blob: ddf340bcc5ecc7834d91b08b5510b21dfbb84c19 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Valve Corporation
# Copyright (c) 2020-2023 LunarG, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Script to determine if source code in Pull Request is properly formatted.
# This script checks for:
# -- clang-format errors in the PR source code
# -- out-of-date copyrights in PR source files
# -- improperly formatted commit messages (using the function above)
# -- assigning stype instead of using vku::InitStruct
# Notes:
# Exits with non 0 exit code if formatting is needed.
# Requires python3 to run correctly
# In standalone mode (outside of CI), changes must be rebased on main
# to get meaningful and complete results
import os
import argparse
import re
import subprocess
from subprocess import check_output
from argparse import RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
# Color print routine, takes a string matching a txtcolor above and the output string, resets color upon exit
def CPrint(msg_type, msg_string):
txtcolors = {'HELP_MSG': '\033[0;36m',
'SUCCESS_MSG': '\033[1;32m',
'CONTENT': '\033[1;39m',
'ERR_MSG': '\033[1;31m',
'NO_COLOR': '\033[0m'}
print(txtcolors.get(msg_type, txtcolors['NO_COLOR']) + msg_string + txtcolors['NO_COLOR'])
# Check clang-formatting of source code diff
def VerifyClangFormatSource(commit, target_files):
target_refspec = f'{commit}^...{commit}'
retval = 0
good_file_pattern = re.compile('.*\\.(cpp|cc|c\+\+|cxx|c|h|hpp)$')
diff_files_list = [item for item in target_files if]
diff_files = ' '.join([str(elem) for elem in diff_files_list])
retval = 0
if diff_files != '':
git_diff = subprocess.Popen(('git', 'diff', '-U0', target_refspec, '--', diff_files), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
diff_files_data = subprocess.check_output(('python3', './scripts/', '-p1', '-style=file'), stdin=git_diff.stdout)
diff_files_data = diff_files_data.decode('utf-8')
if diff_files_data != '':
CPrint('ERR_MSG', "\nFound formatting errors!")
CPrint('CONTENT', "\n" + diff_files_data)
retval = 1
return retval
# Check copyright dates for modified files
def VerifyCopyrights(commit, target_files):
retval = 0
is_lunarg_author = False
authors = check_output(['git', 'log', '-n' , '1', '--format=%ae', commit])
for author in authors.split(b'\n'):
if author.endswith(b''):
is_lunarg_author = True
if not is_lunarg_author:
return 0
# Handle year changes by respecting when the author wrote the code, rather
# the day the script runs. This isn't exactly right yet, because really
# we should evaluate it commit's files against that commit's date.
commit_year = None
# get all the author dates in YYYY-MM-DD format
commit_dates = check_output(['git', 'log', '-n', '1', '--format=%as', commit])
for cd in commit_dates.split(b'\n'):
if len(cd) == 0:
year = cd.split(b'-')[0]
if not commit_year or int(commit_year) < int(year):
commit_year = year.decode('utf-8')
for file in target_files:
if file is None or not os.path.isfile(file):
for company in ["LunarG", "Valve"]:
# Capture the last year on the line as a separate match. It should be the highest (or only year of the range)
copyright_match ='Copyright .*(\d{4}) ' + company, open(file, encoding="utf-8", errors='ignore').read(1024))
if copyright_match:
copyright_year =
if int(commit_year) > int(copyright_year):
msg = 'Change written in {} but copyright ends in {}.'.format(commit_year, copyright_year)
CPrint('ERR_MSG', '\n' + file + ' has an out-of-date ' + company + ' copyright notice. ' + msg)
retval = 1
return retval
# Check commit message formats for commits in this PR/Branch
def VerifyCommitMessageFormat(commit, target_files):
retval = 0
# Construct correct commit list
commit_text= check_output(['git', 'log', '-n', '1', '--pretty=format:%B', commit]).decode('utf-8')
if commit_text is None:
return retval
msg_cur_line = 0
msg_prev_line = ''
for msg_line_text in commit_text.splitlines():
msg_cur_line += 1
line_length = len(msg_line_text)
if msg_cur_line == 1:
# Enforce subject line must be 64 chars or less
if line_length > 64:
CPrint('ERR_MSG', "The following subject line exceeds 64 characters in length.")
CPrint('CONTENT', " '" + msg_line_text + "'\n")
retval = 1
# Output error if last char of subject line is not alpha-numeric
if msg_line_text[-1] in '.,':
CPrint('ERR_MSG', "For the following commit, the last character of the subject line must not be a period or comma.")
CPrint('CONTENT', " '" + msg_line_text + "'\n")
retval = 1
# Output error if subject line doesn't start with 'module: '
if 'Revert' not in msg_line_text:
module_name = msg_line_text.split(' ')[0]
if module_name[-1] != ':':
CPrint('ERR_MSG', "The following subject line must start with a single word specifying the functional area of the change, followed by a colon and space.")
CPrint('ERR_MSG', "e.g., 'layers: Subject line here' or 'corechecks: Fix off-by-one error in ValidateFences'.")
CPrint('ERR_MSG', "Other common module names include layers, build, cmake, tests, docs, scripts, stateless, gpu, syncval, practices, etc.")
CPrint('CONTENT', " '" + msg_line_text + "'\n")
retval = 1
# Check if first character after the colon is lower-case
subject_body = msg_line_text.split(': ')[1]
if not subject_body[0].isupper():
CPrint('ERR_MSG', "The first word of the subject line after the ':' character must be capitalized.")
CPrint('CONTENT', " '" + msg_line_text + "'\n")
retval = 1
# Check that first character of subject line is not capitalized
if msg_line_text[0].isupper():
CPrint('ERR_MSG', "The first word of the subject line must be lower case.")
CPrint('CONTENT', " '" + msg_line_text + "'\n")
retval = 1
elif msg_cur_line == 2:
# Commit message must have a blank line between subject and body
if line_length != 0:
CPrint('ERR_MSG', "The following subject line must be followed by a blank line.")
CPrint('CONTENT', " '" + msg_prev_line + "'\n")
retval = 1
# Lines in a commit message body must be less than 72 characters in length (but give some slack)
if line_length > 76:
CPrint('ERR_MSG', "The following commit message body line exceeds the 72 character limit.")
CPrint('CONTENT', " '" + msg_line_text + "'\n")
retval = 1
msg_prev_line = msg_line_text
if retval != 0:
CPrint('HELP_MSG', "Commit Message Format Requirements:")
CPrint('HELP_MSG', "-----------------------------------")
CPrint('HELP_MSG', "o Subject lines must be <= 64 characters in length")
CPrint('HELP_MSG', "o Subject lines must start with a module keyword which is lower-case and followed by a colon and a space")
CPrint('HELP_MSG', "o The first word following the colon must be capitalized and the subject line must not end in a '.'")
CPrint('HELP_MSG', "o The subject line must be followed by a blank line")
CPrint('HELP_MSG', "o The commit description must be <= 72 characters in width\n")
CPrint('HELP_MSG', "Examples:")
CPrint('HELP_MSG', "---------")
CPrint('HELP_MSG', " build: Fix Vulkan header/registry detection for SDK")
CPrint('HELP_MSG', " tests: Fix QueryPerformanceIncompletePasses stride usage")
CPrint('HELP_MSG', " corechecks: Fix validation of VU 03227")
CPrint('HELP_MSG', " state_tracker: Remove 'using std::*' statements")
CPrint('HELP_MSG', " stateless: Account for DynStateWithCount for multiViewport\n")
CPrint('HELP_MSG', "Refer to this document for additional detail:")
CPrint('HELP_MSG', "")
return retval
# Check for test code assigning sType instead of using vku::InitStruc in this PR/Branch
def VerifyTypeAssign(commit, target_files):
retval = 0
target_refspec = f'{commit}^...{commit}'
test_files_list = [item for item in target_files if item.startswith('tests/')]
test_files = ' '.join([str(elem) for elem in test_files_list])
if not test_files:
return 0
test_diff = subprocess.Popen(('git', 'diff', '-U0', target_refspec, '--', test_files), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, stderr = test_diff.communicate()
stdout = stdout.decode('utf-8')
stype_regex = re.compile(r'\.sType\s*=')
on_regex = re.compile(r'stype-check\s*on')
off_regex = re.compile(r'stype-check\s*off')
checking = True
for line in stdout.split('\n'):
if not line.startswith('-'):
if checking:
checking = False
CPrint('ERR_MSG', "Test assigning sType instead of using vku::InitStruct")
CPrint('ERR_MSG', "If this is a case where vku::InitStruct cannot be used, //stype-check off can be used to turn off sType checking")
CPrint('CONTENT', " '" + line + "'\n")
retval = 1
checking = True
return retval
# Entrypoint
def main():
DEFAULT_REFSPEC = 'origin/main'
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='''Usage: python ./scripts/
- Reqires python3 and clang-format
- Run script in repo root
- May produce inaccurate clang-format results if local branch is not rebased on the TARGET_REFSPEC
''', formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument('--target-refspec', metavar='TARGET_REFSPEC', type=str, dest='target_refspec', help = 'Refspec to '
+ 'diff against (default is origin/main)', default=DEFAULT_REFSPEC)
parser.add_argument('--base-refspec', metavar='BASE_REFSPEC', type=str, dest='base_refspec', help = 'Base refspec to '
+ ' compare (default is HEAD)', default='HEAD')
parser.add_argument('--fetch-main', dest='fetch_main', action='store_true', help='Fetch the main branch first.'
+ ' Useful with --target-refspec=FETCH_HEAD to compare against what is currently on main')
args = parser.parse_args()
if os.path.isfile(''):
target_refspec = args.target_refspec
base_refspec = args.base_refspec
if args.fetch_main:
print('Fetching main branch...')
subprocess.check_call(['git', 'fetch', '', 'main'])
# Check if this is a merge commit
commit_parents = check_output(['git', 'rev-list', '--parents', '-n', '1', 'HEAD'])
if len(commit_parents.split(b' ')) > 2:
# If this is a merge commit, this is a PR being built, and has been merged into main for testing.
# The first parent (HEAD^) is going to be main, the second parent (HEAD^2) is going to be the PR commit.
# TODO (ncesario) We should *ONLY* get here when on github CI, building a PR. Should probably print a
# warning if this happens locally.
target_refspec = 'HEAD^'
base_refspec = 'HEAD^2'
orig_branch = check_output(['git', 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD']).decode('utf-8').splitlines()[0]
if orig_branch == 'HEAD':
orig_branch = check_output(['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD']).decode('utf-8').splitlines()[0]
commits = check_output(['git', 'log', '--format=%h', f'{base_refspec}...{target_refspec}']).split(b'\n')
# Run code format check on each commit in a PR so that we ensure that each commit is correct.
failure = 0
for c in commits:
if len(c) == 0:
commit = c.decode('utf-8')
diff_range = f'{commit}^...{commit}'
commit_message = check_output(['git', 'log', '--pretty="%h %s"', diff_range])
CPrint('CONTENT', "\nChecking commit: " + commit_message.decode('utf-8'))['git', 'checkout', '-q', commit])
# Get list of files involved in this commit
target_files_data = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'log', '-n', '1', '--name-only', commit])
target_files = target_files_data.decode('utf-8')
target_files = target_files.split("\n")
# Skip checking dependabot commits
authors = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'log', '-n' , '1', '--format=%ae', commit]).decode('utf-8')
if "dependabot" in authors:
failure |= VerifyClangFormatSource(commit, target_files)
failure |= VerifyCopyrights(commit, target_files)
failure |= VerifyCommitMessageFormat(commit, target_files)
failure |= VerifyTypeAssign(commit, target_files)['git', 'checkout', '-q', orig_branch])
if failure:
CPrint('ERR_MSG', "One or more format checks failed.\n")
CPrint('SUCCESS_MSG', "All format checks passed.\n")
if __name__ == '__main__':