blob: 97421bbfd7f6ba5ddf8a00ae9d1d5d8364ffd377 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2015-2024 The Khronos Group Inc.
* Copyright (c) 2015-2024 Valve Corporation
* Copyright (c) 2015-2024 LunarG, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "logging.h"
#include <csignal>
#include <cstring>
#include <debugapi.h>
#include <vulkan/vk_enum_string_helper.h>
#include <vulkan/utility/vk_safe_struct.hpp>
#include "generated/vk_validation_error_messages.h"
#include "error_location.h"
#include "utils/hash_util.h"
[[maybe_unused]] const char *kVUIDUndefined = "VUID_Undefined";
static inline void DebugReportFlagsToAnnotFlags(VkDebugReportFlagsEXT dr_flags, VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT *da_severity,
VkDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT *da_type) {
*da_severity = 0;
*da_type = 0;
// If it's explicitly listed as a performance warning, treat it as a performance message. Otherwise, treat it as a validation
// issue.
if ((dr_flags & kPerformanceWarningBit) != 0) {
if ((dr_flags & kVerboseBit) != 0) {
if ((dr_flags & kInformationBit) != 0) {
if ((dr_flags & kWarningBit) != 0) {
if ((dr_flags & kErrorBit) != 0) {
void DebugReport::SetDebugUtilsSeverityFlags(std::vector<VkLayerDbgFunctionState> &callbacks) {
// For all callback in list, return their complete set of severities and modes
for (const auto &item : callbacks) {
if (item.IsUtils()) {
active_severities |= item.debug_utils_msg_flags;
active_types |= item.debug_utils_msg_type;
} else {
VkFlags severities = 0;
VkFlags types = 0;
DebugReportFlagsToAnnotFlags(item.debug_report_msg_flags, &severities, &types);
active_severities |= severities;
active_types |= types;
void DebugReport::RemoveDebugUtilsCallback(uint64_t callback) {
std::vector<VkLayerDbgFunctionState> &callbacks = debug_callback_list;
auto item = callbacks.begin();
for (item = callbacks.begin(); item != callbacks.end(); item++) {
if (item->IsUtils()) {
if (item->debug_utils_callback_object == CastToHandle<VkDebugUtilsMessengerEXT>(callback)) break;
} else {
if (item->debug_report_callback_object == CastToHandle<VkDebugReportCallbackEXT>(callback)) break;
if (item != callbacks.end()) {
// Returns TRUE if the number of times this message has been logged is over the set limit
bool DebugReport::UpdateLogMsgCounts(int32_t vuid_hash) const {
auto vuid_count_it = duplicate_message_count_map.find(vuid_hash);
if (vuid_count_it == duplicate_message_count_map.end()) {
duplicate_message_count_map.emplace(vuid_hash, 1);
return false;
} else {
if (vuid_count_it->second >= duplicate_message_limit) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool DebugReport::DebugLogMsg(VkFlags msg_flags, const LogObjectList &objects, const char *message, const char *text_vuid) const {
bool bail = false;
std::vector<VkDebugUtilsLabelEXT> queue_labels;
std::vector<VkDebugUtilsLabelEXT> cmd_buf_labels;
// Convert the info to the VK_EXT_debug_utils format
VkDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT types;
VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT severity;
DebugReportFlagsToAnnotFlags(msg_flags, &severity, &types);
std::vector<std::string> object_labels;
// Ensures that push_back will not reallocate, thereby providing pointer
// stability for pushed strings.
std::vector<VkDebugUtilsObjectNameInfoEXT> object_name_infos;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < objects.object_list.size(); i++) {
// If only one VkDevice was created, it is just noise to print it out in the error message.
// Also avoid printing unknown objects, likely if new function is calling error with null LogObjectList
if ((objects.object_list[i].type == kVulkanObjectTypeDevice && device_created <= 1) ||
(objects.object_list[i].type == kVulkanObjectTypeUnknown) || (objects.object_list[i].handle == 0)) {
VkDebugUtilsObjectNameInfoEXT object_name_info = vku::InitStructHelper();
object_name_info.objectType = ConvertVulkanObjectToCoreObject(objects.object_list[i].type);
object_name_info.objectHandle = objects.object_list[i].handle;
object_name_info.pObjectName = nullptr;
std::string object_label = {};
// Look for any debug utils or marker names to use for this object
// NOTE: the lock (debug_output_mutex) is held by the caller (LogMsg)
object_label = GetUtilsObjectNameNoLock(objects.object_list[i].handle);
if (object_label.empty()) {
object_label = GetMarkerObjectNameNoLock(objects.object_list[i].handle);
if (!object_label.empty()) {
object_name_info.pObjectName = object_labels.back().c_str();
// If this is a queue, add any queue labels to the callback data.
if (VK_OBJECT_TYPE_QUEUE == object_name_info.objectType) {
auto label_iter = debug_utils_queue_labels.find(reinterpret_cast<VkQueue>(object_name_info.objectHandle));
if (label_iter != debug_utils_queue_labels.end()) {
auto found_queue_labels = label_iter->second->Export();
queue_labels.insert(queue_labels.end(), found_queue_labels.begin(), found_queue_labels.end());
// If this is a command buffer, add any command buffer labels to the callback data.
} else if (VK_OBJECT_TYPE_COMMAND_BUFFER == object_name_info.objectType) {
auto label_iter = debug_utils_cmd_buffer_labels.find(reinterpret_cast<VkCommandBuffer>(object_name_info.objectHandle));
if (label_iter != debug_utils_cmd_buffer_labels.end()) {
auto found_cmd_buf_labels = label_iter->second->Export();
cmd_buf_labels.insert(cmd_buf_labels.end(), found_cmd_buf_labels.begin(), found_cmd_buf_labels.end());
const uint32_t message_id_number = text_vuid ? hash_util::VuidHash(text_vuid) : 0U;
VkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT callback_data = vku::InitStructHelper();
callback_data.flags = 0;
callback_data.pMessageIdName = text_vuid;
callback_data.messageIdNumber = vvl_bit_cast<int32_t>(message_id_number);
callback_data.pMessage = nullptr;
callback_data.queueLabelCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(queue_labels.size());
callback_data.pQueueLabels = queue_labels.empty() ? nullptr :;
callback_data.cmdBufLabelCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(cmd_buf_labels.size());
callback_data.pCmdBufLabels = cmd_buf_labels.empty() ? nullptr :;
callback_data.objectCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(object_name_infos.size());
callback_data.pObjects =;
std::ostringstream oss;
if (msg_flags & kErrorBit) {
oss << "Validation Error: ";
} else if (msg_flags & kWarningBit) {
oss << "Validation Warning: ";
} else if (msg_flags & kPerformanceWarningBit) {
oss << "Validation Performance Warning: ";
} else if (msg_flags & kInformationBit) {
oss << "Validation Information: ";
} else if (msg_flags & kVerboseBit) {
oss << "Verbose Information: ";
if (text_vuid != nullptr) {
oss << "[ " << text_vuid << " ] ";
uint32_t index = 0;
for (const auto &src_object : object_name_infos) {
if (0 != src_object.objectHandle) {
oss << "Object " << index++ << ": handle = 0x" << std::hex << src_object.objectHandle;
if (src_object.pObjectName) {
oss << ", name = " << src_object.pObjectName << ", type = ";
} else {
oss << ", type = ";
oss << string_VkObjectType(src_object.objectType) << "; ";
} else {
oss << "Object " << index++ << ": VK_NULL_HANDLE, type = " << string_VkObjectType(src_object.objectType) << "; ";
oss << "| MessageID = 0x" << std::hex << message_id_number << " | " << message;
std::string composite = oss.str();
const auto callback_list = &debug_callback_list;
// We only output to default callbacks if there are no non-default callbacks
bool use_default_callbacks = true;
for (const auto &current_callback : *callback_list) {
use_default_callbacks &= current_callback.IsDefault();
if (force_default_log_callback) {
use_default_callbacks = true;
const char *layer_prefix = "Validation";
for (const auto &current_callback : *callback_list) {
// Skip callback if it's a default callback and there are non-default callbacks present
if (current_callback.IsDefault() && !use_default_callbacks) continue;
// VK_EXT_debug_utils callback
if (current_callback.IsUtils() && (current_callback.debug_utils_msg_flags & severity) &&
(current_callback.debug_utils_msg_type & types)) {
callback_data.pMessage = composite.c_str();
if (current_callback.debug_utils_callback_function_ptr(static_cast<VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagBitsEXT>(severity),
types, &callback_data, current_callback.pUserData)) {
bail = true;
} else if (!current_callback.IsUtils() && (current_callback.debug_report_msg_flags & msg_flags)) {
// VK_EXT_debug_report callback (deprecated)
if (object_name_infos.empty()) {
VkDebugUtilsObjectNameInfoEXT null_object_name = {VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEBUG_UTILS_OBJECT_NAME_INFO_EXT, nullptr,
// need to have at least one object
if (current_callback.debug_report_callback_function_ptr(
msg_flags, ConvertCoreObjectToDebugReportObject(object_name_infos[0].objectType),
object_name_infos[0].objectHandle, message_id_number, 0, layer_prefix, composite.c_str(),
current_callback.pUserData)) {
bail = true;
return bail;
void DebugReport::SetUtilsObjectName(const VkDebugUtilsObjectNameInfoEXT *pNameInfo) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(debug_output_mutex);
if (pNameInfo->pObjectName) {
debug_utils_object_name_map[pNameInfo->objectHandle] = pNameInfo->pObjectName;
} else {
void DebugReport::SetMarkerObjectName(const VkDebugMarkerObjectNameInfoEXT *pNameInfo) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(debug_output_mutex);
if (pNameInfo->pObjectName) {
debug_object_name_map[pNameInfo->object] = pNameInfo->pObjectName;
} else {
// NoLock suffix means that the function itself does not hold debug_output_mutex lock,
// and it's **mandatory responsibility** of the caller to hold this lock.
std::string DebugReport::GetUtilsObjectNameNoLock(const uint64_t object) const {
std::string label = "";
const auto utils_name_iter = debug_utils_object_name_map.find(object);
if (utils_name_iter != debug_utils_object_name_map.end()) {
label = utils_name_iter->second;
return label;
// NoLock suffix means that the function itself does not hold debug_output_mutex lock,
// and it's **mandatory responsibility** of the caller to hold this lock.
std::string DebugReport::GetMarkerObjectNameNoLock(const uint64_t object) const {
std::string label = "";
const auto marker_name_iter = debug_object_name_map.find(object);
if (marker_name_iter != debug_object_name_map.end()) {
label = marker_name_iter->second;
return label;
std::string DebugReport::FormatHandle(const char *handle_type_name, uint64_t handle) const {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(debug_output_mutex);
std::string handle_name = GetUtilsObjectNameNoLock(handle);
if (handle_name.empty()) {
handle_name = GetMarkerObjectNameNoLock(handle);
std::ostringstream str;
str << handle_type_name << " 0x" << std::hex << handle << "[" << handle_name.c_str() << "]";
return str.str();
template <typename Map>
static LoggingLabelState *GetLoggingLabelState(Map *map, typename Map::key_type key, bool insert) {
auto iter = map->find(key);
LoggingLabelState *label_state = nullptr;
if (iter == map->end()) {
if (insert) {
// Add a label state if not present
auto inserted = map->emplace(key, std::unique_ptr<LoggingLabelState>(new LoggingLabelState()));
iter = inserted.first;
label_state = iter->second.get();
} else {
label_state = iter->second.get();
return label_state;
void DebugReport::BeginQueueDebugUtilsLabel(VkQueue queue, const VkDebugUtilsLabelEXT *label_info) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(debug_output_mutex);
if (nullptr != label_info && nullptr != label_info->pLabelName) {
auto *label_state = GetLoggingLabelState(&debug_utils_queue_labels, queue, /* insert */ true);
// TODO: Determine if this is the correct semantics for insert label vs. begin/end, perserving existing semantics for now
void DebugReport::EndQueueDebugUtilsLabel(VkQueue queue) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(debug_output_mutex);
auto *label_state = GetLoggingLabelState(&debug_utils_queue_labels, queue, /* insert */ false);
if (label_state) {
// Pop the normal item
if (!label_state->labels.empty()) {
// TODO: Determine if this is the correct semantics for insert label vs. begin/end, perserving existing semantics for now
void DebugReport::InsertQueueDebugUtilsLabel(VkQueue queue, const VkDebugUtilsLabelEXT *label_info) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(debug_output_mutex);
auto *label_state = GetLoggingLabelState(&debug_utils_queue_labels, queue, /* insert */ true);
// TODO: Determine if this is the correct semantics for insert label vs. begin/end, perserving existing semantics for now
label_state->insert_label = LoggingLabel(label_info);
void DebugReport::BeginCmdDebugUtilsLabel(VkCommandBuffer command_buffer, const VkDebugUtilsLabelEXT *label_info) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(debug_output_mutex);
if (nullptr != label_info && nullptr != label_info->pLabelName) {
auto *label_state = GetLoggingLabelState(&debug_utils_cmd_buffer_labels, command_buffer, /* insert */ true);
// TODO: Determine if this is the correct semantics for insert label vs. begin/end, perserving existing semantics for now
void DebugReport::EndCmdDebugUtilsLabel(VkCommandBuffer command_buffer) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(debug_output_mutex);
auto *label_state = GetLoggingLabelState(&debug_utils_cmd_buffer_labels, command_buffer, /* insert */ false);
if (label_state) {
// Pop the normal item
if (!label_state->labels.empty()) {
// TODO: Determine if this is the correct semantics for insert label vs. begin/end, perserving existing semantics for now
void DebugReport::InsertCmdDebugUtilsLabel(VkCommandBuffer command_buffer, const VkDebugUtilsLabelEXT *label_info) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(debug_output_mutex);
auto *label_state = GetLoggingLabelState(&debug_utils_cmd_buffer_labels, command_buffer, /* insert */ true);
// TODO: Determine if this is the correct semantics for insert label vs. begin/end, perserving existing semantics for now
label_state->insert_label = LoggingLabel(label_info);
// Current tracking beyond a single command buffer scope is incorrect, and even when it is we need to be able to clean up
void DebugReport::ResetCmdDebugUtilsLabel(VkCommandBuffer command_buffer) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(debug_output_mutex);
auto *label_state = GetLoggingLabelState(&debug_utils_cmd_buffer_labels, command_buffer, /* insert */ false);
if (label_state) {
void DebugReport::EraseCmdDebugUtilsLabel(VkCommandBuffer command_buffer) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(debug_output_mutex);
VKAPI_ATTR void LayerDebugUtilsDestroyInstance(DebugReport *debug_report) { delete debug_report; }
template <typename TCreateInfo, typename TCallback>
static void LayerCreateCallback(DebugCallbackStatusFlags callback_status, DebugReport *debug_report, const TCreateInfo *create_info,
TCallback *callback) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(debug_report->debug_output_mutex);
auto &callback_state = debug_report->debug_callback_list.back();
callback_state.callback_status = callback_status;
callback_state.pUserData = create_info->pUserData;
if (callback_state.IsUtils()) {
auto utils_create_info = reinterpret_cast<const VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT *>(create_info);
auto utils_callback = reinterpret_cast<VkDebugUtilsMessengerEXT *>(callback);
if (!(*utils_callback)) {
// callback constructed default callbacks have no handle -- so use struct address as unique handle
*utils_callback = reinterpret_cast<VkDebugUtilsMessengerEXT>(&callback_state);
callback_state.debug_utils_callback_object = *utils_callback;
callback_state.debug_utils_callback_function_ptr = utils_create_info->pfnUserCallback;
callback_state.debug_utils_msg_flags = utils_create_info->messageSeverity;
callback_state.debug_utils_msg_type = utils_create_info->messageType;
} else { // Debug report callback
auto report_create_info = reinterpret_cast<const VkDebugReportCallbackCreateInfoEXT *>(create_info);
auto report_callback = reinterpret_cast<VkDebugReportCallbackEXT *>(callback);
if (!(*report_callback)) {
// Internally constructed default callbacks have no handle -- so use struct address as unique handle
*report_callback = reinterpret_cast<VkDebugReportCallbackEXT>(&callback_state);
callback_state.debug_report_callback_object = *report_callback;
callback_state.debug_report_callback_function_ptr = report_create_info->pfnCallback;
callback_state.debug_report_msg_flags = report_create_info->flags;
// On Android, if the default callback system property is set, force the default callback to be printed
std::string force_layer_log = GetEnvironment(kForceDefaultCallbackKey);
int force_default_callback = atoi(force_layer_log.c_str());
if (force_default_callback == 1) {
debug_report->force_default_log_callback = true;
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult LayerCreateMessengerCallback(DebugReport *debug_report, bool default_callback,
const VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT *create_info,
VkDebugUtilsMessengerEXT *messenger) {
LayerCreateCallback((DEBUG_CALLBACK_UTILS | (default_callback ? DEBUG_CALLBACK_DEFAULT : 0)), debug_report, create_info,
return VK_SUCCESS;
VKAPI_ATTR VkResult LayerCreateReportCallback(DebugReport *debug_report, bool default_callback,
const VkDebugReportCallbackCreateInfoEXT *create_info,
VkDebugReportCallbackEXT *callback) {
LayerCreateCallback((default_callback ? DEBUG_CALLBACK_DEFAULT : 0), debug_report, create_info, callback);
return VK_SUCCESS;
VKAPI_ATTR void ActivateInstanceDebugCallbacks(DebugReport *debug_report) {
auto current = debug_report->instance_pnext_chain;
for (;;) {
auto create_info = vku::FindStructInPNextChain<VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT>(current);
if (!create_info) break;
current = create_info->pNext;
VkDebugUtilsMessengerEXT utils_callback{};
LayerCreateCallback((DEBUG_CALLBACK_UTILS | DEBUG_CALLBACK_INSTANCE), debug_report, create_info, &utils_callback);
for (;;) {
auto create_info = vku::FindStructInPNextChain<VkDebugReportCallbackCreateInfoEXT>(current);
if (!create_info) break;
current = create_info->pNext;
VkDebugReportCallbackEXT report_callback{};
LayerCreateCallback(DEBUG_CALLBACK_INSTANCE, debug_report, create_info, &report_callback);
VKAPI_ATTR void DeactivateInstanceDebugCallbacks(DebugReport *debug_report) {
if (!vku::FindStructInPNextChain<VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT>(debug_report->instance_pnext_chain) &&
std::vector<VkDebugUtilsMessengerEXT> instance_utils_callback_handles{};
std::vector<VkDebugReportCallbackEXT> instance_report_callback_handles{};
for (const auto &item : debug_report->debug_callback_list) {
if (item.IsInstance()) {
if (item.IsUtils()) {
} else {
for (const auto &item : instance_utils_callback_handles) {
LayerDestroyCallback(debug_report, item);
for (const auto &item : instance_report_callback_handles) {
LayerDestroyCallback(debug_report, item);
// helper for VUID based filtering. This needs to be separate so it can be called before incurring
// the cost of sprintf()-ing the err_msg needed by LogMsgLocked().
bool DebugReport::LogMsgEnabled(std::string_view vuid_text, VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT severity,
VkDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT type) {
if (!(active_severities & severity) || !(active_types & type)) {
return false;
// If message is in filter list, bail out very early
const uint32_t message_id = hash_util::VuidHash(vuid_text);
if (filter_message_ids.find(message_id) != filter_message_ids.end()) {
return false;
if ((duplicate_message_limit > 0) && UpdateLogMsgCounts(static_cast<int32_t>(message_id))) {
// Count for this particular message is over the limit, ignore it
return false;
return true;
bool DebugReport::LogMsg(VkFlags msg_flags, const LogObjectList &objects, const Location *loc, std::string_view vuid_text,
const char *format, va_list argptr) {
assert(*( + vuid_text.size()) == '\0');
VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT severity;
VkDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT type;
DebugReportFlagsToAnnotFlags(msg_flags, &severity, &type);
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(debug_output_mutex);
// Avoid logging cost if msg is to be ignored
if (!LogMsgEnabled(vuid_text, severity, type)) {
return false;
// Best guess at an upper bound for message length. At least some of the extra space
// should get used to store the VUID URL and text in the common case, without additional allocations.
std::string str_plus_spec_text(1024, '\0');
// vsnprintf() returns the number of characters that *would* have been printed, if there was
// enough space. If we have a huge message, reallocate the string and try again.
int result;
size_t old_size = str_plus_spec_text.size();
// The va_list will be destroyed by the call to vsnprintf(), so use a copy in case we need
// to try again.
va_list arg_copy;
va_copy(arg_copy, argptr);
result = vsnprintf(, str_plus_spec_text.size(), format, arg_copy);
assert(result >= 0);
if (result < 0) {
str_plus_spec_text = "Message generation failure";
} else if (static_cast<size_t>(result) <= old_size) {
// Shrink the string to exactly fit the successfully printed string
} else {
// Grow buffer to fit needed size. Note that the input size to vsnprintf() must
// include space for the trailing '\0' character, but the return value DOES NOT
// include the `\0' character.
str_plus_spec_text.resize(result + 1);
// consume the va_list passed to us by the caller
result = vsnprintf(, str_plus_spec_text.size(), format, argptr);
// remove the `\0' character from the string
// TODO - make Location a reference once old LogError is gone
if (loc) {
str_plus_spec_text = loc->Message() + " " + str_plus_spec_text;
// Append the spec error text to the error message, unless it contains a word treated as special
if ((vuid_text.find("VUID-") != std::string::npos)) {
// Linear search makes no assumptions about the layout of the string table. This is not fast, but it does not need to be at
// this point in the error reporting path
uint32_t num_vuids = sizeof(vuid_spec_text) / sizeof(vuid_spec_text_pair);
const char *spec_text = nullptr;
std::string spec_type;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_vuids; i++) {
if (0 == strncmp(, vuid_spec_text[i].vuid, vuid_text.size())) {
spec_text = vuid_spec_text[i].spec_text;
spec_type = vuid_spec_text[i].url_id;
// Construct and append the specification text and link to the appropriate version of the spec
if (nullptr != spec_text) {
std::string spec_link = "";
static std::string kAtToken = "_MAGIC_ANNOTATED_SPEC_TYPE_";
static std::string kKtToken = "_MAGIC_KHRONOS_SPEC_TYPE_";
static std::string kVeToken = "_MAGIC_VERSION_ID_";
auto Replace = [](std::string &dest_string, const std::string &to_replace, const std::string &replace_with) {
if (dest_string.find(to_replace) != std::string::npos) {
dest_string.replace(dest_string.find(to_replace), to_replace.size(), replace_with);
// Add period at end if forgotten
// This provides better seperation between error message and spec text
if (str_plus_spec_text.back() != '.') {
str_plus_spec_text.append(" The Vulkan spec states: ");
if (0 =="default")) {
str_plus_spec_text.append(" (");
} else {
str_plus_spec_text.append(" (");
std::string major_version = std::to_string(VK_VERSION_MAJOR(VK_HEADER_VERSION_COMPLETE));
std::string minor_version = std::to_string(VK_VERSION_MINOR(VK_HEADER_VERSION_COMPLETE));
std::string patch_version = std::to_string(VK_VERSION_PATCH(VK_HEADER_VERSION_COMPLETE));
std::string header_version = major_version + "." + minor_version + "." + patch_version;
std::string annotated_spec_type = major_version + "." + minor_version + "-extensions";
Replace(str_plus_spec_text, kKtToken, spec_type);
Replace(str_plus_spec_text, kAtToken, annotated_spec_type);
Replace(str_plus_spec_text, kVeToken, header_version);
str_plus_spec_text.append("#"); // CMake hates hashes
return DebugLogMsg(msg_flags, objects, str_plus_spec_text.c_str(),;
VKAPI_ATTR VkBool32 VKAPI_CALL MessengerBreakCallback([[maybe_unused]] VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagBitsEXT message_severity,
[[maybe_unused]] VkDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT message_type,
[[maybe_unused]] const VkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT *callback_data,
[[maybe_unused]] void *user_data) {
// TODO: Consider to use
return false;
VKAPI_ATTR VkBool32 VKAPI_CALL MessengerLogCallback(VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagBitsEXT message_severity,
VkDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT message_type,
const VkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT *callback_data, void *user_data) {
std::ostringstream msg_buffer;
char msg_severity[30];
char msg_type[30];
PrintMessageSeverity(message_severity, msg_severity);
PrintMessageType(message_type, msg_type);
msg_buffer << callback_data->pMessageIdName << "(" << msg_severity << " / " << msg_type
<< "): msgNum: " << callback_data->messageIdNumber << " - " << callback_data->pMessage << "\n";
msg_buffer << " Objects: " << callback_data->objectCount << "\n";
for (uint32_t obj = 0; obj < callback_data->objectCount; ++obj) {
msg_buffer << " [" << obj << "] " << std::hex << std::showbase
<< HandleToUint64(callback_data->pObjects[obj].objectHandle) << ", type: " << std::dec << std::noshowbase
<< callback_data->pObjects[obj].objectType
<< ", name: " << (callback_data->pObjects[obj].pObjectName ? callback_data->pObjects[obj].pObjectName : "NULL")
<< "\n";
const std::string tmp = msg_buffer.str();
const char *cstr = tmp.c_str();
fprintf((FILE *)user_data, "%s", cstr);
fflush((FILE *)user_data);
LOGCONSOLE("%s", cstr);
return false;
VKAPI_ATTR VkBool32 VKAPI_CALL MessengerWin32DebugOutputMsg(VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagBitsEXT message_severity,
VkDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT message_type,
const VkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT *callback_data,
[[maybe_unused]] void *user_data) {
std::ostringstream msg_buffer;
char msg_severity[30];
char msg_type[30];
PrintMessageSeverity(message_severity, msg_severity);
PrintMessageType(message_type, msg_type);
msg_buffer << callback_data->pMessageIdName << "(" << msg_severity << " / " << msg_type
<< "): msgNum: " << callback_data->messageIdNumber << " - " << callback_data->pMessage << "\n";
msg_buffer << " Objects: " << callback_data->objectCount << "\n";
for (uint32_t obj = 0; obj < callback_data->objectCount; ++obj) {
msg_buffer << " [" << obj << "] " << std::hex << std::showbase
<< HandleToUint64(callback_data->pObjects[obj].objectHandle) << ", type: " << std::dec << std::noshowbase
<< callback_data->pObjects[obj].objectType
<< ", name: " << (callback_data->pObjects[obj].pObjectName ? callback_data->pObjects[obj].pObjectName : "NULL")
<< "\n";
const std::string tmp = msg_buffer.str();
[[maybe_unused]] const char *cstr = tmp.c_str();
return false;