build: Update known-good files for 1.2.156 header

- Updated known-good files
- Generated new source files using ``

Change-Id: I3f2dfe73b1859c761f742b33ae068815fe441fff
diff --git a/build-android/known_good.json b/build-android/known_good.json
index 77ec208..da6e30f 100755
--- a/build-android/known_good.json
+++ b/build-android/known_good.json
@@ -16,13 +16,13 @@
       "name" : "Vulkan-Headers",
       "url" : "",
       "sub_dir" : "Vulkan-Headers",
-      "commit" : "v1.2.154"
+      "commit" : "v1.2.156"
       "name" : "Vulkan-Tools",
       "url" : "",
       "sub_dir" : "Vulkan-Tools",
-      "commit" : "d19622688af4b854c367a6f373b02d0c748f7e26"
+      "commit" : "14289452a832d1c701029f0f7692974dab4c5e4c"
       "name" : "SPIRV-Tools",
diff --git a/layers/generated/chassis.cpp b/layers/generated/chassis.cpp
index 7047283..6e23afc 100644
--- a/layers/generated/chassis.cpp
+++ b/layers/generated/chassis.cpp
@@ -9580,6 +9580,7 @@
 VKAPI_ATTR VkDeviceAddress VKAPI_CALL GetBufferDeviceAddressEXT(
     VkDevice                                    device,
     const VkBufferDeviceAddressInfo*            pInfo) {
@@ -10229,6 +10230,7 @@
 VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL CreatePrivateDataSlotEXT(
     VkDevice                                    device,
     const VkPrivateDataSlotCreateInfoEXT*       pCreateInfo,
diff --git a/layers/generated/chassis.h b/layers/generated/chassis.h
index b57d566..d833b93 100644
--- a/layers/generated/chassis.h
+++ b/layers/generated/chassis.h
@@ -2467,6 +2467,7 @@
 VKAPI_ATTR VkDeviceAddress VKAPI_CALL GetBufferDeviceAddressEXT(
     VkDevice                                    device,
     const VkBufferDeviceAddressInfo*            pInfo);
@@ -2636,6 +2637,7 @@
 VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL CreatePrivateDataSlotEXT(
     VkDevice                                    device,
     const VkPrivateDataSlotCreateInfoEXT*       pCreateInfo,
diff --git a/layers/generated/parameter_validation.cpp b/layers/generated/parameter_validation.cpp
index 9391fc3..d84a475 100644
--- a/layers/generated/parameter_validation.cpp
+++ b/layers/generated/parameter_validation.cpp
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 #include "stateless_validation.h"
-const uint32_t GeneratedVulkanHeaderVersion = 154;
+const uint32_t GeneratedVulkanHeaderVersion = 156;
 const DECORATE_UNUSED VkAttachmentDescriptionFlags AllVkAttachmentDescriptionFlagBits = VK_ATTACHMENT_DESCRIPTION_MAY_ALIAS_BIT;
@@ -226,6 +226,7 @@
@@ -2468,6 +2469,14 @@
             skip |= validate_bool32("VkPhysicalDeviceCoherentMemoryFeaturesAMD", "deviceCoherentMemory", structure->deviceCoherentMemory);
         } break;
+        // Validation code for VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT structure members
+        case VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_SHADER_IMAGE_ATOMIC_INT64_FEATURES_EXT: { // Covers VUID-VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT-sType-sType
+            VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT *structure = (VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT *) header;
+            skip |= validate_bool32("VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT", "shaderImageInt64Atomics", structure->shaderImageInt64Atomics);
+            skip |= validate_bool32("VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT", "sparseImageInt64Atomics", structure->sparseImageInt64Atomics);
+        } break;
         // No Validation code for VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryBudgetPropertiesEXT structure members  -- Covers VUID-VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryBudgetPropertiesEXT-sType-sType
         // Validation code for VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryPriorityFeaturesEXT structure members
@@ -2706,6 +2715,22 @@
         // No Validation code for VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderPassTransformInfoQCOM structure members  -- Covers VUID-VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderPassTransformInfoQCOM-sType-sType
+        // Validation code for VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT structure members
+        case VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_DEVICE_MEMORY_REPORT_FEATURES_EXT: { // Covers VUID-VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT-sType-sType
+            VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT *structure = (VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT *) header;
+            skip |= validate_bool32("VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT", "deviceMemoryReport", structure->deviceMemoryReport);
+        } break;
+        // Validation code for VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT structure members
+        case VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_DEVICE_MEMORY_REPORT_CREATE_INFO_EXT: { // Covers VUID-VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT-sType-sType
+            VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT *structure = (VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT *) header;
+            skip |= validate_reserved_flags("VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT", "flags", structure->flags, "VUID-VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT-flags-zerobitmask");
+            skip |= validate_required_pointer("VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT", "pfnUserCallback", reinterpret_cast<const void*>(structure->pfnUserCallback), "VUID-VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT-pfnUserCallback-parameter");
+            skip |= validate_required_pointer("VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT", "pUserData", structure->pUserData, "VUID-VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT-pUserData-parameter");
+        } break;
         // Validation code for VkPhysicalDeviceRobustness2FeaturesEXT structure members
         case VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_ROBUSTNESS_2_FEATURES_EXT: { // Covers VUID-VkPhysicalDeviceRobustness2FeaturesEXT-sType-sType
             VkPhysicalDeviceRobustness2FeaturesEXT *structure = (VkPhysicalDeviceRobustness2FeaturesEXT *) header;
@@ -3000,9 +3025,9 @@
     skip |= validate_struct_type("vkCreateDevice", "pCreateInfo", "VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_CREATE_INFO", pCreateInfo, VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_CREATE_INFO, true, "VUID-vkCreateDevice-pCreateInfo-parameter", "VUID-VkDeviceCreateInfo-sType-sType");
     if (pCreateInfo != NULL)
-        skip |= validate_struct_pnext("vkCreateDevice", "pCreateInfo->pNext", "VkDeviceDiagnosticsConfigCreateInfoNV, VkDeviceGroupDeviceCreateInfo, VkDeviceMemoryOverallocationCreateInfoAMD, VkDevicePrivateDataCreateInfoEXT, VkPhysicalDevice16BitStorageFeatures, VkPhysicalDevice4444FormatsFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDevice8BitStorageFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceASTCDecodeFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceBlendOperationAdvancedFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceBufferDeviceAddressFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceBufferDeviceAddressFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceCoherentMemoryFeaturesAMD, VkPhysicalDeviceComputeShaderDerivativesFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceConditionalRenderingFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceCornerSampledImageFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceCustomBorderColorFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceDedicatedAllocationImageAliasingFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceDepthClipEnableFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceGeneratedCommandsFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceDiagnosticsConfigFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceExclusiveScissorFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceExtendedDynamicStateFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2, VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMap2FeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMapFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShaderBarycentricFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShaderInterlockFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceHostQueryResetFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceImageRobustnessFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceImagelessFramebufferFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceIndexTypeUint8FeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceInlineUniformBlockFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryPriorityFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceMultiviewFeatures, VkPhysicalDevicePerformanceQueryFeaturesKHR, VkPhysicalDevicePipelineCreationCacheControlFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDevicePipelineExecutablePropertiesFeaturesKHR, VkPhysicalDevicePortabilitySubsetFeaturesKHR, VkPhysicalDevicePrivateDataFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceProtectedMemoryFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingFeaturesKHR, VkPhysicalDeviceRepresentativeFragmentTestFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceRobustness2FeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceSamplerYcbcrConversionFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceScalarBlockLayoutFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceSeparateDepthStencilLayoutsFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderAtomicFloatFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderAtomicInt64Features, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderClockFeaturesKHR, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderDemoteToHelperInvocationFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderDrawParametersFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderFloat16Int8Features, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageFootprintFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderIntegerFunctions2FeaturesINTEL, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderSMBuiltinsFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderSubgroupExtendedTypesFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImageFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupSizeControlFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceTexelBufferAlignmentFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceTextureCompressionASTCHDRFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceTimelineSemaphoreFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceTransformFeedbackFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceUniformBufferStandardLayoutFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceVariablePointersFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceVertexAttributeDivisorFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan11Features, VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan12Features, VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceYcbcrImageArraysFeaturesEXT", pCreateInfo->pNext, ARRAY_SIZE(allowed_structs_VkDeviceCreateInfo), allowed_structs_VkDeviceCreateInfo, GeneratedVulkanHeaderVersion, "VUID-VkDeviceCreateInfo-pNext-pNext", "VUID-VkDeviceCreateInfo-sType-unique");
+        skip |= validate_struct_pnext("vkCreateDevice", "pCreateInfo->pNext", "VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT, VkDeviceDiagnosticsConfigCreateInfoNV, VkDeviceGroupDeviceCreateInfo, VkDeviceMemoryOverallocationCreateInfoAMD, VkDevicePrivateDataCreateInfoEXT, VkPhysicalDevice16BitStorageFeatures, VkPhysicalDevice4444FormatsFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDevice8BitStorageFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceASTCDecodeFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceBlendOperationAdvancedFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceBufferDeviceAddressFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceBufferDeviceAddressFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceCoherentMemoryFeaturesAMD, VkPhysicalDeviceComputeShaderDerivativesFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceConditionalRenderingFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceCornerSampledImageFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceCustomBorderColorFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceDedicatedAllocationImageAliasingFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceDepthClipEnableFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceGeneratedCommandsFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceDiagnosticsConfigFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceExclusiveScissorFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceExtendedDynamicStateFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2, VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMap2FeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMapFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShaderBarycentricFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShaderInterlockFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceHostQueryResetFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceImageRobustnessFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceImagelessFramebufferFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceIndexTypeUint8FeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceInlineUniformBlockFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryPriorityFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceMultiviewFeatures, VkPhysicalDevicePerformanceQueryFeaturesKHR, VkPhysicalDevicePipelineCreationCacheControlFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDevicePipelineExecutablePropertiesFeaturesKHR, VkPhysicalDevicePortabilitySubsetFeaturesKHR, VkPhysicalDevicePrivateDataFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceProtectedMemoryFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingFeaturesKHR, VkPhysicalDeviceRepresentativeFragmentTestFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceRobustness2FeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceSamplerYcbcrConversionFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceScalarBlockLayoutFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceSeparateDepthStencilLayoutsFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderAtomicFloatFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderAtomicInt64Features, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderClockFeaturesKHR, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderDemoteToHelperInvocationFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderDrawParametersFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderFloat16Int8Features, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageFootprintFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderIntegerFunctions2FeaturesINTEL, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderSMBuiltinsFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderSubgroupExtendedTypesFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImageFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupSizeControlFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceTexelBufferAlignmentFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceTextureCompressionASTCHDRFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceTimelineSemaphoreFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceTransformFeedbackFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceUniformBufferStandardLayoutFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceVariablePointersFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceVertexAttributeDivisorFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan11Features, VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan12Features, VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceYcbcrImageArraysFeaturesEXT", pCreateInfo->pNext, ARRAY_SIZE(allowed_structs_VkDeviceCreateInfo), allowed_structs_VkDeviceCreateInfo, GeneratedVulkanHeaderVersion, "VUID-VkDeviceCreateInfo-pNext-pNext", "VUID-VkDeviceCreateInfo-sType-unique");
         skip |= validate_reserved_flags("vkCreateDevice", "pCreateInfo->flags", pCreateInfo->flags, "VUID-VkDeviceCreateInfo-flags-zerobitmask");
@@ -12266,6 +12291,8 @@
 bool StatelessValidation::PreCallValidateGetBufferDeviceAddressEXT(
     VkDevice                                    device,
     const VkBufferDeviceAddressInfo*            pInfo) const {
@@ -12830,6 +12857,8 @@
 bool StatelessValidation::PreCallValidateCreatePrivateDataSlotEXT(
     VkDevice                                    device,
     const VkPrivateDataSlotCreateInfoEXT*       pCreateInfo,
diff --git a/layers/generated/vk_enum_string_helper.h b/layers/generated/vk_enum_string_helper.h
index 39884de..44937a8 100644
--- a/layers/generated/vk_enum_string_helper.h
+++ b/layers/generated/vk_enum_string_helper.h
@@ -300,6 +300,8 @@
@@ -324,6 +326,8 @@
@@ -606,6 +610,8 @@
@@ -750,6 +756,8 @@
@@ -6762,6 +6770,25 @@
     return ret;
+static inline const char* string_VkDeviceMemoryReportEventTypeEXT(VkDeviceMemoryReportEventTypeEXT input_value)
+    switch ((VkDeviceMemoryReportEventTypeEXT)input_value)
+    {
+        default:
+            return "Unhandled VkDeviceMemoryReportEventTypeEXT";
+    }
 static inline const char* string_VkDeviceDiagnosticsConfigFlagBitsNV(VkDeviceDiagnosticsConfigFlagBitsNV input_value)
     switch ((VkDeviceDiagnosticsConfigFlagBitsNV)input_value)
diff --git a/layers/generated/vk_extension_helper.h b/layers/generated/vk_extension_helper.h
index 80b1d42..b5fce87 100644
--- a/layers/generated/vk_extension_helper.h
+++ b/layers/generated/vk_extension_helper.h
@@ -359,6 +359,7 @@
     ExtEnabled vk_ext_depth_clip_enable{kNotEnabled};
     ExtEnabled vk_ext_depth_range_unrestricted{kNotEnabled};
     ExtEnabled vk_ext_descriptor_indexing{kNotEnabled};
+    ExtEnabled vk_ext_device_memory_report{kNotEnabled};
     ExtEnabled vk_ext_discard_rectangles{kNotEnabled};
     ExtEnabled vk_ext_display_control{kNotEnabled};
     ExtEnabled vk_ext_extended_dynamic_state{kNotEnabled};
@@ -392,6 +393,7 @@
     ExtEnabled vk_ext_separate_stencil_usage{kNotEnabled};
     ExtEnabled vk_ext_shader_atomic_float{kNotEnabled};
     ExtEnabled vk_ext_shader_demote_to_helper_invocation{kNotEnabled};
+    ExtEnabled vk_ext_shader_image_atomic_int64{kNotEnabled};
     ExtEnabled vk_ext_shader_stencil_export{kNotEnabled};
     ExtEnabled vk_ext_shader_subgroup_ballot{kNotEnabled};
     ExtEnabled vk_ext_shader_subgroup_vote{kNotEnabled};
@@ -576,6 +578,8 @@
             std::make_pair(VK_EXT_DESCRIPTOR_INDEXING_EXTENSION_NAME, DeviceInfo(&DeviceExtensions::vk_ext_descriptor_indexing, {{
                            {&DeviceExtensions::vk_khr_get_physical_device_properties_2, VK_KHR_GET_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_PROPERTIES_2_EXTENSION_NAME},
                            {&DeviceExtensions::vk_khr_maintenance3, VK_KHR_MAINTENANCE3_EXTENSION_NAME}}})),
+            std::make_pair(VK_EXT_DEVICE_MEMORY_REPORT_EXTENSION_NAME, DeviceInfo(&DeviceExtensions::vk_ext_device_memory_report, {{
+                           {&DeviceExtensions::vk_khr_get_physical_device_properties_2, VK_KHR_GET_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_PROPERTIES_2_EXTENSION_NAME}}})),
             std::make_pair(VK_EXT_DISCARD_RECTANGLES_EXTENSION_NAME, DeviceInfo(&DeviceExtensions::vk_ext_discard_rectangles, {{
                            {&DeviceExtensions::vk_khr_get_physical_device_properties_2, VK_KHR_GET_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_PROPERTIES_2_EXTENSION_NAME}}})),
             std::make_pair(VK_EXT_DISPLAY_CONTROL_EXTENSION_NAME, DeviceInfo(&DeviceExtensions::vk_ext_display_control, {{
@@ -643,6 +647,8 @@
                            {&DeviceExtensions::vk_khr_get_physical_device_properties_2, VK_KHR_GET_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_PROPERTIES_2_EXTENSION_NAME}}})),
             std::make_pair(VK_EXT_SHADER_DEMOTE_TO_HELPER_INVOCATION_EXTENSION_NAME, DeviceInfo(&DeviceExtensions::vk_ext_shader_demote_to_helper_invocation, {{
                            {&DeviceExtensions::vk_khr_get_physical_device_properties_2, VK_KHR_GET_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_PROPERTIES_2_EXTENSION_NAME}}})),
+            std::make_pair(VK_EXT_SHADER_IMAGE_ATOMIC_INT64_EXTENSION_NAME, DeviceInfo(&DeviceExtensions::vk_ext_shader_image_atomic_int64, {{
+                           {&DeviceExtensions::vk_khr_get_physical_device_properties_2, VK_KHR_GET_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_PROPERTIES_2_EXTENSION_NAME}}})),
             std::make_pair(VK_EXT_SHADER_STENCIL_EXPORT_EXTENSION_NAME, DeviceInfo(&DeviceExtensions::vk_ext_shader_stencil_export, {})),
             std::make_pair(VK_EXT_SHADER_SUBGROUP_BALLOT_EXTENSION_NAME, DeviceInfo(&DeviceExtensions::vk_ext_shader_subgroup_ballot, {})),
             std::make_pair(VK_EXT_SHADER_SUBGROUP_VOTE_EXTENSION_NAME, DeviceInfo(&DeviceExtensions::vk_ext_shader_subgroup_vote, {})),
@@ -1010,6 +1016,7 @@
@@ -1045,6 +1052,7 @@
diff --git a/layers/generated/vk_safe_struct.cpp b/layers/generated/vk_safe_struct.cpp
index e1b7836..40f94f1 100644
--- a/layers/generated/vk_safe_struct.cpp
+++ b/layers/generated/vk_safe_struct.cpp
@@ -30124,6 +30124,64 @@
     pNext = SafePnextCopy(copy_src->pNext);
+safe_VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT::safe_VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT(const VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT* in_struct) :
+    sType(in_struct->sType),
+    shaderImageInt64Atomics(in_struct->shaderImageInt64Atomics),
+    sparseImageInt64Atomics(in_struct->sparseImageInt64Atomics)
+    pNext = SafePnextCopy(in_struct->pNext);
+safe_VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT::safe_VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT() :
+    pNext(nullptr)
+safe_VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT::safe_VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT(const safe_VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT& copy_src)
+    sType = copy_src.sType;
+    shaderImageInt64Atomics = copy_src.shaderImageInt64Atomics;
+    sparseImageInt64Atomics = copy_src.sparseImageInt64Atomics;
+    pNext = SafePnextCopy(copy_src.pNext);
+safe_VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT& safe_VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT::operator=(const safe_VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT& copy_src)
+    if (&copy_src == this) return *this;
+    if (pNext)
+        FreePnextChain(pNext);
+    sType = copy_src.sType;
+    shaderImageInt64Atomics = copy_src.shaderImageInt64Atomics;
+    sparseImageInt64Atomics = copy_src.sparseImageInt64Atomics;
+    pNext = SafePnextCopy(copy_src.pNext);
+    return *this;
+    if (pNext)
+        FreePnextChain(pNext);
+void safe_VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT::initialize(const VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT* in_struct)
+    sType = in_struct->sType;
+    shaderImageInt64Atomics = in_struct->shaderImageInt64Atomics;
+    sparseImageInt64Atomics = in_struct->sparseImageInt64Atomics;
+    pNext = SafePnextCopy(in_struct->pNext);
+void safe_VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT::initialize(const safe_VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT* copy_src)
+    sType = copy_src->sType;
+    shaderImageInt64Atomics = copy_src->shaderImageInt64Atomics;
+    sparseImageInt64Atomics = copy_src->sparseImageInt64Atomics;
+    pNext = SafePnextCopy(copy_src->pNext);
 safe_VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryBudgetPropertiesEXT::safe_VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryBudgetPropertiesEXT(const VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryBudgetPropertiesEXT* in_struct) :
@@ -33058,6 +33116,206 @@
     pNext = SafePnextCopy(copy_src->pNext);
+safe_VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT::safe_VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT(const VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT* in_struct) :
+    sType(in_struct->sType),
+    deviceMemoryReport(in_struct->deviceMemoryReport)
+    pNext = SafePnextCopy(in_struct->pNext);
+safe_VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT::safe_VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT() :
+    pNext(nullptr)
+safe_VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT::safe_VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT(const safe_VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT& copy_src)
+    sType = copy_src.sType;
+    deviceMemoryReport = copy_src.deviceMemoryReport;
+    pNext = SafePnextCopy(copy_src.pNext);
+safe_VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT& safe_VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT::operator=(const safe_VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT& copy_src)
+    if (&copy_src == this) return *this;
+    if (pNext)
+        FreePnextChain(pNext);
+    sType = copy_src.sType;
+    deviceMemoryReport = copy_src.deviceMemoryReport;
+    pNext = SafePnextCopy(copy_src.pNext);
+    return *this;
+    if (pNext)
+        FreePnextChain(pNext);
+void safe_VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT::initialize(const VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT* in_struct)
+    sType = in_struct->sType;
+    deviceMemoryReport = in_struct->deviceMemoryReport;
+    pNext = SafePnextCopy(in_struct->pNext);
+void safe_VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT::initialize(const safe_VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT* copy_src)
+    sType = copy_src->sType;
+    deviceMemoryReport = copy_src->deviceMemoryReport;
+    pNext = SafePnextCopy(copy_src->pNext);
+safe_VkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT::safe_VkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT(const VkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT* in_struct) :
+    sType(in_struct->sType),
+    flags(in_struct->flags),
+    type(in_struct->type),
+    memoryObjectId(in_struct->memoryObjectId),
+    size(in_struct->size),
+    objectType(in_struct->objectType),
+    objectHandle(in_struct->objectHandle),
+    heapIndex(in_struct->heapIndex)
+    pNext = SafePnextCopy(in_struct->pNext);
+safe_VkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT::safe_VkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT() :
+    pNext(nullptr)
+safe_VkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT::safe_VkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT(const safe_VkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT& copy_src)
+    sType = copy_src.sType;
+    flags = copy_src.flags;
+    type = copy_src.type;
+    memoryObjectId = copy_src.memoryObjectId;
+    size = copy_src.size;
+    objectType = copy_src.objectType;
+    objectHandle = copy_src.objectHandle;
+    heapIndex = copy_src.heapIndex;
+    pNext = SafePnextCopy(copy_src.pNext);
+safe_VkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT& safe_VkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT::operator=(const safe_VkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT& copy_src)
+    if (&copy_src == this) return *this;
+    if (pNext)
+        FreePnextChain(pNext);
+    sType = copy_src.sType;
+    flags = copy_src.flags;
+    type = copy_src.type;
+    memoryObjectId = copy_src.memoryObjectId;
+    size = copy_src.size;
+    objectType = copy_src.objectType;
+    objectHandle = copy_src.objectHandle;
+    heapIndex = copy_src.heapIndex;
+    pNext = SafePnextCopy(copy_src.pNext);
+    return *this;
+    if (pNext)
+        FreePnextChain(pNext);
+void safe_VkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT::initialize(const VkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT* in_struct)
+    sType = in_struct->sType;
+    flags = in_struct->flags;
+    type = in_struct->type;
+    memoryObjectId = in_struct->memoryObjectId;
+    size = in_struct->size;
+    objectType = in_struct->objectType;
+    objectHandle = in_struct->objectHandle;
+    heapIndex = in_struct->heapIndex;
+    pNext = SafePnextCopy(in_struct->pNext);
+void safe_VkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT::initialize(const safe_VkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT* copy_src)
+    sType = copy_src->sType;
+    flags = copy_src->flags;
+    type = copy_src->type;
+    memoryObjectId = copy_src->memoryObjectId;
+    size = copy_src->size;
+    objectType = copy_src->objectType;
+    objectHandle = copy_src->objectHandle;
+    heapIndex = copy_src->heapIndex;
+    pNext = SafePnextCopy(copy_src->pNext);
+safe_VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT::safe_VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT(const VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT* in_struct) :
+    sType(in_struct->sType),
+    flags(in_struct->flags),
+    pfnUserCallback(in_struct->pfnUserCallback),
+    pUserData(in_struct->pUserData)
+    pNext = SafePnextCopy(in_struct->pNext);
+safe_VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT::safe_VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT() :
+    pNext(nullptr),
+    pUserData(nullptr)
+safe_VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT::safe_VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT(const safe_VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT& copy_src)
+    sType = copy_src.sType;
+    flags = copy_src.flags;
+    pfnUserCallback = copy_src.pfnUserCallback;
+    pUserData = copy_src.pUserData;
+    pNext = SafePnextCopy(copy_src.pNext);
+safe_VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT& safe_VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT::operator=(const safe_VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT& copy_src)
+    if (&copy_src == this) return *this;
+    if (pNext)
+        FreePnextChain(pNext);
+    sType = copy_src.sType;
+    flags = copy_src.flags;
+    pfnUserCallback = copy_src.pfnUserCallback;
+    pUserData = copy_src.pUserData;
+    pNext = SafePnextCopy(copy_src.pNext);
+    return *this;
+    if (pNext)
+        FreePnextChain(pNext);
+void safe_VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT::initialize(const VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT* in_struct)
+    sType = in_struct->sType;
+    flags = in_struct->flags;
+    pfnUserCallback = in_struct->pfnUserCallback;
+    pUserData = in_struct->pUserData;
+    pNext = SafePnextCopy(in_struct->pNext);
+void safe_VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT::initialize(const safe_VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT* copy_src)
+    sType = copy_src->sType;
+    flags = copy_src->flags;
+    pfnUserCallback = copy_src->pfnUserCallback;
+    pUserData = copy_src->pUserData;
+    pNext = SafePnextCopy(copy_src->pNext);
 safe_VkPhysicalDeviceRobustness2FeaturesEXT::safe_VkPhysicalDeviceRobustness2FeaturesEXT(const VkPhysicalDeviceRobustness2FeaturesEXT* in_struct) :
@@ -36277,6 +36535,9 @@
             safe_pNext = new safe_VkPhysicalDeviceCoherentMemoryFeaturesAMD(reinterpret_cast<const VkPhysicalDeviceCoherentMemoryFeaturesAMD *>(pNext));
+            safe_pNext = new safe_VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT(reinterpret_cast<const VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT *>(pNext));
+            break;
             safe_pNext = new safe_VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryBudgetPropertiesEXT(reinterpret_cast<const VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryBudgetPropertiesEXT *>(pNext));
@@ -36358,6 +36619,12 @@
             safe_pNext = new safe_VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderPassTransformInfoQCOM(reinterpret_cast<const VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderPassTransformInfoQCOM *>(pNext));
+            safe_pNext = new safe_VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT(reinterpret_cast<const VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT *>(pNext));
+            break;
+            safe_pNext = new safe_VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT(reinterpret_cast<const VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT *>(pNext));
+            break;
             safe_pNext = new safe_VkPhysicalDeviceRobustness2FeaturesEXT(reinterpret_cast<const VkPhysicalDeviceRobustness2FeaturesEXT *>(pNext));
@@ -37064,6 +37331,9 @@
             delete reinterpret_cast<const safe_VkPhysicalDeviceCoherentMemoryFeaturesAMD *>(header);
+            delete reinterpret_cast<const safe_VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT *>(header);
+            break;
             delete reinterpret_cast<const safe_VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryBudgetPropertiesEXT *>(header);
@@ -37145,6 +37415,12 @@
             delete reinterpret_cast<const safe_VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderPassTransformInfoQCOM *>(header);
+            delete reinterpret_cast<const safe_VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT *>(header);
+            break;
+            delete reinterpret_cast<const safe_VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT *>(header);
+            break;
             delete reinterpret_cast<const safe_VkPhysicalDeviceRobustness2FeaturesEXT *>(header);
diff --git a/layers/generated/vk_safe_struct.h b/layers/generated/vk_safe_struct.h
index a908804..2fe8594 100644
--- a/layers/generated/vk_safe_struct.h
+++ b/layers/generated/vk_safe_struct.h
@@ -6965,6 +6965,22 @@
     VkPhysicalDeviceCoherentMemoryFeaturesAMD const *ptr() const { return reinterpret_cast<VkPhysicalDeviceCoherentMemoryFeaturesAMD const *>(this); }
+struct safe_VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT {
+    VkStructureType sType;
+    void* pNext;
+    VkBool32 shaderImageInt64Atomics;
+    VkBool32 sparseImageInt64Atomics;
+    safe_VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT(const VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT* in_struct);
+    safe_VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT(const safe_VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT& copy_src);
+    safe_VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT& operator=(const safe_VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT& copy_src);
+    safe_VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT();
+    ~safe_VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT();
+    void initialize(const VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT* in_struct);
+    void initialize(const safe_VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT* copy_src);
+    VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT *ptr() { return reinterpret_cast<VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT *>(this); }
+    VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT const *ptr() const { return reinterpret_cast<VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT const *>(this); }
 struct safe_VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryBudgetPropertiesEXT {
     VkStructureType sType;
     void* pNext;
@@ -7649,6 +7665,59 @@
     VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderPassTransformInfoQCOM const *ptr() const { return reinterpret_cast<VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderPassTransformInfoQCOM const *>(this); }
+struct safe_VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT {
+    VkStructureType sType;
+    void* pNext;
+    VkBool32 deviceMemoryReport;
+    safe_VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT(const VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT* in_struct);
+    safe_VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT(const safe_VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT& copy_src);
+    safe_VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT& operator=(const safe_VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT& copy_src);
+    safe_VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT();
+    ~safe_VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT();
+    void initialize(const VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT* in_struct);
+    void initialize(const safe_VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT* copy_src);
+    VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT *ptr() { return reinterpret_cast<VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT *>(this); }
+    VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT const *ptr() const { return reinterpret_cast<VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT const *>(this); }
+struct safe_VkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT {
+    VkStructureType sType;
+    const void* pNext;
+    VkDeviceMemoryReportFlagsEXT flags;
+    VkDeviceMemoryReportEventTypeEXT type;
+    uint64_t memoryObjectId;
+    VkDeviceSize size;
+    VkObjectType objectType;
+    uint64_t objectHandle;
+    uint32_t heapIndex;
+    safe_VkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT(const VkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT* in_struct);
+    safe_VkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT(const safe_VkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT& copy_src);
+    safe_VkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT& operator=(const safe_VkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT& copy_src);
+    safe_VkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT();
+    ~safe_VkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT();
+    void initialize(const VkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT* in_struct);
+    void initialize(const safe_VkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT* copy_src);
+    VkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT *ptr() { return reinterpret_cast<VkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT *>(this); }
+    VkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT const *ptr() const { return reinterpret_cast<VkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT const *>(this); }
+struct safe_VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT {
+    VkStructureType sType;
+    const void* pNext;
+    VkDeviceMemoryReportFlagsEXT flags;
+    PFN_vkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackEXT pfnUserCallback;
+    void* pUserData;
+    safe_VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT(const VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT* in_struct);
+    safe_VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT(const safe_VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT& copy_src);
+    safe_VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT& operator=(const safe_VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT& copy_src);
+    safe_VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT();
+    ~safe_VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT();
+    void initialize(const VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT* in_struct);
+    void initialize(const safe_VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT* copy_src);
+    VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT *ptr() { return reinterpret_cast<VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT *>(this); }
+    VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT const *ptr() const { return reinterpret_cast<VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT const *>(this); }
 struct safe_VkPhysicalDeviceRobustness2FeaturesEXT {
     VkStructureType sType;
     void* pNext;
diff --git a/layers/generated/vk_typemap_helper.h b/layers/generated/vk_typemap_helper.h
index aa255c7..d04165b 100644
--- a/layers/generated/vk_typemap_helper.h
+++ b/layers/generated/vk_typemap_helper.h
@@ -3533,6 +3533,15 @@
     typedef VkPhysicalDeviceCoherentMemoryFeaturesAMD Type;
+template <> struct LvlTypeMap<VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT> {
+    typedef VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT Type;
 template <> struct LvlTypeMap<VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryBudgetPropertiesEXT> {
@@ -3890,6 +3899,33 @@
     typedef VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderPassTransformInfoQCOM Type;
+template <> struct LvlTypeMap<VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT> {
+    typedef VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT Type;
+template <> struct LvlTypeMap<VkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT> {
+    typedef VkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT Type;
+template <> struct LvlTypeMap<VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT> {
+    typedef VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT Type;
 template <> struct LvlTypeMap<VkPhysicalDeviceRobustness2FeaturesEXT> {
diff --git a/layers/generated/vk_validation_error_messages.h b/layers/generated/vk_validation_error_messages.h
index a2a86e5..db8de6e 100644
--- a/layers/generated/vk_validation_error_messages.h
+++ b/layers/generated/vk_validation_error_messages.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-/* Vulkan specification version: 1.2.154 */
+/* Vulkan specification version: 1.2.156 */
  * Vulkan
@@ -1253,7 +1253,7 @@
     {"VUID-VkDeviceCreateInfo-pNext-00373", "If the pNext chain includes a VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2 structure, then pEnabledFeatures must be NULL", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-VkDeviceCreateInfo-pNext-02829", "If the pNext chain includes a VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan11Features structure, then it must not include a VkPhysicalDevice16BitStorageFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceMultiviewFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceVariablePointersFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceProtectedMemoryFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceSamplerYcbcrConversionFeatures, or VkPhysicalDeviceShaderDrawParametersFeatures structure", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-VkDeviceCreateInfo-pNext-02830", "If the pNext chain includes a VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan12Features structure, then it must not include a VkPhysicalDevice8BitStorageFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderAtomicInt64Features, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderFloat16Int8Features, VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceScalarBlockLayoutFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceImagelessFramebufferFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceUniformBufferStandardLayoutFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderSubgroupExtendedTypesFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceSeparateDepthStencilLayoutsFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceHostQueryResetFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceTimelineSemaphoreFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceBufferDeviceAddressFeatures, or VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeatures structure", "1.2-extensions"},
-    {"VUID-VkDeviceCreateInfo-pNext-pNext", "Each pNext member of any structure (including this one) in the pNext chain must be either NULL or a pointer to a valid instance of VkDeviceDiagnosticsConfigCreateInfoNV, VkDeviceGroupDeviceCreateInfo, VkDeviceMemoryOverallocationCreateInfoAMD, VkDevicePrivateDataCreateInfoEXT, VkPhysicalDevice16BitStorageFeatures, VkPhysicalDevice4444FormatsFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDevice8BitStorageFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceASTCDecodeFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceBlendOperationAdvancedFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceBufferDeviceAddressFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceBufferDeviceAddressFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceCoherentMemoryFeaturesAMD, VkPhysicalDeviceComputeShaderDerivativesFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceConditionalRenderingFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceCornerSampledImageFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceCustomBorderColorFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceDedicatedAllocationImageAliasingFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceDepthClipEnableFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceGeneratedCommandsFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceDiagnosticsConfigFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceExclusiveScissorFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceExtendedDynamicStateFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2, VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMap2FeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMapFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShaderBarycentricFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShaderInterlockFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceHostQueryResetFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceImageRobustnessFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceImagelessFramebufferFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceIndexTypeUint8FeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceInlineUniformBlockFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryPriorityFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceMultiviewFeatures, VkPhysicalDevicePerformanceQueryFeaturesKHR, VkPhysicalDevicePipelineCreationCacheControlFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDevicePipelineExecutablePropertiesFeaturesKHR, VkPhysicalDevicePortabilitySubsetFeaturesKHR, VkPhysicalDevicePrivateDataFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceProtectedMemoryFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingFeaturesKHR, VkPhysicalDeviceRepresentativeFragmentTestFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceRobustness2FeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceSamplerYcbcrConversionFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceScalarBlockLayoutFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceSeparateDepthStencilLayoutsFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderAtomicFloatFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderAtomicInt64Features, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderClockFeaturesKHR, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderDemoteToHelperInvocationFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderDrawParametersFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderFloat16Int8Features, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageFootprintFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderIntegerFunctions2FeaturesINTEL, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderSMBuiltinsFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderSubgroupExtendedTypesFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImageFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupSizeControlFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceTexelBufferAlignmentFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceTextureCompressionASTCHDRFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceTimelineSemaphoreFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceTransformFeedbackFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceUniformBufferStandardLayoutFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceVariablePointersFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceVertexAttributeDivisorFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan11Features, VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan12Features, VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeatures, or VkPhysicalDeviceYcbcrImageArraysFeaturesEXT", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-VkDeviceCreateInfo-pNext-pNext", "Each pNext member of any structure (including this one) in the pNext chain must be either NULL or a pointer to a valid instance of VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT, VkDeviceDiagnosticsConfigCreateInfoNV, VkDeviceGroupDeviceCreateInfo, VkDeviceMemoryOverallocationCreateInfoAMD, VkDevicePrivateDataCreateInfoEXT, VkPhysicalDevice16BitStorageFeatures, VkPhysicalDevice4444FormatsFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDevice8BitStorageFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceASTCDecodeFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceBlendOperationAdvancedFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceBufferDeviceAddressFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceBufferDeviceAddressFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceCoherentMemoryFeaturesAMD, VkPhysicalDeviceComputeShaderDerivativesFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceConditionalRenderingFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceCornerSampledImageFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceCustomBorderColorFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceDedicatedAllocationImageAliasingFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceDepthClipEnableFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceGeneratedCommandsFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceDiagnosticsConfigFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceExclusiveScissorFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceExtendedDynamicStateFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2, VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMap2FeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMapFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShaderBarycentricFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShaderInterlockFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceHostQueryResetFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceImageRobustnessFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceImagelessFramebufferFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceIndexTypeUint8FeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceInlineUniformBlockFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryPriorityFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceMultiviewFeatures, VkPhysicalDevicePerformanceQueryFeaturesKHR, VkPhysicalDevicePipelineCreationCacheControlFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDevicePipelineExecutablePropertiesFeaturesKHR, VkPhysicalDevicePortabilitySubsetFeaturesKHR, VkPhysicalDevicePrivateDataFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceProtectedMemoryFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingFeaturesKHR, VkPhysicalDeviceRepresentativeFragmentTestFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceRobustness2FeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceSamplerYcbcrConversionFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceScalarBlockLayoutFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceSeparateDepthStencilLayoutsFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderAtomicFloatFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderAtomicInt64Features, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderClockFeaturesKHR, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderDemoteToHelperInvocationFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderDrawParametersFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderFloat16Int8Features, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageFootprintFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderIntegerFunctions2FeaturesINTEL, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderSMBuiltinsFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceShaderSubgroupExtendedTypesFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImageFeaturesNV, VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupSizeControlFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceTexelBufferAlignmentFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceTextureCompressionASTCHDRFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceTimelineSemaphoreFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceTransformFeedbackFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceUniformBufferStandardLayoutFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceVariablePointersFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceVertexAttributeDivisorFeaturesEXT, VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan11Features, VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan12Features, VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeatures, or VkPhysicalDeviceYcbcrImageArraysFeaturesEXT", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-VkDeviceCreateInfo-pProperties-04451", "If the [VK_KHR_portability_subset] extension is included in pProperties of vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties, ppEnabledExtensions must include \"VK_KHR_portability_subset\".", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-VkDeviceCreateInfo-pQueueCreateInfos-parameter", "pQueueCreateInfos must be a valid pointer to an array of queueCreateInfoCount valid VkDeviceQueueCreateInfo structures", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-VkDeviceCreateInfo-ppEnabledExtensionNames-00374", "ppEnabledExtensionNames must not contain both VK_KHR_maintenance1 and VK_AMD_negative_viewport_height", "1.0-extensions"},
@@ -1270,7 +1270,11 @@
     {"VUID-VkDeviceCreateInfo-queueFamilyIndex-00372", "The queueFamilyIndex member of each element of pQueueCreateInfos must be unique within pQueueCreateInfos", "1.0-extensions"},
     {"VUID-VkDeviceCreateInfo-queueFamilyIndex-02802", "The queueFamilyIndex member of each element of pQueueCreateInfos must be unique within pQueueCreateInfos, except that two members can share the same queueFamilyIndex if one is a protected-capable queue and one is not a protected-capable queue", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-VkDeviceCreateInfo-sType-sType", "sType must be VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_CREATE_INFO", "1.2-extensions"},
-    {"VUID-VkDeviceCreateInfo-sType-unique", "The sType value of each struct in the pNext chain must be unique, with the exception of structures of type VkDevicePrivateDataCreateInfoEXT", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-VkDeviceCreateInfo-sType-unique", "The sType value of each struct in the pNext chain must be unique, with the exception of structures of type VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT or VkDevicePrivateDataCreateInfoEXT", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT-flags-zerobitmask", "flags must be 0", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT-pUserData-parameter", "pUserData must be a pointer value", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT-pfnUserCallback-parameter", "pfnUserCallback must be a valid PFN_vkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackEXT value", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-VkDeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT-sType-sType", "sType must be VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_DEVICE_MEMORY_REPORT_CREATE_INFO_EXT", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-VkDeviceDiagnosticsConfigCreateInfoNV-flags-parameter", "flags must be a valid combination of VkDeviceDiagnosticsConfigFlagBitsNV values", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-VkDeviceDiagnosticsConfigCreateInfoNV-sType-sType", "sType must be VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_DIAGNOSTICS_CONFIG_CREATE_INFO_NV", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-VkDeviceEventInfoEXT-deviceEvent-parameter", "deviceEvent must be a valid VkDeviceEventTypeEXT value", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -1323,6 +1327,8 @@
     {"VUID-VkDeviceMemoryOpaqueCaptureAddressInfo-sType-sType", "sType must be VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_MEMORY_OPAQUE_CAPTURE_ADDRESS_INFO", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-VkDeviceMemoryOverallocationCreateInfoAMD-overallocationBehavior-parameter", "overallocationBehavior must be a valid VkMemoryOverallocationBehaviorAMD value", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-VkDeviceMemoryOverallocationCreateInfoAMD-sType-sType", "sType must be VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_MEMORY_OVERALLOCATION_CREATE_INFO_AMD", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-VkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT-pNext-pNext", "pNext must be NULL", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-VkDeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT-sType-sType", "sType must be VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_MEMORY_REPORT_CALLBACK_DATA_EXT", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-VkDevicePrivateDataCreateInfoEXT-sType-sType", "sType must be VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_PRIVATE_DATA_CREATE_INFO_EXT", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-VkDeviceQueueCreateInfo-flags-02861", "If the protected memory feature is not enabled, the VK_DEVICE_QUEUE_CREATE_PROTECTED_BIT bit of flags must not be set", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-VkDeviceQueueCreateInfo-flags-parameter", "flags must be a valid combination of VkDeviceQueueCreateFlagBits values", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -2198,12 +2204,12 @@
     {"VUID-VkMemoryAllocateFlagsInfo-deviceMask-00676", "If VK_MEMORY_ALLOCATE_DEVICE_MASK_BIT is set, deviceMask must not be zero", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-VkMemoryAllocateFlagsInfo-flags-parameter", "flags must be a valid combination of VkMemoryAllocateFlagBits values", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-VkMemoryAllocateFlagsInfo-sType-sType", "sType must be VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_MEMORY_ALLOCATE_FLAGS_INFO", "1.2-extensions"},
-    {"VUID-VkMemoryAllocateInfo-None-00643", "If the parameters define an import operation and the external handle specified was created by the Vulkan API, the device mask specified by VkMemoryAllocateFlagsInfo must match that specified when the memory object being imported was allocated", "1.2-extensions"},
-    {"VUID-VkMemoryAllocateInfo-None-00644", "If the parameters define an import operation and the external handle specified was created by the Vulkan API, the list of physical devices that comprise the logical device passed to vkAllocateMemory must match the list of physical devices that comprise the logical device on which the memory was originally allocated", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-VkMemoryAllocateInfo-None-00643", "If the parameters define an import operation and the external handle specified was created by the Vulkan API, the device mask specified by VkMemoryAllocateFlagsInfo must match that specified when the payload being imported was allocated.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-VkMemoryAllocateInfo-None-00644", "If the parameters define an import operation and the external handle specified was created by the Vulkan API, the list of physical devices that comprise the logical device passed to vkAllocateMemory must match the list of physical devices that comprise the logical device on which the payload was originally allocated.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-VkMemoryAllocateInfo-allocationSize-00638", "allocationSize must be greater than 0", "1.2-khr-extensions"},
-    {"VUID-VkMemoryAllocateInfo-allocationSize-00647", "If the parameters define an import operation and the external handle type is VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_D3D12_HEAP_BIT, allocationSize must match the size specified when creating the Direct3D 12 heap from which the external handle was extracted", "1.2-extensions"},
-    {"VUID-VkMemoryAllocateInfo-allocationSize-01742", "If the parameters define an import operation, the external handle specified was created by the Vulkan API, and the external handle type is VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_OPAQUE_FD_BIT_KHR, then the values of allocationSize and memoryTypeIndex must match those specified when the memory object being imported was created", "1.2-extensions"},
-    {"VUID-VkMemoryAllocateInfo-allocationSize-01743", "If the parameters define an import operation, the external handle was created by the Vulkan API, and the external handle type is VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_OPAQUE_WIN32_BIT_KHR or VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_OPAQUE_WIN32_KMT_BIT_KHR, then the values of allocationSize and memoryTypeIndex must match those specified when the memory object being imported was created", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-VkMemoryAllocateInfo-allocationSize-00647", "If the parameters define an import operation and the external handle type is VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_D3D12_HEAP_BIT, allocationSize must match the size specified when creating the Direct3D 12 heap from which the payload was extracted.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-VkMemoryAllocateInfo-allocationSize-01742", "If the parameters define an import operation, the external handle specified was created by the Vulkan API, and the external handle type is VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_OPAQUE_FD_BIT_KHR, then the values of allocationSize and memoryTypeIndex must match those specified when the payload being imported was created.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-VkMemoryAllocateInfo-allocationSize-01743", "If the parameters define an import operation, the external handle was created by the Vulkan API, and the external handle type is VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_OPAQUE_WIN32_BIT_KHR or VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_OPAQUE_WIN32_KMT_BIT_KHR, then the values of allocationSize and memoryTypeIndex must match those specified when the payload being imported was created.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-VkMemoryAllocateInfo-allocationSize-01745", "If the parameters define an import operation and the external handle is a host pointer, allocationSize must be an integer multiple of VkPhysicalDeviceExternalMemoryHostPropertiesEXT::minImportedHostPointerAlignment", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-VkMemoryAllocateInfo-allocationSize-02383", "If the parameters define an import operation and the external handle type is VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_ANDROID_HARDWARE_BUFFER_BIT_ANDROID, allocationSize must be the size returned by vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID for the Android hardware buffer", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-VkMemoryAllocateInfo-flags-03330", "If VkMemoryAllocateFlagsInfo::flags includes VK_MEMORY_ALLOCATE_DEVICE_ADDRESS_CAPTURE_REPLAY_BIT, the bufferDeviceAddressCaptureReplay feature must be enabled", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -2332,6 +2338,7 @@
     {"VUID-VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingProperties-sType-sType", "sType must be VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_INDEXING_PROPERTIES", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceGeneratedCommandsFeaturesNV-sType-sType", "sType must be VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_DEVICE_GENERATED_COMMANDS_FEATURES_NV", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceGeneratedCommandsPropertiesNV-sType-sType", "sType must be VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_DEVICE_GENERATED_COMMANDS_PROPERTIES_NV", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT-sType-sType", "sType must be VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_DEVICE_MEMORY_REPORT_FEATURES_EXT", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-VkPhysicalDeviceDiagnosticsConfigFeaturesNV-sType-sType", "sType must be VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_DIAGNOSTICS_CONFIG_FEATURES_NV", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-VkPhysicalDeviceDiscardRectanglePropertiesEXT-sType-sType", "sType must be VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_DISCARD_RECTANGLE_PROPERTIES_EXT", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-VkPhysicalDeviceDriverProperties-sType-sType", "sType must be VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_DRIVER_PROPERTIES", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -2439,6 +2446,7 @@
     {"VUID-VkPhysicalDeviceShaderDemoteToHelperInvocationFeaturesEXT-sType-sType", "sType must be VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_SHADER_DEMOTE_TO_HELPER_INVOCATION_FEATURES_EXT", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-VkPhysicalDeviceShaderDrawParametersFeatures-sType-sType", "sType must be VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_SHADER_DRAW_PARAMETERS_FEATURES", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-VkPhysicalDeviceShaderFloat16Int8Features-sType-sType", "sType must be VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_SHADER_FLOAT16_INT8_FEATURES", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT-sType-sType", "sType must be VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_SHADER_IMAGE_ATOMIC_INT64_FEATURES_EXT", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-VkPhysicalDeviceShaderImageFootprintFeaturesNV-sType-sType", "sType must be VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_SHADER_IMAGE_FOOTPRINT_FEATURES_NV", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-VkPhysicalDeviceShaderIntegerFunctions2FeaturesINTEL-sType-sType", "sType must be VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_SHADER_INTEGER_FUNCTIONS_2_FEATURES_INTEL", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-VkPhysicalDeviceShaderSMBuiltinsFeaturesNV-sType-sType", "sType must be VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_SHADER_SM_BUILTINS_FEATURES_NV", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -4547,6 +4555,11 @@
     {"VUID-vkCmdDispatch-None-02706", "If the robust buffer access feature is not enabled, and if the VkPipeline object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command accesses a storage buffer, it must not access values outside of the range of the buffer as specified in the descriptor set bound to the same pipeline bind point", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDispatch-None-02859", "There must not have been any calls to dynamic state setting commands for any state not specified as dynamic in the VkPipeline object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command, since that pipeline was bound", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDispatch-None-04115", "If a VkImageView is accessed using OpImageWrite as a result of this command, then the Type of the Texel operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the image view's format.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDispatch-OpImageWrite-04469", "If a VkBufferView is accessed using OpImageWrite as a result of this command, then the Type of the Texel operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the image view's format.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDispatch-SampledType-04470", "If a VkImageView with a VkFormat that has a 64-bit channel width is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 64.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDispatch-SampledType-04471", "If a VkImageView with a VkFormat that has a channel width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 32.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDispatch-SampledType-04472", "If a VkBufferView with a VkFormat that has a 64-bit channel width is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 64.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDispatch-SampledType-04473", "If a VkBufferView with a VkFormat that has a channel width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 32.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDispatch-commandBuffer-02701", "If the VkPipeline object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command requires any dynamic state, that state must have been set for commandBuffer, and done so after any previously bound pipeline with the corresponding state not specified as dynamic", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDispatch-commandBuffer-02707", "If commandBuffer is an unprotected command buffer, any resource accessed by the VkPipeline object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command must not be a protected resource", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDispatch-commandBuffer-02712", "If commandBuffer is a protected command buffer, any resource written to by the VkPipeline object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command must not be an unprotected resource", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -4561,6 +4574,8 @@
     {"VUID-vkCmdDispatch-groupCountY-00387", "groupCountY must be less than or equal to VkPhysicalDeviceLimits::maxComputeWorkGroupCount[1]", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDispatch-groupCountZ-00388", "groupCountZ must be less than or equal to VkPhysicalDeviceLimits::maxComputeWorkGroupCount[2]", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDispatch-renderpass", "This command must only be called outside of a render pass instance", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDispatch-sparseImageInt64Atomics-04474", "If the sparseImageInt64Atomics feature is not enabled, VkImage objects created with the VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an OpTypeImage with a SampledType with a Width of 64 by this command.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDispatch-sparseImageInt64Atomics-04475", "If the sparseImageInt64Atomics feature is not enabled, VkBuffer objects created with the VK_BUFFER_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an OpTypeImage with a SampledType with a Width of 64 by this command.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchBase-None-02690", "If a VkImageView is sampled with VK_FILTER_LINEAR as a result of this command, then the image view's format features must contain VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_LINEAR_BIT", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchBase-None-02691", "If a VkImageView is accessed using atomic operations as a result of this command, then the image view's format features must contain VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_ATOMIC_BIT", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchBase-None-02692", "If a VkImageView is sampled with VK_FILTER_CUBIC_EXT as a result of this command, then the image view's format features must contain VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_CUBIC_BIT_EXT", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -4576,6 +4591,11 @@
     {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchBase-None-02706", "If the robust buffer access feature is not enabled, and if the VkPipeline object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command accesses a storage buffer, it must not access values outside of the range of the buffer as specified in the descriptor set bound to the same pipeline bind point", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchBase-None-02859", "There must not have been any calls to dynamic state setting commands for any state not specified as dynamic in the VkPipeline object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command, since that pipeline was bound", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchBase-None-04115", "If a VkImageView is accessed using OpImageWrite as a result of this command, then the Type of the Texel operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the image view's format.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchBase-OpImageWrite-04469", "If a VkBufferView is accessed using OpImageWrite as a result of this command, then the Type of the Texel operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the image view's format.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchBase-SampledType-04470", "If a VkImageView with a VkFormat that has a 64-bit channel width is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 64.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchBase-SampledType-04471", "If a VkImageView with a VkFormat that has a channel width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 32.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchBase-SampledType-04472", "If a VkBufferView with a VkFormat that has a 64-bit channel width is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 64.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchBase-SampledType-04473", "If a VkBufferView with a VkFormat that has a channel width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 32.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchBase-baseGroupX-00421", "baseGroupX must be less than VkPhysicalDeviceLimits::maxComputeWorkGroupCount[0]", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchBase-baseGroupX-00422", "baseGroupX must be less than VkPhysicalDeviceLimits::maxComputeWorkGroupCount[1]", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchBase-baseGroupX-00427", "If any of baseGroupX, baseGroupY, or baseGroupZ are not zero, then the bound compute pipeline must have been created with the VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_DISPATCH_BASE flag", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -4592,6 +4612,8 @@
     {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchBase-groupCountY-00425", "groupCountY must be less than or equal to VkPhysicalDeviceLimits::maxComputeWorkGroupCount[1] minus baseGroupY", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchBase-groupCountZ-00426", "groupCountZ must be less than or equal to VkPhysicalDeviceLimits::maxComputeWorkGroupCount[2] minus baseGroupZ", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchBase-renderpass", "This command must only be called outside of a render pass instance", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchBase-sparseImageInt64Atomics-04474", "If the sparseImageInt64Atomics feature is not enabled, VkImage objects created with the VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an OpTypeImage with a SampledType with a Width of 64 by this command.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchBase-sparseImageInt64Atomics-04475", "If the sparseImageInt64Atomics feature is not enabled, VkBuffer objects created with the VK_BUFFER_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an OpTypeImage with a SampledType with a Width of 64 by this command.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchIndirect-None-02690", "If a VkImageView is sampled with VK_FILTER_LINEAR as a result of this command, then the image view's format features must contain VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_LINEAR_BIT", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchIndirect-None-02691", "If a VkImageView is accessed using atomic operations as a result of this command, then the image view's format features must contain VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_ATOMIC_BIT", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchIndirect-None-02692", "If a VkImageView is sampled with VK_FILTER_CUBIC_EXT as a result of this command, then the image view's format features must contain VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_CUBIC_BIT_EXT", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -4607,6 +4629,11 @@
     {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchIndirect-None-02706", "If the robust buffer access feature is not enabled, and if the VkPipeline object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command accesses a storage buffer, it must not access values outside of the range of the buffer as specified in the descriptor set bound to the same pipeline bind point", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchIndirect-None-02859", "There must not have been any calls to dynamic state setting commands for any state not specified as dynamic in the VkPipeline object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command, since that pipeline was bound", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchIndirect-None-04115", "If a VkImageView is accessed using OpImageWrite as a result of this command, then the Type of the Texel operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the image view's format.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchIndirect-OpImageWrite-04469", "If a VkBufferView is accessed using OpImageWrite as a result of this command, then the Type of the Texel operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the image view's format.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchIndirect-SampledType-04470", "If a VkImageView with a VkFormat that has a 64-bit channel width is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 64.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchIndirect-SampledType-04471", "If a VkImageView with a VkFormat that has a channel width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 32.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchIndirect-SampledType-04472", "If a VkBufferView with a VkFormat that has a 64-bit channel width is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 64.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchIndirect-SampledType-04473", "If a VkBufferView with a VkFormat that has a channel width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 32.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchIndirect-buffer-02708", "If buffer is non-sparse then it must be bound completely and contiguously to a single VkDeviceMemory object", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchIndirect-buffer-02709", "buffer must have been created with the VK_BUFFER_USAGE_INDIRECT_BUFFER_BIT bit set", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchIndirect-buffer-parameter", "buffer must be a valid VkBuffer handle", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -4623,6 +4650,8 @@
     {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchIndirect-offset-00407", "The sum of offset and the size of VkDispatchIndirectCommand must be less than or equal to the size of buffer", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchIndirect-offset-02710", "offset must be a multiple of 4", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchIndirect-renderpass", "This command must only be called outside of a render pass instance", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchIndirect-sparseImageInt64Atomics-04474", "If the sparseImageInt64Atomics feature is not enabled, VkImage objects created with the VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an OpTypeImage with a SampledType with a Width of 64 by this command.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDispatchIndirect-sparseImageInt64Atomics-04475", "If the sparseImageInt64Atomics feature is not enabled, VkBuffer objects created with the VK_BUFFER_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an OpTypeImage with a SampledType with a Width of 64 by this command.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDraw-None-02686", "Every input attachment used by the current subpass must be bound to the pipeline via a descriptor set", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDraw-None-02687", "Image subresources used as attachments in the current render pass must not be accessed in any way other than as an attachment by this command", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDraw-None-02690", "If a VkImageView is sampled with VK_FILTER_LINEAR as a result of this command, then the image view's format features must contain VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_LINEAR_BIT", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -4643,6 +4672,11 @@
     {"VUID-vkCmdDraw-None-04007", "All vertex input bindings accessed via vertex input variables declared in the vertex shader entry point's interface must have either valid or VK_NULL_HANDLE buffers bound", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDraw-None-04008", "If the nullDescriptor feature is not enabled, all vertex input bindings accessed via vertex input variables declared in the vertex shader entry point's interface must not be VK_NULL_HANDLE", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDraw-None-04115", "If a VkImageView is accessed using OpImageWrite as a result of this command, then the Type of the Texel operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the image view's format.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDraw-OpImageWrite-04469", "If a VkBufferView is accessed using OpImageWrite as a result of this command, then the Type of the Texel operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the image view's format.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDraw-SampledType-04470", "If a VkImageView with a VkFormat that has a 64-bit channel width is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 64.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDraw-SampledType-04471", "If a VkImageView with a VkFormat that has a channel width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 32.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDraw-SampledType-04472", "If a VkBufferView with a VkFormat that has a 64-bit channel width is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 64.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDraw-SampledType-04473", "If a VkBufferView with a VkFormat that has a channel width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 32.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDraw-VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo-04141", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled and an instance of VkPipelineViewportSwizzleStateCreateInfoNV chained from VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo, then the bound graphics pipeline must have been created with VkPipelineViewportSwizzleStateCreateInfoNV::viewportCount greater or equal to the viewportCount parameter in the last call to vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDraw-VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo-04142", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled and an instance of VkPipelineViewportExclusiveScissorStateCreateInfoNV chained from VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo, then the bound graphics pipeline must have been created with VkPipelineViewportExclusiveScissorStateCreateInfoNV::exclusiveScissorCount greater or equal to the viewportCount parameter in the last call to vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDraw-commandBuffer-02701", "If the VkPipeline object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command requires any dynamic state, that state must have been set for commandBuffer, and done so after any previously bound pipeline with the corresponding state not specified as dynamic", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -4661,6 +4695,8 @@
     {"VUID-vkCmdDraw-renderpass", "This command must only be called inside of a render pass instance", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDraw-sampleLocationsEnable-02689", "If the bound graphics pipeline was created with VkPipelineSampleLocationsStateCreateInfoEXT::sampleLocationsEnable set to VK_TRUE and the current subpass has a depth/stencil attachment, then that attachment must have been created with the VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SAMPLE_LOCATIONS_COMPATIBLE_DEPTH_BIT_EXT bit set", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDraw-scissorCount-03418", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, but not the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, then vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this draw command, and the scissorCount parameter of vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT must match the VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo::viewportCount of the pipeline", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDraw-sparseImageInt64Atomics-04474", "If the sparseImageInt64Atomics feature is not enabled, VkImage objects created with the VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an OpTypeImage with a SampledType with a Width of 64 by this command.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDraw-sparseImageInt64Atomics-04475", "If the sparseImageInt64Atomics feature is not enabled, VkBuffer objects created with the VK_BUFFER_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an OpTypeImage with a SampledType with a Width of 64 by this command.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDraw-subpass-02685", "The subpass index of the current render pass must be equal to the subpass member of the VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo structure specified when creating the VkPipeline bound to VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDraw-viewportCount-03417", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, but not the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, then vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this draw command, and the viewportCount parameter of vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT must match the VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo::scissorCount of the pipeline", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDraw-viewportCount-03419", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with both the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT and VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic states enabled then both vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT and vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this draw command, and the viewportCount parameter of vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT must match the scissorCount parameter of vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -4688,6 +4724,11 @@
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexed-None-04007", "All vertex input bindings accessed via vertex input variables declared in the vertex shader entry point's interface must have either valid or VK_NULL_HANDLE buffers bound", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexed-None-04008", "If the nullDescriptor feature is not enabled, all vertex input bindings accessed via vertex input variables declared in the vertex shader entry point's interface must not be VK_NULL_HANDLE", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexed-None-04115", "If a VkImageView is accessed using OpImageWrite as a result of this command, then the Type of the Texel operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the image view's format.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexed-OpImageWrite-04469", "If a VkBufferView is accessed using OpImageWrite as a result of this command, then the Type of the Texel operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the image view's format.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexed-SampledType-04470", "If a VkImageView with a VkFormat that has a 64-bit channel width is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 64.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexed-SampledType-04471", "If a VkImageView with a VkFormat that has a channel width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 32.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexed-SampledType-04472", "If a VkBufferView with a VkFormat that has a 64-bit channel width is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 64.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexed-SampledType-04473", "If a VkBufferView with a VkFormat that has a channel width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 32.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexed-VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo-04141", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled and an instance of VkPipelineViewportSwizzleStateCreateInfoNV chained from VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo, then the bound graphics pipeline must have been created with VkPipelineViewportSwizzleStateCreateInfoNV::viewportCount greater or equal to the viewportCount parameter in the last call to vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexed-VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo-04142", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled and an instance of VkPipelineViewportExclusiveScissorStateCreateInfoNV chained from VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo, then the bound graphics pipeline must have been created with VkPipelineViewportExclusiveScissorStateCreateInfoNV::exclusiveScissorCount greater or equal to the viewportCount parameter in the last call to vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexed-commandBuffer-02701", "If the VkPipeline object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command requires any dynamic state, that state must have been set for commandBuffer, and done so after any previously bound pipeline with the corresponding state not specified as dynamic", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -4707,6 +4748,8 @@
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexed-renderpass", "This command must only be called inside of a render pass instance", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexed-sampleLocationsEnable-02689", "If the bound graphics pipeline was created with VkPipelineSampleLocationsStateCreateInfoEXT::sampleLocationsEnable set to VK_TRUE and the current subpass has a depth/stencil attachment, then that attachment must have been created with the VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SAMPLE_LOCATIONS_COMPATIBLE_DEPTH_BIT_EXT bit set", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexed-scissorCount-03418", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, but not the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, then vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this draw command, and the scissorCount parameter of vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT must match the VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo::viewportCount of the pipeline", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexed-sparseImageInt64Atomics-04474", "If the sparseImageInt64Atomics feature is not enabled, VkImage objects created with the VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an OpTypeImage with a SampledType with a Width of 64 by this command.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexed-sparseImageInt64Atomics-04475", "If the sparseImageInt64Atomics feature is not enabled, VkBuffer objects created with the VK_BUFFER_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an OpTypeImage with a SampledType with a Width of 64 by this command.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexed-subpass-02685", "The subpass index of the current render pass must be equal to the subpass member of the VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo structure specified when creating the VkPipeline bound to VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexed-viewportCount-03417", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, but not the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, then vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this draw command, and the viewportCount parameter of vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT must match the VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo::scissorCount of the pipeline", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexed-viewportCount-03419", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with both the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT and VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic states enabled then both vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT and vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this draw command, and the viewportCount parameter of vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT must match the scissorCount parameter of vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -4734,6 +4777,11 @@
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect-None-04007", "All vertex input bindings accessed via vertex input variables declared in the vertex shader entry point's interface must have either valid or VK_NULL_HANDLE buffers bound", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect-None-04008", "If the nullDescriptor feature is not enabled, all vertex input bindings accessed via vertex input variables declared in the vertex shader entry point's interface must not be VK_NULL_HANDLE", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect-None-04115", "If a VkImageView is accessed using OpImageWrite as a result of this command, then the Type of the Texel operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the image view's format.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect-OpImageWrite-04469", "If a VkBufferView is accessed using OpImageWrite as a result of this command, then the Type of the Texel operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the image view's format.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect-SampledType-04470", "If a VkImageView with a VkFormat that has a 64-bit channel width is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 64.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect-SampledType-04471", "If a VkImageView with a VkFormat that has a channel width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 32.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect-SampledType-04472", "If a VkBufferView with a VkFormat that has a 64-bit channel width is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 64.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect-SampledType-04473", "If a VkBufferView with a VkFormat that has a channel width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 32.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect-VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo-04141", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled and an instance of VkPipelineViewportSwizzleStateCreateInfoNV chained from VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo, then the bound graphics pipeline must have been created with VkPipelineViewportSwizzleStateCreateInfoNV::viewportCount greater or equal to the viewportCount parameter in the last call to vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect-VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo-04142", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled and an instance of VkPipelineViewportExclusiveScissorStateCreateInfoNV chained from VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo, then the bound graphics pipeline must have been created with VkPipelineViewportExclusiveScissorStateCreateInfoNV::exclusiveScissorCount greater or equal to the viewportCount parameter in the last call to vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect-buffer-02708", "If buffer is non-sparse then it must be bound completely and contiguously to a single VkDeviceMemory object", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -4762,6 +4810,8 @@
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect-renderpass", "This command must only be called inside of a render pass instance", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect-sampleLocationsEnable-02689", "If the bound graphics pipeline was created with VkPipelineSampleLocationsStateCreateInfoEXT::sampleLocationsEnable set to VK_TRUE and the current subpass has a depth/stencil attachment, then that attachment must have been created with the VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SAMPLE_LOCATIONS_COMPATIBLE_DEPTH_BIT_EXT bit set", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect-scissorCount-03418", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, but not the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, then vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this draw command, and the scissorCount parameter of vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT must match the VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo::viewportCount of the pipeline", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect-sparseImageInt64Atomics-04474", "If the sparseImageInt64Atomics feature is not enabled, VkImage objects created with the VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an OpTypeImage with a SampledType with a Width of 64 by this command.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect-sparseImageInt64Atomics-04475", "If the sparseImageInt64Atomics feature is not enabled, VkBuffer objects created with the VK_BUFFER_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an OpTypeImage with a SampledType with a Width of 64 by this command.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect-subpass-02685", "The subpass index of the current render pass must be equal to the subpass member of the VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo structure specified when creating the VkPipeline bound to VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect-viewportCount-03417", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, but not the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, then vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this draw command, and the viewportCount parameter of vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT must match the VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo::scissorCount of the pipeline", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect-viewportCount-03419", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with both the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT and VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic states enabled then both vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT and vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this draw command, and the viewportCount parameter of vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT must match the scissorCount parameter of vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -4790,6 +4840,11 @@
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirectCount-None-04008", "If the nullDescriptor feature is not enabled, all vertex input bindings accessed via vertex input variables declared in the vertex shader entry point's interface must not be VK_NULL_HANDLE", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirectCount-None-04115", "If a VkImageView is accessed using OpImageWrite as a result of this command, then the Type of the Texel operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the image view's format.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirectCount-None-04445", "If drawIndirectCount is not enabled this function must not be used", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirectCount-OpImageWrite-04469", "If a VkBufferView is accessed using OpImageWrite as a result of this command, then the Type of the Texel operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the image view's format.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirectCount-SampledType-04470", "If a VkImageView with a VkFormat that has a 64-bit channel width is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 64.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirectCount-SampledType-04471", "If a VkImageView with a VkFormat that has a channel width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 32.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirectCount-SampledType-04472", "If a VkBufferView with a VkFormat that has a 64-bit channel width is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 64.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirectCount-SampledType-04473", "If a VkBufferView with a VkFormat that has a channel width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 32.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirectCount-VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo-04141", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled and an instance of VkPipelineViewportSwizzleStateCreateInfoNV chained from VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo, then the bound graphics pipeline must have been created with VkPipelineViewportSwizzleStateCreateInfoNV::viewportCount greater or equal to the viewportCount parameter in the last call to vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirectCount-VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo-04142", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled and an instance of VkPipelineViewportExclusiveScissorStateCreateInfoNV chained from VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo, then the bound graphics pipeline must have been created with VkPipelineViewportExclusiveScissorStateCreateInfoNV::exclusiveScissorCount greater or equal to the viewportCount parameter in the last call to vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirectCount-buffer-02708", "If buffer is non-sparse then it must be bound completely and contiguously to a single VkDeviceMemory object", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -4821,6 +4876,8 @@
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirectCount-renderpass", "This command must only be called inside of a render pass instance", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirectCount-sampleLocationsEnable-02689", "If the bound graphics pipeline was created with VkPipelineSampleLocationsStateCreateInfoEXT::sampleLocationsEnable set to VK_TRUE and the current subpass has a depth/stencil attachment, then that attachment must have been created with the VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SAMPLE_LOCATIONS_COMPATIBLE_DEPTH_BIT_EXT bit set", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirectCount-scissorCount-03418", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, but not the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, then vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this draw command, and the scissorCount parameter of vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT must match the VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo::viewportCount of the pipeline", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirectCount-sparseImageInt64Atomics-04474", "If the sparseImageInt64Atomics feature is not enabled, VkImage objects created with the VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an OpTypeImage with a SampledType with a Width of 64 by this command.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirectCount-sparseImageInt64Atomics-04475", "If the sparseImageInt64Atomics feature is not enabled, VkBuffer objects created with the VK_BUFFER_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an OpTypeImage with a SampledType with a Width of 64 by this command.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirectCount-stride-03142", "stride must be a multiple of 4 and must be greater than or equal to sizeof(VkDrawIndexedIndirectCommand)", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirectCount-subpass-02685", "The subpass index of the current render pass must be equal to the subpass member of the VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo structure specified when creating the VkPipeline bound to VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirectCount-viewportCount-03417", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, but not the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, then vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this draw command, and the viewportCount parameter of vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT must match the VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo::scissorCount of the pipeline", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -4849,6 +4906,11 @@
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirect-None-04007", "All vertex input bindings accessed via vertex input variables declared in the vertex shader entry point's interface must have either valid or VK_NULL_HANDLE buffers bound", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirect-None-04008", "If the nullDescriptor feature is not enabled, all vertex input bindings accessed via vertex input variables declared in the vertex shader entry point's interface must not be VK_NULL_HANDLE", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirect-None-04115", "If a VkImageView is accessed using OpImageWrite as a result of this command, then the Type of the Texel operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the image view's format.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirect-OpImageWrite-04469", "If a VkBufferView is accessed using OpImageWrite as a result of this command, then the Type of the Texel operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the image view's format.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirect-SampledType-04470", "If a VkImageView with a VkFormat that has a 64-bit channel width is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 64.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirect-SampledType-04471", "If a VkImageView with a VkFormat that has a channel width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 32.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirect-SampledType-04472", "If a VkBufferView with a VkFormat that has a 64-bit channel width is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 64.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirect-SampledType-04473", "If a VkBufferView with a VkFormat that has a channel width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 32.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirect-VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo-04141", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled and an instance of VkPipelineViewportSwizzleStateCreateInfoNV chained from VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo, then the bound graphics pipeline must have been created with VkPipelineViewportSwizzleStateCreateInfoNV::viewportCount greater or equal to the viewportCount parameter in the last call to vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirect-VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo-04142", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled and an instance of VkPipelineViewportExclusiveScissorStateCreateInfoNV chained from VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo, then the bound graphics pipeline must have been created with VkPipelineViewportExclusiveScissorStateCreateInfoNV::exclusiveScissorCount greater or equal to the viewportCount parameter in the last call to vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirect-buffer-02708", "If buffer is non-sparse then it must be bound completely and contiguously to a single VkDeviceMemory object", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -4877,6 +4939,8 @@
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirect-renderpass", "This command must only be called inside of a render pass instance", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirect-sampleLocationsEnable-02689", "If the bound graphics pipeline was created with VkPipelineSampleLocationsStateCreateInfoEXT::sampleLocationsEnable set to VK_TRUE and the current subpass has a depth/stencil attachment, then that attachment must have been created with the VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SAMPLE_LOCATIONS_COMPATIBLE_DEPTH_BIT_EXT bit set", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirect-scissorCount-03418", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, but not the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, then vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this draw command, and the scissorCount parameter of vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT must match the VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo::viewportCount of the pipeline", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirect-sparseImageInt64Atomics-04474", "If the sparseImageInt64Atomics feature is not enabled, VkImage objects created with the VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an OpTypeImage with a SampledType with a Width of 64 by this command.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirect-sparseImageInt64Atomics-04475", "If the sparseImageInt64Atomics feature is not enabled, VkBuffer objects created with the VK_BUFFER_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an OpTypeImage with a SampledType with a Width of 64 by this command.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirect-subpass-02685", "The subpass index of the current render pass must be equal to the subpass member of the VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo structure specified when creating the VkPipeline bound to VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirect-viewportCount-03417", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, but not the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, then vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this draw command, and the viewportCount parameter of vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT must match the VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo::scissorCount of the pipeline", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirect-viewportCount-03419", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with both the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT and VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic states enabled then both vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT and vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this draw command, and the viewportCount parameter of vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT must match the scissorCount parameter of vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -4904,6 +4968,11 @@
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT-None-04007", "All vertex input bindings accessed via vertex input variables declared in the vertex shader entry point's interface must have either valid or VK_NULL_HANDLE buffers bound", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT-None-04008", "If the nullDescriptor feature is not enabled, all vertex input bindings accessed via vertex input variables declared in the vertex shader entry point's interface must not be VK_NULL_HANDLE", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT-None-04115", "If a VkImageView is accessed using OpImageWrite as a result of this command, then the Type of the Texel operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the image view's format.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT-OpImageWrite-04469", "If a VkBufferView is accessed using OpImageWrite as a result of this command, then the Type of the Texel operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the image view's format.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT-SampledType-04470", "If a VkImageView with a VkFormat that has a 64-bit channel width is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 64.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT-SampledType-04471", "If a VkImageView with a VkFormat that has a channel width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 32.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT-SampledType-04472", "If a VkBufferView with a VkFormat that has a 64-bit channel width is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 64.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT-SampledType-04473", "If a VkBufferView with a VkFormat that has a channel width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 32.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT-VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo-04141", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled and an instance of VkPipelineViewportSwizzleStateCreateInfoNV chained from VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo, then the bound graphics pipeline must have been created with VkPipelineViewportSwizzleStateCreateInfoNV::viewportCount greater or equal to the viewportCount parameter in the last call to vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT-VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo-04142", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled and an instance of VkPipelineViewportExclusiveScissorStateCreateInfoNV chained from VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo, then the bound graphics pipeline must have been created with VkPipelineViewportExclusiveScissorStateCreateInfoNV::exclusiveScissorCount greater or equal to the viewportCount parameter in the last call to vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT-commandBuffer-02646", "commandBuffer must not be a protected command buffer", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -4924,6 +4993,8 @@
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT-renderpass", "This command must only be called inside of a render pass instance", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT-sampleLocationsEnable-02689", "If the bound graphics pipeline was created with VkPipelineSampleLocationsStateCreateInfoEXT::sampleLocationsEnable set to VK_TRUE and the current subpass has a depth/stencil attachment, then that attachment must have been created with the VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SAMPLE_LOCATIONS_COMPATIBLE_DEPTH_BIT_EXT bit set", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT-scissorCount-03418", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, but not the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, then vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this draw command, and the scissorCount parameter of vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT must match the VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo::viewportCount of the pipeline", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT-sparseImageInt64Atomics-04474", "If the sparseImageInt64Atomics feature is not enabled, VkImage objects created with the VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an OpTypeImage with a SampledType with a Width of 64 by this command.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT-sparseImageInt64Atomics-04475", "If the sparseImageInt64Atomics feature is not enabled, VkBuffer objects created with the VK_BUFFER_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an OpTypeImage with a SampledType with a Width of 64 by this command.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT-subpass-02685", "The subpass index of the current render pass must be equal to the subpass member of the VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo structure specified when creating the VkPipeline bound to VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT-transformFeedback-02287", "VkPhysicalDeviceTransformFeedbackFeaturesEXT::transformFeedback must be enabled", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT-transformFeedbackDraw-02288", "The implementation must support VkPhysicalDeviceTransformFeedbackPropertiesEXT::transformFeedbackDraw", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -4955,6 +5026,11 @@
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectCount-None-04008", "If the nullDescriptor feature is not enabled, all vertex input bindings accessed via vertex input variables declared in the vertex shader entry point's interface must not be VK_NULL_HANDLE", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectCount-None-04115", "If a VkImageView is accessed using OpImageWrite as a result of this command, then the Type of the Texel operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the image view's format.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectCount-None-04445", "If drawIndirectCount is not enabled this function must not be used", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectCount-OpImageWrite-04469", "If a VkBufferView is accessed using OpImageWrite as a result of this command, then the Type of the Texel operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the image view's format.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectCount-SampledType-04470", "If a VkImageView with a VkFormat that has a 64-bit channel width is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 64.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectCount-SampledType-04471", "If a VkImageView with a VkFormat that has a channel width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 32.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectCount-SampledType-04472", "If a VkBufferView with a VkFormat that has a 64-bit channel width is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 64.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectCount-SampledType-04473", "If a VkBufferView with a VkFormat that has a channel width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 32.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectCount-VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo-04141", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled and an instance of VkPipelineViewportSwizzleStateCreateInfoNV chained from VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo, then the bound graphics pipeline must have been created with VkPipelineViewportSwizzleStateCreateInfoNV::viewportCount greater or equal to the viewportCount parameter in the last call to vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectCount-VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo-04142", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled and an instance of VkPipelineViewportExclusiveScissorStateCreateInfoNV chained from VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo, then the bound graphics pipeline must have been created with VkPipelineViewportExclusiveScissorStateCreateInfoNV::exclusiveScissorCount greater or equal to the viewportCount parameter in the last call to vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectCount-buffer-02708", "If buffer is non-sparse then it must be bound completely and contiguously to a single VkDeviceMemory object", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -4986,6 +5062,8 @@
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectCount-renderpass", "This command must only be called inside of a render pass instance", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectCount-sampleLocationsEnable-02689", "If the bound graphics pipeline was created with VkPipelineSampleLocationsStateCreateInfoEXT::sampleLocationsEnable set to VK_TRUE and the current subpass has a depth/stencil attachment, then that attachment must have been created with the VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SAMPLE_LOCATIONS_COMPATIBLE_DEPTH_BIT_EXT bit set", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectCount-scissorCount-03418", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, but not the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, then vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this draw command, and the scissorCount parameter of vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT must match the VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo::viewportCount of the pipeline", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectCount-sparseImageInt64Atomics-04474", "If the sparseImageInt64Atomics feature is not enabled, VkImage objects created with the VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an OpTypeImage with a SampledType with a Width of 64 by this command.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectCount-sparseImageInt64Atomics-04475", "If the sparseImageInt64Atomics feature is not enabled, VkBuffer objects created with the VK_BUFFER_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an OpTypeImage with a SampledType with a Width of 64 by this command.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectCount-stride-03110", "stride must be a multiple of 4 and must be greater than or equal to sizeof(VkDrawIndirectCommand)", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectCount-subpass-02685", "The subpass index of the current render pass must be equal to the subpass member of the VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo structure specified when creating the VkPipeline bound to VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawIndirectCount-viewportCount-03417", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, but not the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, then vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this draw command, and the viewportCount parameter of vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT must match the VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo::scissorCount of the pipeline", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -5012,6 +5090,11 @@
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountNV-None-02859", "There must not have been any calls to dynamic state setting commands for any state not specified as dynamic in the VkPipeline object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command, since that pipeline was bound", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountNV-None-04115", "If a VkImageView is accessed using OpImageWrite as a result of this command, then the Type of the Texel operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the image view's format.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountNV-None-04445", "If drawIndirectCount is not enabled this function must not be used", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountNV-OpImageWrite-04469", "If a VkBufferView is accessed using OpImageWrite as a result of this command, then the Type of the Texel operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the image view's format.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountNV-SampledType-04470", "If a VkImageView with a VkFormat that has a 64-bit channel width is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 64.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountNV-SampledType-04471", "If a VkImageView with a VkFormat that has a channel width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 32.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountNV-SampledType-04472", "If a VkBufferView with a VkFormat that has a 64-bit channel width is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 64.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountNV-SampledType-04473", "If a VkBufferView with a VkFormat that has a channel width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 32.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountNV-VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo-04141", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled and an instance of VkPipelineViewportSwizzleStateCreateInfoNV chained from VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo, then the bound graphics pipeline must have been created with VkPipelineViewportSwizzleStateCreateInfoNV::viewportCount greater or equal to the viewportCount parameter in the last call to vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountNV-VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo-04142", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled and an instance of VkPipelineViewportExclusiveScissorStateCreateInfoNV chained from VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo, then the bound graphics pipeline must have been created with VkPipelineViewportExclusiveScissorStateCreateInfoNV::exclusiveScissorCount greater or equal to the viewportCount parameter in the last call to vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountNV-buffer-02708", "If buffer is non-sparse then it must be bound completely and contiguously to a single VkDeviceMemory object", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -5043,6 +5126,8 @@
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountNV-renderpass", "This command must only be called inside of a render pass instance", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountNV-sampleLocationsEnable-02689", "If the bound graphics pipeline was created with VkPipelineSampleLocationsStateCreateInfoEXT::sampleLocationsEnable set to VK_TRUE and the current subpass has a depth/stencil attachment, then that attachment must have been created with the VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SAMPLE_LOCATIONS_COMPATIBLE_DEPTH_BIT_EXT bit set", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountNV-scissorCount-03418", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, but not the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, then vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this draw command, and the scissorCount parameter of vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT must match the VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo::viewportCount of the pipeline", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountNV-sparseImageInt64Atomics-04474", "If the sparseImageInt64Atomics feature is not enabled, VkImage objects created with the VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an OpTypeImage with a SampledType with a Width of 64 by this command.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountNV-sparseImageInt64Atomics-04475", "If the sparseImageInt64Atomics feature is not enabled, VkBuffer objects created with the VK_BUFFER_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an OpTypeImage with a SampledType with a Width of 64 by this command.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountNV-stride-02182", "stride must be a multiple of 4 and must be greater than or equal to sizeof(VkDrawMeshTasksIndirectCommandNV)", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountNV-subpass-02685", "The subpass index of the current render pass must be equal to the subpass member of the VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo structure specified when creating the VkPipeline bound to VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountNV-viewportCount-03417", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, but not the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, then vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this draw command, and the viewportCount parameter of vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT must match the VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo::scissorCount of the pipeline", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -5068,6 +5153,11 @@
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV-None-02706", "If the robust buffer access feature is not enabled, and if the VkPipeline object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command accesses a storage buffer, it must not access values outside of the range of the buffer as specified in the descriptor set bound to the same pipeline bind point", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV-None-02859", "There must not have been any calls to dynamic state setting commands for any state not specified as dynamic in the VkPipeline object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command, since that pipeline was bound", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV-None-04115", "If a VkImageView is accessed using OpImageWrite as a result of this command, then the Type of the Texel operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the image view's format.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV-OpImageWrite-04469", "If a VkBufferView is accessed using OpImageWrite as a result of this command, then the Type of the Texel operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the image view's format.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV-SampledType-04470", "If a VkImageView with a VkFormat that has a 64-bit channel width is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 64.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV-SampledType-04471", "If a VkImageView with a VkFormat that has a channel width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 32.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV-SampledType-04472", "If a VkBufferView with a VkFormat that has a 64-bit channel width is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 64.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV-SampledType-04473", "If a VkBufferView with a VkFormat that has a channel width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 32.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV-VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo-04141", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled and an instance of VkPipelineViewportSwizzleStateCreateInfoNV chained from VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo, then the bound graphics pipeline must have been created with VkPipelineViewportSwizzleStateCreateInfoNV::viewportCount greater or equal to the viewportCount parameter in the last call to vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV-VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo-04142", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled and an instance of VkPipelineViewportExclusiveScissorStateCreateInfoNV chained from VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo, then the bound graphics pipeline must have been created with VkPipelineViewportExclusiveScissorStateCreateInfoNV::exclusiveScissorCount greater or equal to the viewportCount parameter in the last call to vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV-buffer-02708", "If buffer is non-sparse then it must be bound completely and contiguously to a single VkDeviceMemory object", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -5095,6 +5185,8 @@
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV-renderpass", "This command must only be called inside of a render pass instance", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV-sampleLocationsEnable-02689", "If the bound graphics pipeline was created with VkPipelineSampleLocationsStateCreateInfoEXT::sampleLocationsEnable set to VK_TRUE and the current subpass has a depth/stencil attachment, then that attachment must have been created with the VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SAMPLE_LOCATIONS_COMPATIBLE_DEPTH_BIT_EXT bit set", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV-scissorCount-03418", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, but not the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, then vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this draw command, and the scissorCount parameter of vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT must match the VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo::viewportCount of the pipeline", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV-sparseImageInt64Atomics-04474", "If the sparseImageInt64Atomics feature is not enabled, VkImage objects created with the VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an OpTypeImage with a SampledType with a Width of 64 by this command.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV-sparseImageInt64Atomics-04475", "If the sparseImageInt64Atomics feature is not enabled, VkBuffer objects created with the VK_BUFFER_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an OpTypeImage with a SampledType with a Width of 64 by this command.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV-subpass-02685", "The subpass index of the current render pass must be equal to the subpass member of the VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo structure specified when creating the VkPipeline bound to VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV-viewportCount-03417", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, but not the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, then vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this draw command, and the viewportCount parameter of vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT must match the VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo::scissorCount of the pipeline", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV-viewportCount-03419", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with both the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT and VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic states enabled then both vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT and vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this draw command, and the viewportCount parameter of vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT must match the scissorCount parameter of vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -5119,6 +5211,11 @@
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksNV-None-02706", "If the robust buffer access feature is not enabled, and if the VkPipeline object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command accesses a storage buffer, it must not access values outside of the range of the buffer as specified in the descriptor set bound to the same pipeline bind point", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksNV-None-02859", "There must not have been any calls to dynamic state setting commands for any state not specified as dynamic in the VkPipeline object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command, since that pipeline was bound", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksNV-None-04115", "If a VkImageView is accessed using OpImageWrite as a result of this command, then the Type of the Texel operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the image view's format.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksNV-OpImageWrite-04469", "If a VkBufferView is accessed using OpImageWrite as a result of this command, then the Type of the Texel operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the image view's format.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksNV-SampledType-04470", "If a VkImageView with a VkFormat that has a 64-bit channel width is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 64.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksNV-SampledType-04471", "If a VkImageView with a VkFormat that has a channel width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 32.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksNV-SampledType-04472", "If a VkBufferView with a VkFormat that has a 64-bit channel width is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 64.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksNV-SampledType-04473", "If a VkBufferView with a VkFormat that has a channel width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 32.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksNV-VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo-04141", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled and an instance of VkPipelineViewportSwizzleStateCreateInfoNV chained from VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo, then the bound graphics pipeline must have been created with VkPipelineViewportSwizzleStateCreateInfoNV::viewportCount greater or equal to the viewportCount parameter in the last call to vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksNV-VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo-04142", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled and an instance of VkPipelineViewportExclusiveScissorStateCreateInfoNV chained from VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo, then the bound graphics pipeline must have been created with VkPipelineViewportExclusiveScissorStateCreateInfoNV::exclusiveScissorCount greater or equal to the viewportCount parameter in the last call to vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksNV-commandBuffer-02701", "If the VkPipeline object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command requires any dynamic state, that state must have been set for commandBuffer, and done so after any previously bound pipeline with the corresponding state not specified as dynamic", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -5135,6 +5232,8 @@
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksNV-renderpass", "This command must only be called inside of a render pass instance", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksNV-sampleLocationsEnable-02689", "If the bound graphics pipeline was created with VkPipelineSampleLocationsStateCreateInfoEXT::sampleLocationsEnable set to VK_TRUE and the current subpass has a depth/stencil attachment, then that attachment must have been created with the VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SAMPLE_LOCATIONS_COMPATIBLE_DEPTH_BIT_EXT bit set", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksNV-scissorCount-03418", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, but not the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, then vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this draw command, and the scissorCount parameter of vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT must match the VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo::viewportCount of the pipeline", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksNV-sparseImageInt64Atomics-04474", "If the sparseImageInt64Atomics feature is not enabled, VkImage objects created with the VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an OpTypeImage with a SampledType with a Width of 64 by this command.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksNV-sparseImageInt64Atomics-04475", "If the sparseImageInt64Atomics feature is not enabled, VkBuffer objects created with the VK_BUFFER_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an OpTypeImage with a SampledType with a Width of 64 by this command.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksNV-subpass-02685", "The subpass index of the current render pass must be equal to the subpass member of the VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo structure specified when creating the VkPipeline bound to VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksNV-taskCount-02119", "taskCount must be less than or equal to VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV::maxDrawMeshTasksCount", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdDrawMeshTasksNV-viewportCount-03417", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, but not the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, then vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this draw command, and the viewportCount parameter of vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT must match the VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo::scissorCount of the pipeline", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -5257,6 +5356,11 @@
     {"VUID-vkCmdExecuteGeneratedCommandsNV-None-04007", "All vertex input bindings accessed via vertex input variables declared in the vertex shader entry point's interface must have either valid or VK_NULL_HANDLE buffers bound", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdExecuteGeneratedCommandsNV-None-04008", "If the nullDescriptor feature is not enabled, all vertex input bindings accessed via vertex input variables declared in the vertex shader entry point's interface must not be VK_NULL_HANDLE", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdExecuteGeneratedCommandsNV-None-04115", "If a VkImageView is accessed using OpImageWrite as a result of this command, then the Type of the Texel operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the image view's format.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdExecuteGeneratedCommandsNV-OpImageWrite-04469", "If a VkBufferView is accessed using OpImageWrite as a result of this command, then the Type of the Texel operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the image view's format.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdExecuteGeneratedCommandsNV-SampledType-04470", "If a VkImageView with a VkFormat that has a 64-bit channel width is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 64.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdExecuteGeneratedCommandsNV-SampledType-04471", "If a VkImageView with a VkFormat that has a channel width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 32.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdExecuteGeneratedCommandsNV-SampledType-04472", "If a VkBufferView with a VkFormat that has a 64-bit channel width is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 64.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdExecuteGeneratedCommandsNV-SampledType-04473", "If a VkBufferView with a VkFormat that has a channel width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 32.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdExecuteGeneratedCommandsNV-VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo-04141", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled and an instance of VkPipelineViewportSwizzleStateCreateInfoNV chained from VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo, then the bound graphics pipeline must have been created with VkPipelineViewportSwizzleStateCreateInfoNV::viewportCount greater or equal to the viewportCount parameter in the last call to vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdExecuteGeneratedCommandsNV-VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo-04142", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled and an instance of VkPipelineViewportExclusiveScissorStateCreateInfoNV chained from VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo, then the bound graphics pipeline must have been created with VkPipelineViewportExclusiveScissorStateCreateInfoNV::exclusiveScissorCount greater or equal to the viewportCount parameter in the last call to vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdExecuteGeneratedCommandsNV-commandBuffer-02701", "If the VkPipeline object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command requires any dynamic state, that state must have been set for commandBuffer, and done so after any previously bound pipeline with the corresponding state not specified as dynamic", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -5278,6 +5382,8 @@
     {"VUID-vkCmdExecuteGeneratedCommandsNV-renderpass", "This command must only be called inside of a render pass instance", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdExecuteGeneratedCommandsNV-sampleLocationsEnable-02689", "If the bound graphics pipeline was created with VkPipelineSampleLocationsStateCreateInfoEXT::sampleLocationsEnable set to VK_TRUE and the current subpass has a depth/stencil attachment, then that attachment must have been created with the VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SAMPLE_LOCATIONS_COMPATIBLE_DEPTH_BIT_EXT bit set", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdExecuteGeneratedCommandsNV-scissorCount-03418", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, but not the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, then vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this draw command, and the scissorCount parameter of vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT must match the VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo::viewportCount of the pipeline", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdExecuteGeneratedCommandsNV-sparseImageInt64Atomics-04474", "If the sparseImageInt64Atomics feature is not enabled, VkImage objects created with the VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an OpTypeImage with a SampledType with a Width of 64 by this command.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdExecuteGeneratedCommandsNV-sparseImageInt64Atomics-04475", "If the sparseImageInt64Atomics feature is not enabled, VkBuffer objects created with the VK_BUFFER_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an OpTypeImage with a SampledType with a Width of 64 by this command.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdExecuteGeneratedCommandsNV-subpass-02685", "The subpass index of the current render pass must be equal to the subpass member of the VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo structure specified when creating the VkPipeline bound to VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdExecuteGeneratedCommandsNV-viewportCount-03417", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, but not the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic state enabled, then vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this draw command, and the viewportCount parameter of vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT must match the VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo::scissorCount of the pipeline", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdExecuteGeneratedCommandsNV-viewportCount-03419", "If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with both the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT and VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT dynamic states enabled then both vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT and vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this draw command, and the viewportCount parameter of vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT must match the scissorCount parameter of vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -5720,6 +5826,11 @@
     {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysIndirectKHR-None-02859", "There must not have been any calls to dynamic state setting commands for any state not specified as dynamic in the VkPipeline object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command, since that pipeline was bound", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysIndirectKHR-None-03429", "Any shader group handle referenced by this call must have been queried from the currently bound ray tracing shader pipeline", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysIndirectKHR-None-04115", "If a VkImageView is accessed using OpImageWrite as a result of this command, then the Type of the Texel operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the image view's format.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysIndirectKHR-OpImageWrite-04469", "If a VkBufferView is accessed using OpImageWrite as a result of this command, then the Type of the Texel operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the image view's format.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysIndirectKHR-SampledType-04470", "If a VkImageView with a VkFormat that has a 64-bit channel width is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 64.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysIndirectKHR-SampledType-04471", "If a VkImageView with a VkFormat that has a channel width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 32.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysIndirectKHR-SampledType-04472", "If a VkBufferView with a VkFormat that has a 64-bit channel width is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 64.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysIndirectKHR-SampledType-04473", "If a VkBufferView with a VkFormat that has a channel width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 32.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysIndirectKHR-buffer-02708", "If buffer is non-sparse then it must be bound completely and contiguously to a single VkDeviceMemory object", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysIndirectKHR-buffer-02709", "buffer must have been created with the VK_BUFFER_USAGE_INDIRECT_BUFFER_BIT bit set", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysIndirectKHR-buffer-parameter", "buffer must be a valid VkBuffer handle", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -5766,6 +5877,8 @@
     {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysIndirectKHR-rayTracingIndirectTraceRays-03518", "the VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingFeaturesKHR::rayTracingIndirectTraceRays feature must be enabled", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysIndirectKHR-renderpass", "This command must only be called outside of a render pass instance", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysIndirectKHR-size-04023", "The size member of pRayGenShaderBindingTable must be equal to its stride member", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysIndirectKHR-sparseImageInt64Atomics-04474", "If the sparseImageInt64Atomics feature is not enabled, VkImage objects created with the VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an OpTypeImage with a SampledType with a Width of 64 by this command.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysIndirectKHR-sparseImageInt64Atomics-04475", "If the sparseImageInt64Atomics feature is not enabled, VkBuffer objects created with the VK_BUFFER_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an OpTypeImage with a SampledType with a Width of 64 by this command.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysIndirectKHR-stride-04028", "The stride member of pMissShaderBindingTable must be a multiple of VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingPropertiesKHR::shaderGroupHandleSize", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysIndirectKHR-stride-04029", "The stride member of pMissShaderBindingTable must be less than or equal to VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingPropertiesKHR::maxShaderGroupStride", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysIndirectKHR-stride-04034", "The stride member of pHitShaderBindingTable must be a multiple of VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingPropertiesKHR::shaderGroupHandleSize", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -5788,6 +5901,11 @@
     {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysKHR-None-02859", "There must not have been any calls to dynamic state setting commands for any state not specified as dynamic in the VkPipeline object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command, since that pipeline was bound", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysKHR-None-03429", "Any shader group handle referenced by this call must have been queried from the currently bound ray tracing shader pipeline", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysKHR-None-04115", "If a VkImageView is accessed using OpImageWrite as a result of this command, then the Type of the Texel operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the image view's format.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysKHR-OpImageWrite-04469", "If a VkBufferView is accessed using OpImageWrite as a result of this command, then the Type of the Texel operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the image view's format.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysKHR-SampledType-04470", "If a VkImageView with a VkFormat that has a 64-bit channel width is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 64.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysKHR-SampledType-04471", "If a VkImageView with a VkFormat that has a channel width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 32.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysKHR-SampledType-04472", "If a VkBufferView with a VkFormat that has a 64-bit channel width is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 64.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysKHR-SampledType-04473", "If a VkBufferView with a VkFormat that has a channel width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 32.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysKHR-commandBuffer-02701", "If the VkPipeline object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command requires any dynamic state, that state must have been set for commandBuffer, and done so after any previously bound pipeline with the corresponding state not specified as dynamic", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysKHR-commandBuffer-02707", "If commandBuffer is an unprotected command buffer, any resource accessed by the VkPipeline object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command must not be a protected resource", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysKHR-commandBuffer-02712", "If commandBuffer is a protected command buffer, any resource written to by the VkPipeline object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command must not be an unprotected resource", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -5830,6 +5948,8 @@
     {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysKHR-pRaygenShaderBindingTable-parameter", "pRaygenShaderBindingTable must be a valid pointer to a valid VkStridedBufferRegionKHR structure", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysKHR-renderpass", "This command must only be called outside of a render pass instance", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysKHR-size-04023", "The size member of pRayGenShaderBindingTable must be equal to its stride member", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysKHR-sparseImageInt64Atomics-04474", "If the sparseImageInt64Atomics feature is not enabled, VkImage objects created with the VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an OpTypeImage with a SampledType with a Width of 64 by this command.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysKHR-sparseImageInt64Atomics-04475", "If the sparseImageInt64Atomics feature is not enabled, VkBuffer objects created with the VK_BUFFER_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an OpTypeImage with a SampledType with a Width of 64 by this command.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysKHR-stride-04028", "The stride member of pMissShaderBindingTable must be a multiple of VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingPropertiesKHR::shaderGroupHandleSize", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysKHR-stride-04029", "The stride member of pMissShaderBindingTable must be less than or equal to VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingPropertiesKHR::maxShaderGroupStride", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysKHR-stride-04034", "The stride member of pHitShaderBindingTable must be a multiple of VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingPropertiesKHR::shaderGroupHandleSize", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -5853,6 +5973,11 @@
     {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysNV-None-02859", "There must not have been any calls to dynamic state setting commands for any state not specified as dynamic in the VkPipeline object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command, since that pipeline was bound", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysNV-None-03429", "Any shader group handle referenced by this call must have been queried from the currently bound ray tracing shader pipeline", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysNV-None-04115", "If a VkImageView is accessed using OpImageWrite as a result of this command, then the Type of the Texel operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the image view's format.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysNV-OpImageWrite-04469", "If a VkBufferView is accessed using OpImageWrite as a result of this command, then the Type of the Texel operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the image view's format.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysNV-SampledType-04470", "If a VkImageView with a VkFormat that has a 64-bit channel width is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 64.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysNV-SampledType-04471", "If a VkImageView with a VkFormat that has a channel width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 32.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysNV-SampledType-04472", "If a VkBufferView with a VkFormat that has a 64-bit channel width is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 64.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysNV-SampledType-04473", "If a VkBufferView with a VkFormat that has a channel width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the SampledType of the OpTypeImage operand of that instruction must have a Width of 32.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysNV-callableShaderBindingOffset-02461", "callableShaderBindingOffset must be less than the size of callableShaderBindingTableBuffer", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysNV-callableShaderBindingOffset-02462", "callableShaderBindingOffset must be a multiple of VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingPropertiesNV::shaderGroupBaseAlignment", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysNV-callableShaderBindingStride-02465", "callableShaderBindingStride must be a multiple of VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingPropertiesNV::shaderGroupHandleSize", "1.2-extensions"},
@@ -5890,6 +6015,8 @@
     {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysNV-raygenShaderBindingTableBuffer-04042", "If raygenShaderBindingTableBuffer is non-sparse then it must be bound completely and contiguously to a single VkDeviceMemory object", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysNV-raygenShaderBindingTableBuffer-parameter", "raygenShaderBindingTableBuffer must be a valid VkBuffer handle", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysNV-renderpass", "This command must only be called outside of a render pass instance", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysNV-sparseImageInt64Atomics-04474", "If the sparseImageInt64Atomics feature is not enabled, VkImage objects created with the VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an OpTypeImage with a SampledType with a Width of 64 by this command.", "1.2-extensions"},
+    {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysNV-sparseImageInt64Atomics-04475", "If the sparseImageInt64Atomics feature is not enabled, VkBuffer objects created with the VK_BUFFER_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an OpTypeImage with a SampledType with a Width of 64 by this command.", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdTraceRaysNV-width-02469", "width must be less than or equal to VkPhysicalDeviceLimits::maxComputeWorkGroupCount[0]", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdUpdateBuffer-commandBuffer-01813", "If commandBuffer is an unprotected command buffer, then dstBuffer must not be a protected buffer", "1.2-extensions"},
     {"VUID-vkCmdUpdateBuffer-commandBuffer-01814", "If commandBuffer is a protected command buffer, then dstBuffer must not be an unprotected buffer", "1.2-extensions"},
diff --git a/scripts/known_good.json b/scripts/known_good.json
index cb00925..0f1861e 100755
--- a/scripts/known_good.json
+++ b/scripts/known_good.json
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
       "sub_dir": "Vulkan-Headers",
       "build_dir": "Vulkan-Headers/build",
       "install_dir": "Vulkan-Headers/build/install",
-      "commit": "v1.2.154"
+      "commit": "v1.2.156"
       "name": "SPIRV-Headers",