blob: e232a34f48499f8251f3cf7e58f8f7968aa03f91 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2015-2023 The Khronos Group Inc.
* Copyright (c) 2015-2023 Valve Corporation
* Copyright (c) 2015-2023 LunarG, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2015-2023 Google Inc.
* Modifications Copyright (C) 2020 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cassert>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <vulkan/vk_enum_string_helper.h>
#include "core_validation.h"
#include "generated/spirv_grammar_helper.h"
#include "utils/shader_utils.h"
#include "utils/hash_util.h"
// Validate use of input attachments against subpass structure
bool CoreChecks::ValidateShaderInputAttachment(const spirv::Module &module_state, const vvl::Pipeline &pipeline,
const spirv::ResourceInterfaceVariable &variable, const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
const auto &rp_state = pipeline.RenderPassState();
// Dynamic Rendering guards this with VUID 06061
if (!rp_state || rp_state->UsesDynamicRendering()) {
return skip;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < variable.input_attachment_index_read.size(); i++) {
// If the attachment is not read from, nothing to validate
if (!variable.input_attachment_index_read[i]) {
const auto rpci = rp_state->createInfo.ptr();
const uint32_t subpass = pipeline.Subpass();
const auto subpass_description = rpci->pSubpasses[subpass];
const auto input_attachments = subpass_description.pInputAttachments;
// offsets by the InputAttachmentIndex decoration
const uint32_t input_attachment_index = variable.decorations.input_attachment_index_start + i;
// Same error, but provide more useful message 'how' VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED is derived
if (!input_attachments) {
const LogObjectList objlist(module_state.handle(), rp_state->renderPass());
skip |= LogError("VUID-VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo-renderPass-06038", objlist, loc,
"SPIR-V consumes input attachment index %" PRIu32 " but pSubpasses[%" PRIu32
"].pInputAttachments is NULL.",
input_attachment_index, subpass);
} else if (input_attachment_index >= subpass_description.inputAttachmentCount) {
const LogObjectList objlist(module_state.handle(), rp_state->renderPass());
skip |= LogError("VUID-VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo-renderPass-06038", objlist, loc,
"SPIR-V consumes input attachment index %" PRIu32 " but that is greater than the pSubpasses[%" PRIu32
"].inputAttachmentCount (%" PRIu32 ").",
input_attachment_index, subpass, subpass_description.inputAttachmentCount);
} else if (input_attachments[input_attachment_index].attachment == VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED) {
const LogObjectList objlist(module_state.handle(), rp_state->renderPass());
skip |= LogError("VUID-VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo-renderPass-06038", objlist, loc,
"SPIR-V consumes input attachment index %" PRIu32 " but pSubpasses[%" PRIu32
"].pInputAttachments[%" PRIu32 "].attachment is VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED.",
input_attachment_index, subpass, input_attachment_index);
return skip;
bool CoreChecks::ValidateConservativeRasterization(const spirv::Module &module_state, const spirv::EntryPoint &entrypoint,
const StageCreateInfo &stage_create_info, const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
// only new to validate if property is not enabled
if (phys_dev_ext_props.conservative_rasterization_props.conservativeRasterizationPostDepthCoverage) {
return skip;
// skipped here, don't need to check later
if (!entrypoint.execution_mode.Has(spirv::ExecutionModeSet::post_depth_coverage_bit)) {
return skip;
if (module_state.static_data_.has_builtin_fully_covered) {
LogObjectList objlist(module_state.handle());
if (stage_create_info.pipeline) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-FullyCoveredEXT-conservativeRasterizationPostDepthCoverage-04235", objlist, loc,
"SPIR-V (Fragment stage) has a\nOpExecutionMode EarlyFragmentTests\nOpDecorate BuiltIn "
"FullyCoveredEXT\nbut conservativeRasterizationPostDepthCoverage was not enabled.");
return skip;
bool CoreChecks::ValidatePushConstantUsage(const StageCreateInfo &create_info, const spirv::Module &module_state,
const spirv::EntryPoint &entrypoint, const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
// TODO - Workaround for
if (module_state.static_data_.has_specialization_constants) {
return skip;
const VkShaderStageFlagBits stage = entrypoint.stage;
const auto push_constant_variable = entrypoint.push_constant_variable;
if (!push_constant_variable) {
return skip;
if (!create_info.pipeline) {
return skip;
const auto &pipeline = *create_info.pipeline;
std::vector<VkPushConstantRange> const *push_constant_ranges = create_info.GetPushConstantRanges();
std::string vuid;
switch (pipeline.GetCreateInfoSType()) {
vuid = "VUID-VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo-layout-07987";
vuid = "VUID-VkComputePipelineCreateInfo-layout-07987";
vuid = "VUID-VkRayTracingPipelineCreateInfoKHR-layout-07987";
vuid = "VUID-VkRayTracingPipelineCreateInfoNV-layout-07987";
bool found_stage = false;
for (auto const &range : *push_constant_ranges) {
if (range.stageFlags & stage) {
found_stage = true;
const uint32_t range_end = range.offset + range.size;
const uint32_t push_constant_end = push_constant_variable->offset + push_constant_variable->size;
// spec: "If a push constant block is declared in a shader"
// Is checked regardless if element in Block is not statically used
if ((push_constant_variable->offset < range.offset) | (push_constant_end > range_end)) {
const LogObjectList objlist(module_state.handle(), pipeline.PipelineLayoutState()->layout());
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, loc,
"SPIR-V (%s) has a push constant buffer Block with range [%" PRIu32 ", %" PRIu32
"] which outside the pipeline layout range of [%" PRIu32 ", %" PRIu32 "].",
string_VkShaderStageFlags(stage).c_str(), push_constant_variable->offset, push_constant_end,
range.offset, range_end);
if (!found_stage) {
const LogObjectList objlist(module_state.handle(), pipeline.PipelineLayoutState()->layout());
skip |= LogError(vuid, objlist, loc, "SPIR-V (%s) Push constant are used, but %s doesn't set %s.",
string_VkShaderStageFlags(stage).c_str(), FormatHandle(pipeline.PipelineLayoutState()->layout()).c_str(),
return skip;
static void TypeToDescriptorTypeSet(const spirv::Module &module_state, uint32_t type_id, uint32_t &descriptor_count,
vvl::unordered_set<uint32_t> &descriptor_type_set, bool is_khr) {
const spirv::Instruction *type = module_state.FindDef(type_id);
bool is_storage_buffer = false;
descriptor_count = 1;
// Strip off any array or ptrs. Where we remove array levels, adjust the descriptor count for each dimension.
while (type->IsArray() || type->Opcode() == spv::OpTypePointer) {
if (type->Opcode() == spv::OpTypeRuntimeArray) {
descriptor_count = 0;
type = module_state.FindDef(type->Word(2));
} else if (type->Opcode() == spv::OpTypeArray) {
descriptor_count *= module_state.GetConstantValueById(type->Word(3));
type = module_state.FindDef(type->Word(2));
} else {
if (type->StorageClass() == spv::StorageClassStorageBuffer) {
is_storage_buffer = true;
type = module_state.FindDef(type->Word(3));
switch (type->Opcode()) {
case spv::OpTypeStruct: {
for (const spirv::Instruction *insn : module_state.static_data_.decoration_inst) {
if (insn->Word(1) == type->Word(1)) {
if (insn->Word(2) == spv::DecorationBlock) {
if (is_storage_buffer) {
} else {
} else if (insn->Word(2) == spv::DecorationBufferBlock) {
case spv::OpTypeSampler:
case spv::OpTypeSampledImage: {
// Slight relaxation for some GLSL historical madness: samplerBuffer doesn't really have a sampler, and a texel
// buffer descriptor doesn't really provide one. Allow this slight mismatch.
const spirv::Instruction *image_type = module_state.FindDef(type->Word(2));
auto dim = image_type->Word(3);
auto sampled = image_type->Word(7);
if (dim == spv::DimBuffer && sampled == 1) {
} else {
case spv::OpTypeImage: {
// Many descriptor types backing image types-- depends on dimension and whether the image will be used with a sampler.
// SPIRV for Vulkan requires that sampled be 1 or 2 -- leaving the decision to runtime is unacceptable.
auto dim = type->Word(3);
auto sampled = type->Word(7);
if (dim == spv::DimSubpassData) {
} else if (dim == spv::DimBuffer) {
if (sampled == 1) {
} else {
} else if (sampled == 1) {
} else {
case spv::OpTypeAccelerationStructureNV:
is_khr ? descriptor_type_set.insert(VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_KHR)
// We shouldn't really see any other junk types -- but if we do, they're a mismatch.
return; // Matches nothing
static std::string string_DescriptorTypeSet(const vvl::unordered_set<uint32_t> &descriptor_type_set) {
std::stringstream ss;
for (auto it = descriptor_type_set.begin(); it != descriptor_type_set.end(); ++it) {
if (ss.tellp()) ss << " or ";
ss << string_VkDescriptorType(VkDescriptorType(*it));
return ss.str();
bool CoreChecks::ValidateShaderStageGroupNonUniform(const spirv::Module &module_state, VkShaderStageFlagBits stage,
const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
// Check anything using a group operation (which currently is only OpGroupNonUnifrom* operations)
for (const spirv::Instruction *group_inst : module_state.static_data_.group_inst) {
const spirv::Instruction &insn = *group_inst;
// Check the quad operations.
if ((insn.Opcode() == spv::OpGroupNonUniformQuadBroadcast) || (insn.Opcode() == spv::OpGroupNonUniformQuadSwap)) {
if (!phys_dev_props_core11.subgroupQuadOperationsInAllStages) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-None-06342", module_state.handle(), loc,
"Can't use for stage %s because VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupProperties::quadOperationsInAllStages "
"is not supported on this VkDevice",
uint32_t scope_type = spv::ScopeMax;
if (insn.Opcode() == spv::OpGroupNonUniformPartitionNV) {
// OpGroupNonUniformPartitionNV always assumed subgroup as missing operand
scope_type = spv::ScopeSubgroup;
} else {
// "All <id> used for Scope <id> must be of an OpConstant"
const spirv::Instruction *scope_id = module_state.FindDef(insn.Word(3));
scope_type = scope_id->Word(3);
if (scope_type == spv::ScopeSubgroup) {
// "Group operations with subgroup scope" must have stage support
const VkSubgroupFeatureFlags supported_stages = phys_dev_props_core11.subgroupSupportedStages;
if ((supported_stages & stage) == 0) {
skip = LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-None-06343", module_state.handle(), loc,
"%s is not supported in subgroupSupportedStages (%s).", string_VkShaderStageFlagBits(stage),
if (!enabled_features.shaderSubgroupExtendedTypes) {
const spirv::Instruction *type = module_state.FindDef(insn.Word(1));
if (type->Opcode() == spv::OpTypeVector) {
// Get the element type
type = module_state.FindDef(type->Word(2));
if (type->Opcode() != spv::OpTypeBool) {
// Both OpTypeInt and OpTypeFloat the width is in the 2nd word.
const uint32_t width = type->Word(2);
if ((type->Opcode() == spv::OpTypeFloat && width == 16) ||
(type->Opcode() == spv::OpTypeInt && (width == 8 || width == 16 || width == 64))) {
if (!enabled_features.shaderSubgroupExtendedTypes) {
skip |= LogError(
"VUID-RuntimeSpirv-None-06275", module_state.handle(), loc,
"VkPhysicalDeviceShaderSubgroupExtendedTypesFeatures::shaderSubgroupExtendedTypes was not enabled");
return skip;
bool CoreChecks::ValidateMemoryScope(const spirv::Module &module_state, const spirv::Instruction &insn, const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
const auto &entry = OpcodeMemoryScopePosition(insn.Opcode());
if (entry > 0) {
const uint32_t scope_id = insn.Word(entry);
const spirv::Instruction *scope_def = module_state.GetConstantDef(scope_id);
if (scope_def) {
const spv::Scope scope_type = spv::Scope(scope_def->GetConstantValue());
if (enabled_features.vulkanMemoryModel && !enabled_features.vulkanMemoryModelDeviceScope &&
scope_type == spv::Scope::ScopeDevice) {
skip |=
LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-vulkanMemoryModel-06265", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V\n%s\nuses Device memory scope, but the vulkanMemoryModelDeviceScope feature was not enabled.",
} else if (!enabled_features.vulkanMemoryModel && scope_type == spv::Scope::ScopeQueueFamily) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-vulkanMemoryModel-06266", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V\n%s\nuses QueueFamily memory scope, but the vulkanMemoryModel feature was not enabled.",
return skip;
bool CoreChecks::ValidateShaderStorageImageFormatsVariables(const spirv::Module &module_state, const spirv::Instruction *insn,
const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
// Go through all variables for images and check decorations
// Note: Tried to move to ResourceInterfaceVariable but the issue is the variables don't need to be accessed in the entrypoint
// to trigger the error.
assert(insn->Opcode() == spv::OpVariable);
// spirv-val validates this is an OpTypePointer
const spirv::Instruction *pointer_def = module_state.FindDef(insn->Word(1));
if (pointer_def->Word(2) != spv::StorageClassUniformConstant) {
return skip; // Vulkan Spec says storage image must be UniformConstant
const spirv::Instruction *type_def = module_state.FindDef(pointer_def->Word(3));
// Unpack an optional level of arraying
if (type_def && type_def->IsArray()) {
type_def = module_state.FindDef(type_def->Word(2));
if (type_def && type_def->Opcode() == spv::OpTypeImage) {
// Only check if the Image Dim operand is not SubpassData
const uint32_t dim = type_def->Word(3);
// Only check storage images
const uint32_t sampled = type_def->Word(7);
const uint32_t image_format = type_def->Word(8);
if ((dim == spv::DimSubpassData) || (sampled != 2) || (image_format != spv::ImageFormatUnknown)) {
return skip;
const uint32_t var_id = insn->Word(2);
const auto decorations = module_state.GetDecorationSet(var_id);
if (!enabled_features.shaderStorageImageReadWithoutFormat && !decorations.Has(spirv::DecorationSet::nonreadable_bit)) {
skip |=
LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-apiVersion-07955", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V variable\n%s\nhas an Image\n%s\nwith Unknown "
"format and is not decorated with NonReadable, but shaderStorageImageReadWithoutFormat is not supported.",
module_state.FindDef(var_id)->Describe().c_str(), type_def->Describe().c_str());
if (!enabled_features.shaderStorageImageWriteWithoutFormat && !decorations.Has(spirv::DecorationSet::nonwritable_bit)) {
skip |= LogError(
"VUID-RuntimeSpirv-apiVersion-07954", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V variable\n%s\nhas an Image\n%s\nwith "
"Unknown format and is not decorated with NonWritable, but shaderStorageImageWriteWithoutFormat is not supported.",
module_state.FindDef(var_id)->Describe().c_str(), type_def->Describe().c_str());
return skip;
// Map SPIR-V type to VK_COMPONENT_TYPE enum
VkComponentTypeKHR GetComponentType(const spirv::Instruction *insn) {
switch (insn->Opcode()) {
case spv::OpTypeInt:
switch (insn->Word(2)) {
case 8:
case 16:
case 32:
case 64:
case spv::OpTypeFloat:
switch (insn->Word(2)) {
case 16:
case 32:
case 64:
// Validate SPV_KHR_cooperative_matrix (and SPV_NV_cooperative_matrix) behavior that can't be statically validated in SPIRV-Tools
// (e.g. due to specialization constant usage).
bool CoreChecks::ValidateCooperativeMatrix(const spirv::Module &module_state, const spirv::EntryPoint &entrypoint,
const PipelineStageState &stage_state, const uint32_t local_size_x,
const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
struct CoopMatType {
VkScopeKHR scope;
uint32_t rows;
uint32_t cols;
VkComponentTypeKHR component_type;
bool all_constant;
bool is_signed_int;
CoopMatType(uint32_t id, const spirv::Module &module_state, const PipelineStageState &stage_state) {
const spirv::Instruction *insn = module_state.FindDef(id);
const spirv::Instruction *component_type_insn = module_state.FindDef(insn->Word(2));
const spirv::Instruction *scope_insn = module_state.FindDef(insn->Word(3));
const spirv::Instruction *rows_insn = module_state.FindDef(insn->Word(4));
const spirv::Instruction *cols_insn = module_state.FindDef(insn->Word(5));
all_constant = true;
uint32_t tmp_scope = 0; // TODO - Remove GetIntConstantValue
if (!stage_state.GetInt32ConstantValue(*scope_insn, &tmp_scope)) {
all_constant = false;
scope = VkScopeKHR(tmp_scope);
if (!stage_state.GetInt32ConstantValue(*rows_insn, &rows)) {
all_constant = false;
if (!stage_state.GetInt32ConstantValue(*cols_insn, &cols)) {
all_constant = false;
component_type = GetComponentType(component_type_insn);
is_signed_int = component_type == VK_COMPONENT_TYPE_SINT8_KHR || component_type == VK_COMPONENT_TYPE_SINT16_KHR ||
component_type == VK_COMPONENT_TYPE_SINT32_KHR || component_type == VK_COMPONENT_TYPE_SINT64_KHR;
std::string Describe() {
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << "rows: " << rows << ", cols: " << cols << ", scope: " << string_VkScopeKHR(scope)
<< ", type: " << string_VkComponentTypeKHR(component_type);
return ss.str();
if (module_state.HasCapability(spv::CapabilityCooperativeMatrixKHR)) {
if (!(entrypoint.stage & phys_dev_ext_props.cooperative_matrix_props_khr.cooperativeMatrixSupportedStages)) {
skip |=
LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-cooperativeMatrixSupportedStages-08985", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V contains OpTypeCooperativeMatrixKHR used in shader stage %s but is not in "
"cooperativeMatrixSupportedStages (%s)",
} else if (module_state.HasCapability(spv::CapabilityCooperativeMatrixNV)) {
if (!(entrypoint.stage & phys_dev_ext_props.cooperative_matrix_props.cooperativeMatrixSupportedStages)) {
skip |= LogError(
"VUID-RuntimeSpirv-OpTypeCooperativeMatrixNV-06322", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V contains OpTypeCooperativeMatrixNV used in shader stage %s but is not in cooperativeMatrixSupportedStages "
} else {
return skip; // If the capability isn't enabled, don't bother with the rest of this function.
// Map SPIR-V result ID to the ID of its type.
// TODO - Should have more robust way in ModuleState to find the type
vvl::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint32_t> id_to_type_id;
for (const spirv::Instruction &insn : module_state.GetInstructions()) {
if (OpcodeHasType(insn.Opcode()) && OpcodeHasResult(insn.Opcode())) {
id_to_type_id[insn.Word(2)] = insn.Word(1);
for (const spirv::Instruction *cooperative_matrix_inst : module_state.static_data_.cooperative_matrix_inst) {
const spirv::Instruction &insn = *cooperative_matrix_inst;
switch (insn.Opcode()) {
case spv::OpTypeCooperativeMatrixKHR: {
CoopMatType m(insn.Word(1), module_state, stage_state);
if (m.all_constant) {
// Validate that the type parameters are all supported for one of the
// operands of a cooperative matrix khr property.
bool valid = false;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cooperative_matrix_properties_khr.size(); ++i) {
if (cooperative_matrix_properties_khr[i].AType == m.component_type &&
cooperative_matrix_properties_khr[i].MSize == m.rows &&
cooperative_matrix_properties_khr[i].KSize == m.cols &&
cooperative_matrix_properties_khr[i].scope == m.scope) {
valid = true;
if (cooperative_matrix_properties_khr[i].BType == m.component_type &&
cooperative_matrix_properties_khr[i].KSize == m.rows &&
cooperative_matrix_properties_khr[i].NSize == m.cols &&
cooperative_matrix_properties_khr[i].scope == m.scope) {
valid = true;
if (cooperative_matrix_properties_khr[i].CType == m.component_type &&
cooperative_matrix_properties_khr[i].MSize == m.rows &&
cooperative_matrix_properties_khr[i].NSize == m.cols &&
cooperative_matrix_properties_khr[i].scope == m.scope) {
valid = true;
if (cooperative_matrix_properties_khr[i].ResultType == m.component_type &&
cooperative_matrix_properties_khr[i].MSize == m.rows &&
cooperative_matrix_properties_khr[i].NSize == m.cols &&
cooperative_matrix_properties_khr[i].scope == m.scope) {
valid = true;
if (!valid) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-OpTypeCooperativeMatrixKHR-08974", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (%s) has an OpTypeCooperativeMatrixKHR (result id = %" PRIu32
") operand that don't match a supported matrix type (%s).",
string_VkShaderStageFlagBits(entrypoint.stage), insn.Word(1), m.Describe().c_str());
case spv::OpCooperativeMatrixMulAddKHR: {
CoopMatType r(id_to_type_id[insn.Word(2)], module_state, stage_state);
CoopMatType a(id_to_type_id[insn.Word(3)], module_state, stage_state);
CoopMatType b(id_to_type_id[insn.Word(4)], module_state, stage_state);
CoopMatType c(id_to_type_id[insn.Word(5)], module_state, stage_state);
const uint32_t flags = insn.Length() > 6 ? insn.Word(6) : 0u;
if (a.is_signed_int && ((flags & spv::CooperativeMatrixOperandsMatrixASignedComponentsKHRMask) == 0)) {
skip |= LogError(
"VUID-RuntimeSpirv-OpCooperativeMatrixMulAddKHR-08976", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (%s) Component type of matrix A is signed integer type, but MatrixASignedComponents flag is not "
"present in flags (%s).",
string_VkShaderStageFlagBits(entrypoint.stage), string_SpvCooperativeMatrixOperands(flags).c_str());
if (b.is_signed_int && ((flags & spv::CooperativeMatrixOperandsMatrixBSignedComponentsKHRMask) == 0)) {
skip |= LogError(
"VUID-RuntimeSpirv-OpCooperativeMatrixMulAddKHR-08978", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (%s) Component type of matrix B is signed integer type, but MatrixBSignedComponents flag is not "
"present in flags (%s).",
string_VkShaderStageFlagBits(entrypoint.stage), string_SpvCooperativeMatrixOperands(flags).c_str());
if (c.is_signed_int && ((flags & spv::CooperativeMatrixOperandsMatrixCSignedComponentsKHRMask) == 0)) {
skip |= LogError(
"VUID-RuntimeSpirv-OpCooperativeMatrixMulAddKHR-08980", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (%s) Component type of matrix C is signed integer type, but MatrixCSignedComponents flag is not "
"present in flags (%s).",
string_VkShaderStageFlagBits(entrypoint.stage), string_SpvCooperativeMatrixOperands(flags).c_str());
if (r.is_signed_int && ((flags & spv::CooperativeMatrixOperandsMatrixResultSignedComponentsKHRMask) == 0)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-OpCooperativeMatrixMulAddKHR-08982", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (%s) Component type of matrix Result is signed integer type, but "
"MatrixResultSignedComponents flag is not "
"present in flags (%s).",
if (r.scope == VK_SCOPE_SUBGROUP_KHR && (entrypoint.stage & VK_SHADER_STAGE_COMPUTE_BIT) != 0) {
if (SafeModulo(local_size_x, phys_dev_props_core11.subgroupSize) != 0) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo-module-08987", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (compute stage) Local workgroup size in the X dimension (%" PRIu32
") is not multiple of subgroupSize (%" PRIu32 ")/.",
local_size_x, phys_dev_props_core11.subgroupSize);
if (a.all_constant && b.all_constant && c.all_constant && r.all_constant) {
if (r.scope != a.scope || r.scope != b.scope || r.scope != c.scope) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-scope-08984", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (%s) has a scopes mismatch for OpCooperativeMatrixMulAddKHR\n"
"A: %s\n"
"B: %s\n"
"C: %s\n"
"Result: %s\n",
string_VkShaderStageFlagBits(entrypoint.stage), string_VkScopeKHR(a.scope),
string_VkScopeKHR(b.scope), string_VkScopeKHR(c.scope), string_VkScopeKHR(r.scope));
// Validate that the type parameters are all supported for the same
// cooperative matrix property.
bool valid_a = false;
bool valid_b = false;
bool valid_c = false;
bool valid_r = false;
uint32_t i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < cooperative_matrix_properties_khr.size(); ++i) {
valid_a = cooperative_matrix_properties_khr[i].AType == a.component_type &&
cooperative_matrix_properties_khr[i].MSize == a.rows &&
cooperative_matrix_properties_khr[i].KSize == a.cols &&
cooperative_matrix_properties_khr[i].scope == a.scope;
valid_b = cooperative_matrix_properties_khr[i].BType == b.component_type &&
cooperative_matrix_properties_khr[i].KSize == b.rows &&
cooperative_matrix_properties_khr[i].NSize == b.cols &&
cooperative_matrix_properties_khr[i].scope == b.scope;
valid_c = cooperative_matrix_properties_khr[i].CType == c.component_type &&
cooperative_matrix_properties_khr[i].MSize == c.rows &&
cooperative_matrix_properties_khr[i].NSize == c.cols &&
cooperative_matrix_properties_khr[i].scope == c.scope;
valid_r = cooperative_matrix_properties_khr[i].ResultType == r.component_type &&
cooperative_matrix_properties_khr[i].MSize == r.rows &&
cooperative_matrix_properties_khr[i].NSize == r.cols &&
cooperative_matrix_properties_khr[i].scope == r.scope;
if (valid_a && valid_b && valid_c && valid_r) {
if (i < cooperative_matrix_properties_khr.size() &&
(flags & spv::CooperativeMatrixOperandsSaturatingAccumulationKHRMask) != 0 &&
!cooperative_matrix_properties_khr[i].saturatingAccumulation) {
skip |=
LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-saturatingAccumulation-08983", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (%s) SaturatingAccumulation cooperative matrix operand must be present if and only if "
"VkCooperativeMatrixPropertiesKHR::saturatingAccumulation is VK_TRUE.",
if (!valid_a) {
skip |= LogError(
"VUID-RuntimeSpirv-MSize-08975", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (%s) OpCooperativeMatrixMulAddKHR (result id = %u) operands don't match a supported matrix "
"VkCooperativeMatrixPropertiesKHR for A type (%s).",
string_VkShaderStageFlagBits(entrypoint.stage), insn.Word(2), a.Describe().c_str());
} else if (!valid_b) {
skip |= LogError(
"VUID-RuntimeSpirv-KSize-08977", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (%s) OpCooperativeMatrixMulAddKHR (result id = %u) operands don't match a supported matrix "
"VkCooperativeMatrixPropertiesKHR for B type (%s).",
string_VkShaderStageFlagBits(entrypoint.stage), insn.Word(2), b.Describe().c_str());
} else if (!valid_c) {
skip |= LogError(
"VUID-RuntimeSpirv-MSize-08979", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (%s) OpCooperativeMatrixMulAddKHR (result id = %u) operands don't match a supported matrix "
"VkCooperativeMatrixPropertiesKHR for C type (%s).",
string_VkShaderStageFlagBits(entrypoint.stage), insn.Word(2), c.Describe().c_str());
} else if (!valid_r) {
skip |= LogError(
"VUID-RuntimeSpirv-MSize-08981", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (%s) OpCooperativeMatrixMulAddKHR (result id = %u) operands don't match a supported matrix "
"VkCooperativeMatrixPropertiesKHR for Result type (%s).",
string_VkShaderStageFlagBits(entrypoint.stage), insn.Word(2), r.Describe().c_str());
case spv::OpTypeCooperativeMatrixNV: {
CoopMatType m(insn.Word(1), module_state, stage_state);
if (m.all_constant) {
// Validate that the type parameters are all supported for one of the
// operands of a cooperative matrix property.
bool valid = false;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cooperative_matrix_properties.size(); ++i) {
if (cooperative_matrix_properties[i].AType == m.component_type &&
cooperative_matrix_properties[i].MSize == m.rows && cooperative_matrix_properties[i].KSize == m.cols &&
cooperative_matrix_properties[i].scope == m.scope) {
valid = true;
if (cooperative_matrix_properties[i].BType == m.component_type &&
cooperative_matrix_properties[i].KSize == m.rows && cooperative_matrix_properties[i].NSize == m.cols &&
cooperative_matrix_properties[i].scope == m.scope) {
valid = true;
if (cooperative_matrix_properties[i].CType == m.component_type &&
cooperative_matrix_properties[i].MSize == m.rows && cooperative_matrix_properties[i].NSize == m.cols &&
cooperative_matrix_properties[i].scope == m.scope) {
valid = true;
if (cooperative_matrix_properties[i].DType == m.component_type &&
cooperative_matrix_properties[i].MSize == m.rows && cooperative_matrix_properties[i].NSize == m.cols &&
cooperative_matrix_properties[i].scope == m.scope) {
valid = true;
if (!valid) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-OpTypeCooperativeMatrixNV-06316", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (%s) has an OpTypeCooperativeMatrixNV (result id = %" PRIu32
") operand that don't match a supported matrix type (%s).",
string_VkShaderStageFlagBits(entrypoint.stage), insn.Word(1), m.Describe().c_str());
case spv::OpCooperativeMatrixMulAddNV: {
CoopMatType d(id_to_type_id[insn.Word(2)], module_state, stage_state);
CoopMatType a(id_to_type_id[insn.Word(3)], module_state, stage_state);
CoopMatType b(id_to_type_id[insn.Word(4)], module_state, stage_state);
CoopMatType c(id_to_type_id[insn.Word(5)], module_state, stage_state);
if (a.all_constant && b.all_constant && c.all_constant && d.all_constant) {
// Validate that the type parameters are all supported for the same
// cooperative matrix property.
bool valid_a = false;
bool valid_b = false;
bool valid_c = false;
bool valid_d = false;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cooperative_matrix_properties.size(); ++i) {
valid_a = cooperative_matrix_properties[i].AType == a.component_type &&
cooperative_matrix_properties[i].MSize == a.rows &&
cooperative_matrix_properties[i].KSize == a.cols &&
cooperative_matrix_properties[i].scope == a.scope;
valid_b = cooperative_matrix_properties[i].BType == b.component_type &&
cooperative_matrix_properties[i].KSize == b.rows &&
cooperative_matrix_properties[i].NSize == b.cols &&
cooperative_matrix_properties[i].scope == b.scope;
valid_c = cooperative_matrix_properties[i].CType == c.component_type &&
cooperative_matrix_properties[i].MSize == c.rows &&
cooperative_matrix_properties[i].NSize == c.cols &&
cooperative_matrix_properties[i].scope == c.scope;
valid_d = cooperative_matrix_properties[i].DType == d.component_type &&
cooperative_matrix_properties[i].MSize == d.rows &&
cooperative_matrix_properties[i].NSize == d.cols &&
cooperative_matrix_properties[i].scope == d.scope;
if (valid_a && valid_b && valid_c && valid_d) {
if (!valid_a) {
skip |= LogError(
"VUID-RuntimeSpirv-OpCooperativeMatrixMulAddNV-06317", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (%s) OpCooperativeMatrixMulAddNV (result id = %u) operands don't match a supported matrix "
"VkCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV for A type (%s).",
string_VkShaderStageFlagBits(entrypoint.stage), insn.Word(2), a.Describe().c_str());
} else if (!valid_b) {
skip |= LogError(
"VUID-RuntimeSpirv-OpCooperativeMatrixMulAddNV-06318", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (%s) OpCooperativeMatrixMulAddNV (result id = %u) operands don't match a supported matrix "
"VkCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV for B type (%s).",
string_VkShaderStageFlagBits(entrypoint.stage), insn.Word(2), b.Describe().c_str());
} else if (!valid_c) {
skip |= LogError(
"VUID-RuntimeSpirv-OpCooperativeMatrixMulAddNV-06319", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (%s) OpCooperativeMatrixMulAddNV (result id = %u) operands don't match a supported matrix "
"VkCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV for C type (%s).",
string_VkShaderStageFlagBits(entrypoint.stage), insn.Word(2), c.Describe().c_str());
} else if (!valid_d) {
skip |= LogError(
"VUID-RuntimeSpirv-OpCooperativeMatrixMulAddNV-06320", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (%s) OpCooperativeMatrixMulAddNV (result id = %u) operands don't match a supported matrix "
"VkCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV for D type (%s).",
string_VkShaderStageFlagBits(entrypoint.stage), insn.Word(2), d.Describe().c_str());
return skip;
bool CoreChecks::ValidateShaderResolveQCOM(const spirv::Module &module_state, VkShaderStageFlagBits stage,
const StageCreateInfo &create_info, const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
if (!create_info.pipeline) {
return skip;
const auto &pipeline = *create_info.pipeline;
// If the pipeline's subpass description contains flag VK_SUBPASS_DESCRIPTION_FRAGMENT_REGION_BIT_QCOM,
// then the fragment shader must not enable the SPIRV SampleRateShading capability.
if (stage == VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT && module_state.HasCapability(spv::CapabilitySampleRateShading)) {
const auto &rp_state = pipeline.RenderPassState();
auto subpass_flags = (!rp_state) ? 0 : rp_state->createInfo.pSubpasses[pipeline.Subpass()].flags;
const LogObjectList objlist(module_state.handle(), rp_state->renderPass());
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-SampleRateShading-06378", objlist, loc,
"SPIR-V (Fragment stage) enables SampleRateShading capability "
"and the subpass flags includes VK_SUBPASS_DESCRIPTION_FRAGMENT_REGION_BIT_QCOM.");
return skip;
bool CoreChecks::ValidateAtomicsTypes(const spirv::Module &module_state, const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
// "If sparseImageInt64Atomics is enabled, shaderImageInt64Atomics must be enabled"
const bool valid_image_64_int = enabled_features.shaderImageInt64Atomics == VK_TRUE;
const bool valid_storage_buffer_float =
((enabled_features.shaderBufferFloat32Atomics == VK_TRUE) || (enabled_features.shaderBufferFloat32AtomicAdd == VK_TRUE) ||
(enabled_features.shaderBufferFloat64Atomics == VK_TRUE) || (enabled_features.shaderBufferFloat64AtomicAdd == VK_TRUE) ||
(enabled_features.shaderBufferFloat16Atomics == VK_TRUE) || (enabled_features.shaderBufferFloat16AtomicAdd == VK_TRUE) ||
(enabled_features.shaderBufferFloat16AtomicMinMax == VK_TRUE) ||
(enabled_features.shaderBufferFloat32AtomicMinMax == VK_TRUE) ||
(enabled_features.shaderBufferFloat64AtomicMinMax == VK_TRUE));
const bool valid_workgroup_float =
((enabled_features.shaderSharedFloat32Atomics == VK_TRUE) || (enabled_features.shaderSharedFloat32AtomicAdd == VK_TRUE) ||
(enabled_features.shaderSharedFloat64Atomics == VK_TRUE) || (enabled_features.shaderSharedFloat64AtomicAdd == VK_TRUE) ||
(enabled_features.shaderSharedFloat16Atomics == VK_TRUE) || (enabled_features.shaderSharedFloat16AtomicAdd == VK_TRUE) ||
(enabled_features.shaderSharedFloat16AtomicMinMax == VK_TRUE) ||
(enabled_features.shaderSharedFloat32AtomicMinMax == VK_TRUE) ||
(enabled_features.shaderSharedFloat64AtomicMinMax == VK_TRUE));
const bool valid_image_float =
((enabled_features.shaderImageFloat32Atomics == VK_TRUE) || (enabled_features.shaderImageFloat32AtomicAdd == VK_TRUE) ||
(enabled_features.shaderImageFloat32AtomicMinMax == VK_TRUE));
const bool valid_16_float =
((enabled_features.shaderBufferFloat16Atomics == VK_TRUE) || (enabled_features.shaderBufferFloat16AtomicAdd == VK_TRUE) ||
(enabled_features.shaderBufferFloat16AtomicMinMax == VK_TRUE) ||
(enabled_features.shaderSharedFloat16Atomics == VK_TRUE) || (enabled_features.shaderSharedFloat16AtomicAdd == VK_TRUE) ||
(enabled_features.shaderSharedFloat16AtomicMinMax == VK_TRUE));
const bool valid_32_float =
((enabled_features.shaderBufferFloat32Atomics == VK_TRUE) || (enabled_features.shaderBufferFloat32AtomicAdd == VK_TRUE) ||
(enabled_features.shaderSharedFloat32Atomics == VK_TRUE) || (enabled_features.shaderSharedFloat32AtomicAdd == VK_TRUE) ||
(enabled_features.shaderImageFloat32Atomics == VK_TRUE) || (enabled_features.shaderImageFloat32AtomicAdd == VK_TRUE) ||
(enabled_features.shaderBufferFloat32AtomicMinMax == VK_TRUE) ||
(enabled_features.shaderSharedFloat32AtomicMinMax == VK_TRUE) ||
(enabled_features.shaderImageFloat32AtomicMinMax == VK_TRUE));
const bool valid_64_float =
((enabled_features.shaderBufferFloat64Atomics == VK_TRUE) || (enabled_features.shaderBufferFloat64AtomicAdd == VK_TRUE) ||
(enabled_features.shaderSharedFloat64Atomics == VK_TRUE) || (enabled_features.shaderSharedFloat64AtomicAdd == VK_TRUE) ||
(enabled_features.shaderBufferFloat64AtomicMinMax == VK_TRUE) ||
(enabled_features.shaderSharedFloat64AtomicMinMax == VK_TRUE));
// clang-format on
for (const spirv::Instruction *atomic_def : module_state.static_data_.atomic_inst) {
const spirv::AtomicInstructionInfo &atomic = module_state.GetAtomicInfo(*atomic_def);
const uint32_t opcode = atomic_def->Opcode();
if ((atomic.bit_width == 64) && (atomic.type == spv::OpTypeInt)) {
// Validate 64-bit image atomics
if (((atomic.storage_class == spv::StorageClassStorageBuffer) || (atomic.storage_class == spv::StorageClassUniform)) &&
(enabled_features.shaderBufferInt64Atomics == VK_FALSE)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-None-06278", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V is using 64-bit int atomics operations\n%s\nwith %s storage class, but "
"shaderBufferInt64Atomics was not enabled.",
atomic_def->Describe().c_str(), string_SpvStorageClass(atomic.storage_class));
} else if ((atomic.storage_class == spv::StorageClassWorkgroup) &&
(enabled_features.shaderSharedInt64Atomics == VK_FALSE)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-None-06279", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V is using 64-bit int atomics operations\n%s\nwith Workgroup storage class, but "
"shaderSharedInt64Atomics was not enabled.",
} else if ((atomic.storage_class == spv::StorageClassImage) && (valid_image_64_int == false)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-None-06288", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V is using 64-bit int atomics operations\n%s\nwith Image storage class, but "
"shaderImageInt64Atomics was not enabled.",
} else if (atomic.type == spv::OpTypeFloat) {
// Validate Floats
if (atomic.storage_class == spv::StorageClassStorageBuffer) {
if (valid_storage_buffer_float == false) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-None-06284", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V is using float atomics operations\n%s\nwith StorageBuffer storage class, but "
"shaderBufferFloat32Atomics or shaderBufferFloat32AtomicAdd or shaderBufferFloat64Atomics or "
"shaderBufferFloat64AtomicAdd or shaderBufferFloat16Atomics or shaderBufferFloat16AtomicAdd "
"or shaderBufferFloat16AtomicMinMax or shaderBufferFloat32AtomicMinMax or "
"shaderBufferFloat64AtomicMinMax was not enabled.",
} else if (opcode == spv::OpAtomicFAddEXT) {
if ((atomic.bit_width == 16) && (enabled_features.shaderBufferFloat16AtomicAdd == VK_FALSE)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-None-06337", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V is using 16-bit float atomics for add operations\n%s\nwith "
"StorageBuffer storage class, but shaderBufferFloat16AtomicAdd was not enabled.",
} else if ((atomic.bit_width == 32) && (enabled_features.shaderBufferFloat32AtomicAdd == VK_FALSE)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-None-06338", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V is using 32-bit float atomics for add operations\n%s\nwith "
"StorageBuffer storage class, but shaderBufferFloat32AtomicAdd was not enabled.",
} else if ((atomic.bit_width == 64) && (enabled_features.shaderBufferFloat64AtomicAdd == VK_FALSE)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-None-06339", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V is using 64-bit float atomics for add operations\n%s\nwith "
"StorageBuffer storage class, but shaderBufferFloat64AtomicAdd was not enabled.",
} else if (opcode == spv::OpAtomicFMinEXT || opcode == spv::OpAtomicFMaxEXT) {
if ((atomic.bit_width == 16) && (enabled_features.shaderBufferFloat16AtomicMinMax == VK_FALSE)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-None-06337", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V is using 16-bit float atomics for min/max operations\n%s\nwith "
"StorageBuffer storage class, but shaderBufferFloat16AtomicMinMax was not enabled.",
} else if ((atomic.bit_width == 32) && (enabled_features.shaderBufferFloat32AtomicMinMax == VK_FALSE)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-None-06338", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V is using 32-bit float atomics for min/max operations\n%s\nwith "
"StorageBuffer storage class, but shaderBufferFloat32AtomicMinMax was not enabled.",
} else if ((atomic.bit_width == 64) && (enabled_features.shaderBufferFloat64AtomicMinMax == VK_FALSE)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-None-06339", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V is using 64-bit float atomics for min/max operations\n%s\nwith "
"StorageBuffer storage class, but shaderBufferFloat64AtomicMinMax was not enabled.",
} else {
// Assume is valid load/store/exchange (rest of supported atomic operations) or else spirv-val will catch
if ((atomic.bit_width == 16) && (enabled_features.shaderBufferFloat16Atomics == VK_FALSE)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-None-06338", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V is using 16-bit float atomics for load/store/exhange operations\n%s\nwith "
"StorageBuffer storage class, but shaderBufferFloat16Atomics was not enabled.",
} else if ((atomic.bit_width == 32) && (enabled_features.shaderBufferFloat32Atomics == VK_FALSE)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-None-06338", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V is using 32-bit float atomics for load/store/exhange operations\n%s\nwith "
"StorageBuffer storage class, but shaderBufferFloat32Atomics was not enabled.",
} else if ((atomic.bit_width == 64) && (enabled_features.shaderBufferFloat64Atomics == VK_FALSE)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-None-06339", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V is using 64-bit float atomics for load/store/exhange operations\n%s\nwith "
"StorageBuffer storage class, but shaderBufferFloat64Atomics was not enabled.",
} else if (atomic.storage_class == spv::StorageClassWorkgroup) {
if (valid_workgroup_float == false) {
skip |=
LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-None-06285", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V is using float atomics operations\n%s\nwith Workgroup storage class, but "
"shaderSharedFloat32Atomics or "
"shaderSharedFloat32AtomicAdd or shaderSharedFloat64Atomics or shaderSharedFloat64AtomicAdd or "
"shaderSharedFloat16Atomics or shaderSharedFloat16AtomicAdd or shaderSharedFloat16AtomicMinMax or "
"shaderSharedFloat32AtomicMinMax or shaderSharedFloat64AtomicMinMax was not enabled.",
} else if (opcode == spv::OpAtomicFAddEXT) {
if ((atomic.bit_width == 16) && (enabled_features.shaderSharedFloat16AtomicAdd == VK_FALSE)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-None-06337", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V is using 16-bit float atomics for add operations\n%s\nwith Workgroup "
"storage class, but shaderSharedFloat16AtomicAdd was not enabled.",
} else if ((atomic.bit_width == 32) && (enabled_features.shaderSharedFloat32AtomicAdd == VK_FALSE)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-None-06338", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V is using 32-bit float atomics for add operations\n%s\nwith Workgroup "
"storage class, but shaderSharedFloat32AtomicAdd was not enabled.",
} else if ((atomic.bit_width == 64) && (enabled_features.shaderSharedFloat64AtomicAdd == VK_FALSE)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-None-06339", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V is using 64-bit float atomics for add operations\n%s\nwith Workgroup "
"storage class, but shaderSharedFloat64AtomicAdd was not enabled.",
} else if (opcode == spv::OpAtomicFMinEXT || opcode == spv::OpAtomicFMaxEXT) {
if ((atomic.bit_width == 16) && (enabled_features.shaderSharedFloat16AtomicMinMax == VK_FALSE)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-None-06337", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V is using 16-bit float atomics for min/max operations\n%s\nwith "
"Workgroup storage class, but shaderSharedFloat16AtomicMinMax was not enabled.",
} else if ((atomic.bit_width == 32) && (enabled_features.shaderSharedFloat32AtomicMinMax == VK_FALSE)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-None-06338", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V is using 32-bit float atomics for min/max operations\n%s\nwith "
"Workgroup storage class, but shaderSharedFloat32AtomicMinMax was not enabled.",
} else if ((atomic.bit_width == 64) && (enabled_features.shaderSharedFloat64AtomicMinMax == VK_FALSE)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-None-06339", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V is using 64-bit float atomics for min/max operations\n%s\nwith "
"Workgroup storage class, but shaderSharedFloat64AtomicMinMax was not enabled.",
} else {
// Assume is valid load/store/exchange (rest of supported atomic operations) or else spirv-val will catch
if ((atomic.bit_width == 16) && (enabled_features.shaderSharedFloat16Atomics == VK_FALSE)) {
skip |=
LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-None-06337", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V is using 16-bit float atomics for load/store/exhange operations\n%s\nwith Workgroup "
"storage class, but shaderSharedFloat16Atomics was not enabled.",
} else if ((atomic.bit_width == 32) && (enabled_features.shaderSharedFloat32Atomics == VK_FALSE)) {
skip |=
LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-None-06338", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V is using 32-bit float atomics for load/store/exhange operations\n%s\nwith Workgroup "
"storage class, but shaderSharedFloat32Atomics was not enabled.",
} else if ((atomic.bit_width == 64) && (enabled_features.shaderSharedFloat64Atomics == VK_FALSE)) {
skip |=
LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-None-06339", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V is using 64-bit float atomics for load/store/exhange operations\n%s\nwith Workgroup "
"storage class, but shaderSharedFloat64Atomics was not enabled.",
} else if ((atomic.storage_class == spv::StorageClassImage) && (valid_image_float == false)) {
skip |= LogError(
"VUID-RuntimeSpirv-None-06286", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V is using float atomics operations\n%s\nwith Image storage class, but shaderImageFloat32Atomics or "
"shaderImageFloat32AtomicAdd or shaderImageFloat32AtomicMinMax was not enabled.",
} else if ((atomic.bit_width == 16) && (valid_16_float == false)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-None-06337", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V is using 16-bit float atomics operations\n%s\n but shaderBufferFloat16Atomics, "
"shaderBufferFloat16AtomicAdd, shaderBufferFloat16AtomicMinMax, shaderSharedFloat16Atomics, "
"shaderSharedFloat16AtomicAdd or shaderSharedFloat16AtomicMinMax was not enabled.",
} else if ((atomic.bit_width == 32) && (valid_32_float == false)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-None-06338", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V is using 32-bit float atomics operations\n%s\n but shaderBufferFloat32AtomicMinMax, "
"shaderSharedFloat32AtomicMinMax, shaderImageFloat32AtomicMinMax, sparseImageFloat32AtomicMinMax, "
"shaderBufferFloat32Atomics, shaderBufferFloat32AtomicAdd, shaderSharedFloat32Atomics, "
"shaderSharedFloat32AtomicAdd, shaderImageFloat32Atomics, shaderImageFloat32AtomicAdd, "
"sparseImageFloat32Atomics or sparseImageFloat32AtomicAdd was not enabled.",
} else if ((atomic.bit_width == 64) && (valid_64_float == false)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-None-06339", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V is using 64-bit float atomics operations\n%s\n but shaderBufferFloat64AtomicMinMax, "
"shaderSharedFloat64AtomicMinMax, shaderBufferFloat64Atomics, shaderBufferFloat64AtomicAdd, "
"shaderSharedFloat64Atomics or shaderSharedFloat64AtomicAdd was not enabled.",
return skip;
bool CoreChecks::ValidateExecutionModes(const spirv::Module &module_state, const spirv::EntryPoint &entrypoint,
VkShaderStageFlagBits stage, const StageCreateInfo &create_info,
const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
// Need to wrap otherwise phys_dev_props_core12 can be junk
if (IsExtEnabled(device_extensions.vk_khr_shader_float_controls)) {
if (entrypoint.execution_mode.Has(spirv::ExecutionModeSet::signed_zero_inf_nan_preserve_width_16) &&
!phys_dev_props_core12.shaderSignedZeroInfNanPreserveFloat16) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-shaderSignedZeroInfNanPreserveFloat16-06293", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V requires SignedZeroInfNanPreserve for bit width 16 but it is not enabled on the device.");
} else if (entrypoint.execution_mode.Has(spirv::ExecutionModeSet::signed_zero_inf_nan_preserve_width_32) &&
!phys_dev_props_core12.shaderSignedZeroInfNanPreserveFloat32) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-shaderSignedZeroInfNanPreserveFloat32-06294", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V requires SignedZeroInfNanPreserve for bit width 32 but it is not enabled on the device.");
} else if (entrypoint.execution_mode.Has(spirv::ExecutionModeSet::signed_zero_inf_nan_preserve_width_64) &&
!phys_dev_props_core12.shaderSignedZeroInfNanPreserveFloat64) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-shaderSignedZeroInfNanPreserveFloat64-06295", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V requires SignedZeroInfNanPreserve for bit width 64 but it is not enabled on the device.");
const bool has_denorm_preserve_width_16 = entrypoint.execution_mode.Has(spirv::ExecutionModeSet::denorm_preserve_width_16);
const bool has_denorm_preserve_width_32 = entrypoint.execution_mode.Has(spirv::ExecutionModeSet::denorm_preserve_width_32);
const bool has_denorm_preserve_width_64 = entrypoint.execution_mode.Has(spirv::ExecutionModeSet::denorm_preserve_width_64);
if (has_denorm_preserve_width_16 && !phys_dev_props_core12.shaderDenormPreserveFloat16) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-shaderDenormPreserveFloat16-06296", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V requires DenormPreserve for bit width 16 but it is not enabled on the device.");
} else if (has_denorm_preserve_width_32 && !phys_dev_props_core12.shaderDenormPreserveFloat32) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-shaderDenormPreserveFloat32-06297", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V requires DenormPreserve for bit width 32 but it is not enabled on the device.");
} else if (has_denorm_preserve_width_64 && !phys_dev_props_core12.shaderDenormPreserveFloat64) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-shaderDenormPreserveFloat64-06298", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V requires DenormPreserve for bit width 64 but it is not enabled on the device.");
const bool has_denorm_flush_to_zero_width_16 =
const bool has_denorm_flush_to_zero_width_32 =
const bool has_denorm_flush_to_zero_width_64 =
if (has_denorm_flush_to_zero_width_16 && !phys_dev_props_core12.shaderDenormFlushToZeroFloat16) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-shaderDenormFlushToZeroFloat16-06299", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V requires DenormFlushToZero for bit width 16 but it is not enabled on the device.");
} else if (has_denorm_flush_to_zero_width_32 && !phys_dev_props_core12.shaderDenormFlushToZeroFloat32) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-shaderDenormFlushToZeroFloat32-06300", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V requires DenormFlushToZero for bit width 32 but it is not enabled on the device.");
} else if (has_denorm_flush_to_zero_width_64 && !phys_dev_props_core12.shaderDenormFlushToZeroFloat64) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-shaderDenormFlushToZeroFloat64-06301", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V requires DenormFlushToZero for bit width 64 but it is not enabled on the device.");
const bool has_rounding_mode_rte_width_16 =
const bool has_rounding_mode_rte_width_32 =
const bool has_rounding_mode_rte_width_64 =
if (has_rounding_mode_rte_width_16 && !phys_dev_props_core12.shaderRoundingModeRTEFloat16) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-shaderRoundingModeRTEFloat16-06302", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V requires RoundingModeRTE for bit width 16 but it is not enabled on the device.");
} else if (has_rounding_mode_rte_width_32 && !phys_dev_props_core12.shaderRoundingModeRTEFloat32) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-shaderRoundingModeRTEFloat32-06303", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V requires RoundingModeRTE for bit width 32 but it is not enabled on the device.");
} else if (has_rounding_mode_rte_width_64 && !phys_dev_props_core12.shaderRoundingModeRTEFloat64) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-shaderRoundingModeRTEFloat64-06304", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V requires RoundingModeRTE for bit width 64 but it is not enabled on the device.");
const bool has_rounding_mode_rtz_width_16 =
const bool has_rounding_mode_rtz_width_32 =
const bool has_rounding_mode_rtz_width_64 =
if (has_rounding_mode_rtz_width_16 && !phys_dev_props_core12.shaderRoundingModeRTZFloat16) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-shaderRoundingModeRTZFloat16-06305", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V requires RoundingModeRTZ for bit width 16 but it is not enabled on the device.");
} else if (has_rounding_mode_rtz_width_32 && !phys_dev_props_core12.shaderRoundingModeRTZFloat32) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-shaderRoundingModeRTZFloat32-06306", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V requires RoundingModeRTZ for bit width 32 but it is not enabled on the device.");
} else if (has_rounding_mode_rtz_width_64 && !phys_dev_props_core12.shaderRoundingModeRTZFloat64) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-shaderRoundingModeRTZFloat64-06307", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V requires RoundingModeRTZ for bit width 64 but it is not enabled on the device.");
if (entrypoint.execution_mode.Has(spirv::ExecutionModeSet::local_size_id_bit)) {
// Special case to print error by extension and feature bit
if (!enabled_features.maintenance4) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-LocalSizeId-06434", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V OpExecutionMode LocalSizeId is used but maintenance4 feature was not enabled.");
if (!IsExtEnabled(device_extensions.vk_khr_maintenance4)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-LocalSizeId-06434", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V OpExecutionMode LocalSizeId is used but maintenance4 extension is not enabled and used "
"Vulkan api version is 1.2 or less.");
if (entrypoint.execution_mode.Has(spirv::ExecutionModeSet::subgroup_uniform_control_flow_bit)) {
if (!enabled_features.shaderSubgroupUniformControlFlow ||
(phys_dev_ext_props.subgroup_props.supportedStages & stage) == 0 ||
module_state.static_data_.has_invocation_repack_instruction) {
std::stringstream msg;
if (!enabled_features.shaderSubgroupUniformControlFlow) {
msg << "shaderSubgroupUniformControlFlow feature must be enabled";
} else if ((phys_dev_ext_props.subgroup_props.supportedStages & stage) == 0) {
msg << "stage" << string_VkShaderStageFlagBits(stage)
<< " must be in VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupProperties::supportedStages("
<< string_VkShaderStageFlags(phys_dev_ext_props.subgroup_props.supportedStages) << ")";
} else {
msg << "the shader must not use any invocation repack instructions";
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-SubgroupUniformControlFlowKHR-06379", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V uses ExecutionModeSubgroupUniformControlFlowKHR, but %s.", msg.str().c_str());
if (entrypoint.stage == VK_SHADER_STAGE_GEOMETRY_BIT) {
const uint32_t vertices_out = entrypoint.execution_mode.output_vertices;
const uint32_t invocations = entrypoint.execution_mode.invocations;
if (vertices_out == 0 || vertices_out > phys_dev_props.limits.maxGeometryOutputVertices) {
const char *vuid = create_info.pipeline ? "VUID-VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo-stage-00714"
: "VUID-VkShaderCreateInfoEXT-pCode-08454";
skip |= LogError(vuid, module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (Geometry stage) entry point must have an OpExecutionMode instruction that "
"specifies a maximum output vertex count that is greater than 0 and less "
"than or equal to maxGeometryOutputVertices. "
"OutputVertices=%" PRIu32 ", maxGeometryOutputVertices=%" PRIu32 ".",
vertices_out, phys_dev_props.limits.maxGeometryOutputVertices);
if (invocations == 0 || invocations > phys_dev_props.limits.maxGeometryShaderInvocations) {
const char *vuid = create_info.pipeline ? "VUID-VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo-stage-00715"
: "VUID-VkShaderCreateInfoEXT-pCode-08455";
skip |= LogError(vuid, module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (Geometry stage) entry point must have an OpExecutionMode instruction that "
"specifies an invocation count that is greater than 0 and less "
"than or equal to maxGeometryShaderInvocations. "
"Invocations=%" PRIu32 ", maxGeometryShaderInvocations=%" PRIu32 ".",
invocations, phys_dev_props.limits.maxGeometryShaderInvocations);
} else if (entrypoint.stage == VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT &&
entrypoint.execution_mode.Has(spirv::ExecutionModeSet::early_fragment_test_bit)) {
if (create_info.pipeline) {
const auto *ds_state = create_info.pipeline->DepthStencilState();
if ((ds_state &&
(ds_state->flags &
skip |= LogError(
"VUID-VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo-flags-06591", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (Fragment stage) enables early fragment tests, but VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo::flags == "
return skip;
// For given pipelineLayout verify that the set_layout_node at slot.first
// has the requested binding at slot.second and return ptr to that binding
static VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding const *GetDescriptorBinding(vvl::PipelineLayout const *pipelineLayout, uint32_t set,
uint32_t binding) {
if (!pipelineLayout) return nullptr;
if (set >= pipelineLayout->set_layouts.size()) return nullptr;
return pipelineLayout->set_layouts[set]->GetDescriptorSetLayoutBindingPtrFromBinding(binding);
bool CoreChecks::ValidatePointSizeShaderState(const StageCreateInfo &create_info, const spirv::Module &module_state,
const spirv::EntryPoint &entrypoint, VkShaderStageFlagBits stage,
const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
// vkspec.html#primsrast-points describes which is the final stage that needs to check for points
// Vertex - Need to read input topology in pipeline
// Geo/Tess - Need to know the feature bit is on
// Mesh - are checked in spirv-val as they don't require any runtime information
if (!IsValueIn(stage,
return skip;
if (!create_info.pipeline) {
return skip;
const auto &pipeline = *create_info.pipeline;
const bool output_points = entrypoint.execution_mode.Has(spirv::ExecutionModeSet::output_points_bit);
const bool point_mode = entrypoint.execution_mode.Has(spirv::ExecutionModeSet::point_mode_bit);
const bool maintenance5 = enabled_features.maintenance5;
if (stage == VK_SHADER_STAGE_GEOMETRY_BIT && output_points) {
if (enabled_features.shaderTessellationAndGeometryPointSize && !entrypoint.written_builtin_point_size &&
entrypoint.emit_vertex_geometry && !maintenance5) {
skip |= LogError(
"VUID-VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo-shaderTessellationAndGeometryPointSize-08776", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (Geometry stage) PointSize is not written, but shaderTessellationAndGeometryPointSize was enabled.");
} else if (!enabled_features.shaderTessellationAndGeometryPointSize && entrypoint.written_builtin_point_size) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo-Geometry-07726", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (Geometry stage) PointSize is written to, but shaderTessellationAndGeometryPointSize was not "
"enabled (gl_PointSize must NOT be written and a default of 1.0 is assumed).");
((pipeline.create_info_shaders & VK_SHADER_STAGE_GEOMETRY_BIT) == 0) && point_mode) {
if (enabled_features.shaderTessellationAndGeometryPointSize && !entrypoint.written_builtin_point_size && !maintenance5) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo-TessellationEvaluation-07723", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (Tessellation Evaluation stage) PointSize is not written, but "
"shaderTessellationAndGeometryPointSize was enabled.");
} else if (!enabled_features.shaderTessellationAndGeometryPointSize && entrypoint.written_builtin_point_size) {
skip |=
LogError("VUID-VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo-TessellationEvaluation-07724", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (Tessellation Evaluation stage) PointSize is written to, shaderTessellationAndGeometryPointSize "
"was not enabled (gl_PointSize must NOT be written and a default of 1.0 is assumed).");
} else if (stage == VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT &&
0) &&
pipeline.topology_at_rasterizer == VK_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_POINT_LIST) {
const bool ignore_topology = pipeline.IsDynamic(VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY) &&
if (!entrypoint.written_builtin_point_size && !ignore_topology && !maintenance5) {
skip |= LogError(
"VUID-VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo-topology-08773", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (Vertex) PointSize is not written to, but Pipeline topology is set to VK_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_POINT_LIST.");
return skip;
bool CoreChecks::ValidatePrimitiveRateShaderState(const StageCreateInfo &create_info, const spirv::Module &module_state,
const spirv::EntryPoint &entrypoint, VkShaderStageFlagBits stage,
const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
if (!create_info.pipeline) {
return skip;
const auto &pipeline = *create_info.pipeline;
const auto viewport_state = pipeline.ViewportState();
if (!phys_dev_ext_props.fragment_shading_rate_props.primitiveFragmentShadingRateWithMultipleViewports &&
(pipeline.pipeline_type == VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS) && viewport_state) {
if (!pipeline.IsDynamic(VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT) && viewport_state->viewportCount > 1 &&
entrypoint.written_builtin_primitive_shading_rate_khr) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo-primitiveFragmentShadingRateWithMultipleViewports-04503",
module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (%s) statically writes to PrimitiveShadingRateKHR built-in, but "
"multiple viewports "
"are used and the primitiveFragmentShadingRateWithMultipleViewports limit is not supported.",
if (entrypoint.written_builtin_primitive_shading_rate_khr && entrypoint.written_builtin_viewport_index) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo-primitiveFragmentShadingRateWithMultipleViewports-04504",
module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (%s) statically writes to both PrimitiveShadingRateKHR and "
"ViewportIndex built-ins,"
"but the primitiveFragmentShadingRateWithMultipleViewports limit is not supported.",
if (entrypoint.written_builtin_primitive_shading_rate_khr && entrypoint.written_builtin_viewport_mask_nv) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo-primitiveFragmentShadingRateWithMultipleViewports-04505",
module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (%s) statically writes to both PrimitiveShadingRateKHR and "
"ViewportMaskNV built-ins,"
"but the primitiveFragmentShadingRateWithMultipleViewports limit is not supported.",
return skip;
bool CoreChecks::ValidateTransformFeedbackDecorations(const spirv::Module &module_state, const StageCreateInfo &create_info,
const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
std::vector<const spirv::Instruction *> xfb_streams;
std::vector<const spirv::Instruction *> xfb_buffers;
std::vector<const spirv::Instruction *> xfb_offsets;
for (const spirv::Instruction *op_decorate : module_state.static_data_.decoration_inst) {
uint32_t decoration = op_decorate->Word(2);
if (decoration == spv::DecorationXfbStride) {
uint32_t stride = op_decorate->Word(3);
if (stride > phys_dev_ext_props.transform_feedback_props.maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-XfbStride-06313", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V uses transform feedback with xfb_stride (%" PRIu32
") greater than maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride (%" PRIu32 ").",
stride, phys_dev_ext_props.transform_feedback_props.maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride);
if (decoration == spv::DecorationStream) {
uint32_t stream = op_decorate->Word(3);
if (stream >= phys_dev_ext_props.transform_feedback_props.maxTransformFeedbackStreams) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-Stream-06312", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V uses transform feedback with stream (%" PRIu32
") not less than maxTransformFeedbackStreams (%" PRIu32 ").",
stream, phys_dev_ext_props.transform_feedback_props.maxTransformFeedbackStreams);
if (decoration == spv::DecorationXfbBuffer) {
if (decoration == spv::DecorationOffset) {
// XfbBuffer, buffer data size
std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>> buffer_data_sizes;
for (const spirv::Instruction *op_decorate : xfb_offsets) {
for (const spirv::Instruction *xfb_buffer : xfb_buffers) {
if (xfb_buffer->Word(1) == op_decorate->Word(1)) {
const auto offset = op_decorate->Word(3);
const spirv::Instruction *def = module_state.FindDef(xfb_buffer->Word(1));
const auto size = module_state.GetTypeBytesSize(def);
const uint32_t buffer_data_size = offset + size;
if (buffer_data_size > phys_dev_ext_props.transform_feedback_props.maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataSize) {
skip |= LogError(
"VUID-RuntimeSpirv-Offset-06308", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V uses transform feedback with xfb_offset (%" PRIu32 ") + size of variable (%" PRIu32
") greater than VkPhysicalDeviceTransformFeedbackPropertiesEXT::maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataSize "
"(%" PRIu32 ").",
offset, size, phys_dev_ext_props.transform_feedback_props.maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataSize);
bool found = false;
for (auto &bds : buffer_data_sizes) {
if (bds.first == xfb_buffer->Word(1)) {
bds.second = std::max(bds.second, buffer_data_size);
found = true;
if (!found) {
buffer_data_sizes.emplace_back(xfb_buffer->Word(1), buffer_data_size);
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint32_t> stream_data_size;
for (const spirv::Instruction *xfb_stream : xfb_streams) {
for (const auto &bds : buffer_data_sizes) {
if (xfb_stream->Word(1) == bds.first) {
uint32_t stream = xfb_stream->Word(3);
const auto itr = stream_data_size.find(stream);
if (itr != stream_data_size.end()) {
itr->second += bds.second;
} else {
stream_data_size.insert({stream, bds.second});
for (const auto &stream : stream_data_size) {
if (stream.second > phys_dev_ext_props.transform_feedback_props.maxTransformFeedbackStreamDataSize) {
skip |= LogError(
"VUID-RuntimeSpirv-XfbBuffer-06309", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V uses transform feedback with stream (%" PRIu32 ") having the sum of buffer data sizes (%" PRIu32
") not less than VkPhysicalDeviceTransformFeedbackPropertiesEXT::maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataSize "
"(%" PRIu32 ").",
stream.first, stream.second, phys_dev_ext_props.transform_feedback_props.maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataSize);
return skip;
bool CoreChecks::ValidateWorkgroupSharedMemory(const spirv::Module &module_state, VkShaderStageFlagBits stage,
uint32_t total_workgroup_shared_memory, const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
// If not found before with spec constants, find here
if (total_workgroup_shared_memory == 0) {
total_workgroup_shared_memory = module_state.CalculateWorkgroupSharedMemory();
switch (stage) {
if (total_workgroup_shared_memory > phys_dev_props.limits.maxComputeSharedMemorySize) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-Workgroup-06530", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V uses %" PRIu32
" bytes of shared memory, which is more than maxComputeSharedMemorySize (%" PRIu32 ").",
total_workgroup_shared_memory, phys_dev_props.limits.maxComputeSharedMemorySize);
if (total_workgroup_shared_memory > phys_dev_ext_props.mesh_shader_props_ext.maxMeshSharedMemorySize) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-maxMeshSharedMemorySize-08754", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V uses %" PRIu32
" bytes of shared memory, which is more than maxMeshSharedMemorySize (%" PRIu32 ").",
total_workgroup_shared_memory, phys_dev_ext_props.mesh_shader_props_ext.maxMeshSharedMemorySize);
if (total_workgroup_shared_memory > phys_dev_ext_props.mesh_shader_props_ext.maxTaskSharedMemorySize) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-maxTaskSharedMemorySize-08759", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V uses %" PRIu32
" bytes of shared memory, which is more than maxTaskSharedMemorySize (%" PRIu32 ").",
total_workgroup_shared_memory, phys_dev_ext_props.mesh_shader_props_ext.maxTaskSharedMemorySize);
assert(false); // other stages should not have called this function
return skip;
// Temporary data of a OpVariable when validating it.
// If found useful in another location, can move out to the header
struct VariableInstInfo {
bool has_8bit = false;
bool has_16bit = false;
// easier to use recursion to traverse the OpTypeStruct
static void GetVariableInfo(const spirv::Module &module_state, const spirv::Instruction *insn, VariableInstInfo &info) {
if (!insn) {
} else if (insn->Opcode() == spv::OpTypeFloat || insn->Opcode() == spv::OpTypeInt) {
const uint32_t bit_width = insn->Word(2);
info.has_8bit |= (bit_width == 8);
info.has_16bit |= (bit_width == 16);
} else if (insn->Opcode() == spv::OpTypeStruct) {
for (uint32_t i = 2; i < insn->Length(); i++) {
const spirv::Instruction *base_insn = module_state.GetBaseTypeInstruction(insn->Word(i));
GetVariableInfo(module_state, base_insn, info);
bool CoreChecks::ValidateVariables(const spirv::Module &module_state, const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
for (const spirv::Instruction *insn : module_state.static_data_.variable_inst) {
const uint32_t storage_class = insn->StorageClass();
if (storage_class == spv::StorageClassWorkgroup) {
// If Workgroup variable is initalized, make sure the feature is enabled
if (insn->Length() > 4 && !enabled_features.shaderZeroInitializeWorkgroupMemory) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-shaderZeroInitializeWorkgroupMemory-06372", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V contains an OpVariable with Workgroup Storage Class with an Initializer operand, but "
"shaderZeroInitializeWorkgroupMemory was not enabled.\n%s\n.",
const spirv::Instruction *type_pointer = module_state.FindDef(insn->Word(1));
const spirv::Instruction *type = module_state.FindDef(type_pointer->Word(3));
// type will either be a float, int, or struct and if struct need to traverse it
VariableInstInfo info;
GetVariableInfo(module_state, type, info);
if (info.has_8bit) {
if (!enabled_features.storageBuffer8BitAccess &&
(storage_class == spv::StorageClassStorageBuffer || storage_class == spv::StorageClassShaderRecordBufferKHR ||
storage_class == spv::StorageClassPhysicalStorageBuffer)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-storageBuffer8BitAccess-06328", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V contains an 8-bit "
"OpVariable with %s Storage Class, but storageBuffer8BitAccess was not enabled.\n%s\n",
string_SpvStorageClass(storage_class), insn->Describe().c_str());
if (!enabled_features.uniformAndStorageBuffer8BitAccess && storage_class == spv::StorageClassUniform) {
skip |= LogError(
"VUID-RuntimeSpirv-uniformAndStorageBuffer8BitAccess-06329", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V contains an "
"8-bit OpVariable with Uniform Storage Class, but uniformAndStorageBuffer8BitAccess was not enabled.\n%s\n",
if (!enabled_features.storagePushConstant8 && storage_class == spv::StorageClassPushConstant) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-storagePushConstant8-06330", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V contains an 8-bit "
"OpVariable with PushConstant Storage Class, but storagePushConstant8 was not enabled.\n%s\n",
if (info.has_16bit) {
if (!enabled_features.storageBuffer16BitAccess &&
(storage_class == spv::StorageClassStorageBuffer || storage_class == spv::StorageClassShaderRecordBufferKHR ||
storage_class == spv::StorageClassPhysicalStorageBuffer)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-storageBuffer16BitAccess-06331", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V contains an 16-bit "
"OpVariable with %s Storage Class, but storageBuffer16BitAccess was not enabled.\n%s\n",
string_SpvStorageClass(storage_class), insn->Describe().c_str());
if (!enabled_features.uniformAndStorageBuffer16BitAccess && storage_class == spv::StorageClassUniform) {
skip |= LogError(
"VUID-RuntimeSpirv-uniformAndStorageBuffer16BitAccess-06332", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V contains an "
"16-bit OpVariable with Uniform Storage Class, but uniformAndStorageBuffer16BitAccess was not enabled.\n%s\n",
if (!enabled_features.storagePushConstant16 && storage_class == spv::StorageClassPushConstant) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-storagePushConstant16-06333", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V contains an 16-bit "
"OpVariable with PushConstant Storage Class, but storagePushConstant16 was not enabled.\n%s\n",
if (!enabled_features.storageInputOutput16 &&
(storage_class == spv::StorageClassInput || storage_class == spv::StorageClassOutput)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-storageInputOutput16-06334", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V contains an 16-bit "
"OpVariable with %s Storage Class, but storageInputOutput16 was not enabled.\n%s\n",
string_SpvStorageClass(storage_class), insn->Describe().c_str());
// Checks based off shaderStorageImage(Read|Write)WithoutFormat are
// disabled if VK_KHR_format_feature_flags2 is supported.
// The other checks need to take into account the format features and so
// we apply that in the descriptor set matching validation code (see
// descriptor_sets.cpp).
if (!has_format_feature2) {
skip |= ValidateShaderStorageImageFormatsVariables(module_state, insn, loc);
return skip;
bool CoreChecks::ValidateShaderDescriptorVariable(const spirv::Module &module_state, const StageCreateInfo &stage_create_info,
const spirv::EntryPoint &entrypoint, const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
if (!stage_create_info.pipeline) {
return skip;
const auto &pipeline = *stage_create_info.pipeline;
std::string vuid_07988;
std::string vuid_07990;
std::string vuid_07991;
switch (pipeline.GetCreateInfoSType()) {
vuid_07988 = "VUID-VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo-layout-07988";
vuid_07990 = "VUID-VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo-layout-07990";
vuid_07991 = "VUID-VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo-layout-07991";
vuid_07988 = "VUID-VkComputePipelineCreateInfo-layout-07988";
vuid_07990 = "VUID-VkComputePipelineCreateInfo-layout-07990";
vuid_07991 = "VUID-VkComputePipelineCreateInfo-layout-07991";
vuid_07988 = "VUID-VkRayTracingPipelineCreateInfoKHR-layout-07988";
vuid_07990 = "VUID-VkRayTracingPipelineCreateInfoKHR-layout-07990";
vuid_07991 = "VUID-VkRayTracingPipelineCreateInfoKHR-layout-07991";
vuid_07988 = "VUID-VkRayTracingPipelineCreateInfoNV-layout-07988";
vuid_07990 = "VUID-VkRayTracingPipelineCreateInfoNV-layout-07990";
vuid_07991 = "VUID-VkRayTracingPipelineCreateInfoNV-layout-07991";
for (const auto &variable : entrypoint.resource_interface_variables) {
const auto &binding =
GetDescriptorBinding(pipeline.PipelineLayoutState().get(), variable.decorations.set, variable.decorations.binding);
uint32_t required_descriptor_count = 1;
const bool is_khr = binding && binding->descriptorType == VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_KHR;
vvl::unordered_set<uint32_t> descriptor_type_set;
TypeToDescriptorTypeSet(module_state, variable.type_id, required_descriptor_count, descriptor_type_set, is_khr);
if (!binding) {
const LogObjectList objlist(module_state.handle(), pipeline.PipelineLayoutState()->layout());
skip |= LogError(vuid_07988, objlist, loc,
"SPIR-V (%s) uses descriptor slot [Set %" PRIu32 " Binding %" PRIu32
"] (type `%s`) but was not declared in the pipeline layout.",
string_VkShaderStageFlagBits(variable.stage), variable.decorations.set, variable.decorations.binding,
} else if (~binding->stageFlags & variable.stage) {
const LogObjectList objlist(module_state.handle(), pipeline.PipelineLayoutState()->layout());
skip |= LogError(vuid_07988, objlist, loc,
"SPIR-V (%s) uses descriptor slot [Set %" PRIu32 " Binding %" PRIu32
"] (type `%s`) but the VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding::stageFlags was %s.",
string_VkShaderStageFlagBits(variable.stage), variable.decorations.set, variable.decorations.binding,
} else if ((binding->descriptorType != VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_MUTABLE_EXT) &&
(descriptor_type_set.find(binding->descriptorType) == descriptor_type_set.end())) {
const LogObjectList objlist(module_state.handle(), pipeline.PipelineLayoutState()->layout());
skip |=
LogError(vuid_07990, objlist, loc,
"SPIR-V (%s) uses descriptor slot [Set %" PRIu32 " Binding %" PRIu32 "] of type %s but expected %s.",
string_VkShaderStageFlagBits(variable.stage), variable.decorations.set, variable.decorations.binding,
string_VkDescriptorType(binding->descriptorType), string_DescriptorTypeSet(descriptor_type_set).c_str());
} else if (binding->descriptorCount < required_descriptor_count) {
const LogObjectList objlist(module_state.handle(), pipeline.PipelineLayoutState()->layout());
skip |= LogError(vuid_07991, objlist, loc,
"SPIR-V (%s) uses descriptor slot [Set %" PRIu32 " Binding %" PRIu32 "] with %" PRIu32
" descriptors, but requires at least %" PRIu32 ".",
string_VkShaderStageFlagBits(variable.stage), variable.decorations.set, variable.decorations.binding,
binding->descriptorCount, required_descriptor_count);
if ((variable.is_storage_image || variable.is_storage_texel_buffer || variable.is_storage_buffer) &&
!variable.decorations.Has(spirv::DecorationSet::nonwritable_bit)) {
switch (variable.stage) {
if (!enabled_features.fragmentStoresAndAtomics) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-NonWritable-06340", module_state.handle(), loc,
"fragmentStoresAndAtomics was not enabled");
if (!enabled_features.fragmentStoresAndAtomics) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-NonWritable-06341", module_state.handle(), loc,
"vertexPipelineStoresAndAtomics was not enabled");
// No feature requirements for writes and atomics for other stages
if (variable.decorations.Has(spirv::DecorationSet::input_attachment_bit)) {
skip |= ValidateShaderInputAttachment(module_state, pipeline, variable, loc);
return skip;
bool CoreChecks::ValidateTransformFeedback(const spirv::Module &module_state, const spirv::EntryPoint &entrypoint,
const StageCreateInfo &create_info, const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
if (create_info.pipeline) {
const bool is_xfb_execution_mode = entrypoint.execution_mode.Has(spirv::ExecutionModeSet::xfb_bit);
if (is_xfb_execution_mode) {
if ((create_info.pipeline->create_info_shaders & (VK_SHADER_STAGE_MESH_BIT_EXT | VK_SHADER_STAGE_TASK_BIT_EXT)) != 0) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo-None-02322", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V has OpExecutionMode of Xfb and using mesh shaders (%s).",
if (create_info.pipeline->pre_raster_state &&
(entrypoint.stage != create_info.pipeline->pre_raster_state->last_stage)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo-pStages-02318", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V has OpExecutionMode of Xfb in %s, but %s is the last last pre-rasterization shader stage.",
if (!enabled_features.transformFeedback) {
return skip; // most apps will not use transform feedback, so only check if enabled
skip |= ValidateTransformFeedbackDecorations(module_state, create_info, loc);
if (entrypoint.stage != VK_SHADER_STAGE_GEOMETRY_BIT) {
return skip; // GeometryStreams are only used in Geomtry Shaders
if (create_info.pipeline && create_info.pipeline->pre_raster_state &&
(create_info.pipeline->create_info_shaders & VK_SHADER_STAGE_GEOMETRY_BIT) != 0 &&
module_state.HasCapability(spv::CapabilityGeometryStreams) && !enabled_features.geometryStreams) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo-geometryStreams-02321", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V uses GeometryStreams capability, but "
"VkPhysicalDeviceTransformFeedbackFeaturesEXT::geometryStreams is not enabled.");
vvl::unordered_set<uint32_t> emitted_streams;
for (const spirv::Instruction *insn : module_state.static_data_.transform_feedback_stream_inst) {
const uint32_t opcode = insn->Opcode();
if (opcode == spv::OpEmitStreamVertex) {
if (opcode == spv::OpEmitStreamVertex || opcode == spv::OpEndStreamPrimitive) {
uint32_t stream = module_state.GetConstantValueById(insn->Word(1));
if (stream >= phys_dev_ext_props.transform_feedback_props.maxTransformFeedbackStreams) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-OpEmitStreamVertex-06310", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V uses transform feedback stream\n%s\nwith index %" PRIu32
", which is not less than maxTransformFeedbackStreams (%" PRIu32 ").",
insn->Describe().c_str(), stream,
const bool output_points = entrypoint.execution_mode.Has(spirv::ExecutionModeSet::output_points_bit);
const uint32_t emitted_streams_size = static_cast<uint32_t>(emitted_streams.size());
if (emitted_streams_size > 1 && !output_points &&
phys_dev_ext_props.transform_feedback_props.transformFeedbackStreamsLinesTriangles == VK_FALSE) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-transformFeedbackStreamsLinesTriangles-06311", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V emits to %" PRIu32
" vertex streams and transformFeedbackStreamsLinesTriangles "
"is VK_FALSE, but execution mode is not OutputPoints.",
return skip;
// Checks for both TexelOffset and TexelGatherOffset limits
bool CoreChecks::ValidateTexelOffsetLimits(const spirv::Module &module_state, const spirv::Instruction &insn,
const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
const uint32_t opcode = insn.Opcode();
if (!ImageGatherOperation(opcode) && !ImageSampleOperation(opcode) && !ImageFetchOperation(opcode)) {
return false;
uint32_t image_operand_position = OpcodeImageOperandsPosition(opcode);
// Image operands can be optional
if (image_operand_position == 0 || insn.Length() <= image_operand_position) {
return false;
auto image_operand = insn.Word(image_operand_position);
// Bits we are validating (sample/fetch only check ConstOffset)
uint32_t offset_bits =
? (spv::ImageOperandsOffsetMask | spv::ImageOperandsConstOffsetMask | spv::ImageOperandsConstOffsetsMask)
: (spv::ImageOperandsConstOffsetMask);
if ((image_operand & offset_bits) == 0) {
return false;
// Operand values follow
uint32_t index = image_operand_position + 1;
// Each bit has it's own operand, starts with the smallest set bit and loop to the highest bit among
// ImageOperandsOffsetMask, ImageOperandsConstOffsetMask and ImageOperandsConstOffsetsMask
for (uint32_t i = 1; i < spv::ImageOperandsConstOffsetsMask; i <<= 1) {
if ((image_operand & i) == 0) {
// If the bit is set, consume operand
if (insn.Length() > index && (i & offset_bits)) {
uint32_t constant_id = insn.Word(index);
const spirv::Instruction *constant = module_state.FindDef(constant_id);
const bool is_dynamic_offset = constant == nullptr;
if (!is_dynamic_offset && constant->Opcode() == spv::OpConstantComposite) {
for (uint32_t j = 3; j < constant->Length(); ++j) {
uint32_t comp_id = constant->Word(j);
const spirv::Instruction *comp = module_state.FindDef(comp_id);
const spirv::Instruction *comp_type = module_state.FindDef(comp->Word(1));
// Get operand value
const uint32_t offset = comp->Word(3);
// spec requires minTexelGatherOffset/minTexelOffset to be -8 or less so never can compare if
// unsigned spec requires maxTexelGatherOffset/maxTexelOffset to be 7 or greater so never can
// compare if signed is less then zero
const int32_t signed_offset = static_cast<int32_t>(offset);
const bool use_signed = (comp_type->Opcode() == spv::OpTypeInt && comp_type->Word(3) != 0);
// There are 2 sets of VU being covered where the only main difference is the opcode
if (ImageGatherOperation(opcode)) {
// min/maxTexelGatherOffset
if (use_signed && (signed_offset < phys_dev_props.limits.minTexelGatherOffset)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-OpImage-06376", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V uses\n%s\nwith offset (%" PRId32
") less than VkPhysicalDeviceLimits::minTexelGatherOffset (%" PRId32 ").",
insn.Describe().c_str(), signed_offset, phys_dev_props.limits.minTexelGatherOffset);
} else if ((offset > phys_dev_props.limits.maxTexelGatherOffset) &&
(!use_signed || (use_signed && signed_offset > 0))) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-OpImage-06377", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V uses\n%s\nwith offset (%" PRIu32
") greater than VkPhysicalDeviceLimits::maxTexelGatherOffset (%" PRIu32 ").",
insn.Describe().c_str(), offset, phys_dev_props.limits.maxTexelGatherOffset);
} else {
// min/maxTexelOffset
if (use_signed && (signed_offset < phys_dev_props.limits.minTexelOffset)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-OpImageSample-06435", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V uses\n%s\nwith offset (%" PRId32
") less than VkPhysicalDeviceLimits::minTexelOffset (%" PRId32 ").",
insn.Describe().c_str(), signed_offset, phys_dev_props.limits.minTexelOffset);
} else if ((offset > phys_dev_props.limits.maxTexelOffset) &&
(!use_signed || (use_signed && signed_offset > 0))) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-OpImageSample-06436", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V uses\n%s\nwith offset (%" PRIu32
") greater than VkPhysicalDeviceLimits::maxTexelOffset (%" PRIu32 ").",
insn.Describe().c_str(), offset, phys_dev_props.limits.maxTexelOffset);
index += ImageOperandsParamCount(i);
return skip;
bool CoreChecks::ValidateShaderClock(const spirv::Module &module_state, const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
for (const spirv::Instruction *group_inst : module_state.static_data_.read_clock_inst) {
const spirv::Instruction &insn = *group_inst;
const spirv::Instruction *scope_id = module_state.FindDef(insn.Word(3));
auto scope_type = scope_id->Word(3);
// if scope isn't Subgroup or Device, spirv-val will catch
if ((scope_type == spv::ScopeSubgroup) && (enabled_features.shaderSubgroupClock == VK_FALSE)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-shaderSubgroupClock-06267", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V uses\n%s\nwith a Subgroup scope but shaderSubgroupClock was not enabled.",
} else if ((scope_type == spv::ScopeDevice) && (enabled_features.shaderDeviceClock == VK_FALSE)) {
skip |=
LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-shaderDeviceClock-06268", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V uses\n%s\nwith a Device scope but shaderDeviceClock was not enabled.", insn.Describe().c_str());
return skip;
bool CoreChecks::ValidateImageWrite(const spirv::Module &module_state, const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
for (const auto &image_write : module_state.static_data_.image_write_load_id_map) {
const spirv::Instruction &insn = *image_write.first;
// guaranteed by spirv-val to be an OpTypeImage
const uint32_t image = module_state.GetTypeId(image_write.second);
const spirv::Instruction *image_def = module_state.FindDef(image);
const uint32_t image_format = image_def->Word(8);
// If format is 'Unknown' then need to wait until a descriptor is bound to it
if (image_format != spv::ImageFormatUnknown) {
const VkFormat compatible_format = CompatibleSpirvImageFormat(image_format);
if (compatible_format != VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED) {
const uint32_t format_component_count = vkuFormatComponentCount(compatible_format);
const uint32_t texel_component_count = module_state.GetTexelComponentCount(insn);
if (texel_component_count < format_component_count) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-OpImageWrite-07112", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V OpImageWrite Texel operand only contains %" PRIu32
" components, but the OpImage format mapping to %s has %" PRIu32 " components.\n%s\n%s\n",
texel_component_count, string_VkFormat(compatible_format), format_component_count,
insn.Describe().c_str(), image_def->Describe().c_str());
return skip;
static const std::string GetShaderTileImageCapabilitiesString(const spirv::Module &module_state) {
struct SpvCapabilityWithString {
const spv::Capability cap;
const std::string cap_string;
// Shader tile image capabilities
static const std::array<SpvCapabilityWithString, 3> shader_tile_image_capabilities = {
{{spv::CapabilityTileImageColorReadAccessEXT, "TileImageColorReadAccessEXT"},
{spv::CapabilityTileImageDepthReadAccessEXT, "TileImageDepthReadAccessEXT"},
{spv::CapabilityTileImageStencilReadAccessEXT, "TileImageStencilReadAccessEXT"}}};
std::stringstream ss_capabilities;
for (auto spv_capability : shader_tile_image_capabilities) {
if (module_state.HasCapability(spv_capability.cap)) {
if (ss_capabilities.tellp()) ss_capabilities << ", ";
ss_capabilities << spv_capability.cap_string;
return ss_capabilities.str();
bool CoreChecks::ValidateShaderTileImage(const spirv::Module &module_state, const spirv::EntryPoint &entrypoint,
const StageCreateInfo &create_info, const VkShaderStageFlagBits stage,
const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
if ((stage != VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT) || !IsExtEnabled(device_extensions.vk_ext_shader_tile_image)) {
return skip;
const bool using_tile_image_capability = module_state.HasCapability(spv::CapabilityTileImageColorReadAccessEXT) ||
module_state.HasCapability(spv::CapabilityTileImageDepthReadAccessEXT) ||
if (!using_tile_image_capability) {
// None of the capabilities exist.
return skip;
if (create_info.pipeline) {
const auto &pipeline = *create_info.pipeline;
if (pipeline.GetCreateInfo<VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo>().renderPass != VK_NULL_HANDLE) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo-renderPass-08710", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (Fragment stage) is using capabilities (%s), but renderpass (%s) is not VK_NULL_HANDLE.",
const bool mode_early_fragment_test = entrypoint.execution_mode.Has(spirv::ExecutionModeSet::early_fragment_test_bit);
if (module_state.static_data_.has_shader_tile_image_depth_read) {
const auto *ds_state = pipeline.DepthStencilState();
const bool write_enabled =
!pipeline.IsDynamic(VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_DEPTH_WRITE_ENABLE) && (ds_state && ds_state->depthWriteEnable);
if (mode_early_fragment_test && write_enabled) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo-pStages-08711", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (Fragment stage) contains OpDepthAttachmentReadEXT, and depthWriteEnable is not false.");
if (module_state.static_data_.has_shader_tile_image_stencil_read) {
const auto *ds_state = pipeline.DepthStencilState();
const bool is_write_mask_set = !pipeline.IsDynamic(VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_STENCIL_WRITE_MASK) &&
(ds_state && (ds_state->front.writeMask != 0 || ds_state->back.writeMask != 0));
if (mode_early_fragment_test && is_write_mask_set) {
skip |= LogError(
"VUID-VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo-pStages-08712", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (Fragment stage) contains OpStencilAttachmentReadEXT, and stencil write mask is not equal to 0 for "
"both front(%" PRIu32 ") and back (%" PRIu32 ").",
ds_state->front.writeMask, ds_state->back.writeMask);
bool using_tile_image_op = module_state.static_data_.has_shader_tile_image_depth_read ||
module_state.static_data_.has_shader_tile_image_stencil_read ||
const auto *ms_state = pipeline.MultisampleState();
if (using_tile_image_op && ms_state && ms_state->sampleShadingEnable && (ms_state->minSampleShading != 1.0)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-minSampleShading-08732", module_state.handle(), loc,
"minSampleShading (%f) is not equal to 1.0.", ms_state->minSampleShading);
if (module_state.static_data_.has_shader_tile_image_depth_read && !enabled_features.shaderTileImageDepthReadAccess) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-shaderTileImageDepthReadAccess-08729", module_state.handle(), loc,
"shaderTileImageDepthReadAccess was not enabled");
if (module_state.static_data_.has_shader_tile_image_stencil_read && !enabled_features.shaderTileImageStencilReadAccess) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-shaderTileImageStencilReadAccess-08730", module_state.handle(), loc,
"shaderTileImageStencilReadAccess was not enabled");
if (module_state.static_data_.has_shader_tile_image_color_read && !enabled_features.shaderTileImageColorReadAccess) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-shaderTileImageColorReadAccess-08728", module_state.handle(), loc,
"shaderTileImageColorReadAccess was not enabled");
return skip;
// Function to get the VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo from the various pipeline types
bool CoreChecks::ValidatePipelineShaderStage(const StageCreateInfo &stage_create_info, const PipelineStageState &stage_state,
const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
const VkShaderStageFlagBits stage = stage_state.GetStage();
// First validate all things that don't require valid SPIR-V
// this is found when using VK_EXT_shader_module_identifier
skip |= ValidateShaderSubgroupSizeControl(stage_create_info, stage, stage_state, loc);
skip |= ValidateSpecializations(stage_state.GetSpecializationInfo(), stage_create_info,;
skip |= ValidateShaderStageMaxResources(stage, stage_create_info, loc);
if (const auto *pipeline_robustness_info =
pipeline_robustness_info) {
skip |= ValidatePipelineRobustnessCreateInfo(*stage_create_info.pipeline, *pipeline_robustness_info, loc);
if ((stage_create_info.pipeline && stage_create_info.pipeline->uses_shader_module_id) || !stage_state.spirv_state) {
return skip; // these edge cases should be validated already
if (!stage_state.entrypoint) {
const char *vuid = stage_create_info.pipeline ? "VUID-VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo-pName-00707"
: "VUID-VkShaderCreateInfoEXT-pName-08440";
return LogError(vuid, device,, "`%s` entrypoint not found for stage %s.", stage_state.GetPName(),
const spirv::Module &module_state = *stage_state.spirv_state.get();
const spirv::EntryPoint &entrypoint = *stage_state.entrypoint;
// to prevent const_cast on pipeline object, just store here as not needed outside function anyway
uint32_t local_size_x = 0;
uint32_t local_size_y = 0;
uint32_t local_size_z = 0;
uint32_t total_workgroup_shared_memory = 0;
// If specialization-constant instructions are present in the shader, the specializations should be applied.
if (module_state.static_data_.has_specialization_constants) {
// both spirv-opt and spirv-val will use the same flags
spvtools::ValidatorOptions options;
AdjustValidatorOptions(device_extensions, enabled_features, options);
// setup the call back if the optimizer fails
spv_target_env spirv_environment = PickSpirvEnv(api_version, IsExtEnabled(device_extensions.vk_khr_spirv_1_4));
spvtools::Optimizer optimizer(spirv_environment);
spvtools::MessageConsumer consumer = [&skip, &module_state, &stage, loc, this](
spv_message_level_t level, const char *source, const spv_position_t &position,
const char *message) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo-module-parameter", device, loc,
"%s failed in spirv-opt because it does not contain valid spirv for stage %s. %s",
FormatHandle(module_state.handle()).c_str(), string_VkShaderStageFlagBits(stage), message);
// The app might be using the default spec constant values, but if they pass values at runtime to the pipeline then need to
// use those values to apply to the spec constants
auto const &specialization_info = stage_state.GetSpecializationInfo();
if (specialization_info != nullptr && specialization_info->mapEntryCount > 0 &&
specialization_info->pMapEntries != nullptr) {
// Gather the specialization-constant values.
auto const &specialization_data = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t const *>(specialization_info->pData);
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::vector<uint32_t>> id_value_map; // note: this must be std:: to work with spvtools
// spirv-val makes sure every OpSpecConstant has a OpDecoration.
for (const auto &itr : module_state.static_data_.id_to_spec_id) {
const uint32_t spec_id = itr.second;
VkSpecializationMapEntry map_entry = {spirv::kInvalidValue, 0, 0};
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < specialization_info->mapEntryCount; i++) {
if (specialization_info->pMapEntries[i].constantID == spec_id) {
map_entry = specialization_info->pMapEntries[i];
// "If a constantID value is not a specialization constant ID used in the shader, that map entry does not affect the
// behavior of the pipeline."
if (map_entry.constantID == spirv::kInvalidValue) {
uint32_t spec_const_size = spirv::kInvalidValue;
const spirv::Instruction *def_insn = module_state.FindDef(itr.first);
const spirv::Instruction *type_insn = module_state.FindDef(def_insn->Word(1));
// Specialization constants can only be of type bool, scalar integer, or scalar floating point
switch (type_insn->Opcode()) {
case spv::OpTypeBool:
// "If the specialization constant is of type boolean, size must be the byte size of VkBool32"
spec_const_size = sizeof(VkBool32);
case spv::OpTypeInt:
case spv::OpTypeFloat:
spec_const_size = type_insn->Word(2) / 8;
// spirv-val should catch if SpecId is not used on a
// OpSpecConstantTrue/OpSpecConstantFalse/OpSpecConstant and OpSpecConstant is validated to be a
// OpTypeInt or OpTypeFloat
if (map_entry.size != spec_const_size) {
std::stringstream name;
if (module_state.handle()) {
name << "shader module " << module_state.handle();
} else {
name << "shader object";
skip |= LogError("VUID-VkSpecializationMapEntry-constantID-00776", device, loc,
"specialization constant (ID = %" PRIu32 ", entry = %" PRIu32
") has invalid size %zu in %s. Expected size is %" PRIu32 " from shader definition.",
map_entry.constantID, spec_id, map_entry.size, FormatHandle(module_state.handle()).c_str(),
if ((map_entry.offset + map_entry.size) <= specialization_info->dataSize) {
// Allocate enough room for ceil(map_entry.size / 4) to store entries
std::vector<uint32_t> entry_data((map_entry.size + 4 - 1) / 4, 0);
uint8_t *out_p = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(;
const uint8_t *const start_in_p = specialization_data + map_entry.offset;
const uint8_t *const end_in_p = start_in_p + map_entry.size;
std::copy(start_in_p, end_in_p, out_p);
id_value_map.emplace(map_entry.constantID, std::move(entry_data));
// This pass takes the runtime spec const values and applies it into the SPIR-V
// will turn a spec constant like
// OpSpecConstant %uint 1
// to a use the value passed in instead (for example if the value is 32) so now it looks like
// OpSpecConstant %uint 32
// This pass will turn OpSpecConstant into a OpConstant (also OpSpecConstantTrue/OpSpecConstantFalse)
// Using the new frozen OpConstant all OpSpecConstantComposite can be resolved turning them into OpConstantComposite
// This is need incase a shdaer looks like:
// layout(constant_id = 0) const uint x = 64;
// shared uint arr[x > 64 ? 64 : x];
// this will generate branch/switch statements that we want to leverage spirv-opt to apply to make parsing easier
// Apply the specialization-constant values and revalidate the shader module is valid.
std::vector<uint32_t> specialized_spirv;
auto const optimized =
optimizer.Run(, module_state.words_.size(), &specialized_spirv, options, true);
if (optimized) {
spv_context ctx = spvContextCreate(spirv_environment);
spv_const_binary_t binary{, specialized_spirv.size()};
spv_diagnostic diag = nullptr;
auto const spv_valid = spvValidateWithOptions(ctx, options, &binary, &diag);
if (spv_valid != SPV_SUCCESS) {
const char *vuid = stage_create_info.pipeline ? "VUID-VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo-pSpecializationInfo-06849"
: "VUID-VkShaderCreateInfoEXT-pCode-08460";
std::string name = stage_create_info.pipeline ? FormatHandle(module_state.handle()) : "shader object";
skip |= LogError(vuid, device, loc,
"After specialization was applied, %s produces a spirv-val error (stage %s):\n%s", name.c_str(),
string_VkShaderStageFlagBits(stage), diag && diag->error ? diag->error : "(no error text)");
// The new optimized SPIR-V will NOT match the original spirv::Module object parsing, so a new spirv::Module
// object is needed. This an issue due to each pipeline being able to reuse the same shader module but with different
// spec constant values.
spirv::Module spec_mod(vvl::make_span<const uint32_t>(, specialized_spirv.size()));
// According to anything labeled as "static use" (such as if an
// input is used or not) don't have to be checked post spec constants freezing since the device compiler is not
// guaranteed to run things such as dead-code elimination. The following checks are things that don't follow under
// "static use" rules and need to be validated still.
const auto spec_entrypoint = spec_mod.FindEntrypoint(, entrypoint.stage);
assert(spec_entrypoint); // spirv-opt won't change Entrypoint Name/stage
spec_mod.FindLocalSize(*spec_entrypoint, local_size_x, local_size_y, local_size_z);
total_workgroup_shared_memory = spec_mod.CalculateWorkgroupSharedMemory();
} else {
// Should never get here, but better then asserting
const char *vuid = stage_create_info.pipeline ? "VUID-VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo-pSpecializationInfo-06849"
: "VUID-VkShaderCreateInfoEXT-pCode-08460";
skip |= LogError(vuid, device, loc,
"%s shader (stage %s) attempted to apply specialization constants with spirv-opt but failed.",
FormatHandle(module_state.handle()).c_str(), string_VkShaderStageFlagBits(stage));
if (skip) {
return skip; // if spec constants have errors, can produce false positives later
// Validate descriptor set layout against what the entrypoint actually uses
// The following tries to limit the number of passes through the shader module. The validation passes in here are "stateless"
// and mainly only checking the instruction in detail for a single operation
for (const spirv::Instruction &insn : module_state.GetInstructions()) {
skip |= ValidateTexelOffsetLimits(module_state, insn, loc);
skip |= ValidateShaderCapabilitiesAndExtensions(insn, stage_create_info.pipeline, loc);
skip |= ValidateMemoryScope(module_state, insn, loc);
skip |= ValidateTransformFeedback(module_state, entrypoint, stage_create_info, loc);
skip |= ValidateShaderStageInputOutputLimits(module_state, stage, entrypoint, loc);
skip |= ValidateAtomicsTypes(module_state, loc);
skip |= ValidateShaderStageGroupNonUniform(module_state, stage, loc);
skip |= ValidateShaderClock(module_state, loc);
skip |= ValidateShaderTileImage(module_state, entrypoint, stage_create_info, stage, loc);
skip |= ValidateImageWrite(module_state, loc);
skip |= ValidateExecutionModes(module_state, entrypoint, stage, stage_create_info, loc);
skip |= ValidateVariables(module_state, loc);
skip |= ValidatePointSizeShaderState(stage_create_info, module_state, entrypoint, stage, loc);
skip |= ValidateBuiltinLimits(module_state, entrypoint, stage_create_info, loc);
skip |= ValidatePrimitiveTopology(module_state, entrypoint, stage_create_info, loc);
if (enabled_features.cooperativeMatrix) {
skip |= ValidateCooperativeMatrix(module_state, entrypoint, stage_state, local_size_x, loc);
if (enabled_features.primitiveFragmentShadingRate) {
skip |= ValidatePrimitiveRateShaderState(stage_create_info, module_state, entrypoint, stage, loc);
if (IsExtEnabled(device_extensions.vk_qcom_render_pass_shader_resolve)) {
skip |= ValidateShaderResolveQCOM(module_state, stage, stage_create_info, loc);
if (stage_create_info.pipeline) {
stage_create_info.pipeline->GetCreateInfo<VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo>().renderPass == VK_NULL_HANDLE &&
module_state.HasCapability(spv::CapabilityInputAttachment)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo-renderPass-06061", device, loc,
"is being created with fragment shader state and renderPass = VK_NULL_HANDLE, but fragment "
"shader includes InputAttachment capability.");
// If spec constants were used then the local size are already found if possible
if (local_size_x == 0) {
module_state.FindLocalSize(entrypoint, local_size_x, local_size_y, local_size_z);
bool fail = false;
uint32_t limit = phys_dev_props.limits.maxComputeWorkGroupInvocations;
uint64_t invocations = static_cast<uint64_t>(local_size_x) * static_cast<uint64_t>(local_size_y);
// Prevent overflow.
if (invocations > limit) {
fail = true;
invocations *= local_size_z;
if (invocations > limit) {
fail = true;
if (fail && stage == VK_SHADER_STAGE_COMPUTE_BIT) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-x-06432", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V LocalSiz (%" PRIu32 ", %" PRIu32 ", %" PRIu32
") exceeds device limit maxComputeWorkGroupInvocations (%" PRIu32 ").",
local_size_x, local_size_y, local_size_z, phys_dev_props.limits.maxComputeWorkGroupInvocations);
const auto *required_subgroup_size_features =
if (required_subgroup_size_features) {
skip |= ValidateRequiredSubgroupSize(module_state, stage_state, *required_subgroup_size_features, invocations,
local_size_x, local_size_y, local_size_z, loc);
skip |= ValidateWorkgroupSharedMemory(module_state, stage, total_workgroup_shared_memory, loc);
// Validate Push Constants use
skip |= ValidatePushConstantUsage(stage_create_info, module_state, entrypoint, loc);
skip |= ValidateShaderDescriptorVariable(module_state, stage_create_info, entrypoint, loc);
skip |= ValidateConservativeRasterization(module_state, entrypoint, stage_create_info, loc);
} else if (stage == VK_SHADER_STAGE_COMPUTE_BIT) {
skip |= ValidateComputeWorkGroupSizes(module_state, entrypoint, stage_state, local_size_x, local_size_y, local_size_z, loc);
} else if (stage == VK_SHADER_STAGE_TASK_BIT_EXT || stage == VK_SHADER_STAGE_MESH_BIT_EXT) {
skip |=
ValidateTaskMeshWorkGroupSizes(module_state, entrypoint, stage_state, local_size_x, local_size_y, local_size_z, loc);
skip |= ValidateEmitMeshTasksSize(module_state, entrypoint, stage_state, loc);
return skip;
uint32_t CoreChecks::CalcShaderStageCount(const vvl::Pipeline &pipeline, VkShaderStageFlagBits stageBit) const {
uint32_t total = 0;
for (const auto &stage_ci : pipeline.shader_stages_ci) {
if (stage_ci.stage == stageBit) {
if (pipeline.ray_tracing_library_ci) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pipeline.ray_tracing_library_ci->libraryCount; ++i) {
auto library_pipeline = Get<vvl::Pipeline>(pipeline.ray_tracing_library_ci->pLibraries[i]);
total += CalcShaderStageCount(*library_pipeline, stageBit);
return total;
bool CoreChecks::GroupHasValidIndex(const vvl::Pipeline &pipeline, uint32_t group, uint32_t stage) const {
if (group == VK_SHADER_UNUSED_NV) {
return true;
const auto num_stages = static_cast<uint32_t>(pipeline.shader_stages_ci.size());
if (group < num_stages) {
return (pipeline.shader_stages_ci[group].stage & stage) != 0;
group -= num_stages;
// Search libraries
if (pipeline.ray_tracing_library_ci) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pipeline.ray_tracing_library_ci->libraryCount; ++i) {
auto library_pipeline = Get<vvl::Pipeline>(pipeline.ray_tracing_library_ci->pLibraries[i]);
const uint32_t stage_count = static_cast<uint32_t>(library_pipeline->shader_stages_ci.size());
if (group < stage_count) {
return (library_pipeline->shader_stages_ci[group].stage & stage) != 0;
group -= stage_count;
// group index too large
return false;
static ValidationCache *GetValidationCacheInfo(VkShaderModuleCreateInfo const *pCreateInfo) {
const auto validation_cache_ci = vku::FindStructInPNextChain<VkShaderModuleValidationCacheCreateInfoEXT>(pCreateInfo->pNext);
if (validation_cache_ci) {
return CastFromHandle<ValidationCache *>(validation_cache_ci->validationCache);
return nullptr;
void CoreChecks::PreCallRecordCreateShaderModule(VkDevice device, const VkShaderModuleCreateInfo *pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator, VkShaderModule *pShaderModule,
const RecordObject &record_obj, void *csm_state_data) {
// Normally would validate in PreCallValidate, but need a non-const function to update csm_state
// This is on the stack, we don't have to worry about threading hazards and this could be moved and used const_cast
ValidationStateTracker::PreCallRecordCreateShaderModule(device, pCreateInfo, pAllocator, pShaderModule, record_obj,
create_shader_module_api_state *csm_state = static_cast<create_shader_module_api_state *>(csm_state_data);
// TODO - Move SPIR-V only validation from a pipeline check to here
csm_state->valid_spirv = true;
void CoreChecks::PreCallRecordCreateShadersEXT(VkDevice device, uint32_t createInfoCount, const VkShaderCreateInfoEXT *pCreateInfos,
const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator, VkShaderEXT *pShaders,
const RecordObject &record_obj, void *csm_state_data) {
ValidationStateTracker::PreCallRecordCreateShadersEXT(device, createInfoCount, pCreateInfos, pAllocator, pShaders, record_obj,
create_shader_object_api_state *csm_state = static_cast<create_shader_object_api_state *>(csm_state_data);
// TODO - Move SPIR-V only validation from a pipeline check to here
csm_state->valid_spirv = true;
bool CoreChecks::PreCallValidateCreateShaderModule(VkDevice device, const VkShaderModuleCreateInfo *pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator, VkShaderModule *pShaderModule,
const ErrorObject &error_obj) const {
bool skip = false;
spv_result_t spv_valid = SPV_SUCCESS;
if (disabled[shader_validation]) {
return false;
const Location create_info_loc =;
auto have_glsl_shader = IsExtEnabled(device_extensions.vk_nv_glsl_shader);
if (!have_glsl_shader && (pCreateInfo->codeSize % 4)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-VkShaderModuleCreateInfo-codeSize-08735", device,,
"(%zu) must be a multiple of 4.", pCreateInfo->codeSize);
} else {
auto cache = GetValidationCacheInfo(pCreateInfo);
uint32_t hash = 0;
// If app isn't using a shader validation cache, use the default one from CoreChecks
if (!cache) {
cache = CastFromHandle<ValidationCache *>(core_validation_cache);
if (cache) {
hash = hash_util::ShaderHash(pCreateInfo->pCode, pCreateInfo->codeSize);
if (cache->Contains(hash)) {
return false;
// Use SPIRV-Tools validator to try and catch any issues with the module itself. If specialization constants are present,
// the default values will be used during validation.
spv_target_env spirv_environment = PickSpirvEnv(api_version, IsExtEnabled(device_extensions.vk_khr_spirv_1_4));
spv_context ctx = spvContextCreate(spirv_environment);
spv_const_binary_t binary{pCreateInfo->pCode, pCreateInfo->codeSize / sizeof(uint32_t)};
spv_diagnostic diag = nullptr;
spvtools::ValidatorOptions options;
AdjustValidatorOptions(device_extensions, enabled_features, options);
spv_valid = spvValidateWithOptions(ctx, options, &binary, &diag);
if (spv_valid != SPV_SUCCESS) {
if (!have_glsl_shader || (pCreateInfo->pCode[0] == spv::MagicNumber)) {
if (spv_valid == SPV_WARNING) {
skip |=
LogWarning("VUID-VkShaderModuleCreateInfo-pCode-08737", device,,
"(spirv-val produced a warning):\n%s", diag && diag->error ? diag->error : "(no error text)");
} else {
skip |= LogError("VUID-VkShaderModuleCreateInfo-pCode-08737", device,,
"(spirv-val produced an error):\n%s", diag && diag->error ? diag->error : "(no error text)");
} else {
if (cache) {
return skip;
bool CoreChecks::PreCallValidateGetShaderModuleIdentifierEXT(VkDevice device, VkShaderModule shaderModule,
VkShaderModuleIdentifierEXT *pIdentifier,
const ErrorObject &error_obj) const {
bool skip = false;
if (!(enabled_features.shaderModuleIdentifier)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-vkGetShaderModuleIdentifierEXT-shaderModuleIdentifier-06884", shaderModule, error_obj.location,
"the shaderModuleIdentifier feature was not enabled.");
return skip;
bool CoreChecks::PreCallValidateGetShaderModuleCreateInfoIdentifierEXT(VkDevice device, const VkShaderModuleCreateInfo *pCreateInfo,
VkShaderModuleIdentifierEXT *pIdentifier,
const ErrorObject &error_obj) const {
bool skip = false;
if (!(enabled_features.shaderModuleIdentifier)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-vkGetShaderModuleCreateInfoIdentifierEXT-shaderModuleIdentifier-06885", device, error_obj.location,
"the shaderModuleIdentifier feature was not enabled.");
return skip;
bool CoreChecks::ValidateRequiredSubgroupSize(const spirv::Module &module_state, const PipelineStageState &stage_state,
const VkPipelineShaderStageRequiredSubgroupSizeCreateInfoEXT &required_subgroup_size,
uint64_t invocations, uint32_t local_size_x, uint32_t local_size_y,
uint32_t local_size_z, const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
const uint32_t requiredSubgroupSize = required_subgroup_size.requiredSubgroupSize;
if (!enabled_features.subgroupSizeControl) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo-pNext-02755", module_state.handle(), loc,
"subgroupSizeControl was not enabled");
if ((phys_dev_ext_props.subgroup_size_control_props.requiredSubgroupSizeStages & stage_state.GetStage()) == 0) {
skip |= LogError(
"VUID-VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo-pNext-02755", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (%s) is not in requiredSubgroupSizeStages (%s).", string_VkShaderStageFlagBits(stage_state.GetStage()),
if ((invocations > requiredSubgroupSize * phys_dev_ext_props.subgroup_size_control_props.maxComputeWorkgroupSubgroups)) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo-pNext-02756", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V Local workgroup size (%" PRIu32 ", %" PRIu32 ", %" PRIu32
") is greater than requiredSubgroupSize (%" PRIu32 ") * maxComputeWorkgroupSubgroups (%" PRIu32 ").",
local_size_x, local_size_y, local_size_z, requiredSubgroupSize,
if ((stage_state.pipeline_create_info->flags & VK_PIPELINE_SHADER_STAGE_CREATE_REQUIRE_FULL_SUBGROUPS_BIT) > 0) {
if (SafeModulo(local_size_x, requiredSubgroupSize) != 0) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo-pNext-02757", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V Local workgroup size x (%" PRIu32
") is not a multiple of "
"requiredSubgroupSize (%" PRIu32 ").",
local_size_x, requiredSubgroupSize);
if (!IsPowerOfTwo(requiredSubgroupSize)) {
skip |=
LogError("VUID-VkPipelineShaderStageRequiredSubgroupSizeCreateInfo-requiredSubgroupSize-02760", module_state.handle(),
loc.pNext(Struct::VkPipelineShaderStageRequiredSubgroupSizeCreateInfo, Field::requiredSubgroupSizeStages),
"(%" PRIu32 ") is not a power of 2.", requiredSubgroupSize);
if (requiredSubgroupSize < phys_dev_ext_props.subgroup_size_control_props.minSubgroupSize) {
skip |=
LogError("VUID-VkPipelineShaderStageRequiredSubgroupSizeCreateInfo-requiredSubgroupSize-02761", module_state.handle(),
loc.pNext(Struct::VkPipelineShaderStageRequiredSubgroupSizeCreateInfo, Field::requiredSubgroupSizeStages),
"(%" PRIu32 ") is less than minSubgroupSize (%" PRIu32 ").", requiredSubgroupSize,
if (requiredSubgroupSize > phys_dev_ext_props.subgroup_size_control_props.maxSubgroupSize) {
skip |=
LogError("VUID-VkPipelineShaderStageRequiredSubgroupSizeCreateInfo-requiredSubgroupSize-02762", module_state.handle(),
loc.pNext(Struct::VkPipelineShaderStageRequiredSubgroupSizeCreateInfo, Field::requiredSubgroupSizeStages),
"(%" PRIu32 ") is greater than maxSubgroupSize (%" PRIu32 ").", requiredSubgroupSize,
return skip;
bool CoreChecks::ValidateComputeWorkGroupSizes(const spirv::Module &module_state, const spirv::EntryPoint &entrypoint,
const PipelineStageState &stage_state, uint32_t local_size_x, uint32_t local_size_y,
uint32_t local_size_z, const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
if (local_size_x == 0) {
return skip;
if (local_size_x > phys_dev_props.limits.maxComputeWorkGroupSize[0]) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-x-06429", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V LocalSize X (%" PRIu32 ") exceeds device limit maxComputeWorkGroupSize[0] (%" PRIu32 ").",
local_size_x, phys_dev_props.limits.maxComputeWorkGroupSize[0]);
if (local_size_y > phys_dev_props.limits.maxComputeWorkGroupSize[1]) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-y-06430", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V LocalSize Y (%" PRIu32 ") exceeds device limit maxComputeWorkGroupSize[1] (%" PRIu32 ").",
local_size_y, phys_dev_props.limits.maxComputeWorkGroupSize[1]);
if (local_size_z > phys_dev_props.limits.maxComputeWorkGroupSize[2]) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-z-06431", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V LocalSize Z (%" PRIu32 ") exceeds device limit maxComputeWorkGroupSize[2] (%" PRIu32 ").",
local_size_z, phys_dev_props.limits.maxComputeWorkGroupSize[2]);
if (stage_state.pipeline_create_info) {
if ((stage_state.pipeline_create_info->flags & subgroup_flags) == subgroup_flags) {
if (SafeModulo(local_size_x, phys_dev_ext_props.subgroup_size_control_props.maxSubgroupSize) != 0) {
skip |= LogError(
"VUID-VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo-flags-02758", module_state.handle(),,
"(%s), but local workgroup size X dimension (%" PRIu32
") is not a multiple of VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupSizeControlPropertiesEXT::maxSubgroupSize (%" PRIu32 ").",
string_VkPipelineShaderStageCreateFlags(stage_state.pipeline_create_info->flags).c_str(), local_size_x,
} else if ((stage_state.pipeline_create_info->flags & VK_PIPELINE_SHADER_STAGE_CREATE_REQUIRE_FULL_SUBGROUPS_BIT_EXT) &&
(stage_state.pipeline_create_info->flags &
const auto *required_subgroup_size_features =
if (!required_subgroup_size_features) {
if (SafeModulo(local_size_x, phys_dev_props_core11.subgroupSize) != 0) {
skip |=
LogError("VUID-VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo-flags-02759", module_state.handle(),,
"(%s), but local workgroup size X dimension (%" PRIu32
") is not a multiple of VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan11Properties::subgroupSize (%" PRIu32 ").",
local_size_x, phys_dev_props_core11.subgroupSize);
} else {
const bool varying = stage_state.shader_object_create_info->flags & VK_SHADER_CREATE_ALLOW_VARYING_SUBGROUP_SIZE_BIT_EXT;
const bool full = stage_state.shader_object_create_info->flags & VK_SHADER_CREATE_REQUIRE_FULL_SUBGROUPS_BIT_EXT;
const auto *required_subgroup_size =
if (varying && full) {
if (SafeModulo(local_size_x, phys_dev_ext_props.subgroup_size_control_props.maxSubgroupSize) != 0) {
skip |= LogError(
"VUID-VkShaderCreateInfoEXT-flags-08416", module_state.handle(),,
"(%s) but local workgroup size X dimension (%" PRIu32
") is not a multiple of VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupSizeControlPropertiesEXT::maxSubgroupSize (%" PRIu32 ").",
string_VkPipelineShaderStageCreateFlags(stage_state.shader_object_create_info->flags).c_str(), local_size_x,
} else if (full && !varying) {
if (!required_subgroup_size && SafeModulo(local_size_x, phys_dev_props_core11.subgroupSize) != 0) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-VkShaderCreateInfoEXT-flags-08417", module_state.handle(),,
"(%s), but local workgroup size X dimension (%" PRIu32
") is not a multiple of VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan11Properties::subgroupSize (%" PRIu32 ").",
local_size_x, phys_dev_props_core11.subgroupSize);
return skip;
bool CoreChecks::ValidateTaskMeshWorkGroupSizes(const spirv::Module &module_state, const spirv::EntryPoint &entrypoint,
const PipelineStageState &stage_state, uint32_t local_size_x, uint32_t local_size_y,
uint32_t local_size_z, const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
if (local_size_x == 0) {
return skip;
uint32_t max_local_size_x = 0;
uint32_t max_local_size_y = 0;
uint32_t max_local_size_z = 0;
uint32_t max_workgroup_size = 0;
const char *x_vuid;
const char *y_vuid;
const char *z_vuid;
const char *workgroup_size_vuid;
switch (entrypoint.execution_model) {
case spv::ExecutionModelTaskEXT: {
x_vuid = "VUID-RuntimeSpirv-TaskEXT-07291";
y_vuid = "VUID-RuntimeSpirv-TaskEXT-07292";
z_vuid = "VUID-RuntimeSpirv-TaskEXT-07293";
workgroup_size_vuid = "VUID-RuntimeSpirv-TaskEXT-07294";
max_local_size_x = phys_dev_ext_props.mesh_shader_props_ext.maxTaskWorkGroupSize[0];
max_local_size_y = phys_dev_ext_props.mesh_shader_props_ext.maxTaskWorkGroupSize[1];
max_local_size_z = phys_dev_ext_props.mesh_shader_props_ext.maxTaskWorkGroupSize[2];
max_workgroup_size = phys_dev_ext_props.mesh_shader_props_ext.maxTaskWorkGroupInvocations;
case spv::ExecutionModelMeshEXT: {
x_vuid = "VUID-RuntimeSpirv-MeshEXT-07295";
y_vuid = "VUID-RuntimeSpirv-MeshEXT-07296";
z_vuid = "VUID-RuntimeSpirv-MeshEXT-07297";
workgroup_size_vuid = "VUID-RuntimeSpirv-MeshEXT-07298";
max_local_size_x = phys_dev_ext_props.mesh_shader_props_ext.maxMeshWorkGroupSize[0];
max_local_size_y = phys_dev_ext_props.mesh_shader_props_ext.maxMeshWorkGroupSize[1];
max_local_size_z = phys_dev_ext_props.mesh_shader_props_ext.maxMeshWorkGroupSize[2];
max_workgroup_size = phys_dev_ext_props.mesh_shader_props_ext.maxMeshWorkGroupInvocations;
// skip for spv::ExecutionModelTaskNV and spv::ExecutionModelMeshNV case
default: {
// must match one of the above case
return skip;
if (local_size_x > max_local_size_x) {
skip |= LogError(x_vuid, module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (%s) local workgroup size X dimension (%" PRIu32
") must be less than or equal to the max workgroup size (%" PRIu32 ").",
string_SpvExecutionModel(entrypoint.execution_model), local_size_x, max_local_size_x);
if (local_size_y > max_local_size_y) {
skip |= LogError(y_vuid, module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (%s) local workgroup size Y dimension (%" PRIu32
") must be less than or equal to the max workgroup size (%" PRIu32 ").",
string_SpvExecutionModel(entrypoint.execution_model), local_size_y, max_local_size_y);
if (local_size_z > max_local_size_z) {
skip |= LogError(z_vuid, module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (%s) local workgroup size Z dimension (%" PRIu32
") must be less than or equal to the max workgroup size (%" PRIu32 ").",
string_SpvExecutionModel(entrypoint.execution_model), local_size_z, max_local_size_z);
uint64_t invocations = static_cast<uint64_t>(local_size_x) * static_cast<uint64_t>(local_size_y);
// Prevent overflow.
bool fail = false;
if (invocations > vvl::kU32Max || invocations > max_workgroup_size) {
fail = true;
if (!fail) {
invocations *= local_size_z;
if (invocations > vvl::kU32Max || invocations > max_workgroup_size) {
fail = true;
if (fail) {
skip |= LogError(workgroup_size_vuid, module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (%s) total invocation size (%" PRIu32 " x %" PRIu32 " x %" PRIu32 " = %" PRIu32
") must be less than or equal to max workgroup invocations (%" PRIu32 ").",
string_SpvExecutionModel(entrypoint.execution_model), local_size_x, local_size_y, local_size_z,
local_size_x * local_size_y * local_size_z, max_workgroup_size);
return skip;
bool CoreChecks::ValidateEmitMeshTasksSize(const spirv::Module &module_state, const spirv::EntryPoint &entrypoint,
const PipelineStageState &stage_state, const Location &loc) const {
bool skip = false;
for (const spirv::Instruction &insn : module_state.static_data_.instructions) {
if (insn.Opcode() == spv::OpEmitMeshTasksEXT) {
uint32_t x, y, z;
bool found_x = stage_state.GetInt32ConstantValue(*module_state.FindDef(insn.Word(1)), &x);
bool found_y = stage_state.GetInt32ConstantValue(*module_state.FindDef(insn.Word(2)), &y);
bool found_z = stage_state.GetInt32ConstantValue(*module_state.FindDef(insn.Word(3)), &z);
if (found_x && x > phys_dev_ext_props.mesh_shader_props_ext.maxMeshWorkGroupCount[0]) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-TaskEXT-07299", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (%s) is emitting %" PRIu32
" mesh work groups in X dimension, which is greater than max mesh "
"workgroup count (%" PRIu32 ").",
string_SpvExecutionModel(entrypoint.execution_model), x,
if (found_y && y > phys_dev_ext_props.mesh_shader_props_ext.maxMeshWorkGroupCount[1]) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-TaskEXT-07300", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (%s) is emitting %" PRIu32
" mesh work groups in Y dimension, which is greater than max mesh "
"workgroup count (%" PRIu32 ").",
string_SpvExecutionModel(entrypoint.execution_model), y,
if (found_z && z > phys_dev_ext_props.mesh_shader_props_ext.maxMeshWorkGroupCount[2]) {
skip |= LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-TaskEXT-07301", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (%s) is emitting %" PRIu32
" mesh work groups in Z dimension, which is greater than max mesh "
"workgroup count (%" PRIu32 ").",
string_SpvExecutionModel(entrypoint.execution_model), z,
if (found_x && found_y && found_z) {
uint64_t invocations = static_cast<uint64_t>(x) * static_cast<uint64_t>(y);
// Prevent overflow.
bool fail = false;
if (invocations > phys_dev_ext_props.mesh_shader_props_ext.maxMeshWorkGroupTotalCount) {
fail = true;
if (!fail) {
invocations *= z;
if (invocations > vvl::kU32Max ||
invocations > phys_dev_ext_props.mesh_shader_props_ext.maxMeshWorkGroupTotalCount) {
fail = true;
if (fail) {
skip |=
LogError("VUID-RuntimeSpirv-TaskEXT-07302", module_state.handle(), loc,
"SPIR-V (%s) is emitting %" PRIu32 " x %" PRIu32 " x %" PRIu32 " mesh work groups (total %" PRIu32
"), which is greater than max mesh "
"workgroup total count (%" PRIu32 ").",
string_SpvExecutionModel(entrypoint.execution_model), x, y, z, x * y * z,
return skip;