blob: f54fda2ac5f6c9444b7fddcb75d09baaa571f51c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Valve Corporation
* Copyright (c) 2019-2024 LunarG, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "sync/sync_commandbuffer.h"
#include "state_tracker/queue_state.h"
struct PresentedImage;
class QueueBatchContext;
struct QueueSubmitCmdState;
class QueueSyncState;
namespace vvl {
class Semaphore;
} // namespace vvl
struct AcquiredImage {
std::shared_ptr<const syncval_state::ImageState> image;
subresource_adapter::ImageRangeGenerator generator;
ResourceUsageTag present_tag;
ResourceUsageTag acquire_tag;
bool Invalid() const;
AcquiredImage() = default;
AcquiredImage(const PresentedImage &presented, ResourceUsageTag acq_tag);
class SignaledSemaphores {
// Is the record of a signaled semaphore, deleted when unsignaled
struct Signal {
Signal() = delete;
Signal(const Signal &other) = default;
Signal(Signal &&other) = default;
Signal &operator=(const Signal &other) = default;
Signal &operator=(Signal &&other) = default;
Signal(const std::shared_ptr<const vvl::Semaphore> &sem_state_, const std::shared_ptr<QueueBatchContext> &batch_,
const SyncExecScope &exec_scope_);
Signal(const std::shared_ptr<const vvl::Semaphore> &sem_state_, const PresentedImage &presented, ResourceUsageTag acq_tag);
std::shared_ptr<const vvl::Semaphore> sem_state;
std::shared_ptr<QueueBatchContext> batch;
// Use the SyncExecScope::valid_accesses for first access scope
SemaphoreScope first_scope;
// Swapchain specific support signal info
// IFF swapchain_image is non-null
// batch is the batch of the last present for the acquired image
// The address_type, range_generator pair further limit the scope of the resolve operation, and the "barrier" will
// also be special case (updating "PRESENTED" write with "ACQUIRE" read, as well as setting the barrier)
AcquiredImage acquired;
// TODO add timeline semaphore support.
using SignalMap = vvl::unordered_map<VkSemaphore, std::shared_ptr<Signal>>;
using iterator = SignalMap::iterator;
using const_iterator = SignalMap::const_iterator;
using mapped_type = SignalMap::mapped_type;
iterator begin() { return signaled_.begin(); }
const_iterator begin() const { return signaled_.begin(); }
iterator end() { return signaled_.end(); }
const_iterator end() const { return signaled_.end(); }
bool SignalSemaphore(const std::shared_ptr<const vvl::Semaphore> &sem_state, const std::shared_ptr<QueueBatchContext> &batch,
const VkSemaphoreSubmitInfo &signal_info);
bool Insert(const std::shared_ptr<const vvl::Semaphore> &sem_state, std::shared_ptr<Signal> &&signal);
bool SignalSemaphore(const std::shared_ptr<const vvl::Semaphore> &sem_state, const PresentedImage &presented,
ResourceUsageTag acq_tag);
std::shared_ptr<const Signal> Unsignal(VkSemaphore);
void Resolve(SignaledSemaphores &parent, const std::shared_ptr<QueueBatchContext> &last_batch);
SignaledSemaphores() : prev_(nullptr) {}
SignaledSemaphores(const SignaledSemaphores &prev) : prev_(&prev) {}
void Import(VkSemaphore sem, std::shared_ptr<Signal> &&move_from);
void Reset();
vvl::unordered_map<VkSemaphore, std::shared_ptr<Signal>> signaled_;
const SignaledSemaphores *prev_; // Allowing this type to act as a writable overlay
struct FenceSyncState {
std::shared_ptr<const vvl::Fence> fence;
ResourceUsageTag tag;
QueueId queue_id;
AcquiredImage acquired; // Iff queue == invalid and acquired.image valid.
FenceSyncState(const FenceSyncState &other) = default;
FenceSyncState(FenceSyncState &&other) = default;
FenceSyncState &operator=(const FenceSyncState &other) = default;
FenceSyncState &operator=(FenceSyncState &&other) = default;
FenceSyncState(const std::shared_ptr<const vvl::Fence> &fence_, QueueId queue_id_, ResourceUsageTag tag_);
FenceSyncState(const std::shared_ptr<const vvl::Fence> &fence_, const PresentedImage &image, ResourceUsageTag tag_);
struct PresentedImageRecord {
ResourceUsageTag tag; // the global tag at presentation
uint32_t image_index;
uint32_t present_index;
std::weak_ptr<const syncval_state::Swapchain> swapchain_state;
std::shared_ptr<const syncval_state::ImageState> image;
struct PresentedImage : public PresentedImageRecord {
std::shared_ptr<QueueBatchContext> batch;
subresource_adapter::ImageRangeGenerator range_gen;
PresentedImage() = default;
void UpdateMemoryAccess(SyncStageAccessIndex usage, ResourceUsageTag tag, AccessContext &access_context) const;
PresentedImage(const SyncValidator &sync_state, const std::shared_ptr<QueueBatchContext> batch, VkSwapchainKHR swapchain,
uint32_t image_index, uint32_t present_index, ResourceUsageTag present_tag_);
// For non-previsously presented images..
PresentedImage(std::shared_ptr<const syncval_state::Swapchain> swapchain, uint32_t at_index);
bool Invalid() const;
void ExportToSwapchain(SyncValidator &);
void SetImage(uint32_t at_index);
using PresentedImages = std::vector<PresentedImage>;
// Store references to ResourceUsageRecords with global tag range within a batch
class BatchAccessLog {
struct BatchRecord {
BatchRecord() = default;
BatchRecord(const BatchRecord &other) = default;
BatchRecord(BatchRecord &&other) = default;
BatchRecord(const QueueSyncState &q, uint64_t submit, uint32_t batch)
: queue(&q), submit_index(submit), batch_index(batch), cb_index(0), bias(0) {}
BatchRecord &operator=(const BatchRecord &other) = default;
const QueueSyncState *queue;
uint64_t submit_index;
uint32_t batch_index;
uint32_t cb_index;
ResourceUsageTag bias;
struct AccessRecord {
const BatchRecord *batch;
const ResourceUsageRecord *record;
const DebugNameProvider *debug_name_provider;
bool IsValid() const { return batch && record; }
struct CBSubmitLog : DebugNameProvider {
CBSubmitLog() = default;
CBSubmitLog(const CBSubmitLog &batch) = default;
CBSubmitLog(CBSubmitLog &&other) = default;
CBSubmitLog &operator=(const CBSubmitLog &other) = default;
CBSubmitLog &operator=(CBSubmitLog &&other) = default;
CBSubmitLog(const BatchRecord &batch, std::shared_ptr<const CommandExecutionContext::CommandBufferSet> cbs,
std::shared_ptr<const CommandExecutionContext::AccessLog> log);
CBSubmitLog(const BatchRecord &batch, const CommandBufferAccessContext &cb,
const std::vector<std::string> &initial_label_stack);
size_t Size() const { return log_->size(); }
AccessRecord operator[](ResourceUsageTag tag) const;
// DebugNameProvider
std::string GetDebugRegionName(const ResourceUsageRecord &record) const override;
BatchRecord batch_;
std::shared_ptr<const CommandExecutionContext::CommandBufferSet> cbs_;
std::shared_ptr<const CommandExecutionContext::AccessLog> log_;
// label stack at the point when command buffer is submitted to the queue
std::vector<std::string> initial_label_stack_;
// TODO: remove this field and use (*cbs_)[0]->GetLabelCommands() directly
// when timeline semaphore support is implemented.
// Until then, there is no guarantee command buffers stored in cbs_ are what
// they are supposed to be when timeline semaphores are used (they can be reused
// after wait on timeline semaphore). When this happens, validation might report
// false positives (which is okay for unsupported feeature), but label code can crash.
// Make a copy of label commands as a temporary protection measure.
std::vector<vvl::CommandBuffer::LabelCommand> label_commands_;
ResourceUsageTag Import(const BatchRecord &batch, const CommandBufferAccessContext &cb_access,
const std::vector<std::string> &initial_label_stack);
void Import(const BatchAccessLog &other);
void Insert(const BatchRecord &batch, const ResourceUsageRange &range,
std::shared_ptr<const CommandExecutionContext::AccessLog> log);
void Trim(const ResourceUsageTagSet &used);
// AccessRecord lookup is based on global tags
AccessRecord operator[](ResourceUsageTag tag) const;
BatchAccessLog() {}
using CBSubmitLogRangeMap = sparse_container::range_map<ResourceUsageTag, CBSubmitLog>;
CBSubmitLogRangeMap log_map_;
class QueueBatchContext : public CommandExecutionContext {
class PresentResourceRecord : public AlternateResourceUsage::RecordBase {
using Base_ = AlternateResourceUsage::RecordBase;
Base_::Record MakeRecord() const override;
~PresentResourceRecord() override {}
PresentResourceRecord(const PresentedImageRecord &presented) : presented_(presented) {}
std::ostream &Format(std::ostream &out, const SyncValidator &sync_state) const override;
PresentedImageRecord presented_;
class AcquireResourceRecord : public AlternateResourceUsage::RecordBase {
using Base_ = AlternateResourceUsage::RecordBase;
Base_::Record MakeRecord() const override;
AcquireResourceRecord(const PresentedImageRecord &presented, ResourceUsageTag tag, vvl::Func command)
: presented_(presented), acquire_tag_(tag), command_(command) {}
std::ostream &Format(std::ostream &out, const SyncValidator &sync_state) const override;
PresentedImageRecord presented_;
ResourceUsageTag acquire_tag_;
vvl::Func command_;
using ConstBatchSet = vvl::unordered_set<std::shared_ptr<const QueueBatchContext>>;
using BatchSet = vvl::unordered_set<std::shared_ptr<QueueBatchContext>>;
static constexpr bool TruePred(const std::shared_ptr<const QueueBatchContext> &) { return true; }
struct CmdBufferEntry {
uint32_t index = 0;
std::shared_ptr<const syncval_state::CommandBuffer> cb;
CmdBufferEntry(uint32_t index_, std::shared_ptr<const syncval_state::CommandBuffer> &&cb_)
: index(index_), cb(std::move(cb_)) {}
using CommandBuffers = std::vector<CmdBufferEntry>;
QueueBatchContext(const SyncValidator &sync_state, const QueueSyncState &queue_state, uint64_t submit_index,
uint32_t batch_index);
QueueBatchContext(const SyncValidator &sync_state);
QueueBatchContext() = delete;
void Trim();
std::string FormatUsage(ResourceUsageTag tag) const override;
AccessContext *GetCurrentAccessContext() override { return current_access_context_; }
const AccessContext *GetCurrentAccessContext() const override { return current_access_context_; }
SyncEventsContext *GetCurrentEventsContext() override { return &events_context_; }
const SyncEventsContext *GetCurrentEventsContext() const override { return &events_context_; }
const QueueSyncState *GetQueueSyncState() { return queue_state_; }
VkQueueFlags GetQueueFlags() const;
QueueId GetQueueId() const override;
ExecutionType Type() const override { return kSubmitted; }
void SetupBatchTags(const ResourceUsageRange &tag_range);
void SetupBatchTags();
void SetCurrentLabelStack(std::vector<std::string>* current_label_stack);
void ResetEventsContext() { events_context_.Clear(); }
ResourceUsageTag GetTagLimit() const override { return batch_.bias; }
// begin is the tag bias / .size() is the number of total records that should eventually be in access_log_
ResourceUsageRange GetTagRange() const { return tag_range_; }
void InsertRecordedAccessLogEntries(const CommandBufferAccessContext &cb_context) override;
void SetTagBias(ResourceUsageTag);
// For Submit
void SetupAccessContext(const std::shared_ptr<const QueueBatchContext> &prev, const VkSubmitInfo2 &submit_info,
SignaledSemaphores &signaled_semaphores);
void SetupCommandBufferInfo(const VkSubmitInfo2 &submit_info);
bool DoQueueSubmitValidate(const SyncValidator &sync_state, QueueSubmitCmdState &cmd_state, const VkSubmitInfo2 &submit_info);
void ResolveSubmittedCommandBuffer(const AccessContext &recorded_context, ResourceUsageTag offset);
// For Present
void SetupAccessContext(const std::shared_ptr<const QueueBatchContext> &prev, const VkPresentInfoKHR &present_info,
const PresentedImages &presented_images, SignaledSemaphores &signaled);
bool DoQueuePresentValidate(const Location &loc, const PresentedImages &presented_images);
void DoPresentOperations(const PresentedImages &presented_images);
void LogPresentOperations(const PresentedImages &presented_images);
// For Acquire
void SetupAccessContext(const PresentedImage &presented);
void DoAcquireOperation(const PresentedImage &presented);
void LogAcquireOperation(const PresentedImage &presented, vvl::Func command);
VulkanTypedHandle Handle() const override;
template <typename Predicate>
void ApplyPredicatedWait(Predicate &predicate);
void ApplyTaggedWait(QueueId queue_id, ResourceUsageTag tag);
void ApplyAcquireWait(const AcquiredImage &acquired);
void BeginRenderPassReplaySetup(ReplayState &replay, const SyncOpBeginRenderPass &begin_op) override;
void NextSubpassReplaySetup(ReplayState &replay) override;
void EndRenderPassReplayCleanup(ReplayState &replay) override;
void ReplayLabelCommandsFromEmptyBatch();
void Cleanup();
void CommonSetupAccessContext(const std::shared_ptr<const QueueBatchContext> &prev,
QueueBatchContext::ConstBatchSet &batches_resolved);
std::shared_ptr<QueueBatchContext> ResolveOneWaitSemaphore(VkSemaphore sem, const PresentedImages &presented_images,
SignaledSemaphores &signaled);
std::shared_ptr<QueueBatchContext> ResolveOneWaitSemaphore(VkSemaphore sem, VkPipelineStageFlags2 wait_mask,
SignaledSemaphores &signaled);
void ImportSyncTags(const QueueBatchContext &from);
const QueueSyncState *queue_state_ = nullptr;
ResourceUsageRange tag_range_ = ResourceUsageRange(0, 0); // Range of tags referenced by cbs_referenced
AccessContext access_context_;
AccessContext *current_access_context_;
SyncEventsContext events_context_;
BatchAccessLog batch_log_;
std::vector<ResourceUsageTag> queue_sync_tag_;
// Clear these after validation and import, not valid after.
BatchAccessLog::BatchRecord batch_; // Holds the cumulative tag bias, and command buffer counts for Import support.
CommandBuffers command_buffers_;
ConstBatchSet async_batches_;
std::vector<std::string> *current_label_stack_ = nullptr;
class QueueSyncState {
QueueSyncState(const std::shared_ptr<vvl::Queue> &queue_state, VkQueueFlags queue_flags, QueueId id)
: submit_index_(0), queue_state_(queue_state), last_batch_(), queue_flags_(queue_flags), id_(id) {}
VulkanTypedHandle Handle() const {
if (queue_state_) {
return queue_state_->Handle();
return VulkanTypedHandle(static_cast<VkQueue>(VK_NULL_HANDLE), kVulkanObjectTypeQueue);
std::shared_ptr<const QueueBatchContext> LastBatch() const { return last_batch_; }
std::shared_ptr<QueueBatchContext> LastBatch() { return last_batch_; }
void UpdateLastBatch();
const vvl::Queue *GetQueueState() const { return queue_state_.get(); }
VkQueueFlags GetQueueFlags() const { return queue_flags_; }
QueueId GetQueueId() const { return id_; }
// Method is const but updates mutable sumbit_index atomically.
uint64_t ReserveSubmitId() const;
// Method is const but updates mutable pending_last_batch and relies on the queue external synchronization
void SetPendingLastBatch(std::shared_ptr<QueueBatchContext> &&last) const;
std::shared_ptr<QueueBatchContext> PendingLastBatch() const { return pending_last_batch_; }
mutable std::atomic<uint64_t> submit_index_;
mutable std::shared_ptr<QueueBatchContext> pending_last_batch_;
std::shared_ptr<vvl::Queue> queue_state_;
std::shared_ptr<QueueBatchContext> last_batch_;
const VkQueueFlags queue_flags_;
QueueId id_;
// The converter needs to be more complex than simply an array of VkSubmitInfo2 structures.
// In order to convert from Info->Info2, arrays of VkSemaphoreSubmitInfo and VkCommandBufferSubmitInfo
// structures must be created for the pWaitSemaphoreInfos, pCommandBufferInfos, and pSignalSemaphoreInfos
// which comprise the converted VkSubmitInfo information. The created VkSubmitInfo2 structure then references the storage
// of the arrays, which must have a lifespan longer than the conversion, s.t. the ensuing valdation/record operations
// can reference them. The resulting VkSubmitInfo2 is then copied into an additional which takes the place of the pSubmits
// parameter.
struct SubmitInfoConverter {
struct BatchStore {
BatchStore(const VkSubmitInfo &info, VkQueueFlags queue_flags);
static VkSemaphoreSubmitInfo WaitSemaphore(const VkSubmitInfo &info, uint32_t index);
static VkCommandBufferSubmitInfo CommandBuffer(const VkSubmitInfo &info, uint32_t index);
static VkSemaphoreSubmitInfo SignalSemaphore(const VkSubmitInfo &info, uint32_t index, VkQueueFlags queue_flags);
std::vector<VkSemaphoreSubmitInfo> waits;
std::vector<VkCommandBufferSubmitInfo> cbs;
std::vector<VkSemaphoreSubmitInfo> signals;
VkSubmitInfo2 info2;
SubmitInfoConverter(uint32_t count, const VkSubmitInfo *infos, VkQueueFlags queue_flags);
std::vector<BatchStore> info_store;
std::vector<VkSubmitInfo2> info2s;
struct QueueSubmitCmdState {
std::shared_ptr<const QueueSyncState> queue;
const ErrorObject &error_obj;
SignaledSemaphores signaled;
QueueSubmitCmdState(const ErrorObject &error_obj, const SignaledSemaphores &parent_semaphores)
: error_obj(error_obj), signaled(parent_semaphores) {}