blob: 14702971c5b1c358efa97e051c918b8b848440a4 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/python3 -i
# Copyright (c) 2022-2023 The Khronos Group Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import sys
from generator import *
from common_codegen import *
# This is a workaround to use a Python 2.7 and 3.x compatible syntax
from io import open
class FormatUtilsOutputGeneratorOptions(GeneratorOptions):
def __init__(self,
conventions = None,
filename = None,
directory = '.',
genpath = None,
apiname = 'vulkan',
profile = None,
versions = '.*',
emitversions = '.*',
defaultExtensions = 'vulkan',
addExtensions = None,
removeExtensions = None,
emitExtensions = None,
emitSpirv = None,
emitFormats = None,
sortProcedure = regSortFeatures,
genFuncPointers = True,
protectFile = True,
protectFeature = False,
apicall = 'VKAPI_ATTR ',
apientry = 'VKAPI_CALL ',
apientryp = 'VKAPI_PTR *',
indentFuncProto = True,
indentFuncPointer = False,
alignFuncParam = 48,
expandEnumerants = False):
conventions = conventions,
filename = filename,
directory = directory,
genpath = genpath,
apiname = apiname,
profile = profile,
versions = versions,
emitversions = emitversions,
defaultExtensions = defaultExtensions,
addExtensions = addExtensions,
removeExtensions = removeExtensions,
emitExtensions = emitExtensions,
emitSpirv = emitSpirv,
emitFormats = emitFormats,
sortProcedure = sortProcedure)
self.genFuncPointers = genFuncPointers
self.protectFile = protectFile
self.protectFeature = protectFeature
self.apicall = apicall
self.apientry = apientry
self.apientryp = apientryp
self.indentFuncProto = indentFuncProto
self.indentFuncPointer = indentFuncPointer
self.alignFuncParam = alignFuncParam
self.expandEnumerants = expandEnumerants
# FormatUtilsOutputGenerator - Generate SPIR-V validation
# for SPIR-V extensions and capabilities
class FormatUtilsOutputGenerator(OutputGenerator):
def __init__(self,
errFile = sys.stderr,
warnFile = sys.stderr,
diagFile = sys.stdout):
OutputGenerator.__init__(self, errFile, warnFile, diagFile)
self.headerFile = False # Header file generation flag
self.sourceFile = False # Source file generation flag
self.allFormats = dict()
self.classes = dict()
self.maxPlaneCount = 1
self.maxComponentCount = 1
self.numericFormats = dict()
self.compressedFormats = dict()
self.depthFormats = dict()
self.stencilFormats = dict()
self.packedFormats = []
self.ycbcrFormats = dict()
self.planarFormats = dict()
# Lots of switch statements share same ending
self.commonBoolSwitch = ''' found = true;
return found;
# Called at beginning of processing as file is opened
def beginFile(self, genOpts):
OutputGenerator.beginFile(self, genOpts)
self.headerFile = (genOpts.filename == 'vk_format_utils.h')
self.sourceFile = (genOpts.filename == 'vk_format_utils.cpp')
# File Comment
file_comment = '// *** THIS FILE IS GENERATED - DO NOT EDIT ***\n'
file_comment += '// See for modifications\n'
write(file_comment, file=self.outFile)
# Copyright Statement
copyright = ''
copyright += '\n'
copyright += '/***************************************************************************\n'
copyright += ' *\n'
copyright += ' * Copyright (c) 2015-2023 The Khronos Group Inc.\n'
copyright += ' * Copyright (c) 2015-2023 Valve Corporation\n'
copyright += ' * Copyright (c) 2015-2023 LunarG, Inc.\n'
copyright += ' *\n'
copyright += ' * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");\n'
copyright += ' * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n'
copyright += ' * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n'
copyright += ' *\n'
copyright += ' *\n'
copyright += ' *\n'
copyright += ' * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n'
copyright += ' * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,\n'
copyright += ' * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n'
copyright += ' * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n'
copyright += ' * limitations under the License.\n'
copyright += ' ****************************************************************************/\n'
write(copyright, file=self.outFile)
if self.sourceFile:
write('#include "vk_format_utils.h"', file=self.outFile)
write('#include "utils/vk_layer_utils.h"', file=self.outFile)
write('#include <vector>', file=self.outFile)
elif self.headerFile:
write('#pragma once', file=self.outFile)
write('#include <vulkan/vk_layer.h>', file=self.outFile)
export = '''
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
write(export, file=self.outFile)
# Write generated file content to output file
def endFile(self):
write(self.defines(), file=self.outFile)
write(self.numericFunctions(), file=self.outFile)
write(self.compressedFunctions(), file=self.outFile)
write(self.depthStencilFunctions(), file=self.outFile)
write(self.packedFunctions(), file=self.outFile)
write(self.ycbcrFunctions(), file=self.outFile)
write(self.multiplaneFunctions(), file=self.outFile)
write(self.sizeFunctions(), file=self.outFile)
write(self.utilFunctions(), file=self.outFile)
if self.headerFile:
export = '''
#ifdef __cplusplus
write(export, file=self.outFile)
# Finish processing in superclass
# Capture all Format elements from registry
def genFormat(self, format, formatinfo, alias):
OutputGenerator.genFormat(self, format, formatinfo, alias)
elem = format.elem
formatName = elem.get('name')
# Make C++ name friendly class name
classBit = elem.get('class')
classBit = classBit.replace('-', '')
classBit = classBit.replace(' ', '_')
classBit = classBit.upper()
if classBit[0].isdigit():
classBit = '_' + classBit
self.classes[elem.get('class')] = classBit
self.allFormats[formatName] = {
'class' : classBit,
'blockSize' : int(elem.get('blockSize')),
'texelsPerBlock' : int(elem.get('texelsPerBlock')),
'blockExtent' : '1,1,1', # default
'components' : []
if elem.get('blockExtent'):
self.allFormats[formatName]['blockExtent'] = elem.get('blockExtent')
if elem.get('packed'):
if elem.get('chroma'):
self.ycbcrFormats[formatName] = elem.get('chroma')
if elem.get('compressed'):
compressed = elem.get('compressed').replace(' ', '_')
if compressed not in self.compressedFormats:
# create list if first time
self.compressedFormats[compressed] = []
self.maxComponentCount = max(self.maxComponentCount, sum(1 for _ in elem.iter('component')))
# some formats (VK_FORMAT_D16_UNORM_S8_UINT) are not same numeric
baseNumeric = elem.find('component').get('numericFormat')
sameNumeric = True
for component in elem.iterfind('component'):
componentBits = component.get('bits')
if componentBits == 'compressed':
'type' : component.get('name'),
'bits' : componentBits,
'numericFormat' : component.get('numericFormat')
if (baseNumeric != component.get('numericFormat')):
sameNumeric = False
# Some duplication with allFormats list,
# but much easier then re-loop where the D/S component is later
# Note: Make assumption only ever one D or S component in a fomrat
if component.get('name') == 'D':
self.depthFormats[formatName] = {
'bits' : componentBits,
'numericFormat' : component.get('numericFormat')
elif component.get('name') == 'S':
self.stencilFormats[formatName] = {
'bits' : componentBits,
'numericFormat' : component.get('numericFormat')
for plane in elem.iterfind('plane'):
if formatName not in self.planarFormats:
# create list if first time
self.planarFormats[formatName] = []
'index' : int(plane.get('index')),
'widthDivisor' : int(plane.get('widthDivisor')),
'heightDivisor' : int(plane.get('heightDivisor')),
'compatible' : plane.get('compatible'),
index = int(plane.get('index'))
self.maxPlaneCount = max(self.maxPlaneCount, (index + 1))
if sameNumeric:
if baseNumeric not in self.numericFormats:
# create list if first time
self.numericFormats[baseNumeric] = []
# Create defines that are used either by other files (headerFile) or just internally (sourceFile)
def defines(self):
output = '\n'
if self.sourceFile:
output += '''
enum class COMPONENT_TYPE {
// Compressed formats don't have a defined component size
uint32_t size; // bits
COMPONENT_INFO(COMPONENT_TYPE type, uint32_t size) : type(type), size(size) {};
// Generic information for all formats
struct FORMAT_INFO {
uint32_t block_size; // bytes
uint32_t texel_per_block;
VkExtent3D block_extent;
uint32_t component_count;
namespace std {
template <>
struct hash<VkFormat> {
size_t operator()(VkFormat fmt) const noexcept {
return hash<uint32_t>()(static_cast<uint32_t>(fmt));
// clang-format off
static const vvl::unordered_map<VkFormat, FORMAT_INFO> kVkFormatTable = {
for f, info in sorted(self.allFormats.items()):
output += ' {{{},\n'.format(f)
output += ' {{FORMAT_COMPATIBILITY_CLASS::{}, {}, {}, {{{}}}, {},\n {{'.format(
info['class'], info['blockSize'], info['texelsPerBlock'], info['blockExtent'].replace(',', ', '), len(info['components']))
for index, component in enumerate(info['components']):
output += '{{COMPONENT_TYPE::{}, {}}}'.format(component['type'], component['bits'])
output += ', ' if (index + 1 != len(info['components'])) else ''
output += '} }},\n'
output += ' {VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED, {FORMAT_COMPATIBILITY_CLASS::NONE, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, 0, {}}}'
output += '};\n'
output += '// clang-format on\n'
output += '''
uint32_t width_divisor;
uint32_t height_divisor;
VkFormat compatible_format;
// Need default otherwise if app tries to grab a plane that doesn't exist it will crash
// if returned the value of 0 in IMAGE_STATE::GetEffectiveSubresourceExtent()
// This is ok, because there are VUs later that will catch the bad app behaviour
PER_PLANE_COMPATIBILITY() : width_divisor(1), height_divisor(1), compatible_format(VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED) {}
PER_PLANE_COMPATIBILITY(uint32_t width_divisor, uint32_t height_divisor, VkFormat compatible_format) :
width_divisor(width_divisor), height_divisor(height_divisor), compatible_format(compatible_format) {}
// Information for multiplanar formats
// Source: Vulkan spec Table 47. Plane Format Compatibility Table
// clang-format off
static const vvl::unordered_map<VkFormat, MULTIPLANE_COMPATIBILITY> kVkMultiplaneCompatibilityMap {
for f in sorted(self.planarFormats.keys()):
output += ' {{ {}, {{{{\n'.format(f)
for index, plane in enumerate(self.planarFormats[f]):
if (index != plane['index']):
self.logMsg('error', 'index of planes were not added in order')
output += ' {{ {}, {}, {} }}'.format(plane['widthDivisor'], plane['heightDivisor'], plane['compatible'])
output += ',\n' if (index + 1 != len(self.planarFormats[f])) else '\n }}},\n'
output += '};\n'
output += '// clang-format on\n'
elif self.headerFile:
output += 'static constexpr uint32_t FORMAT_MAX_PLANES = {};\n'.format(self.maxPlaneCount)
output += 'static constexpr uint32_t FORMAT_MAX_COMPONENTS = {};\n'.format(self.maxComponentCount)
output += '\n'
output += 'enum class FORMAT_NUMERICAL_TYPE {\n'
output += ' NONE = 0,\n'
for index, numericFormat in enumerate(sorted(self.numericFormats.keys()), start=1):
output += ' {}'.format(numericFormat)
output += ',\n' if (index != len(self.numericFormats.keys())) else '\n'
output += '};\n'
output += '\n'
count = 0
output += 'enum class FORMAT_COMPATIBILITY_CLASS {\n'
output += ' NONE = 0,\n'
for name, classBit in sorted(self.classes.items()):
count += 1
output += ' {}'.format(classBit)
output += ',\n' if (count != len(self.classes)) else '\n'
output += '};\n'
return output
# Generate functions for numeric based functions
def numericFunctions(self):
output = ''
if self.headerFile:
output += '// Numeric\n'
output += '// Formats with more then one numeric type (VK_FORMAT_D16_UNORM_S8_UINT) will return false\n'
for key in self.numericFormats.keys():
output += 'bool FormatIs{}(VkFormat format);\n'.format(key)
output += '''
// Types from "Interpretation of Numeric Format" table (OpTypeFloat vs OpTypeInt)
static inline bool FormatIsSampledInt(VkFormat format) { return (FormatIsSINT(format) || FormatIsUINT(format)); }
static inline bool FormatIsSampledFloat(VkFormat format) {
return (FormatIsUNORM(format) || FormatIsSNORM(format) ||
FormatIsUSCALED(format) || FormatIsSSCALED(format) ||
FormatIsUFLOAT(format) || FormatIsSFLOAT(format) ||
elif self.sourceFile:
for key in self.numericFormats.keys():
output += '\n// Return true if all components in the format are an {}\n'.format(key)
output += 'bool FormatIs{}(VkFormat format) {{\n'.format(key)
output += ' bool found = false;\n'
output += ' switch (format) {\n'
for f in self.numericFormats[key]:
output += ' case {}:\n'.format(f)
output += self.commonBoolSwitch
return output;
# Generate functions for compressed based functions
def compressedFunctions(self):
output = ''
if self.headerFile:
output += '// Compressed\n'
for key in sorted(self.compressedFormats.keys()):
output += 'bool FormatIsCompressed_{}(VkFormat format);\n'.format(key)
output += 'bool FormatIsCompressed(VkFormat format);\n'
elif self.sourceFile:
for key in sorted(self.compressedFormats.keys()):
output += '\n// Return true if the format is a {} compressed image format\n'.format(key)
output += 'bool FormatIsCompressed_{}(VkFormat format) {{\n'.format(key)
output += ' bool found = false;\n'
output += ' switch (format) {\n'
for f in sorted(self.compressedFormats[key]):
output += ' case {}:\n'.format(f)
output += self.commonBoolSwitch
output += '\n// Return true if the format is any compressed image format\n'
output += 'bool FormatIsCompressed(VkFormat format) {\n'
output += ' return (\n'
for index, key in enumerate(sorted(self.compressedFormats.keys()), start=1):
output += ' FormatIsCompressed_{}(format)'.format(key)
output += ' ||\n' if (index != len(self.compressedFormats.keys())) else ');\n'
output += '}\n'
return output;
# Generate functions for depth/stencil based functions
def depthStencilFunctions(self):
output = ''
if self.headerFile:
output += '''// Depth/Stencil
bool FormatIsDepthOrStencil(VkFormat format);
bool FormatIsDepthAndStencil(VkFormat format);
bool FormatIsDepthOnly(VkFormat format);
bool FormatIsStencilOnly(VkFormat format);
static inline bool FormatHasDepth(VkFormat format) { return (FormatIsDepthOnly(format) || FormatIsDepthAndStencil(format)); }
static inline bool FormatHasStencil(VkFormat format) { return (FormatIsStencilOnly(format) || FormatIsDepthAndStencil(format)); }
uint32_t FormatDepthSize(VkFormat format);
uint32_t FormatStencilSize(VkFormat format);
FORMAT_NUMERICAL_TYPE FormatDepthNumericalType(VkFormat format);
FORMAT_NUMERICAL_TYPE FormatStencilNumericalType(VkFormat format);
elif self.sourceFile:
output += '\n// Return true if format is a depth OR stencil format\n'
output += 'bool FormatIsDepthOrStencil(VkFormat format) {\n'
output += ' bool found = false;\n'
output += ' switch (format) {\n'
for f in sorted(self.allFormats.keys()):
if f in self.depthFormats.keys() or f in self.stencilFormats.keys():
output += ' case {}:\n'.format(f)
output += self.commonBoolSwitch
output += '\n// Return true if format is a depth AND stencil format\n'
output += 'bool FormatIsDepthAndStencil(VkFormat format) {\n'
output += ' bool found = false;\n'
output += ' switch (format) {\n'
for f in sorted(self.depthFormats.keys()):
if f in self.stencilFormats.keys():
output += ' case {}:\n'.format(f)
output += self.commonBoolSwitch
output += '\n// Return true if format is a depth ONLY format\n'
output += 'bool FormatIsDepthOnly(VkFormat format) {\n'
output += ' bool found = false;\n'
output += ' switch (format) {\n'
for f in sorted(self.depthFormats.keys()):
if f not in self.stencilFormats.keys():
output += ' case {}:\n'.format(f)
output += self.commonBoolSwitch
output += '\n// Return true if format is a stencil ONLY format\n'
output += 'bool FormatIsStencilOnly(VkFormat format) {\n'
output += ' bool found = false;\n'
output += ' switch (format) {\n'
for f in sorted(self.stencilFormats.keys()):
if f not in self.depthFormats.keys():
output += ' case {}:\n'.format(f)
output += self.commonBoolSwitch
output += '\n// Returns size of depth component in bits'
output += '\n// Returns zero if no depth component\n'
output += 'uint32_t FormatDepthSize(VkFormat format) {\n'
output += ' switch (format) {\n'
# sorts case statments together with same return value
used = []
for key, value in sorted(self.depthFormats.items()):
if key not in used:
for key_dup, value_dup in sorted(self.depthFormats.items()):
if value_dup['bits'] == value['bits']:
output += ' case {}:\n'.format(key_dup)
output += ' return {};\n'.format(value['bits'])
output += ' default:\n'
output += ' return 0;\n'
output += ' }\n'
output += '}\n'
output += '\n// Returns size of stencil component in bits'
output += '\n// Returns zero if no stencil component\n'
output += 'uint32_t FormatStencilSize(VkFormat format) {\n'
output += ' switch (format) {\n'
# sorts case statments together with same return value
used = []
for key, value in sorted(self.stencilFormats.items()):
if key not in used:
for key_dup, value_dup in sorted(self.stencilFormats.items()):
if value_dup['bits'] == value['bits']:
output += ' case {}:\n'.format(key_dup)
output += ' return {};\n'.format(value['bits'])
output += ' default:\n'
output += ' return 0;\n'
output += ' }\n'
output += '}\n'
output += '\n// Returns NONE if no depth component\n'
output += 'FORMAT_NUMERICAL_TYPE FormatDepthNumericalType(VkFormat format) {\n'
output += ' switch (format) {\n'
# sorts case statments together with same return value
used = []
for key, value in sorted(self.depthFormats.items()):
if key not in used:
for key_dup, value_dup in sorted(self.depthFormats.items()):
if value_dup['numericFormat'] == value['numericFormat']:
output += ' case {}:\n'.format(key_dup)
output += ' return FORMAT_NUMERICAL_TYPE::{};\n'.format(value['numericFormat'])
output += ' default:\n'
output += ' return FORMAT_NUMERICAL_TYPE::NONE;\n'
output += ' }\n'
output += '}\n'
output += '\n// Returns NONE if no stencil component\n'
output += 'FORMAT_NUMERICAL_TYPE FormatStencilNumericalType(VkFormat format) {\n'
output += ' switch (format) {\n'
# sorts case statments together with same return value
used = []
for key, value in sorted(self.stencilFormats.items()):
if key not in used:
for key_dup, value_dup in sorted(self.stencilFormats.items()):
if value_dup['numericFormat'] == value['numericFormat']:
output += ' case {}:\n'.format(key_dup)
output += ' return FORMAT_NUMERICAL_TYPE::{};\n'.format(value['numericFormat'])
output += ' default:\n'
output += ' return FORMAT_NUMERICAL_TYPE::NONE;\n'
output += ' }\n'
output += '}\n'
return output;
# Generate functions for packed based functions
def packedFunctions(self):
output = ''
if self.headerFile:
output += '''// Packed
bool FormatIsPacked(VkFormat format);
elif self.sourceFile:
output += '\n// Return true if format is a packed format\n'
output += 'bool FormatIsPacked(VkFormat format) {\n'
output += ' bool found = false;\n'
output += ' switch (format) {\n'
for f in self.packedFormats:
output += ' case {}:\n'.format(f)
output += self.commonBoolSwitch
return output;
# Generate functions for YCbCr based functions
def ycbcrFunctions(self):
output = ''
if self.headerFile:
output += '''// YCbCr
bool FormatRequiresYcbcrConversion(VkFormat format);
bool FormatIsXChromaSubsampled(VkFormat format);
bool FormatIsYChromaSubsampled(VkFormat format);
elif self.sourceFile:
output += '\n// Return true if format requires sampler YCBCR conversion\n'
output += '// for VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT image views\n'
output += '// Table found in spec\n'
output += 'bool FormatRequiresYcbcrConversion(VkFormat format) {\n'
output += ' bool found = false;\n'
output += ' switch (format) {\n'
for f in sorted(self.ycbcrFormats.keys()):
output += ' case {}:\n'.format(f)
output += self.commonBoolSwitch
output += '\nbool FormatIsXChromaSubsampled(VkFormat format) {\n'
output += ' bool found = false;\n'
output += ' switch (format) {\n'
for f in sorted(self.ycbcrFormats.keys()):
if self.ycbcrFormats[f] == '420' or self.ycbcrFormats[f] == '422':
output += ' case {}:\n'.format(f)
output += self.commonBoolSwitch
output += '\nbool FormatIsYChromaSubsampled(VkFormat format) {\n'
output += ' bool found = false;\n'
output += ' switch (format) {\n'
for f in sorted(self.ycbcrFormats.keys()):
if self.ycbcrFormats[f] == '420':
output += ' case {}:\n'.format(f)
output += self.commonBoolSwitch
return output;
# Generate functions for Multiplane based functions
def multiplaneFunctions(self):
output = ''
if self.headerFile:
output += '''// Multiplane
bool FormatIsSinglePlane_422(VkFormat format);
uint32_t FormatPlaneCount(VkFormat format);
static inline bool FormatIsMultiplane(VkFormat format) { return ((FormatPlaneCount(format)) > 1u); }
VkFormat FindMultiplaneCompatibleFormat(VkFormat mp_fmt, VkImageAspectFlags plane_aspect);
VkExtent2D FindMultiplaneExtentDivisors(VkFormat mp_fmt, VkImageAspectFlags plane_aspect);
elif self.sourceFile:
output += '\n// Single-plane "_422" formats are treated as 2x1 compressed (for copies)\n'
output += '\nbool FormatIsSinglePlane_422(VkFormat format) {\n'
output += ' bool found = false;\n'
output += ' switch (format) {\n'
for f in sorted(self.ycbcrFormats.keys()):
if self.ycbcrFormats[f] == '422' and f not in self.planarFormats.keys():
output += ' case {}:\n'.format(f)
output += self.commonBoolSwitch
output += '\n// Returns number of planes in format (which is 1 by default)\n'
output += 'uint32_t FormatPlaneCount(VkFormat format) {\n'
output += ' switch (format) {\n'
for i in range(2, self.maxPlaneCount + 1):
for f in sorted(self.planarFormats.keys()):
if len(self.planarFormats[f]) == i:
output += ' case {}:\n'.format(f)
output += ' return {};\n'.format(i)
output += ' default:\n'
output += ' return 1;\n'
output += ' }\n'
output += '}\n'
output += '''
// Will return VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED if given a plane aspect that doesn't exist for the format
VkFormat FindMultiplaneCompatibleFormat(VkFormat mp_fmt, VkImageAspectFlags plane_aspect) {
const uint32_t plane_idx = GetPlaneIndex(plane_aspect);
auto it = kVkMultiplaneCompatibilityMap.find(mp_fmt);
if ((it == kVkMultiplaneCompatibilityMap.end()) || (plane_idx >= FORMAT_MAX_PLANES)) {
return it->second.per_plane[plane_idx].compatible_format;
// Will return {1, 1} if given a plane aspect that doesn't exist for the format
VkExtent2D FindMultiplaneExtentDivisors(VkFormat mp_fmt, VkImageAspectFlags plane_aspect) {
VkExtent2D divisors = {1, 1};
const uint32_t plane_idx = GetPlaneIndex(plane_aspect);
auto it = kVkMultiplaneCompatibilityMap.find(mp_fmt);
if ((it == kVkMultiplaneCompatibilityMap.end()) || (plane_idx >= FORMAT_MAX_PLANES)) {
return divisors;
divisors.width = it->second.per_plane[plane_idx].width_divisor;
divisors.height = it->second.per_plane[plane_idx].height_divisor;
return divisors;
return output;
# Generate functions for size based functions
def sizeFunctions(self):
output = ''
if self.headerFile:
output += '''// Size
uint32_t FormatComponentCount(VkFormat format);
VkExtent3D FormatTexelBlockExtent(VkFormat format);
FORMAT_COMPATIBILITY_CLASS FormatCompatibilityClass(VkFormat format);
bool FormatElementIsTexel(VkFormat format);
uint32_t FormatElementSize(VkFormat format, VkImageAspectFlags aspectMask = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT);
double FormatTexelSize(VkFormat format, VkImageAspectFlags aspectMask = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT);
// Components
bool FormatHasComponentSize(VkFormat format, uint32_t size);
bool FormatHasRed(VkFormat format);
bool FormatHasGreen(VkFormat format);
bool FormatHasBlue(VkFormat format);
bool FormatHasAlpha(VkFormat format);
elif self.sourceFile:
output += '''
uint32_t FormatComponentCount(VkFormat format) {
auto format_info = kVkFormatTable.find(format);
if (format_info != kVkFormatTable.end()) {
return format_info->second.component_count;
return 0;
VkExtent3D FormatTexelBlockExtent(VkFormat format) {
auto format_info = kVkFormatTable.find(format);
if (format_info != kVkFormatTable.end()) {
return format_info->second.block_extent;
return {1, 1, 1};
FORMAT_COMPATIBILITY_CLASS FormatCompatibilityClass(VkFormat format) {
auto format_info = kVkFormatTable.find(format);
if (format_info != kVkFormatTable.end()) {
return format_info->second.compatibility;
// Return true if format is 'normal', with one texel per format element
bool FormatElementIsTexel(VkFormat format) {
if (FormatIsPacked(format) || FormatIsCompressed(format) || FormatIsSinglePlane_422(format) || FormatIsMultiplane(format)) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
// Return size, in bytes, of one element of the specified format
// For uncompressed this is one texel, for compressed it is one block
uint32_t FormatElementSize(VkFormat format, VkImageAspectFlags aspectMask) {
// Depth/Stencil aspect have separate helper functions
return FormatStencilSize(format) / 8;
} else if (aspectMask & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT) {
return FormatDepthSize(format) / 8;
} else if (FormatIsMultiplane(format)) {
// Element of entire multiplane format is not useful,
// Want to get just a single plane as the lookup format
format = FindMultiplaneCompatibleFormat(format, aspectMask);
auto item = kVkFormatTable.find(format);
if (item != kVkFormatTable.end()) {
return item->second.block_size;
return 0;
// Return the size in bytes of one texel of given foramt
// For compressed or multi-plane, this may be a fractional number
double FormatTexelSize(VkFormat format, VkImageAspectFlags aspectMask) {
double texel_size = static_cast<double>(FormatElementSize(format, aspectMask));
VkExtent3D block_extent = FormatTexelBlockExtent(format);
uint32_t texels_per_block = block_extent.width * block_extent.height * block_extent.depth;
if (1 < texels_per_block) {
texel_size /= static_cast<double>(texels_per_block);
return texel_size;
bool FormatHasComponentSize(VkFormat format, uint32_t size) {
auto item = kVkFormatTable.find(format);
if (item == kVkFormatTable.end()) {
return false;
const COMPONENT_INFO* begin = item->second.components;
const COMPONENT_INFO* end = item->second.components + FORMAT_MAX_COMPONENTS;
return std::find_if(begin, end, [size](const COMPONENT_INFO& info) { return info.size == size; }) != end;
static bool FormatHasComponentType(VkFormat format, COMPONENT_TYPE component) {
auto item = kVkFormatTable.find(format);
if (item == kVkFormatTable.end()) {
return false;
const COMPONENT_INFO* begin = item->second.components;
const COMPONENT_INFO* end = item->second.components + FORMAT_MAX_COMPONENTS;
return std::find_if(begin, end, [component](const COMPONENT_INFO& info) { return info.type == component; }) != end;
bool FormatHasRed(VkFormat format) {
return FormatHasComponentType(format, COMPONENT_TYPE::R);
bool FormatHasGreen(VkFormat format) {
return FormatHasComponentType(format, COMPONENT_TYPE::G);
bool FormatHasBlue(VkFormat format) {
return FormatHasComponentType(format, COMPONENT_TYPE::B);
bool FormatHasAlpha(VkFormat format) {
return FormatHasComponentType(format, COMPONENT_TYPE::A);
return output;
# Misc functions
def utilFunctions(self):
output = ''
if self.headerFile:
output += '''
// Utils/misc
static inline bool FormatIsUndef(VkFormat format) { return (format == VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED); }
// "blocked image" are defined in the spec (vkspec.html#blocked-image)
static inline bool FormatIsBlockedImage(VkFormat format) {
return (FormatIsCompressed(format) || FormatIsSinglePlane_422(format));
// No official spec definition of "color format"
// So anything that could NOT be a "color format" is a color format
static inline bool FormatIsColor(VkFormat format) {
return !(FormatIsUndef(format) || FormatIsDepthOrStencil(format) || FormatIsMultiplane(format));
return output