blob: 9509781fe859ddca2f45e179578e6f578e49f6d9 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This file was generated by
# Test lowering of returns when there is one nested inside a
# complex structure of ifs, and one at the end of a function.
# In this case, the latter return needs to be lowered because it
# will not be at the end of the function once the final return
# is inserted.
../../glsl_test optpass --quiet --input-ir 'do_lower_jumps(0, 1, 0, 0, 0)' <<EOF
((declare (in) float a) (declare (in) float b)
(function sub
(signature float (parameters)
((if (expression bool > (var_ref a) (constant float (0.000000)))
((if (expression bool > (var_ref b) (constant float (0.000000)))
((return (constant float (1.000000))))
(return (constant float (2.000000)))))))