blob: 1f96ae72779ee52a2d0e9e99d1eefbca65aa2480 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2015-2024 The Khronos Group Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2015-2024 Valve Corporation
# Copyright (c) 2015-2024 LunarG, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2015-2024 Google Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 RasterGrid Kft.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import argparse
import csv
import glob
import os
import re
import sys
import subprocess
from collections import defaultdict
from generate_spec_error_message import ValidationJSON
# helper to define paths relative to the repo root
def repo_relative(path):
return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', path))
def IsVendor(vuid : str):
for vendor in ['IMG', 'AMD', 'AMDX', 'ARM', 'FSL', 'BRCM', 'NXP', 'NV', 'NVX',
vkObject = vuid.split('-')[1]
if vkObject.endswith(vendor):
return True
return False
verbose_mode = False
remove_duplicates = False
vuid_prefixes = ['VUID-']
# These files should not change unless event there is a major refactoring in SPIR-V Tools
# Paths are relative from root of SPIR-V Tools repo
spirvtools_source_files = ["source/val/validation_state.cpp"]
spirvtools_test_files = ["test/val/*.cpp"]
class ValidationSource:
def __init__(self, source_file_list):
self.source_files = source_file_list
self.vuid_count_dict = {} # dict of vuid values to the count of how much they're used, and location of where they're used
self.duplicated_checks = 0
self.explicit_vuids = set()
self.implicit_vuids = set()
self.all_vuids = set()
def dedup(self):
unique_explicit_vuids = {}
for item in sorted(self.explicit_vuids):
key = item[-5:]
unique_explicit_vuids[key] = item
self.explicit_vuids = set(list(unique_explicit_vuids.values()))
self.all_vuids = self.explicit_vuids | self.implicit_vuids
def parse(self, spirv_val):
if spirv_val and spirv_val.enabled:
# build self.vuid_count_dict
prepend = None
for sf in self.source_files:
spirv_file = True if spirv_val.enabled and sf.startswith(spirv_val.repo_path) else False
line_num = 0
with open(sf, encoding='utf-8') as f:
for line in f:
line_num = line_num + 1
if True in [line.strip().startswith(comment) for comment in ['//', '/*']]:
if 'VUID-' not in line or 'TODO:' in line:
# Find vuid strings
if prepend is not None:
line = prepend[:-2] + line.lstrip().lstrip('"') # join lines skipping CR, whitespace and trailing/leading quote char
prepend = None
if any(prefix in line for prefix in vuid_prefixes):
# Replace the '(' of lines containing validation helper functions with ' ' to make them easier to parse
line = line.replace("(", " ")
line_list = line.split()
# A VUID string that has been broken by clang will start with a vuid prefix and end with -, and will be last in the list
broken_vuid = line_list[-1].strip('"')
if any(broken_vuid.startswith(prefix) for prefix in vuid_prefixes) and broken_vuid.endswith('-'):
prepend = line
vuid_list = []
for str in line_list:
if any(prefix in str for prefix in vuid_prefixes):
for vuid in vuid_list:
if vuid not in self.vuid_count_dict:
self.vuid_count_dict[vuid] = {}
self.vuid_count_dict[vuid]['count'] = 1
self.vuid_count_dict[vuid]['file_line'] = []
self.vuid_count_dict[vuid]['spirv'] = False # default
if self.vuid_count_dict[vuid]['count'] == 1: # only count first time duplicated
self.duplicated_checks = self.duplicated_checks + 1
self.vuid_count_dict[vuid]['count'] = self.vuid_count_dict[vuid]['count'] + 1
if spirv_file:
self.vuid_count_dict[vuid]['spirv'] = True
# Sort vuids by type
for vuid in self.vuid_count_dict.keys():
if (vuid.startswith('VUID-')):
vuid_number = vuid[-5:]
if (vuid_number.isdecimal()):
self.explicit_vuids.add(vuid) # explicit end in 5 numeric chars
if self.vuid_count_dict[vuid]['spirv']:
if self.vuid_count_dict[vuid]['spirv']:
print(f'Unable to categorize VUID: {vuid}')
print("Confused while parsing VUIDs in layer source code - cannot proceed. (FIXME)")
self.all_vuids = self.explicit_vuids | self.implicit_vuids
if spirv_file:
spirv_val.source_all_vuids = spirv_val.source_explicit_vuids | spirv_val.source_implicit_vuids
# Class to parse the validation layer test source and store testnames
class ValidationTests:
def __init__(self, test_file_list):
self.test_files = test_file_list
self.test_trigger_txt_list = ['TEST_F(']
self.explicit_vuids = set()
self.implicit_vuids = set()
self.all_vuids = set()
#self.test_to_vuids = {} # Map test name to VUIDs tested
self.vuid_to_tests = defaultdict(set) # Map VUIDs to set of test names where implemented
def dedup(self):
unique_explicit_vuids = {}
for item in sorted(self.explicit_vuids):
key = item[-5:]
unique_explicit_vuids[key] = item
self.explicit_vuids = set(list(unique_explicit_vuids.values()))
self.all_vuids = self.explicit_vuids | self.implicit_vuids
# Parse test files into internal data struct
def parse(self, spirv_val):
if spirv_val and spirv_val.enabled:
# For each test file, parse test names into set
grab_next_line = False # handle testname on separate line than wildcard
testname = ''
prepend = None
for test_file in self.test_files:
spirv_file = True if spirv_val.enabled and test_file.startswith(spirv_val.repo_path) else False
with open(test_file, encoding='utf-8') as tf:
for line in tf:
if True in [line.strip().startswith(comment) for comment in ['//', '/*']]:
elif True in [x in line for x in ['TEST_DESCRIPTION', 'vvl_vuid_hash']]:
continue # Tests have extra place it might not want to report VUIDs
# if line ends in a broken VUID string, fix that before proceeding
if prepend is not None:
line = prepend[:-2] + line.lstrip().lstrip('"') # join lines skipping CR, whitespace and trailing/leading quote char
prepend = None
if any(prefix in line for prefix in vuid_prefixes):
line_list = line.split()
# A VUID string that has been broken by clang will start with a vuid prefix and end with -, and will be last in the list
broken_vuid = line_list[-1].strip('"')
if any(broken_vuid.startswith(prefix) for prefix in vuid_prefixes) and broken_vuid.endswith('-'):
prepend = line
if any(ttt in line for ttt in self.test_trigger_txt_list):
testname = line.split(',')[-1]
testname = testname.strip().strip(' {)')
if ('' == testname):
grab_next_line = True
testgroup = line.split(',')[0][line.index('(') + 1:]
testname = testgroup + '.' + testname
if grab_next_line: # test name on its own line
grab_next_line = False
testname = testname.strip().strip(' {)')
# Don't count anything in disabled tests
if 'DISABLED_' in testname:
if any(prefix in line for prefix in vuid_prefixes):
line_list = re.split('[\s{}[\]()"]+',line)
for sub_str in line_list:
if any(prefix in sub_str for prefix in vuid_prefixes):
vuid_str = sub_str.strip(',);:"*')
if (vuid_str.startswith('VUID-')):
vuid_number = vuid_str[-5:]
if (vuid_number.isdecimal()):
self.explicit_vuids.add(vuid_str) # explicit end in 5 numeric chars
if spirv_file:
if spirv_file:
print(f'Unable to categorize VUID: {vuid_str}')
print("Confused while parsing VUIDs in test code - cannot proceed. (FIXME)")
self.all_vuids = self.explicit_vuids | self.implicit_vuids
# Class to do consistency checking
class Consistency:
def __init__(self, all_json, all_checks, all_tests):
self.valid = all_json
self.checks = all_checks
self.tests = all_tests
# don't report
self.discard = [
'VUID-PrimitiveTriangleIndicesEXT-' # Currently a bug with clang-format in spirv-tools
# Report undefined VUIDs in source code
def undef_vuids_in_layer_code(self):
undef_set = self.checks - self.valid
[undef_set.discard(item) for item in self.discard]
if (len(undef_set) > 0):
print(f'\nFollowing VUIDs found in layer code are not defined in validusage.json ({len(undef_set)}):')
undef = list(undef_set)
for vuid in undef:
print(f' {vuid}')
return False
return True
# Report undefined VUIDs in tests
def undef_vuids_in_tests(self):
undef_set = self.tests - self.valid
[undef_set.discard(item) for item in self.discard]
if (len(undef_set) > 0):
print(f'\nFollowing VUIDs found in layer tests are not defined in validusage.json ({len(undef_set)}):')
undef = list(undef_set)
for vuid in undef:
print(f' {vuid}')
return False
return True
# Report vuids in tests that are not in source
def vuids_tested_not_checked(self):
undef_set = self.tests - self.checks
[undef_set.discard(item) for item in self.discard]
if (len(undef_set) > 0):
print(f'\nFollowing VUIDs found in tests but are not checked in layer code ({len(undef_set)}):')
undef = list(undef_set)
for vuid in undef:
print(f' {vuid}')
return False
return True
# Class to output database in various flavors
class OutputDatabase:
def __init__(self, val_json, val_source, val_tests, spirv_val):
self.vj = val_json
self.vs = val_source
self.vt = val_tests = spirv_val
def dump_txt(self, filename, only_unimplemented=False):
print(f'\nDumping database to text file: {filename}')
with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as txt:
txt.write("## VUID Database\n")
txt.write("## Format: VUID_NAME | CHECKED | SPIRV-TOOL | TEST | TYPE | API/STRUCT | VUID_TEXT\n##\n")
vuid_list = list(self.vj.all_vuids)
for vuid in vuid_list:
db_list = self.vj.vuid_db[vuid]
for db_entry in db_list:
checked = 'N'
spirv = 'N'
if vuid in self.vs.all_vuids:
if only_unimplemented:
checked = 'Y'
if vuid in
spirv = 'Y'
test = 'None'
if vuid in self.vt.vuid_to_tests:
test_list = list(self.vt.vuid_to_tests[vuid])
test_list.sort() # sort tests, for diff-ability
sep = ', '
test = sep.join(test_list)
txt.write(f'{vuid} | {checked} | {test} | {spirv} | {db_entry["type"]} | {db_entry["api"]} | {db_entry["ext"]}\n')
def dump_csv(self, filename, only_unimplemented=False):
print(f'\nDumping database to csv file: {filename}')
with open(filename, 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile:
cw = csv.writer(csvfile)
vuid_list = list(self.vj.all_vuids)
for vuid in vuid_list:
for db_entry in self.vj.vuid_db[vuid]:
row = [vuid]
if vuid in self.vs.all_vuids:
if only_unimplemented:
row.append('Y') # checked
if vuid in
row.append('Y') # spirv-tool
row.append('N') # spirv-tool
row.append('N') # checked
row.append('N') # spirv-tool
test = 'None'
if vuid in self.vt.vuid_to_tests:
sep = ', '
test = sep.join(sorted(self.vt.vuid_to_tests[vuid]))
def dump_html(self, filename, only_unimplemented=False):
print(f'\nDumping database to html file: {filename}')
preamble = '<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<style>\ntable, th, td {\n border: 1px solid black;\n border-collapse: collapse; \n}\n</style>\n<body>\n<h2>Valid Usage Database</h2>\n<font size="2" face="Arial">\n<table style="width:100%">\n'
headers = '<tr><th>VUID NAME</th><th>CHECKED</th><th>SPIRV-TOOL</th><th>TEST</th><th>TYPE</th><th>API/STRUCT</th><th>VUID TEXT</th></tr>\n'
with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as hfile:
vuid_list = list(self.vj.all_vuids)
for vuid in vuid_list:
if (not IsVendor(vuid)):
for db_entry in self.vj.vuid_db[vuid]:
checked = '<span style="color:red;">N</span>'
spirv = ''
if vuid in self.vs.all_vuids:
if only_unimplemented:
checked = '<span style="color:limegreen;">Y</span>'
if vuid in
spirv = 'Y'
test = 'None'
if vuid in self.vt.vuid_to_tests:
sep = ', '
test = sep.join(sorted(self.vt.vuid_to_tests[vuid]))
class SpirvValidation:
def __init__(self, repo_path):
self.enabled = (repo_path is not None)
self.repo_path = repo_path
self.version = 'unknown'
self.source_files = []
self.test_files = []
self.source_explicit_vuids = set()
self.source_implicit_vuids = set()
self.source_all_vuids = set()
self.test_explicit_vuids = set()
self.test_implicit_vuids = set()
def load(self, verbose):
if self.enabled is False:
# Get hash from git if available
git_dir = os.path.join(self.repo_path, '.git')
process = subprocess.Popen(['git', '--git-dir='+git_dir ,'rev-parse', 'HEAD'], shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
self.version = process.communicate()[0].strip().decode('utf-8')[:7]
if process.poll() != 0:
elif verbose:
print(f'Found SPIR-V Tools version {self.version}')
# leave as default
if verbose:
print(f'Could not find .git file for version of SPIR-V tools, marking as {self.version}')
# Find and parse files with VUIDs in source
for path in spirvtools_source_files:
self.source_files.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(self.repo_path, path)))
for path in spirvtools_test_files:
self.test_files.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(self.repo_path, path)))
def main(argv):
TXT_FILENAME = "validation_error_database.txt"
CSV_FILENAME = "validation_error_database.csv"
HTML_FILENAME = "validation_error_database.html"
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('json_file', help="registry file 'validusage.json'")
help='Specify API name to use')
parser.add_argument('-c', action='store_true',
help='report consistency warnings')
parser.add_argument('-todo', action='store_true',
help='report unimplemented VUIDs')
parser.add_argument('-vuid', metavar='VUID_NAME',
help='report status of individual VUID <VUID_NAME>')
parser.add_argument('-spirvtools', metavar='PATH',
help='when pointed to root directory of SPIRV-Tools repo, will search the repo for VUs that are implemented there')
parser.add_argument('-text', nargs='?', const=TXT_FILENAME, metavar='FILENAME',
help=f'export the error database in text format to <FILENAME>, defaults to {TXT_FILENAME}')
parser.add_argument('-csv', nargs='?', const=CSV_FILENAME, metavar='FILENAME',
help=f'export the error database in csv format to <FILENAME>, defaults to {CSV_FILENAME}')
parser.add_argument('-html', nargs='?', const=HTML_FILENAME, metavar='FILENAME',
help=f'export the error database in html format to <FILENAME>, defaults to {HTML_FILENAME}')
parser.add_argument('-remove_duplicates', action='store_true',
help='remove duplicate VUID numbers')
parser.add_argument('-summary', action='store_true',
help='output summary of VUID coverage')
parser.add_argument('-verbose', action='store_true',
help='show your work (to stdout)')
args = parser.parse_args()
# We need python modules found in the registry directory. This assumes that the validusage.json file is in that directory,
# and hasn't been copied elsewhere.
registry_dir = os.path.dirname(args.json_file)
sys.path.insert(0, registry_dir)
layer_source_files = [repo_relative(path) for path in [
'layers/state_tracker/cmd_buffer_state.cpp', # some Video VUIDs are in here
# Be careful not to add vk_validation_error_messages.h or it will show 100% test coverage
layer_source_files.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(repo_relative('layers/core_checks/'), '*.cpp')))
layer_source_files.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(repo_relative('layers/stateless/'), '*.cpp')))
layer_source_files.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(repo_relative('layers/sync/'), '*.cpp')))
layer_source_files.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(repo_relative('layers/object_tracker/'), '*.cpp')))
layer_source_files.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(repo_relative('layers/drawdispatch/'), '*.cpp')))
layer_source_files.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(repo_relative('layers/gpu_validation/'), '*.cpp')))
test_source_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(repo_relative('tests/unit'), '*.cpp'))
global verbose_mode
verbose_mode = args.verbose
global remove_duplicates
remove_duplicates = args.remove_duplicates
# Load in SPIRV-Tools if passed in
spirv_val = SpirvValidation(args.spirvtools)
# Parse validusage json
val_json = ValidationJSON(args.json_file)
if remove_duplicates:
exp_json = len(val_json.explicit_vuids)
imp_json = len(val_json.implicit_vuids)
all_json = len(val_json.all_vuids)
if verbose_mode:
print('Found {all_json} unique error vuids in validusage.json file.')
print(f' {exp_json} explicit')
print(f' {imp_json} implicit')
# Parse layer source files
val_source = ValidationSource(layer_source_files)
if remove_duplicates:
exp_checks = len(val_source.explicit_vuids)
imp_checks = len(val_source.implicit_vuids)
all_checks = exp_checks + imp_checks
spirv_exp_checks = len(spirv_val.source_explicit_vuids) if spirv_val.enabled else 0
spirv_imp_checks = len(spirv_val.source_implicit_vuids) if spirv_val.enabled else 0
spirv_all_checks = (spirv_exp_checks + spirv_imp_checks) if spirv_val.enabled else 0
if verbose_mode:
print('Found {all_checks} unique vuid checks in layer source code.')
print(f' {exp_checks} explicit')
if spirv_val.enabled:
print(f' SPIR-V Tool make up {spirv_exp_checks}')
print(f' {imp_checks} implicit')
if spirv_val.enabled:
print(f' SPIR-V Tool make up {spirv_imp_checks}')
print(f' {val_source.duplicated_checks} checks are implemented more that once')
# Parse test files
val_tests = ValidationTests(test_source_files)
if remove_duplicates:
exp_tests = len(val_tests.explicit_vuids)
imp_tests = len(val_tests.implicit_vuids)
all_tests = len(val_tests.all_vuids)
spirv_exp_tests = len(spirv_val.test_explicit_vuids) if spirv_val.enabled else 0
spirv_imp_tests = len(spirv_val.test_implicit_vuids) if spirv_val.enabled else 0
spirv_all_tests = (spirv_exp_tests + spirv_imp_tests) if spirv_val.enabled else 0
if verbose_mode:
print('Found {all_tests} unique error vuids in test source code.')
print(' {exp_tests} explicit')
if spirv_val.enabled:
print(' From SPIRV-Tools: {spirv_exp_tests}')
print(' {imp_tests} implicit')
if spirv_val.enabled:
print(' From SPIRV-Tools: {spirv_imp_tests}')
# Process stats
if args.summary:
if spirv_val.enabled:
print(f'\nValidation Statistics (using validusage.json version {val_json.api_version} and SPIRV-Tools version {spirv_val.version})')
print(f'\nValidation Statistics (using validusage.json version {val_json.api_version})')
print(f" VUIDs defined in JSON file: {exp_json:04d} explicit, {imp_json:04d} implicit, {all_json:04d} total.")
print(f" VUIDs checked in layer code: {exp_checks:04d} explicit, {imp_checks:04d} implicit, {all_checks:04d} total.")
if spirv_val.enabled:
print(f" From SPIRV-Tools: {spirv_exp_checks:04d} explicit, {spirv_imp_checks:04d} implicit, {spirv_all_checks:04d} total.")
print(f" VUIDs tested in layer tests: {exp_tests:04d} explicit, {imp_tests:04d} implicit, {all_tests:04d} total.")
if spirv_val.enabled:
print(f" From SPIRV-Tools: {spirv_exp_tests:04d} explicit, {spirv_imp_tests:04d} implicit, {spirv_all_tests:04d} total.")
print("\nVUID check coverage")
print(f" Explicit VUIDs checked: {(100.0 * exp_checks / exp_json):.1f}% ({exp_checks} checked vs {exp_json} defined)")
print(f" Implicit VUIDs checked: {(100.0 * imp_checks / imp_json):.1f}% ({imp_checks} checked vs {imp_json} defined)")
print(f" Overall VUIDs checked: {(100.0 * all_checks / all_json):.1f}% ({all_checks} checked vs {all_json} defined)")
unimplemented_explicit = val_json.all_vuids - val_source.all_vuids
vendor_count = sum(1 for vuid in unimplemented_explicit if IsVendor(vuid))
print(f' {len(unimplemented_explicit)} VUID checks remain unimplemented ({vendor_count} are from Vendor objects)')
print("\nVUID test coverage")
print(f" Explicit VUIDs tested: {(100.0 * exp_tests / exp_checks):.1f}% ({exp_tests} tested vs {exp_checks} checks)")
print(f" Implicit VUIDs tested: {(100.0 * imp_tests / imp_checks):.1f}% ({imp_tests} tested vs {imp_checks} checks)")
print(f" Overall VUIDs tested: {(100.0 * all_tests / all_checks):.1f}% ({all_tests} tested vs {all_checks} checks)")
# Report status of a single VUID
if args.vuid:
print(f'\n\nChecking status of <{args.vuid}>')
if args.vuid not in val_json.all_vuids:
print(' Not a valid VUID string.')
if args.vuid in val_source.explicit_vuids:
print(' Implemented!')
line_list = val_source.vuid_count_dict[args.vuid]['file_line']
for line in line_list:
print(f' => {line}')
elif args.vuid in val_source.implicit_vuids:
print(' Implemented! (Implicit)')
line_list = val_source.vuid_count_dict[args.vuid]['file_line']
for line in line_list:
print(f' => {line}')
print(' Not implemented.')
if args.vuid in val_tests.all_vuids:
print(' Has a test!')
test_list = val_tests.vuid_to_tests[args.vuid]
for test in test_list:
print(f' => {test}')
print(' Not tested.')
# Report unimplemented explicit VUIDs
if args.todo:
unim_explicit = val_json.explicit_vuids - val_source.explicit_vuids
print(f'\n\n{len(unim_explicit)} explicit VUID checks remain unimplemented:')
ulist = list(unim_explicit)
for vuid in ulist:
print(f' => {vuid}')
# Consistency tests
if args.c:
print("\n\nRunning consistency tests...")
con = Consistency(val_json.all_vuids, val_source.all_vuids, val_tests.all_vuids)
ok = con.undef_vuids_in_layer_code()
ok &= con.undef_vuids_in_tests()
ok &= con.vuids_tested_not_checked()
if ok:
print(" OK! No inconsistencies found.")
# Output database in requested format(s)
db_out = OutputDatabase(val_json, val_source, val_tests, spirv_val)
if args.text:
db_out.dump_txt(args.text, args.todo)
if args.csv:
db_out.dump_csv(args.csv, args.todo)
if args.html:
db_out.dump_html(args.html, args.todo)
if __name__ == "__main__":