blob: cb95b19a672cd6c52830a380bb329ab7a75ddb70 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Abseil Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "absl/strings/internal/cord_rep_ring.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "absl/base/internal/raw_logging.h"
#include "absl/base/internal/throw_delegate.h"
#include "absl/base/macros.h"
#include "absl/container/inlined_vector.h"
#include "absl/strings/internal/cord_internal.h"
#include "absl/strings/internal/cord_rep_flat.h"
namespace absl {
namespace cord_internal {
// See
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wshadow"
#if __has_warning("-Wshadow-field")
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wshadow-field"
namespace {
using index_type = CordRepRing::index_type;
enum class Direction { kForward, kReversed };
inline bool IsFlatOrExternal(CordRep* rep) {
return rep->tag >= FLAT || rep->tag == EXTERNAL;
// Verifies that n + extra <= kMaxCapacity: throws std::length_error otherwise.
inline void CheckCapacity(size_t n, size_t extra) {
if (ABSL_PREDICT_FALSE(extra > CordRepRing::kMaxCapacity - n)) {
base_internal::ThrowStdLengthError("Maximum capacity exceeded");
// Removes a reference from `rep` only.
// Asserts that the refcount after decrement is not zero.
inline bool UnrefNeverOne(CordRep* rep) {
bool result = rep->refcount.Decrement();
return result;
// Creates a flat from the provided string data, allocating up to `extra`
// capacity in the returned flat depending on kMaxFlatLength limitations.
// Requires `len` to be less or equal to `kMaxFlatLength`
CordRepFlat* CreateFlat(const char* s, size_t n, size_t extra = 0) { // NOLINT
assert(n <= kMaxFlatLength);
auto* rep = CordRepFlat::New(n + extra);
rep->length = n;
memcpy(rep->Data(), s, n);
return rep;
// Unrefs the provided `substring`, and returns `substring->child`
// Adds or assumes a reference on `substring->child`
CordRep* ClipSubstring(CordRepSubstring* substring) {
CordRep* child = substring->child;
if (substring->refcount.IsOne()) {
delete substring;
} else {
if (ABSL_PREDICT_FALSE(!substring->refcount.Decrement())) {
delete substring;
return child;
// Unrefs the provided `concat`, and returns `{concat->left, concat->right}`
// Adds or assumes a reference on `concat->left` and `concat->right`.
std::pair<CordRep*, CordRep*> ClipConcat(CordRepConcat* concat) {
auto result = std::make_pair(concat->left, concat->right);
if (concat->refcount.IsOne()) {
delete concat;
} else {
if (ABSL_PREDICT_FALSE(!concat->refcount.Decrement())) {
delete concat;
return result;
// Unrefs the entries in `[head, tail)`.
// Requires all entries to be a FLAT or EXTERNAL node.
void UnrefEntries(const CordRepRing* rep, index_type head, index_type tail) {
rep->ForEach(head, tail, [rep](index_type ix) {
CordRep* child = rep->entry_child(ix);
if (!child->refcount.Decrement()) {
if (child->tag >= FLAT) {
} else {
template <typename F>
void Consume(Direction direction, CordRep* rep, F&& fn) {
size_t offset = 0;
size_t length = rep->length;
struct Entry {
CordRep* rep;
size_t offset;
size_t length;
absl::InlinedVector<Entry, 40> stack;
for (;;) {
if (rep->tag >= FLAT || rep->tag == EXTERNAL || rep->tag == RING) {
fn(rep, offset, length);
if (stack.empty()) return;
rep = stack.back().rep;
offset = stack.back().offset;
length = stack.back().length;
} else if (rep->tag == SUBSTRING) {
offset += rep->substring()->start;
rep = ClipSubstring(rep->substring());
} else if (rep->tag == CONCAT) {
auto res = ClipConcat(rep->concat());
CordRep* left = res.first;
CordRep* right = res.second;
if (left->length <= offset) {
// Don't need left node
offset -= left->length;
rep = right;
size_t length_left = left->length - offset;
if (length_left >= length) {
// Don't need right node
rep = left;
// Need both nodes
size_t length_right = length - length_left;
if (direction == Direction::kReversed) {
stack.push_back({left, offset, length_left});
rep = right;
offset = 0;
length = length_right;
} else {
stack.push_back({right, 0, length_right});
rep = left;
length = length_left;
} else {
assert("Valid tag" == nullptr);
template <typename F>
void Consume(CordRep* rep, F&& fn) {
return Consume(Direction::kForward, rep, std::forward<F>(fn));
template <typename F>
void RConsume(CordRep* rep, F&& fn) {
return Consume(Direction::kReversed, rep, std::forward<F>(fn));
} // namespace
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const CordRepRing& rep) {
// Note: 'pos' values are defined as size_t (for overflow reasons), but that
// prints really awkward for small prepended values such as -5. ssize_t is not
// portable (POSIX), so we use ptrdiff_t instead to cast to signed values.
s << " CordRepRing(" << &rep << ", length = " << rep.length
<< ", head = " << rep.head_ << ", tail = " << rep.tail_
<< ", cap = " << rep.capacity_ << ", rc = " << rep.refcount.Get()
<< ", begin_pos_ = " << static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(rep.begin_pos_) << ") {\n";
CordRepRing::index_type head = rep.head();
do {
CordRep* child = rep.entry_child(head);
s << " entry[" << head << "] length = " << rep.entry_length(head)
<< ", child " << child << ", clen = " << child->length
<< ", tag = " << static_cast<int>(child->tag)
<< ", rc = " << child->refcount.Get()
<< ", offset = " << rep.entry_data_offset(head)
<< ", end_pos = " << static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(rep.entry_end_pos(head))
<< "\n";
head = rep.advance(head);
} while (head != rep.tail());
return s << "}\n";
void CordRepRing::AddDataOffset(index_type index, size_t n) {
entry_data_offset()[index] += static_cast<offset_type>(n);
void CordRepRing::SubLength(index_type index, size_t n) {
entry_end_pos()[index] -= n;
class CordRepRing::Filler {
Filler(CordRepRing* rep, index_type pos) : rep_(rep), head_(pos), pos_(pos) {}
index_type head() const { return head_; }
index_type pos() const { return pos_; }
void Add(CordRep* child, size_t offset, pos_type end_pos) {
rep_->entry_end_pos()[pos_] = end_pos;
rep_->entry_child()[pos_] = child;
rep_->entry_data_offset()[pos_] = static_cast<offset_type>(offset);
pos_ = rep_->advance(pos_);
CordRepRing* rep_;
index_type head_;
index_type pos_;
constexpr size_t CordRepRing::kMaxCapacity; // NOLINT: needed for c++11
bool CordRepRing::IsValid(std::ostream& output) const {
if (capacity_ == 0) {
output << "capacity == 0";
return false;
if (head_ >= capacity_ || tail_ >= capacity_) {
output << "head " << head_ << " and/or tail " << tail_ << "exceed capacity "
<< capacity_;
return false;
const index_type back = retreat(tail_);
size_t pos_length = Distance(begin_pos_, entry_end_pos(back));
if (pos_length != length) {
output << "length " << length << " does not match positional length "
<< pos_length << " from begin_pos " << begin_pos_ << " and entry["
<< back << "].end_pos " << entry_end_pos(back);
return false;
index_type head = head_;
pos_type begin_pos = begin_pos_;
do {
pos_type end_pos = entry_end_pos(head);
size_t entry_length = Distance(begin_pos, end_pos);
if (entry_length == 0) {
output << "entry[" << head << "] has an invalid length " << entry_length
<< " from begin_pos " << begin_pos << " and end_pos " << end_pos;
return false;
CordRep* child = entry_child(head);
if (child == nullptr) {
output << "entry[" << head << "].child == nullptr";
return false;
if (child->tag < FLAT && child->tag != EXTERNAL) {
output << "entry[" << head << "].child has an invalid tag "
<< static_cast<int>(child->tag);
return false;
size_t offset = entry_data_offset(head);
if (offset >= child->length || entry_length > child->length - offset) {
output << "entry[" << head << "] has offset " << offset
<< " and entry length " << entry_length
<< " which are outside of the childs length of " << child->length;
return false;
begin_pos = end_pos;
head = advance(head);
} while (head != tail_);
return true;
CordRepRing* CordRepRing::Validate(CordRepRing* rep, const char* file,
int line) {
if (!rep->IsValid(std::cerr)) {
std::cerr << "\nERROR: CordRepRing corrupted";
if (line) std::cerr << " at line " << line;
if (file) std::cerr << " in file " << file;
std::cerr << "\nContent = " << *rep;
return rep;
CordRepRing* CordRepRing::New(size_t capacity, size_t extra) {
CheckCapacity(capacity, extra);
size_t size = AllocSize(capacity += extra);
void* mem = ::operator new(size);
auto* rep = new (mem) CordRepRing(static_cast<index_type>(capacity));
rep->tag = RING;
rep->capacity_ = static_cast<index_type>(capacity);
rep->begin_pos_ = 0;
return rep;
void CordRepRing::SetCapacityForTesting(size_t capacity) {
// Adjust for the changed layout
assert(capacity <= capacity_);
assert(head() == 0 || head() < tail());
memmove(Layout::Partial(capacity).Pointer<1>(data_) + head(),
Layout::Partial(capacity_).Pointer<1>(data_) + head(),
entries() * sizeof(Layout::ElementType<1>));
memmove(Layout::Partial(capacity, capacity).Pointer<2>(data_) + head(),
Layout::Partial(capacity_, capacity_).Pointer<2>(data_) + head(),
entries() * sizeof(Layout::ElementType<2>));
capacity_ = static_cast<index_type>(capacity);
void CordRepRing::Delete(CordRepRing* rep) {
assert(rep != nullptr && rep->tag == RING);
#if defined(__cpp_sized_deallocation)
size_t size = AllocSize(rep->capacity_);
::operator delete(rep, size);
::operator delete(rep);
void CordRepRing::Destroy(CordRepRing* rep) {
UnrefEntries(rep, rep->head(), rep->tail());
template <bool ref>
void CordRepRing::Fill(const CordRepRing* src, index_type head,
index_type tail) {
this->length = src->length;
head_ = 0;
tail_ = advance(0, src->entries(head, tail));
begin_pos_ = src->begin_pos_;
// TODO(mvels): there may be opportunities here for large buffers.
auto* dst_pos = entry_end_pos();
auto* dst_child = entry_child();
auto* dst_offset = entry_data_offset();
src->ForEach(head, tail, [&](index_type index) {
*dst_pos++ = src->entry_end_pos(index);
CordRep* child = src->entry_child(index);
*dst_child++ = ref ? CordRep::Ref(child) : child;
*dst_offset++ = src->entry_data_offset(index);
CordRepRing* CordRepRing::Copy(CordRepRing* rep, index_type head,
index_type tail, size_t extra) {
CordRepRing* newrep = CordRepRing::New(rep->entries(head, tail), extra);
newrep->Fill<true>(rep, head, tail);
return newrep;
CordRepRing* CordRepRing::Mutable(CordRepRing* rep, size_t extra) {
// Get current number of entries, and check for max capacity.
size_t entries = rep->entries();
if (!rep->refcount.IsOne()) {
return Copy(rep, rep->head(), rep->tail(), extra);
} else if (entries + extra > rep->capacity()) {
const size_t min_grow = rep->capacity() + rep->capacity() / 2;
const size_t min_extra = (std::max)(extra, min_grow - entries);
CordRepRing* newrep = CordRepRing::New(entries, min_extra);
newrep->Fill<false>(rep, rep->head(), rep->tail());
return newrep;
} else {
return rep;
Span<char> CordRepRing::GetAppendBuffer(size_t size) {
index_type back = retreat(tail_);
CordRep* child = entry_child(back);
if (child->tag >= FLAT && child->refcount.IsOne()) {
size_t capacity = child->flat()->Capacity();
pos_type end_pos = entry_end_pos(back);
size_t data_offset = entry_data_offset(back);
size_t entry_length = Distance(entry_begin_pos(back), end_pos);
size_t used = data_offset + entry_length;
if (size_t n = (std::min)(capacity - used, size)) {
child->length = data_offset + entry_length + n;
entry_end_pos()[back] = end_pos + n;
this->length += n;
return {child->flat()->Data() + used, n};
return {nullptr, 0};
Span<char> CordRepRing::GetPrependBuffer(size_t size) {
CordRep* child = entry_child(head_);
size_t data_offset = entry_data_offset(head_);
if (data_offset && child->refcount.IsOne() && child->tag >= FLAT) {
size_t n = (std::min)(data_offset, size);
this->length += n;
begin_pos_ -= n;
data_offset -= n;
entry_data_offset()[head_] = static_cast<offset_type>(data_offset);
return {child->flat()->Data() + data_offset, n};
return {nullptr, 0};
CordRepRing* CordRepRing::CreateFromLeaf(CordRep* child, size_t offset,
size_t length, size_t extra) {
CordRepRing* rep = CordRepRing::New(1, extra);
rep->head_ = 0;
rep->tail_ = rep->advance(0);
rep->length = length;
rep->entry_end_pos()[0] = length;
rep->entry_child()[0] = child;
rep->entry_data_offset()[0] = static_cast<offset_type>(offset);
return Validate(rep);
CordRepRing* CordRepRing::CreateSlow(CordRep* child, size_t extra) {
CordRepRing* rep = nullptr;
Consume(child, [&](CordRep* child, size_t offset, size_t length) {
if (IsFlatOrExternal(child)) {
rep = rep ? AppendLeaf(rep, child, offset, length)
: CreateFromLeaf(child, offset, length, extra);
} else if (rep) {
rep = AddRing<AddMode::kAppend>(rep, child->ring(), offset, length);
} else if (offset == 0 && child->length == length) {
rep = Mutable(child->ring(), extra);
} else {
rep = SubRing(child->ring(), offset, length, extra);
return Validate(rep, nullptr, __LINE__);
CordRepRing* CordRepRing::Create(CordRep* child, size_t extra) {
size_t length = child->length;
if (IsFlatOrExternal(child)) {
return CreateFromLeaf(child, 0, length, extra);
if (child->tag == RING) {
return Mutable(child->ring(), extra);
return CreateSlow(child, extra);
template <CordRepRing::AddMode mode>
CordRepRing* CordRepRing::AddRing(CordRepRing* rep, CordRepRing* ring,
size_t offset, size_t length) {
assert(offset < ring->length);
constexpr bool append = mode == AddMode::kAppend;
Position head = ring->Find(offset);
Position tail = ring->FindTail(head.index, offset + length);
const index_type entries = ring->entries(head.index, tail.index);
rep = Mutable(rep, entries);
// The delta for making ring[head].end_pos into 'len - offset'
const pos_type delta_length =
(append ? rep->begin_pos_ + rep->length : rep->begin_pos_ - length) -
ring->entry_begin_pos(head.index) - head.offset;
// Start filling at `tail`, or `entries` before `head`
Filler filler(rep, append ? rep->tail_ : rep->retreat(rep->head_, entries));
if (ring->refcount.IsOne()) {
// Copy entries from source stealing the ref and adjusting the end position.
// Commit the filler as this is no-op.
ring->ForEach(head.index, tail.index, [&](index_type ix) {
filler.Add(ring->entry_child(ix), ring->entry_data_offset(ix),
ring->entry_end_pos(ix) + delta_length);
// Unref entries we did not copy over, and delete source.
if (head.index != ring->head_) UnrefEntries(ring, ring->head_, head.index);
if (tail.index != ring->tail_) UnrefEntries(ring, tail.index, ring->tail_);
} else {
ring->ForEach(head.index, tail.index, [&](index_type ix) {
CordRep* child = ring->entry_child(ix);
filler.Add(child, ring->entry_data_offset(ix),
ring->entry_end_pos(ix) + delta_length);
if (head.offset) {
// Increase offset of first 'source' entry appended or prepended.
// This is always the entry in `filler.head()`
rep->AddDataOffset(filler.head(), head.offset);
if (tail.offset) {
// Reduce length of last 'source' entry appended or prepended.
// This is always the entry tailed by `filler.pos()`
rep->SubLength(rep->retreat(filler.pos()), tail.offset);
// Commit changes
rep->length += length;
if (append) {
rep->tail_ = filler.pos();
} else {
rep->head_ = filler.head();
rep->begin_pos_ -= length;
return Validate(rep);
CordRepRing* CordRepRing::AppendSlow(CordRepRing* rep, CordRep* child) {
Consume(child, [&rep](CordRep* child, size_t offset, size_t length) {
if (child->tag == RING) {
rep = AddRing<AddMode::kAppend>(rep, child->ring(), offset, length);
} else {
rep = AppendLeaf(rep, child, offset, length);
return rep;
CordRepRing* CordRepRing::AppendLeaf(CordRepRing* rep, CordRep* child,
size_t offset, size_t length) {
rep = Mutable(rep, 1);
index_type back = rep->tail_;
const pos_type begin_pos = rep->begin_pos_ + rep->length;
rep->tail_ = rep->advance(rep->tail_);
rep->length += length;
rep->entry_end_pos()[back] = begin_pos + length;
rep->entry_child()[back] = child;
rep->entry_data_offset()[back] = static_cast<offset_type>(offset);
return Validate(rep, nullptr, __LINE__);
CordRepRing* CordRepRing::Append(CordRepRing* rep, CordRep* child) {
size_t length = child->length;
if (IsFlatOrExternal(child)) {
return AppendLeaf(rep, child, 0, length);
if (child->tag == RING) {
return AddRing<AddMode::kAppend>(rep, child->ring(), 0, length);
return AppendSlow(rep, child);
CordRepRing* CordRepRing::PrependSlow(CordRepRing* rep, CordRep* child) {
RConsume(child, [&](CordRep* child, size_t offset, size_t length) {
if (IsFlatOrExternal(child)) {
rep = PrependLeaf(rep, child, offset, length);
} else {
rep = AddRing<AddMode::kPrepend>(rep, child->ring(), offset, length);
return Validate(rep);
CordRepRing* CordRepRing::PrependLeaf(CordRepRing* rep, CordRep* child,
size_t offset, size_t length) {
rep = Mutable(rep, 1);
index_type head = rep->retreat(rep->head_);
pos_type end_pos = rep->begin_pos_;
rep->head_ = head;
rep->length += length;
rep->begin_pos_ -= length;
rep->entry_end_pos()[head] = end_pos;
rep->entry_child()[head] = child;
rep->entry_data_offset()[head] = static_cast<offset_type>(offset);
return Validate(rep);
CordRepRing* CordRepRing::Prepend(CordRepRing* rep, CordRep* child) {
size_t length = child->length;
if (IsFlatOrExternal(child)) {
return PrependLeaf(rep, child, 0, length);
if (child->tag == RING) {
return AddRing<AddMode::kPrepend>(rep, child->ring(), 0, length);
return PrependSlow(rep, child);
CordRepRing* CordRepRing::Append(CordRepRing* rep, absl::string_view data,
size_t extra) {
if (rep->refcount.IsOne()) {
Span<char> avail = rep->GetAppendBuffer(data.length());
if (!avail.empty()) {
memcpy(,, avail.length());
if (data.empty()) return Validate(rep);
const size_t flats = (data.length() - 1) / kMaxFlatLength + 1;
rep = Mutable(rep, flats);
Filler filler(rep, rep->tail_);
pos_type pos = rep->begin_pos_ + rep->length;
while (data.length() >= kMaxFlatLength) {
auto* flat = CreateFlat(, kMaxFlatLength);
filler.Add(flat, 0, pos += kMaxFlatLength);
if (data.length()) {
auto* flat = CreateFlat(, data.length(), extra);
filler.Add(flat, 0, pos += data.length());
rep->length = pos - rep->begin_pos_;
rep->tail_ = filler.pos();
return Validate(rep);
CordRepRing* CordRepRing::Prepend(CordRepRing* rep, absl::string_view data,
size_t extra) {
if (rep->refcount.IsOne()) {
Span<char> avail = rep->GetPrependBuffer(data.length());
if (!avail.empty()) {
const char* tail = + data.length() - avail.length();
memcpy(, tail, avail.length());
if (data.empty()) return rep;
const size_t flats = (data.length() - 1) / kMaxFlatLength + 1;
rep = Mutable(rep, flats);
pos_type pos = rep->begin_pos_;
Filler filler(rep, rep->retreat(rep->head_, static_cast<index_type>(flats)));
size_t first_size = data.size() - (flats - 1) * kMaxFlatLength;
CordRepFlat* flat = CordRepFlat::New(first_size + extra);
flat->length = first_size + extra;
memcpy(flat->Data() + extra,, first_size);
filler.Add(flat, extra, pos);
pos -= first_size;
while (!data.empty()) {
assert(data.size() >= kMaxFlatLength);
flat = CreateFlat(, kMaxFlatLength);
filler.Add(flat, 0, pos);
pos -= kMaxFlatLength;
rep->head_ = filler.head();
rep->length += rep->begin_pos_ - pos;
rep->begin_pos_ = pos;
return Validate(rep);
// 32 entries is 32 * sizeof(pos_type) = 4 cache lines on x86
static constexpr index_type kBinarySearchThreshold = 32;
static constexpr index_type kBinarySearchEndCount = 8;
template <bool wrap>
CordRepRing::index_type CordRepRing::FindBinary(index_type head,
index_type tail,
size_t offset) const {
index_type count = tail + (wrap ? capacity_ : 0) - head;
do {
count = (count - 1) / 2;
assert(count < entries(head, tail_));
index_type mid = wrap ? advance(head, count) : head + count;
index_type after_mid = wrap ? advance(mid) : mid + 1;
bool larger = (offset >= entry_end_offset(mid));
head = larger ? after_mid : head;
tail = larger ? tail : mid;
assert(head != tail);
} while (ABSL_PREDICT_TRUE(count > kBinarySearchEndCount));
return head;
CordRepRing::Position CordRepRing::FindSlow(index_type head,
size_t offset) const {
index_type tail = tail_;
// Binary search until we are good for linear search
// Optimize for branchless / non wrapping ops
if (tail > head) {
index_type count = tail - head;
if (count > kBinarySearchThreshold) {
head = FindBinary<false>(head, tail, offset);
} else {
index_type count = capacity_ + tail - head;
if (count > kBinarySearchThreshold) {
head = FindBinary<true>(head, tail, offset);
pos_type pos = entry_begin_pos(head);
pos_type end_pos = entry_end_pos(head);
while (offset >= Distance(begin_pos_, end_pos)) {
head = advance(head);
pos = end_pos;
end_pos = entry_end_pos(head);
return {head, offset - Distance(begin_pos_, pos)};
CordRepRing::Position CordRepRing::FindTailSlow(index_type head,
size_t offset) const {
index_type tail = tail_;
const size_t tail_offset = offset - 1;
// Binary search until we are good for linear search
// Optimize for branchless / non wrapping ops
if (tail > head) {
index_type count = tail - head;
if (count > kBinarySearchThreshold) {
head = FindBinary<false>(head, tail, tail_offset);
} else {
index_type count = capacity_ + tail - head;
if (count > kBinarySearchThreshold) {
head = FindBinary<true>(head, tail, tail_offset);
size_t end_offset = entry_end_offset(head);
while (tail_offset >= end_offset) {
head = advance(head);
end_offset = entry_end_offset(head);
return {advance(head), end_offset - offset};
char CordRepRing::GetCharacter(size_t offset) const {
assert(offset < length);
Position pos = Find(offset);
size_t data_offset = entry_data_offset(pos.index) + pos.offset;
return GetRepData(entry_child(pos.index))[data_offset];
CordRepRing* CordRepRing::SubRing(CordRepRing* rep, size_t offset,
size_t length, size_t extra) {
assert(offset <= rep->length);
assert(offset <= rep->length - length);
if (length == 0) {
return nullptr;
// Find position of first byte
Position head = rep->Find(offset);
Position tail = rep->FindTail(head.index, offset + length);
const size_t new_entries = rep->entries(head.index, tail.index);
if (rep->refcount.IsOne() && extra <= (rep->capacity() - new_entries)) {
// We adopt a privately owned rep and no extra entries needed.
if (head.index != rep->head_) UnrefEntries(rep, rep->head_, head.index);
if (tail.index != rep->tail_) UnrefEntries(rep, tail.index, rep->tail_);
rep->head_ = head.index;
rep->tail_ = tail.index;
} else {
// Copy subset to new rep
rep = Copy(rep, head.index, tail.index, extra);
head.index = rep->head_;
tail.index = rep->tail_;
// Adjust begin_pos and length
rep->length = length;
rep->begin_pos_ += offset;
// Adjust head and tail blocks
if (head.offset) {
rep->AddDataOffset(head.index, head.offset);
if (tail.offset) {
rep->SubLength(rep->retreat(tail.index), tail.offset);
return Validate(rep);
CordRepRing* CordRepRing::RemovePrefix(CordRepRing* rep, size_t len,
size_t extra) {
assert(len <= rep->length);
if (len == rep->length) {
return nullptr;
Position head = rep->Find(len);
if (rep->refcount.IsOne()) {
if (head.index != rep->head_) UnrefEntries(rep, rep->head_, head.index);
rep->head_ = head.index;
} else {
rep = Copy(rep, head.index, rep->tail_, extra);
head.index = rep->head_;
// Adjust begin_pos and length
rep->length -= len;
rep->begin_pos_ += len;
// Adjust head block
if (head.offset) {
rep->AddDataOffset(head.index, head.offset);
return Validate(rep);
CordRepRing* CordRepRing::RemoveSuffix(CordRepRing* rep, size_t len,
size_t extra) {
assert(len <= rep->length);
if (len == rep->length) {
return nullptr;
Position tail = rep->FindTail(rep->length - len);
if (rep->refcount.IsOne()) {
// We adopt a privately owned rep, scrub.
if (tail.index != rep->tail_) UnrefEntries(rep, tail.index, rep->tail_);
rep->tail_ = tail.index;
} else {
// Copy subset to new rep
rep = Copy(rep, rep->head_, tail.index, extra);
tail.index = rep->tail_;
// Adjust length
rep->length -= len;
// Adjust tail block
if (tail.offset) {
rep->SubLength(rep->retreat(tail.index), tail.offset);
return Validate(rep);
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
} // namespace cord_internal
} // namespace absl