal/raw_hash_map.h
index 64dcd3d..464bf23 100644
--- a/absl/container/internal/raw_hash_map.h
+++ b/absl/container/internal/raw_hash_map.h
@@ -198,10 +198,11 @@
   std::pair<iterator, bool> insert_or_assign_impl(K&& k, V&& v)
     auto res = this->find_or_prepare_insert(k);
-    if (res.second)
+    if (res.second) {
       this->emplace_at(res.first, std::forward<K>(k), std::forward<V>(v));
-    else
+    } else {
       Policy::value(&*res.first) = std::forward<V>(v);
+    }
     return res;
@@ -209,10 +210,11 @@
   std::pair<iterator, bool> try_emplace_impl(K&& k, Args&&... args)
     auto res = this->find_or_prepare_insert(k);
-    if (res.second)
+    if (res.second) {
       this->emplace_at(res.first, std::piecewise_construct,
+    }
     return res;